If you have any questions about the Student and Family Reunification Plan, contact your child’s school principal. When you learn that your child’s school is in a lockdown situation, or any other emergency situation, do not call the school and do not come to the school. The goal is to create a self contained kit that can be brought to a reunification site and another kit for the impacted site. Vector artwork sized at 24” x 32” comfortably fitting in most sandwich board curb sign frames. The Reunification Cards are press ready for your printer. a sample for schools as they develop their “Reunification Plans.” This material does not represent a complete reunification program but may assist schools in developing a plan … | The "I Love U Guys" Foundation, The Standard Response Protocol, and The Standard Reunification Method are Trademarks of The "I Love U Guys" Foundation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Printed materials are available for purchase. Standard procedures are provided for these situations to assist facilities with a foundation for planning and a framework for response when an event happens. Move to the Student Release Gate and wait for your child, 4. That was the summary report The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Executive Director, John-Michael Keyes, gave to the Foundation’s Board of Directors following the ALERRT Conference in 2014. Illinois State University (ISU), located in Normal, Illinois, is a campus that includes not only the university’s students, but also high school and grade school students, and all their faculty and staff members. Your Reunification Plan should be applicable to both On site (primary) and Off site (secondary) Reunification. CPS August 2019. But it’s a testament to San Marcos and Hays County, Texas, that they are willing to share hundreds of hours of effort. Family reunification is used to reunite children with verified and authorized family members after a critical and often highly stressful incident (e.g., fire, natural disaster, a situation involving weapons or violence at school, a school bus accident, etc.) A critical aspect of incident response is the accountable reunification of students with their parents or guardians. An estimated 69 million children in the United States are in … 4. Learn more at https://twitter.com/iloveuguys Learn more at https://www.facebook.com/theIloveuguysfoundation Learn more at https://www.instagram.com/iloveuguysfoundation Learn more at https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-michael-keyes-a2284831/. The Foundation built several versions of the Reunification Operation Kit (The ROK). This letter is to inform you of the Swansea Public School Student Reunification Plan, in the event that a full evacuation from any of our schools is required due to an unforeseen emergency situation. Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Deliver the students to the student staging area, beyond the field of vision of parents/guardians. In April 2018, Hodges and Friel organized a reunific… Additional effort in promoting, testing and exercising the kits with all of the stakeholders will be necessary. If you come to the school during an emergency, in all likelihood you will not be allowed into the school or even into the inner perimeter set up by emergency responders. There is some level of effort on the user’s part in creating maps, site plans and evaluating routes. Reunification is the process of ensuring that children return to the care of their parent (s) and family as quickly as possible after an emergency. The school has just under 300 K-12 students. The goal of this course is to inform school staff members about Family Reunification Plans as an essential part of a Crisis Response Plan. This product is designed from an experienced emergency management perspective, therefore a solid understanding of the Incident Command System and incident action planning is required. Directions and Map. Each jurisdiction There are some fundamental aspects of this problem. While there are some key roles where prior knowledge and training in the SRM is necessary, the kit contents have been created to allow for someone with no prior knowledge of the process to successfully understand, then perform their given tasks and duties, simply by opening and reading the contents of the binders. One is identifying a reunification site, this may be on-site or off-site depending on the emergency. The Foundation built several versions of the Reunification Operation Kit (The ROK). Staff will be very busy during an emergency and will not be able to attend to the safety of your children if they have to answer your phone calls. The Hays County Practical Implementation is an extensive operations plan, designed from the perspective of a well resourced city and county emergency management team. 3311 NE 60th St. Seattle, WA 98115 206-252-5200. Remember, it is our primary concern that students remain safe at all times, and there is a plan for an orderly dismissal and release of our students. that prevents a normal school dismissal. Develop a Reunification Procedure Florida requires K-12 public schools to establish emergency management and preparedness procedures, which should include a reunification plan. Scope The SRM provides school and district safety teams with proven methods for planning, practicing and achieving a successful reunification during what are often chaotic, anxiety-filled scenes. When you arrive at the facility where students will be released, proceed to the Check – In Gate and plan to do the following: 3. The objective of this document is to give the user enough material to assemble Reunification Operation Kits (ROK). The model for reunification is the Standard Reunification Method (SRM). Family reunification plans allow schools to create processes by which to reunite students with their families following an emergency event. The Reunification Process 1. Keyes was presenting at the conference and while there, Will Schwall, Deputy Marshal, City of San Marcos Marshal’s Office showed him the Reunification Operation Kit Hays County had developed. Learn more at https://twitter.com/iloveuguys, Learn more at https://www.facebook.com/theIloveuguysfoundation, Learn more at https://www.instagram.com/iloveuguysfoundation, Learn more at https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-michael-keyes-a2284831/. The Family Reunification Plan Template (Template) is a result of WRHSAC’s Children in Disasters: Keeping Kids Safe project. It is therefore imperative that you keep information on your child’s Contact, Medical, and Emergency Form up to date. The plan is designed to be developed by parties to a case, filed with the court, and ultimately attached to a court order accepting the plan. Parent reunification training is a half day course designed for administrative teams to develop and implement a district or school-specific plan … This is a set of recommendations that allow school leaders to develop a plan that is suitable for their student body. The ability to reunify children with their families or care givers following an emergency incident was identified as high priority and an emergency planning gap by WRHSAC’s Children in Disasters Conference. A full evacuation means that a determination has been made based upon the scenario that returning to the school building is not in the best interest of … The "I Love U Guys" Foundation, PO Box 919, Conifer, CO 80433. Reunification cards should have duplicate information on the top and bottom portions that include student name and grade. The plan should outline the school’s parental notification methods (automated alert system, calling trees, media outreach, etc.) A plan for reuniting students and parents is the responsibility of schools and districts to maintain the chain of custody for every student. You can print them yourself, or use the files electronically. A plan for reuniting students and parents is the responsibility of schools and districts to maintain the chain of custody for every student. We cannot overemphasize the importance of having an emergency plan which can be put in place when an unfortunate incident happens at your school. Topics covered include the challenges, elements of an effective plan, procedures to implement the plan, student transportation issues, and model family reunification … Eric Hodges, Director of Emergency Management at ISU, and Ryan Friel, Emergency Management Specialist at ISU, always consider these parts of campus in anything they plan or do. The heavy lifting was accomplished by the City of San Marcos and the Hays County Sheriff’s Office. law enforcement and assist in the reunification of displaced children with their parents or legal guardians. PARENT/STUDENT REUNIFICATION plan establishes a place and procedure for providing emergency information for parents who come to the school when an emergency (or perceived emergency) occurs. The Reunification Services Plan Template can be used by any jurisdiction, be it a county or parish, State, Tribal, or municipal emergency management agency. Conferences can get pretty busy and so it was already evening when Will popped the back of the Tahoe to show off the “Kit.”, It’s gratifying when a non-profit organization can see tangible outcomes. The purpose of this plan to is develop a process of reunification that ensures the safe, orderly, and documented reunion of students and families in the event of an emergency evacuation or school closing. Once comple… reunification plan? Following the plan will ensure you are reunited with your child as quickly as possible. REMINDER: Your child will be released only to those listed on the Contact, Medical, and Emergency Form. As is the case with all materials from The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, downloadable versions of these materials are made available at no cost. The plan should be the result of a family-centered staffing with all parties and with counsel in attendance. Reunification guidance for schools, districts, departments and agencies. Schools are legally and socially obligated to exercise due diligence in preventing and mitigating harm to students and staff. We were certain this was a true need, but few schools or distri… First and foremost, remain calm. The Pennsylvania All-Hazards School Safety Planning Toolkit provides guidelines for school districts/schools and communities to address all types of crises, emergencies, and disasters that might impact their campuses. Hays County used file folders to accomplish a reunification. When caregivers arrive on site, they fill out a card for each child they are picking up. The artwork is set up for Work and Tumble on 8 1/2 x 11 index card stock. Students and/or staff may require additional assistance if they are temporarily on crutches, wearing casts, etc. Lack of a comprehensive emergency plan leave your school vulnerable to lawsuits. View our current version below. SRM relies on site-specific considerations, so successful planning and implementation demands collaboration with administration and responding agencies. Additionally, data within the tool can, through proper channels, be used by local and state emergency managers, as well as other reunification stakeholders to assist with reunification efforts, planning, and strategies. If the other materials on the Foundation’s website haven’t been reviewed, please download and evaluate those materials as well. The vast majority of parents in the United States work outside the home. The bottom part of the card should also include the student’s date of birth. 6500 Family Reunification 6510 Completing a Reunification Assessment Tool. At the time, we saw a void in school safety planning regarding student/parent reunification after a crisis. In case of a school emergency or a natural disaster, you need to be aware of our school’s plan for releasing your child. The kits contains written and graphic materials that can be distributed to reunification team members, on site, who perform the student/parent reunification. 2. The ROK uses view binders with clear pages to accomplish the same. Utilizing reunification cards can help to ensure a smooth reunification process. • Weather related hazards may require students be held indoor until reunification. First and foremost, remain calm. Notice of Swansea Public School Student Reunification Plan. Remember, it is our primary concern that students remain safe at all times, and there is a plan for an orderly dismissal and release of our students. School Safety BCPS Family Reunification Plan; Blackboard Notification Bullying Resources Parent & Student Resources Programs & Services REMS Grant Severe Weather Tip Line Useful Links Visitor Management FAQs A runner will go to the Assembly Area, get your child, and bring him/her to the release area. Once an all-clear is given at the school, and if there is a need to release students for the day, the Student and Family Reunification Plan will be put into place. You do not need pre-printed materials to use any of our programs. Additionally, a solid understanding of the Standard Reunification Method will be necessary. The top part should also ask for the name of the person picking up the student, their relationship with the student, and their phone number. Springfield School Emergency Operations Plan Basic Plan 3 The school’s current enrollment of students with special needs is approximately 35; however, this number will fluctuate. Write procedures and protocols: This activity will require an intensive session of writing, discussion … A predetermined, practiced reunification method will help defuse emotion at the site. As a result of this broad community feedback, the Student Voice and Leadership (SVL) team developed a plan to reunify the schools. See our Amazon Shopping List. Student-Family Reunification Parent info.pdf. In the event of an emergency or disaster occurring in our area that requires everyone to leave the building permanently, the Barnstable Public Schools, in conjunction with the Barnstable Police and Fire Departments, has developed a plan to reunite students with their families. This plan provides guidance to school personnel and members of the Reunification Team. Establish a Parent Check-In Location. Requirement Emergency student reunification plan for every school is not a ‘nice to have’ but is a necessity in the aftermath of an emergency incident at any school. Not even an email address. A plan for parent reunification cannot be developed “on the fly” in the midst of crisis events that will inevitably occur in a school. and cover … Our school has a detailed emergency plan and process for releasing children in these circumstances. The Parent Handout describes the SRM in a single page. Students may be bussed to an off-site location for their release to parents. Explore the sections of PEMA's All-Hazards School Planning Toolkit. Reunification School Emergency Video. The school’s population size and grade make-up proved to be ideal as an initial test case for a relocation and reunification exercise. Once developed, reunification plans should be disseminated by the school via web pages, e-mail blasts, letters, and meetings. The presence of hundreds of parents showing up on the scene will hinder the efforts of emergency responders which in turn may jeopardize the safety of your child. Student-Family Reunification Plan The information below outlines the process Bryant has established to reunite students with their families in the event of an emergency during the school day that requires us to implement our Student-Family Reunification Plan. Previous Page Next Page. Continuous School Improvement Plan. The Reunification Plan is a sample template developed by the Department of Children and Families. • Threats of violence, bomb threats or fire may require students be evacuated and reunification take place away from the school. 12. For the safety of every child, we must document to whom each child is released. The school administration and community were concerned, willing and engaged in school safety and security issues. Bryant Elementary School. Parents are reminded that they should not come to the school during an emergency, but should wait for instructions on how to be reunited with their students. Downloadable versions of all materials are made available at no cost. Throughout the summer of and into the fall of the 2020-21 school year, West Early College and West Leadership Academy staff, students, families, and alumni were surveyed and interviewed regarding the reunification. This video was created by Adams 14 School District to provide information and instructions to parents on what to do during a school emergency. Top. To honor that commitment, the Foundation is releasing the work product as the “Reunification Operation Kit, Hays County Practical Implementation.”. "Greeters" direct... 3. These procedures should be shared with everyone you list on the Contact, Medical, and Emergency Form so they are familiar with our plan and these concerns. This list is a starting point for discussions between school officials and others addressing evacuation plans. The plan will also provide a uniform method of unifying the parent and students when the parent feels the need to remove the student from the school building. Contact us books@iloveuguys.org for pricing on 50 or more pre-printed materials. Parents/guardians complete Reunification Cards. ... Click the link below to find out more about our student reunification plan. The Foundation has edited, anonymized and formatted the material to follow SRM V2 graphic standards. The principles remain the same whether the jurisdiction is supporting or managing reunification services. Information Services and Software Development, School Choice, Magnet Programs, and Student Records, FDOE Parent Survey – Exceptional Student Education, Florida Shines (Previously Florida Virtual Campus), Immunization Requirements (Haitian-Creole), Marion County’s Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program, Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention & Child Trafficking Prevention Education Curriculum, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Florida Students Achieve (FL DOE resource to help families make critical school decisions), Professional Development Certification Program (PDCP), Marion County Sheriff Emergency Management, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Students will only be released to a parent, guardian, or childcare personnel as designated on your child’s school Contact, Medical, and Emergency Form. Smaller districts, agencies and counties should evaluate and scale to their environments. A robust plan discusses every component of parent-student reunification, including but not limited to: The K-12 Standard Reunification Method (SRM) V2 Toolkit offers guidance and resources for incorporating the Standard Reunification Method into a school safety plan, to help with managing student/parent reunification after a crisis.In 2012, The “I Love U Guys” Foundation introduced the Standard Reunification Method. Student and Family Reunification Plan In case of a school emergency or a natural disaster, you need to be aware of our school’s plan for releasing your child. Know also that for any reason your child is not picked up, he/she will be placed in an alternate place of safety. Materials As is the case with all materials from The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, downloadable versions of these materials are made available at no cost. Instead, if the situation warrants the release of students, direct notification to your listed emergency contact numbers as well as the use of local news media will provide instructions on when and where the release will take place. Key Principles of Emergency Planning 4 Phases Framework A comprehensive plan will incorporate all four highly interconnected phases: Chapter 11 General Suggestions for Parent-Student Reunification Plans for Schools Local community emergency management and response agencies should consult on the district’s plan to promote a coordinated response to evacuations. A robust family reunification plan is an important part of any school's emergency plan. 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