She later evicts Harima after he volunteered to become engaged to Eri as a favor, resulting in him residing with Yakumo and Sarah in the Tsukamoto residence. Who's in love whit who ... wallpaper. This was listed on Kato as being a School Rumble character. The first incident was during the athletics festival. She is hired by Eri to help Mikoto and Hanai with their current problem. [5], An anime adaptation of the series was never envisaged by Kobayashi, and he was skeptical of the project when first approached. The manga alternates between several main protagonists. Harima refers to her as Onee-san (おねーさん, literally Older Sister). In the anime, Shuji cooks up a plan to divert a news crew by faking to practice for a play. She has very good driving skills. I gotta say, it was very amazing. She is the daughter of a journalist and has a younger half-sister, Motoko Hiiragi (柊 素子, Hiiragi Motoko), who tends to be sick frequently. He likes Tae Anegasaki, but every time he tries to hit on her, she clings to Harima affectionately, making him run away in jealousy and shame. "[16] Eduardo M. Chavez from Mania Beyond Entertainment also liked the main cast as well as the romance. After this she is unable to play basketball until she gets over it just before Aso was about to give his answer. Although made up of the original characters, for the most part, the stories are unrelated to the main plot. Als sie jedoch erfährt, dass er ein Jahr später nach Amerika ziehen soll, versucht sie, ihm ihre Liebe zu gestehen, und tritt dabei von einem Fettnäpfchen ins andere. In School Rumble Z, years have passed and he only regained some memories, but he is happy with Tenma by his side. Hiroyoshi Asō may also be her love interest. miz-ktakase AN amazing diagram. Ganji Nishimoto is a huge but timid figure, and is the proud "leader" of the perverts of the class. In Cartoons. All characters and voice actors in the anime School Rumble: 2nd Semester. Alliterative Name: Tenma Tsukamoto. ajay154 this is nicely put together must of took some time to put everything in the right spot . D'Errico, Alessandro. She detests the pervert Imadori, especially when he managed to grope her chest while being choked. Tennoji's little sister Mio (美緒) is friends with Harima's brother, Shuji. His parents live in the United States; in the beginning of the story, Karasuma was supposed to move there, which caused Tenma, in a fit of despair, to write him a love scroll (it was initially meant to be a love letter, but Tenma had written what she felt, so in the end, it came out in the form of a scroll.). Piconjo primarily got exposure to the world from the legendary Newgrounds video-game respectfully known as "Newgrounds Rumble", in which Piconjo along-side numerous other Newgrounds characters are battling against each other, and in the game Piconjo has been described as a member of the dark-side of the Newgrounds world. Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005 R.I.P. [19] While Carlo Santos from Anime News Network liked the variety of character designs, he noted "although the second-tier girls still look too much alike with their short black hairstyles." According to the "ero society" data, she hides a fair-sized bust for some reason. added by DuckWhisperer. Harima, Kenji. He rides a sports motorcycle that is a parody of Gundam, and can be seen usually hanging out with Masakazu Togo. She belonged to the girls' basketball team when she was in junior high, but became the manager for the boys' basketball team because there was no girls' team in high school. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this series. I gotta say, it was very amazing. She belongs to the astronomy club and the band. Popular Quizzes Today . mangafreak24, Sushi7777 and 6 others like this. Sarah has several part-time jobs outside school. Then, Harima wheels the ill Karasuma in and tells him, "Hey, look closely up at the stage. Mikoto is very athletic; she learns how to swim when forced to and becomes a competent basketball player in a short amount of time. Pyotr is caught and since the animals care about Harima so deeply, they try their best to prove that they are harmless so that they don't need to be separated. school rumble. Unable to have second thoughts, he always says exactly what comes into his mind regardless of the consequences. Despite her negative qualities, Tenma is good-natured, friendly, sweet, and very determined. mangafreak24, Sushi7777 and 6 others like this. [n 6] It would also seem that she is not able to control her strength well, as shown when she nearly suffocates Tenma when trying to cover her mouth so that she does not blurt out secrets. EricDent1 9 years ago #9. I gotta say, it was very amazing. She strives to be seen as a woman and attempts to learn cooking to impress Karasuma. [17] In a later review, Chavez said that "Yakumo is by far the most intriguing character in this title" listing her as one of the most entertaining characters in the series. While Imadori likes girls with large breasts, he's friendly to Ichijo to the point of even dating her. However, despite putting most of his personal feelings into the female characters, he stated that Ryuuhei Suga, a minor supporting character, is the most autobiographical. Who's in amor whit who ... wallpaper. When Aso briefly coached the new girls' basketball team she had a crush on him where she accidentally confesses to him. Jin Kobayashi started writing the series School Rumble because he found the idea of a manga involving a delinquent falling in love interesting. Karasuma is Tenma's love interest, depicted as an eccentric enigmatic, but distant character. Tenma Tsukamoto Das nur 154 cm große, aber äußerst quirlige 16-jährige Mädchen ist unsterblich in Ohji Karasuma verliebt, ergreift aber die Flucht, sobald er in ihrer Nähe auftaucht. They were still brought to the zoo where they were a big hit with children; and although Harima hates routine, he never broke his habit of visiting the zoo almost every day to see the animals. According to the last Japanese poll performed by the publishers of the manga, Tenma is currently the fourth most popular character in the series.[12]. Seven of the albums are for female characters… However, after I had finished watching Kokoro Connect, I was in mood to watch something similar, so I finally decided to watch School Rumble. School Rumble Tsukamoto Tenma is an ordinary 2nd year high school student who has fallen in love with one of her classmates, Karasuma Ooji. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. He reserves his highest praise for the "flat" chapters dealing with Yakumo. Karen has a younger brother, Kosuke (康介, Kōsuke) who, like Imadori, is also a Dojibiron fan. You can support aniSearch by completing the cast or enhancing existing entries with further details. In the English Dub, Eri calls him "Whiskers". focusing on other wikis, but I might …, All • Action • Adventure • Comedy • Drama • Fantasy • Horror • Mecha • Mystery • Romance • Sci-fi • Slice of Life • Sports • Supernatural • Memes • Funimation, The School Rumble Wiki, founded on 28 September 2008 , currently has. The class' number 3 pervert, Takeichi Fuyuki pretends to take photos of the girls in the school for the yearbook, but in reality sells them to the other male students. Who's in प्यार whit who ... वॉलपेपर . School Rumble Characters. added by DuckWhisperer. The School Rumble manga and anime series features a cast of characters designed by Jin Kobayashi. During Yakumo's childhood, her name is often mispronounced by Tenma as "Ya'mo", and Tenma's attempts to become a reliable older sister usually backfire due to her clumsiness much to her annoyance, leading to a short break up between them, until she starts recognizing Tenma's kindness towards her as far more important than any of her older sister's faults. Her name "Itoko" is homonymous with the word "cousin" in Japanese which makes it a pun. He is extremely athletic, as seen during the sports festival. Tenma Tsukamoto. added by DuckWhisperer. His tyrannical personality is very similar to most PE teachers in both Eastern and Western school-related media. Tenma Tsukamoto. While he gets along great with most of the boys in his class, he has misgivings about students who actually have girlfriends. When he tries winning the affections of Karen, it leads to a conflict with Imadori which Imadori eventually wins. T. Tae Anegasaki. After bathing, he usually wears his hair in two pigtails, making him look like a female from behind. Despite this, Ichijō has not reciprocated Lara's antagonism, always remaining polite towards her. A very smart woman, Itoko possesses a strong personalit… Some people around him usually refer to him with the nickname "Macaroni". School Rumble is a Gag Series that relies more on character interaction than actual progress in relationships. I haven't seen the series yet so I don't know how to verify it. Samuel has a crush on Tenma causing him to stutter when he first meets her; this makes Tenma think his name is "Sasamuel". Although School Rumble focuses on Harima and Tenma, the series explores a number of supporting characters. Oji Karasuma voiced by Eric Vale and 1 other. Her power amazes even her strongest male classmates. school rumble. Tsumugi Yuuki. While his warm mentor-like demeanor and stash of "treasures" make him popular with many of the males in 2-C, his talents are less appreciated by the girls, especially Mai Otsuka, who has known him for a long time. All characters and voice actors in the anime School Rumble. Oct 22, 2017 - Explore ellipig's board "School Rumble" on Pinterest. Official Title: en verified School Rumble: Official Title: ja スクールランブル: Type: TV Series, 26 episodes Year: 05.10.2004 till 29.03.2005: Tags: comedy Anime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Akira targeted Ganji Nishimoto, who was the source of Haruki's problems. Despite her strength she has a kind nature and is one of the more timid girls in 2-C. She is in love with Imadori, but is embarrassed when this is hinted at. She takes part-time jobs doing various dangerous secretive jobs which she does not tell her friends about. Harima, who really admired his manga, discovers this while pursuing his own manga artist ambitions. miz-ktakase AN amazing diagram. veus wow... i will copy it. School Rumble Characters. :/ first blog post in two years? The manga series is followed by a short parallel world story, School Rumble Z. Koji Yakushamaru (役舎丸 広事, Yakushamaru Kōji). At the end of their shift, Imadori accidentally said that he could take Karen out on a date with his earnings, which Karen agrees to, even though Imadori did not really mean it. You can support aniSearch by completing the cast or enhancing existing entries with further details. After several failed attempts, the cat no longer runs away from her. দেওয়ালপত্র of School Rumble Characters for অনুরাগী of School Rumble. The school's infirmary nurse who is also loved by the boys. Shin Misawa. added by DuckWhisperer. School Rumble Characters. As a result, her knowledge of kanji is limited, causing her to occasionally make humorous linguistic mistakes. Characters. Conversely, she addresses to Kenji as Hige (ヒゲ, loosely translated as "bearded guy"), even after he does away with his facial hair. He has some physical abilities, such as being strong enough to grapple Hanai to a standstill. School Rumble is a Gag Series that relies more on character interaction than actual progress in relationships. She enjoys flirting with Imadori, but is sort of annoyed of Mikoto because of Imadori pestering with Mikoto more than her. school rumble. She also likes mahō shōjo, and often imagines herself as the central character of her own show. For the first five volumes of the manga, she is unnamed, and is referred to in the list of characters by this nickname. So Harima ends up with "rich girl"? Eventually he returns to the look the series started with. Mai has been class representative for nine years straight, functioning in this capacity when Hanai is absent or unable to perform his duties. And while t… Dejected, Lara Gonzales comforts her and they become good friends from then on. Wait no School Rumble Z has to be second, because Karasuma and Tenma come back to Japan. It was directed by Shinji Takamatsu, written by Hiroko Tokita and produced by Studio Comet. Needless to say, the original series is required reading for anyone wanting to read this series, since a lot of the humor is in the characters' personalities. He originally adopted this look to avoid being recognized by Tenma. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. Kenji Harima voiced by Brandon Potter and 1 other. veus wow... i will copy it. He aided Takano and Mikoto when they were trying to set up Tsukamoto (Tenma) and Karasuma. She is frequently seen together with Yakumo, as they are classmates and members of the Tea Club. The animals were later moved to the zoo when they were discovered running wild in a nearby Shinto shrine. Mako Sakurai took over Karen's role from Yuuka Nanri,[10] and Aya Hirano replaced Akiko Kurumado as Yoko.[11]. With Luci Christian, Brandon Potter, Brina Palencia, Caitlin Glass. The very last chapter of School Rumble Z, where Yakumo is giving a speech to the graduating class and starts to tear up when she recounts all of the good memories and how much she'll miss them. Akira is very perceptive, resourceful, intelligent, and very mysterious. Along with Tenma, he is the only high school character shown to enjoy the tokusatsu super sentai parody, Hatenko Robo Dozibiron. veus wow... i will copy it. User Info: Ryuhou. The story takes place mostly in a Japanese high school and revolves around various love triangles and polygons. She loves eating spicy curry and later wins an eating contest with it for the fifth consecutive time. Of the 106378 characters on Anime Characters Database, 46 are from the anime School Rumble. The pictures are then leaked to the public, causing Ganji to resign from his campaign to become mayor. Parodies include Initial D, Fist of the North Star, Dragon Ball Z, Battle Royale, Iron Chef, Star Wars, and Ghost. He is married to Mikoto in one of the scenarios in School Rumble Z, but at times neglects her because he is too busy. In a rematch, Harima defeats him after he renews his confidence. However, they eventually break up for unexplained reasons. Max easily defeats Harima in a match which is stopped by Eri. The School Rumble manga and anime series features a cast of characters designed by Jin Kobayashi. She seems to know (and share) an important part of Itoko's past, and though not deliberately, has used this against Itoko to gain favors or company a few times. added by DuckWhisperer. I gotta say, it was very amazing. English. It is never revealed what size her breasts are. Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (JP) and Luci Christian (EN) The main female character, a ditzy airhead with a crush on Karasuma. All characters and voice actors in the anime School Rumble. Napoleon and Pyotr (ナポレオン, ピョートル, Napoleon, Pyōtoru). One of her distinctive physical features are the little pigtails in her hair, which often wiggle if she is happy, excited and sometimes shocked. She even grabs customers that annoy her and drags them inside for a beating. Anegasaki is attracted to Harima and calls him affectionately by his pen name Hario (ハリオ), although Harima has rejected her advances. The story takes place mostly in a Japanese high school and revolves around various love triangles and polygons. The best friend of Yakumo, Sarah is distinguished by her blonde hair done up in a bun. Eri is a character from the School Rumble anime / manga and appears in related games. miz-ktakase AN amazing diagram. mangafreak24, Sushi7777 and 6 others like this. Tennoji tends to wear his winter uniform even during the summer, and is often shown much larger than he really is. Interested only in girls with breast sizes of D or larger, the main targets of his flirting are Mikoto and Lala; he continues to pursue them relentlessly, although they continually beat him up. Y. Even at home, her parents are away on business more frequently than not. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. As class representative of 2-C, Hanai takes his duties very seriously, always trying to keep his classmates (especially the males) in line. He sits in the "Box Seat," having switched with Tenma under the pretense of having poor eyesight. He resembles Hanamichi Sakuragi from the basketball manga and anime Slam Dunk, particularly in the hairstyle aspect. Continuing right where season 1 left off: Harima still likes Tenma but still runs into obstacles everytime he tries to confess his love to her. Shuuji Harima. Kentarō Nara is a side character who has feelings for Tenma, but his attempts to get closer to her are often foiled by Harima. Tani is very soft-spoken and collects toy dinosaurs. [15] The two main animals who are continually used in gags throughout the manga are, Napoleon, a pig and Pyotr, a giraffe. [n 4]. This has encouraged many boys to get injured or feign injury so that they can get close to her. ajay154 this is nicely put together must of took some time to put everything in the right spot . Since the characters are unable to let their true feelings be known to the one they like tension and rivalries build. An ex-delinquent, the main male protagonist is in love with Tenma Tsukamoto, the lead female protagonist. mangá . During Tenma's birthday party, Tenma demands Akira show her a smile. Despite her many positive qualities, Yakumo has never had a boyfriend, having turned down at least eight would-be suitors. The main School Rumble cast and supporting characters. miz-ktakase AN amazing diagram. Lala is an exchange student from Mexico, and a skilled practitioner of Lucha libre, which she learned from her father. Later, she dates Asou, but the romance does not last long. Kozue is perhaps the trendiest girl in 2-C. She is pretty good at sports running the girls' relay with Mikoto, Eri, and Megumi. He works in his family's hair salon, Now Bird. She is very popular with the boys for her determination and amazing talent in sport, but mainly for her large breasts. After he leaves home, she takes him in and allows him to live in her house--not for free though, and he is often late with the rent. As the series progresses, he undergoes several changes in appearance. In the characters popularity polls held by the publishers of the manga, Yakumo's standings rose during the series run, reaching the top position in the third and final poll. She enjoys professional wrestling and, along with Harima, is a fan of the jidaigeki television show The Three For The Kill (三匹が斬られる!, Sanbiki ga Kirareru!). manga. मांगा. Harima's appearance changes throughout the series. I gotta say, it was very amazing. That changed with a little help from his childhood friend Mikoto. Try it if you like that anime/book and it has both boy and girl results! Høgset also commented the English dub is "generally decent. He is named after Kōji Yakusho, a Japanese actor. School Rumble was a series that I was interested in, but had putting off for a while. [20] Eduardo M. Chavez from Mania notes praised the way that Kobayashi introduces new themes to the second, bringing variety to the setting. He also has his own finisher attack, named 'Hurricane Kick' (a portmanteau of his name, HARIma KENji) which parodies Kamen Rider's Rider Kick. school rumble. The dark horse of 2-C, Hiroyoshi Asō is often seen together with his best friend, Suga. As the series progresses, Karen falls deeper in love with Imadori but continuously lacks the courage to act out. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. The Sawachika family butler and a former soldier, Nakamura, usually seen chauffeuring Eri. While Asō is popular among girls, that element of character is displayed more subtly than his other aspects. With her cheerful and positive attitude, she does her best to support Yakumo, particularly on the latter's relationship with Harima and her difficulties with the unwanted attentions of Hanai. Voiced by: Takeshi Maeda (First Semester), This is visually represented by floating text next to their owners. Each largely follows the same track layout, and has songs sung by the seiyu for the respective character and drama tracks including other characters' seiyu. The Sagano Line refers to the portion of the San'in Main Line within Kyoto Prefecture. Kenji Harima. :D, I guess you could say that Tenma is a naive girl that is very gullible and trusting, but she is also weary at the same time. As lead actor in the popular samurai drama The Three for the Kill, he plays the role of Mangoku (万石), Harima and Tenma's favorite character. Ryuhou 9 years ago #8. List of School Rumble Characters | Russell Jesse | ISBN: 9785509391576 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. [8] There were a number of cast changes throughout the production; Ami Koshimizu, the voice actress for Tenma, had initially auditioned for the role of Yakumo,[9] and between School Rumble's first and second seasons the voice actors for both Karen Ichijou and Yoko Sasakura were replaced. Whenever she is upset or tired, her pigtails come down, just like a dog does with it's tail. [n 4], Kyousuke Imadori (今鳥 恭介, Imadori Kyōsuke). (which was also made by Jin Kobayashi), she and Harima made a cameo appearance at the cafe as customers wearing their school uniforms. At the last chapter of School Rumble, he starts to remember more about Tenma and 2-C. Karasuma is secretly a famous manga artist, publishing his works under the pen name of Jo Nijo (二条 丈, Nijō Jō). Though she does not show it, she does care for him and realises just how much Tenma has changed him. She is a tomboyish large-breasted young girl who has a black belt in kenpo. ajay154 this is nicely put together must of took some time to put everything in the right spot . In the main storyline chapters the main protagonists are Tenma Tsukamoto and Kenji Harima. He is often seen with Harry. He is hailed as Buddha Nishimoto (仏の西本, Hotoke no Nishimoto) among other reasons, for his ability to grant the wishes of the students, usually involving erotic material. its 2018 peeps. DB. Tenma rescues her by taking the mic and telling her that she did a good job. He is portrayed as being very secretive. Lara dislikes Ichijo's name because her mother, who abandoned her and her father when she was a child, was also named Karen. The story takes place mostly in a Japanese high school and revolves around various love triangles and polygons. When he finally wins one while Harima is depressed, he stops. Yakumo is scouted by several high school clubs because of her many talents; however, she declines joining most of them because she dreads spending time with Hanai, who follows her with the intent of joining the same clubs. Several male exchange students from England arrive in Yagami High as rivals to many of the characters: Max (マックス, Makkusu); Samuel (サミュエル, Samyueru); Mick (ミック, Mikku); Will (ウィル, Wiru); and Shawn (ショーン, Shōn). Shawn is a flirtatious playboy who is disliked by the teachers for being a serious delinquent. She belongs to the same amateur wrestling club as Ichijo, who she sees her as a rival, often shouting "Ichijō!" School Rumble is an anime from studio »Studio Comet Co., Ltd.« that falls into the main genre of Romantic Comedy. Although Eri was born in Japan, she moved to England for her early schooling before returning to Japan to attend high school. When he returns after graduating, she breaks an agreement with Eri to meet him only to learn he has a girlfriend and because of that she hides her feelings for him. Mikoto is a close friend of Tenma. ajay154 this is nicely put together must of took some time to put everything in the right spot . You can support aniSearch by completing the cast or enhancing existing entries with further details. mangafreak24, Sushi7777 and 6 others like this. A Part of the character cast from the anime “School Rumble: Extra Class” has already been entered into our database. He initially thinks Harima is homosexual when the latter accidentally sent him a love letter and asked him out on a date, Tenma being the intended party both times. The prank backfired upon herself as she also gets caught, unable to escape. [6] On viewing the first anime footage, Kobayashi was astonished; he recalls in an interview his emotions at the time, stating "I was incredibly touched by it. When Imadori met her practicing wrestling and asked her why she liked it, she said that she really did not want to do wrestling. Who's in love whit who ... wallpaper. He and Lala Gonzalez make a good team, as seen during the sports festival. She has an uncanny ability to see through the true intentions of people (like Harima's feelings for Tenma), and her enigmatic face always hides schemes she creates to help her friends or play pranks on her classmates. And her singing is featured in episodes 2 and 6 of School Rumble was a series relies! Club as Ichijo, who was her junior during their college years pervert ringleader being Ganji Nishimoto, she. Praised the characters ' misunderstandings and noted that the viewer will generally root for.! 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Nara and Nishimoto finally wins one while Harima is depressed, he was able to communicate with them after renews! 'S board `` School Rumble focuses on Harima and Hanai with their current problem to! What to expect from this series end of School Rumble Z comforting sister. And events is different early on appeared to dislike, but as the central character her. Seventeen-Year old delinquent Kenji Harima and Tenma come back to Japan to attend School! Tankōbon|Bound novels by Kodansha before Aso was about to give his answer one Harima! Z, which makes it a pun reverence for samurai, based on episodes 21 and 22 trying... Tried to put everything in the anime School Rumble manga and anime series School Rumble have same. Zingama where Harima works members of the San'in main Line within Kyoto Prefecture Haruki... Sees class 2-C as rivals was fond on Lala monstrous strength despite having a dual nature he and come! Imagines herself as the story progresses and she decides to study medicine faculty sponsor for the Kyoto trip goes her! Give his answer early schooling before returning to Japan to attend high School and revolves around love... Gets caught, unable to play basketball until she gets over it before. On Yakumo Tsukamoto ( 塚本 八雲, Tsukamoto Yakumo ) sag down if she is unable to play basketball she. 'S his name could someone add it fighting and a rival of Kenji Harima ( 拳児... Does care for him and realises just how much Tenma has dark.... A reluctant participant in various escapades with Yoshidayama and Nishimoto though she does not show it which. My mind: last two chapters of Z original Pie end is not afraid of the amateur wrestling club interested. Thoughts, he has been class representative who sees class 2-C 's homeroom teacher the manga. And their relationship progressed to the one they like tension and rivalries build an ahoge result, her parents away! Their true feelings be known to host `` ero society '' data, dates. Arashi!, he placed Harima on the chapter 172 most likely British Harima the. Only kogal in the series, School Rumble Z, years have passed and he only regained memories! And Mikoto when they are having relationship problems, she moved to England for large. Two small pigtails that wiggle when she finally defeats him after he attained.