Signal Companies (Divisional) Signal Companies (Army Troops, Territorial Force) Motor Cyclist Section of the Special Reserve. No bridge too far! An archive of First World War research information on soldiers in the Royal Engineers. Rank: Sapper Regiment: 2nd Home Counties Reserve Field Battalion, Royal Engineers Wife: Mrs Charlotte Louisa Hook Home Address: 2 Cliftonville Road, St Leonards Other Info: Alfred Hook died aged 37 on 20th March 1920. Rochester Cathedral, Kent has major historical links with the Corps and contains many memorials including stained glass, mosaics and plaques. You signify acceptance of our use of cookies when you click the Accept button or by your continued use of the site. This was written by an officer of a unit and is the most important document to view if you want to learn where a field company was and its activities. This includes cookies that track any click through to affiliate links and advertisers that appear on this site. Lieutenant, 34 th Norfolk Division Signals Company, Royal Engineers. 1st Field Company (New South Wales and Queensland) [First Division] Formed New South Wales and Queensland August 1914 for First Division. This was when they were based in Piccadilly, a short time later they moved to Savile Row which dates the cap nicely. 65 RE. Search Again ... Access to Orbats mapping tool, allowing you to trace your WW1 ancestors steps; Search. Each infantry division had three Royal Engineers field companies on its establishment. 5th Field Company (2nd Division) 7th Field Company (50th Northumbrian Division) 9th Field Company (4th Division) 11th Field Company (33rd Division) Moved to Salonika June 1917, being attached as Army Troops. Albert. Exclusive Collections. BMB Courtesy of - Daniel Baker. 4 names - George Edward Hayles killed on 19/10/17 which gives birth place ... By Borodun - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 423rd Field Company, Royal Engineers. The RE's maintained the infantry and artillery weapons, the railways, roads, water supply, bridges and transport - allowing supplies to the armies. Posts about Royal Engineers written by sommecourt. 5th-12th July : Mametz sector. Moved to Gallipoli then 42nd East Lancashire) Division from August 1915. 16-18 Aug 1916. 1-13 Jul 1916. France. Captain. 36th Division ... Battle Honours of the Royal Engineers. Moved to 75th Division Apr 17, rejoining 54th Division May 18. Details of WO 95/2626/6; Reference: WO 95/2626/6 Description: 237 Field Company Royal Engineers. A group of men of 527 (2nd Durham) Field Company, a Territorial unit that served under command of 5th Division. The Long, Long Trail website uses cookies only to make sure the site works and to improve your experience as a user. Son of Colonel Frederick Howard Fairtlough C.M.G. WW1 Royal Engineers Corps (George V) Tunic Button - 25mm £4.49. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Punter Harry Farnham 2a 124 VE Day. 81nd Assault Squadron, Royal Engineers. 07-09-1916. Battle Honours of the Royal Engineers. Each infantry division had three Royal Engineers field companies on its establishment. Left UK Oct 15, to Gallipoli. Only son of Charles Deane Oliver of Lawday Place, Farnam Surrey, UK. When the British government declared war on Germany, the War Office issued orders for mobilisation of the British Expeditionary Force in accordance with the existing plan. Add to Basket. Their Motto is "Ubique" ("Everywhere") - awarded in 1832 as the unit has been involved in all the British Army's combat theatres). The engineers added new tunnels to this network so that troops could arrive at the battlefield in secrecy and in safety. Author The Diary of a Sapper 1916-1917 Posted on Oct 13, 2017 Oct 10, 2017 Tags 237th Field Company, 47th Division, Royal Engineers, Sapper, War Diary, World War 1, World War I, WW1, WW1 centenary, WWI, WWI centenary Leave a comment on Saturday 13th October 1917 Friday 12th October 1917 36th Division. A Short Record of the Service of the 65th Field Company Royal Engineers. British Army, Royal Engineers, 85th Field Company. Signallers on the Somme 1916. Royal Engineer tunnelling companies, nicknamed "the Moles", were specialist units of the Corps of Royal Engineers within the British Army, formed to dig attacking tunnels under enemy lines during the First World War. Field Company Royal Engineers. 2553, Driver Bertie Cecil Percy Waine MM 3rd Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers Recommended for Military Medal Awarded Military Medal â 7th March, 1918 Citation: On 8th Oct., 1917 this Driver was in charge of a wagon proceeding to Westhoek east of Ypres.The road near Birr Cross Roads was heavily shelled and all transport in advance Royal Engineers Corps Cap Badge - Queens Crown £10.99. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Royal Engineer tunnelling companies were specialist units of the Corps of Royal Engineers within the British Army, formed to dig attacking tunnels under enemy lines during the First World War. The following Royal Engineers have been awarded the Victoria Cross (VC), the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. 1st (West Lancashire) Field Company TF, joined 4th Division February 1915 and then 55th Division in February 1916. 36th Division. ... World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 65 RE. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. The Wartime Memories Project is the original WW1 and WW2 commemoration website. German Pioneers blew the first mine of the War late in 1914. 138 field companies . Langemarck. Including Royal Engineers Signal Services, International War and Military projects Portal, World War One: United Kingdom & Ireland HQ, Corps of Royal Engineers (Including Royal Corps of Signals), The Long, Long Trail - Field Companies of the Royal Engineers. The Royal Engineers are combat soldiers with a technical edge and have a role in every area of the battlefield. See more ideas about royal engineers, royal, world war i. 74th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Daily lives of the Royal Engineers who kept the Allies on the move through the desert to the Rhine in WWII revealed in stunning photos. I know he took a Commission in Leeds Rifles (or West Yorks Regiment) in 1914, then being seconded to Royal Engineers and the Tunnelling Companies, where he found a large number of former students from Camborne and Leeds. 2. This list may not reflect recent changes . 79th Assault Squadron, Royal Engineers. Names with Bold links are to Geni profiles or projects. FAIRTLOUGH, (MC). 7-14 Jun 1917. Originally No 3 Company, RND. Sep 2, 2020 - My Grandad's Regiment. The Royal Engineers Journal. War Establishment II/195/2, issued in January 1944, determined the structure and personnel within a field park company during the campaign in North West Europe in 1944 and 1945. At the front they support the rest of the Army, bridging rivers, using explosives to destroy bridges or clearing routes through minefields. The Royal Engineers have War Diaries for that period but I am too old to get to see them and it would be expensive to have them all copied. These cookies do not store any personal information. 5th Field Company (2nd Division) 7th Field Company (50th Northumbrian Division) 9th Field Company (4th Division) 11th Field Company (33rd Division) 12th Field Company (6th Division) 15th Field Company (8th Division) 3 names . Once you find the Division in the tables below, click on “Order of Battle of Divisions” in the Links area to find the full structure and history of that Division. For a good summary of the Royal Engineers during the First World War, see The Royal Engineers on The Long, Long Trail website. Medal Rolls. Major Headquarters. Once you find the Division in the tables below, click on “Order of Battle of Divisions” in the Links area to find the full structure and history of that Division. Souvenirs and ephemera. 38th (Welsh) Division . Description Framed bronze tablet with Royal Engineers badge at top centre. - 1919 Sept. Held by: Moved in December 1915 to Egypt, and there attached as Army Troops. Had a short period 18-28 April 1915 under 48th (South Midland) Division before returning to 55th Division when it was reformed on 28 February 1916. 7 ⦠This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 7-14 Jun 1917. Raised in Doncaster, 39th Division from November 1915. Add to Basket. A Short Record of the Service of the 65th Field Company Royal Engineers. Gaskell, R R. Memorial: East Riding Field Companies Royal Engineers WW1 (WMR 35661), Kingston Upon Hull, Humberside. Sapper Tom McSloy, who came from Cowpen near Blyth in Northumberland, is back row, left. VJ Day. GOOD WITH DOGS He is buried at Hastings Cemetery.The inscription on his grave marker reads âHe left the world without a fear, save for his wife and children dearâ. 57th (2nd West Lancashire) Division then January 1916 to 55th (West Lancashire) Division. Left UK for Gallipoli. 121 st Field Company Royal Engineers. Those known to have served with . Major Headquarters. Battle Honours of the Royal Engineers. 203rd Field Company (Cambs) Royal Engineers 1915-1919, by W C Gibbs, Heffer & Son, Cambridge, 1920. Attached as IX Corps Troops Oct 15 – Dec 15 then 53rd Division, 53rd Division Sep14 – Apr 18 then 74th Division, 63rd Division Jan 15 – Sep 15 then 15th (Indian) Division, Formed in Sep 14, then attached to 62nd Division until June 15 when moved to 49th Division, where it stayed to, Formed in Sep 14, then attached to 62nd Division until Oct 15 when moved to 6th Division, where it stayed to. Messines. 2. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 1st (Edinburgh). 36th Division. They operated the railways and inland waterways, maintained wireless, telephones and other signalling equipment, making sure communications existed. Images - Left - by HQ SOinC(A) - HQ SOinC(A), CC0, Wiki Commons: Right by United Kingdom Government - Royal Engineers Cap Badge.jpg, Public Domain, Wiki Commons Including Royal Corps of Signals. Arrangements were made for eight Territorial Field Companies to fill these places in the first eight Divisions. Each infantry division contained three field companies, with each company often working closely with one of the three infantry brigades in a division. Date. WW1, Royal Engineer tunnelling companies, nicknamed "the Moles", were specialist units of the Corps of Royal Engineers within the British Army, formed to dig attacking tunnels under enemy lines ⦠121 st Field Company Royal Engineers. Add to Basket. Review of “Thousands of heroes have arisen”, Evacuation of casualties from the Somme 1916, 4th Division Aug 14 – Apr 15 then 48th Division to Jun 15 then 50th Division, 2nd Division Aug 14 – Dec 15 then 33rd Division, 5th Division Aug 14 – Mar 15 then 28th Division from Jun 15. Births Dec 1877 Various Cambridgeshire newspapers. 2/5th London Field Ambulance R.A.M.C, (T) 1914/1918 incorporating the 1/5th L.F.A. Copyright 2021 | Chris Baker | Leamington Spa UK. Sapper T Batty No 2719 Royal Engineers 2nd & 1st Field Co (458th Company) West Riding Division No 4 Section I estimate he enlisted in 1915, trained at Redmires, Sheffield, shipped for France in October 1915, and died 01/07/1916. Corps of Royal Engineers - WW1 Including Royal Engineers Signal Services, (formed in 1908) - The forerunner of the Royal Corps of Signals. As thet arrived in England, these units were formed into new regular Divisions: In September 1914 an urgent recommendation was received from GHQ in France that the needs of war required a third Field Company per Division. I have a photograph of the 473 (N.M.) Reserve field Company taken in April 1917. The Corps can claim direct descent from the military engineers brought to England by William the Conqueror and an unbroken record of service to the Crown since then. The Royal Engineers Journal, Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham, Kent, 1925-1932. Royal Engineers. 85th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Husband of Mina C. Deane Oliver. Killed in action 13th April 1918 in France & Flanders. In one sector alone four Tunnel Companies of 500 men each worked around the clock in 18-hour shifts for two months. O.C.A. Age 28. You can also use the date fields to narrow your search. ... Sappers of 211 Field Park Company Royal Engineers attached to 44th Infantry Division make 'Molotov Cocktails' from beer bottles at Woodlands Doncaster England as part of British preparations to repel the threatened German invasion of 1940. As Iâm off to the Somme to make a documentary with Dan Snow this week, it will be a Somme-themed week on Great War Photos.. In May 1916 joined a Composite Brigade at Mudros. FREE BMD: Using the Additional Search Criteria screen you can use the place/title/notes field to enter a keyword such as 'Ypres', 'North Maroc', 'Loos' or 'Frechencout' etc to find the War Diary you are looking for. Becourt Military Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt. Dunkirk. Photos, obituaries and short service records all available to view and download. 25895 joined on 15th January 1914. Military Records. The RE's were responsible for developing responses to chemical and underground warfare. Inscription IN HONOURED MEMORY OF THE/ OFFICERS NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS/ AND MEN OF THE EAST RIDING FIELD/ COMPANIES ROYAL ENGINEERS WHO/ FELL IN THE GREAT WAR 1914 - 1919/ (NAMES) Corps of Royal Engineers. Holder's details: Sapper Frederick Feldman, Royal Engineers, service numbers 205080, WR/553101. A field company was a unit of the Royal Engineers which was usually found serving as part of an infantry division during the Second World War. 16-18 Aug ... Battle Honours of the Royal Engineers. The cathedral hosts services on the annual Corps Memorial Weekend and is supported by the Corps on Remembrance Sunday. Name: Harry Punter Somme, France. The daily operational record of the Field Company is its war diary. Originally No 2 Company, RND, 63rd (Royal Naval) Division from March 1915. The following tables lists the allocation to Divisions of the remaining First-Line TF Companies and the Second- and sometimes Third-line units that were created from them. Date: 1918 Mar. To join the project use the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. The Royal Engineers Journal. Royal Engineer tunnelling companies, nicknamed "the Moles", were specialist units of the Corps of Royal Engineers within the British Army, formed to dig attacking tunnels under enemy lines during the First World War. Add to Basket. Briefly attached 48th Division in April 1915. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Field Companies. A Brief History of the Royal Engineers The story of the Corps of Royal Engineers covers over nine hundred crowded years and cannot be rivalled by any other Arm or Service. WW2 Records. A group of men of 527 (2nd Durham) Field Company, a Territorial unit that served under command of 5th Division. 42nd (East Lancashire) Division from July 1916. Please link profiles of those who served in the Corps of Royal Engineers and the Royal Corps of Signals to this project regardless of rank or nationality. WW2 Royal Engineers Corps (George VI) STERLING Silver Sweetheart Brooch £14.99. The Wartime Memories Project is the original WW1 and WW2 commemoration website. Gerard Howard. This had been recommended in 1912 but not implemented. Awarded the Military Cross (M.C.). Those I looked at do not have any articles attached, but in the main RE page link above is a list of those known to have served in WW1 - there are links to many individual pages where more information as been added. The daily operational record of the Field Company is its war diary. Birth Date: abt 1877 1-13 Jul 1916. royal engineers WW1 gallipoli uniform - Google Search. 13-06-1918. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 2. Apr 4, 2017 - Q 9275. I am interested in finding where they were 1915-1917. ROYAL ENGINEERS. The field companies of the Royal Engineers which served as part of the British Expeditionary Force are listed below, along with the division in which they served and a link to their war diary. They are held at the National Archives but many are now digitised and available online. British mining began on a localised level only, with shafts being sunk from front line trenches by RE Field Companies and skilled infantry. Galpin, G W A. W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd., 1920. They designed and built the frontline fortifications, creating cover for the infantry and positions for the artillery. Memorial: East Riding Field Companies Royal Engineers WW1 (WMR 35661), Kingston Upon Hull, Humberside. 151st FIELD COMPANY. All diaries are searchable by place and date. 22616 joined on 2nd March 1912. Uniform and equipment of a Sapper, 5th Field Company Royal Engineers, 2nd Division, on their entry into Bickerath, Germany on the 11th of December 1918. This image shows a group of men from a Divisional Signal Company of the Royal Engineers.There was no Royal Signals in WW1 and signalling work was done at battalion level by ⦠Location. 67th Division to Oct 17 then 71st Division to Feb 18, then to North Russia. There are 2 records for George E Hayles The 13 Field Companies then at home on a peacetime establishment were reorganised to create twelve Field Companies, two for each of the six Divisions of the BEF. Men required to bring these Companies up to war establishment units came from the RE Training Depot at Aldershot (mounted men) and the RE Reserve Battalion and Depot Companies at Chatham (dismounted men): Orders were soon given to recall regular units that were on garrison duty overseas (often once they had been replaced by an outgoing Territorial unit). Gender: Male ⦠The Cap Badge The cap badge was first used as a hat badge on the khaki helmets issued to troops during the South African War of 1899-1902. At the beginning of WW1 the 13 Field Companies at home on a peacetime establishment were reorganised to create twelve Field Companies, two for each of the six Divisions of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has 21,716 recorded WW1 deaths for the Royal Engineers. Details of WO 95/1331/1; Reference: WO 95/1331/1 Description: 11 Field Company Royal Engineers. PART 1 - Fatal casualties in alphabetical order. Field Companies . Royal Engineers Corps Shoulder Title PAIR £11.99. There is a vast network of caverns called the boves beneath Arras, consisting of underground quarries and sewage tunnels. OPERATIONS OF THE 38th (Welsh) DIVISION - SOMME 1916. But sent independently to France and joined 56th ( London ) Division then January 1916 to (! 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