14 Hosier Lane PSNC is working with NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to address the issues being faced by the community pharmacy sector during the...The services case studies hub contains links to articles and news stories published by PSNC and other organisations that showcase community pharmacy services and Healthy Living Pharmacies … Find out the latest on pharmacy funding and NHS statistics. This hub can be used when looking for service inspiration and opportunities,... QUICK LINKS Pharmacy Regulations 2013 Terms of Service The NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 The regulations came into effect on 1 April 2013, and replaced the 2012 regulations.   These Directions have been amended a number of times since publication. Page last updated: 6th November 2020 Click on a heading below for more information. From Mr S. H. Raja, MRPharmS. Click on a heading below to view the FAQs. The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013. Cluster Working in Wales: Handbooks; Primary Care Cluster Community Pharmacy Lead; Quality & Safety Scheme. 14 Hosier Lane Report medicines shortage I refer to Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee chief executive Sue Sharpe’s response to the Department of Health’s White Paper (PJ, 17 July 2010, p74). Why so optimistic? PSNC has launched a video animation explaining how community pharmacies are likely to fit into the NHS of the future.... PSNC News Regulatory updates to support pandemic response. How to find us NHS Service Finder is a free online search tool which provides access to information from the Directory of Services (DoS) and … We will alert contractors once it is published. There are six Advanced Services within the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). EC1A 9LQ The PSNC website includes details for the Advanced Services and can be accessed here: Community pharmacies can choose to provide any of the Advanced Services within the NHS community pharmacy contract services as long as they meet the requirements set out in the Secretary of State Directions. Context This Local Enhanced Service (LES) incorporates work that is already established in many other parts of the country, including neighbouring PCTs. ‘Future of Pharmacy’ animation is launched. The F-Code or ODS code is the the unique code issued to your pharmacy which identifies you to NHS Prescription Services. Report product over Drug Tariff price We understand that NHSE&I will shortly publish documentation on the community pharmacy Enhanced service. How to find us London Have you signed-up to use NHS Service Finder? The largest, most experienced publisher in the UK pharmacy sector. PSNCs goal is to develop the NHS community pharmacy service, to enable community pharmacies to offer an increased range of high quality and fully funded services that meet the needs of their local communities and provide value and good health outcomes for the NHS and the public. PSNC Briefing 094/13: Local commissioning challenge checklist (September 2013) PSNC receives requests for advice from LPCs each year on how to tackle commissioner’s decisions to decommission a service or determinations not to commission a service from community pharmacy. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Report product over Drug Tariff price PSNC services database. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England and NHS Improvement, and the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) have agreed a new Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. PSNC sends regular emails to help ensure community pharmacy teams don’t miss any key information, guidance and resources. Find out the latest on pharmacy funding and NHS statistics. Development of PharmaBase, a web-based system that aims to support delivery of and evidence gathering for enhanced services in England, was announced yesterday (17 November 2010) by Sue Sharpe, chief executive of the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee, at its local pharmaceutical committee conference. 13.docP:\Public Health\Public Health (New)\Sexual Health\Pharmacy Enhanced Service\LES\201213\Final Pharmacy SH LES 2012 13.doc 2 1. Currently, there are no forthcoming events. EC1A 9LQ When requested, pharmacy contractors must provide information on the MUR and NMS interventions undertaken in the previous quarter to NHS England. Find out about locally commissioned community pharmacy services. SUMMARY 1.1. The DHSC has also issued a press release. This portal provides links to websites for all Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs). This page contains the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Flu Vaccination Service. PDF, 439KB, 21 pages. It is our general philosophy that pharmacy contractors should expect to receive a fair return for their professional input into the delivery of a service and that the best local services are those which have been co-designed with commissioners to ensure that they deliver patient benefit, value for money for the commissioner, a fair return for the provider, are operationally efficient to deliver and are sustainable. All Wales Temporary Closure Form; Locally Commisioned Services; CPW Template Services; Pivotell; Primary Care Clusters. This portal provides links to websites for all Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs). Find out what’s happening in the wider NHS. These DRAFT template Enhanced service specifications have not been nationally agreed and are not in their final version; they may be used to inform local discussions on service development. LPCs and contractors are able to negotiate to provide services in accordance with this... Click on the headings to view FAQs on Medicines Use Reviews (MURs). In an update on the negotiating points currently being discussed with NHSE&I and the Government, the PSNC says: “Community pharmacy provision over the Christmas and New Year period must be clarified urgently, … It is our general philosophy that pharmacy contractors should expect to receive a fair return for their professional input into the delivery of a service and that the best local services are those which have been co-designed with commissioners to ensure that they deliver patient benefit, value for money for the commissioner, a fair return for the provider, are operationally efficient to deliver and are sustainable. Introduction to the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework Enhanced Services As part of the new community pharmacy contractual framework, the PSNC, the Department of Health and the NHS Confederation jointly developed a number of template service specifications which were published at the start of September 2005 (see table 1). PSNC (Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee) The Pharmaceutical Journal 1 SEP 2010. The services case studies hub contains links to articles and news stories published by PSNC and other organisations that showcase community pharmacy services and Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLPs). Join our mailing list for a weekly round-up of news and resources, plus price concession/NCSO alerts. Community Pharmacy, the UK-EU Trade deal and the end of the Transition Period. Essential services are those provided by all pharmacy contractors as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF or the ‘pharmacy contract’). You can find this on any pricing authority statement or your prescription submission document (FP34c). ALL Wales Pharmacy Database (AWPD) Validation 2020 … NMS service specification (August 2013) PSNC … Find out what’s happening in the wider NHS. The amendment Directions are printed in the Drug Tariff. Find out the latest on pharmacy funding and NHS statistics. Briefings published by PSNC covering topics such as opening hours, regulations, and NHS IT matters. Weight management (children) Weight management (adults) Alcohol screening and brief intervention Anticoagulant management Independent Prescribing Sharps disposal Emergency supply (at NHS expe… Report medicines shortage Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS), Smartcard Registration Authority contacts, Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire (CPPQ), Contractual and regulatory changes during the pandemic. : dispensing medicines dispensing appliances repeat dispensing (including electronic repeat dispensing (eRD)) disposal of unwanted medicines promotion of healthy lifestyles (public health) signposting support for self-care. Last updated 10th January 2020. Yesterday, Health Minister Edward Argar MP wrote to health and social care colleagues to provide an update on the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, a free trade agreement based on zero tariffs and quotas and covering trade worth £668 billion in 2019. You can find this on any pricing authority statement or your prescription submission document (FP34c). 6 LPC websites. Press coverage on the role of community pharmacy in the vaccination programme, Pandemic Delivery Service now active across the whole of England, Dispensations to assist contractors with the ongoing pandemic response, Community Pharmacy, the UK-EU Trade deal and the end of the Transition Period. Please ensure your email address is correct. Report quota issues, Copyright © 2021 PSNC • Site designed and built by Jellyhaus. PharmaBase, which was announced by PSNC chief executive Sue Sharpe at its LPC Conference on Wednesday, aims to simplify record-keeping for services and claiming payment from the PCT by generating an … These directions were published alongside the … London 7 Funding and Statistics. Can I offer a free gift such as a voucher for new patients who bring in a prescription to be dispensed by the pharmacy for the first time?A. No. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Find out about locally commissioned community pharmacy services. As well as supporting the modernisation agenda for both sexual health services … Briefings published by PSNC covering topics such as opening hours, regulations, and NHS IT matters. The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013. PSNC has announced a new web-based service to help pharmacists streamline enhanced services recording, slash bureaucracy, ensure payment and build an evidence base for the sector. The Healthcare Distribution Association (HDA UK) welcomes the recent PSNC publication of plans for community pharmacy in 2016/17 and beyond as a credible and thoughtful set of proposals that as an Association we would urge the Government to consider.   Payments should be claimed monthly via the on-line enhanced services claim form. HDA welcomes PSNC proposals for enhanced role for pharmacy. QUICK LINKS Pharmacy Regulations 2013 FAQs Q. Preparing to provide the DMS. Details. Fees for National Enhanced Services; Supervised Administration Service; Essential Services . This PSNC Briefing provides advice on how to challenge these decisions. Following yesterday evening's (4th January 2021) Government announcement of the commencement of a new national lockdown in England, clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) patients anywhere in England have been advised to recommence shielding; this included avoiding visiting pharmacies in person. Community pharmacies can choose to provide any of these services as long as they meet the requirements set out in the Secretary of State Directions. Return to the CPCS hub page. LOCAL ENHANCED SERVICES Stop Smoking Service Provided by Community Pharmacy Services NHS Derby City and NHS Derbyshire County. 5 Healthcare Landscape. The Terms of Service... PSNC The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee is seeking urgent clarity from NHS England & Improvement on the opening requirements for pharmacies over the Christmas period. Find out what’s happening in the wider NHS. Find out about locally commissioned community pharmacy services. Dispensing Medicines Dispensing Appliances Repeat Dispensing Clinical Governance Discharge Medicines Service Public Health (Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles) Signposting Support for Self Care Disposal of Unwanted … 2 C:\Documents and Settings\gareth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\Community Pharmacy Stop Smoking LES 2012_13 Final Document (3).doc Local Enhanced Services for the Delivery of Community Pharmacy Stop Smoking Accredited Advisor Service … Follow @PSNCNews This page contains a nationally negotiated template service specification (developed and agreed by PSNC, the Department of Health and NHS Employers) and associated resources on the service. Our monthly updates on dispensing news and guidance, plus a variety of factsheets.   'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); Website feedback form This portal provides links to websites for all Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs). This page contains answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) which have been posed by pharmacy contractors, their teams and Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs). Follow @PSNCNews PSNC staff work with NHS England and other NHS bodies, and with the Department of Health and Social Care, to … The HDA is particularly supportive of the suggestion for pharmacists to … Treatment for chlamydia will be offered under an Azithromycin PGD (Appendix 1) for those who receive a positive chlamydia test through the CSP only. Report quota issues, Copyright © 2021 PSNC • Site designed and built by Jellyhaus. Please ensure your email address is correct. Latest PSNC News. The F-Code or ODS code is the the unique code issued to your pharmacy which identifies you to NHS Prescription Services.   Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework 2019-2024; Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework 2019-2024. PSNC has created a document which consolidates the 2013 Directions and subsequent amendments made up to December 2016. Any queries relating to these service specifications should be directed to alastair.buxton@psnc.org.uk. Join our mailing list for a weekly round-up of news and resources, plus price concession/NCSO alerts. Pandemic Delivery Service now active across England. The Essential Services listed below are offered by all pharmacy contractors as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (the ‘pharmacy contract’). 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); Website feedback form PSNC Latest PSNC News. Local Authority (Public Health) Services City of York Council: Needle Exchange Service Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Pregnant Women North Yorkshire County Council: Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) Needle Exchange Service NYCC Employee Flu Vaccination Service 2018/19 Sexual Health Service (YorSexualHealth) Smoking Cessation (Solutions4Health) Supervised Consumption … This PSNC Briefing provides early guidance for community pharmacy contractors and their teams on the forthcoming service in England PSNC strongly recommend that contractors use the information in the briefing document below to plan how they may be able to provide a COVID-19 safe service this year. They reflect the new NHS architecture, in which NHS... PSNC has been working with HM Government and NHS leaders to provide as much support for community pharmacy teams as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) - News updates Written by admin on Wednesday 18th October 2017 Community Pharmacy, the … PSNC sends regular emails to help ensure community pharmacy teams don’t miss any key information, guidance and resources. Pharmacy contractors providing the MUR and the NMS services are required by the Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 to maintain records of the consultations. Our monthly updates on dispensing news and guidance, plus a variety of factsheets. Return to the flu vaccination hub page, This page contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS). PSNC has presented an alternative path for community pharmacy development – Alastair Buxton explains more about the proposals, and the thinking behind them, to P3 The government has extended its consultation on community pharmacy’s future following the letter of last December in which it set out plans for a funding reduction and other changes. CIG is the UK’s leading provider of sector-specific content, publishing 15 healthcare and beauty titles including Pharmacy Magazine, Training Matters, P3Pharmacy, Independent Community Pharmacist and Beauty Magazine. I believe she has been too quick to paint a bright future for pharmacy. Latest PSNC News. To support contractors preparing to provide the Discharge Medicines Service (DMS), which will become an Essential service for contractors on 15th February 2021, PSNC has published some additional resources on the DMS page of our website. PSNC tag index page | P3 Pharmacy. Read more about the potential COVID-19 vaccination programme. Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS), Smartcard Registration Authority contacts, Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire (CPPQ), FAQs on COVID-19 vaccinations for pharmacy staff, PSNC press coverage: Pharmacies and C-19 vaccination, Pandemic Delivery Service now active across England, December 2020 Price Concessions – Final Update, Indemnity Arrangements for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, C-19 PPE reimbursement: how contractors can make a claim, Discharge Medicines Service guidance published, PQS and service changes agreed to create extra capacity, December 2020 Price Concessions – 2nd Update, COVID-19 lateral flow testing for pharmacy staff, C-19 PPE reimbursement: update for contractors, 50-64 year olds being encouraged to get a flu vaccination, Supply Disruption Alert – Lithium carbonate (Priadel®) 200mg and 400mg modified release tablets – Update, Oxford University/ AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine approved, Contractor reminder: Suspension of the requirement to submit EPS tokens, Contractor Notice: PEPS January 2021 Advance payment, Contractor Notice: Online Drug Tariff emails, 36 Products added to the January 2021 Discount Not Deducted (DND) list, Medicine Supply Notification: Docusate sodium 100mg capsules, Medicine Supply Notification: Zemtard (diltiazem) 240mg XL capsules, PSNC Briefing 045/20: Regulatory and contractual dispensations agreed to assist contractors with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, PSNC Briefing 044/20: Integrating care – a summary of the NHSE&I guidance and consultation document, PSNC Briefing 043/20: COVID-19 Second Wave – PSNC Negotiations Action List (November 2020). 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