Required fields are marked * Comment. He is not a qualified man. A Village Doctor A person who treats the poor villagers is a village doctor. A village doctor is a man of great importance in society. He is a prominent man in the village. A village doctor is a person who gives medicine and treatment to the village people. A village doctor is a familiar figure to the village. What type of things are found in his dispensary? He works with a qualified doctor for a few years and receives training under him. So, a village doctor is the only support for them. His dispensary offers a poor show two benches. Medical treatment to the villagers is his noble mission in life. He is not a qualified man. Then here you get short paragraph and easy paragraph for class 6 to 10. A village doctor is highly regarded and respected by the rural people. A village doctor is a familiar figure in village area. village Write A Paragraph: A Village Doctor » Leave a Reply Cancel reply. after this … He Has also great love and feeling for his patients. He came in leisurely and took his seat on a cot near me. The village people consult with him for their disease-related causes. A village doctor is a well-known person who renders medical service to the villagers. How is his treatment? A village doctor serves all day long even he passes sleepless nights for the patients of the village. A village doctor lives in the village and he is a very familiar figure to the villagers. Then he takes his meal and enjoys rest for the benefit of his health. He Receives some training By working under a Qualified doctor for some years. He is competent to deal with the common diseases of the villagers. A village doctor is highly regarded and respected by the rural people. He is neither a well-qualified doctor nor is he capable of giving treatment to serious patients. What is his qualification? He is A Village Doctor (Paragraph Writing) A Village doctor is a familiar figure in the village. A village doctor is a familiar figure in the village. His work is very important. He gathers experience by working under a qualified doctor or in a medicine shop. He has a chamber in his house. Read Also: A village doctor paragraph . Feb 5, 2019 - A Village Doctor Paragraph: A village doctor is known to all in his village. Imagine you have seen a village doctor. Shah Jamal, Asst. Sometimes he has to work under the qualified doctor for a few years. Reply. The man who gives medical treatment to the village people is known as a village doctor. A village doctor is familiar in the village. A village doctor is a person who gives medical treatment to the village people. Usually, villagers appeal to him to take care of the critical patients but he is unable to do anything for them. Because, the village people, being illiterate and ignorant,-cannot maintain good health and become victims of various diseases. He is not well qualified. However he is kind and sympathetic by nature. He is a familiar figure in the villages. He is not a qualified man. His qualification: A village doctor is either S.S.C or H.S.C. Comment. He works… Though he is not much qualified, he is of great help to the villagers. Village doctor - Paragraph. He goes out to attend the patients who are unable to go to his dispensary. His dispensary is not so good. His dispensary offers a poor representation with one or two worn out almirah, an old wood chair, a cracked table, and one or two seats. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. Activities 4.Conclusion]. Victory day. He is generally a quack. It is very old, silent and peaceful village. He is generally a quack. What are his social functions? He is a quack. His knowledge of medicine is very little. A Village Doctor paragraph : A village doctor is he who offers/gives medical treatment to the village people. What is his qualification? Long and Short Essay on Doctor in English. Though he is quack, he is very important in the village. Write a paragraph about a village doctor by answering the following questions. He receives some training by working under a qualified doctor for some years. He gets up early in the morning. A village doctor is a very familiar and popular figure in rural areas. Every now and then he has to struggle with the rude behavior of the villagers. The villagers call him a doctor and it makes him proud. A village doctor lives in the village and he is a very familiar figure to the villagers. He is not a qualified doctor. A village doctor is called a quack. © 2021 | All Rights Reserved, A Village Doctor Paragraph- suitable for all class students, Dialogue between you and doctor describing your physical problem/fever, Top 10 Colleges in Bangladesh- Ten Best College, Class 7 (Seven) English Sample Question Paper: 1st & 2nd Paper, Co-curricular Activities Paragraph- for all class students, Application to arrange safe drinking water for the students, Class 9 Assignment English- Class nine 4th 5th Week Answer/ Solution, Letter to the Manager of a firm ordering some sports goods, Dignity of Labour Essay and Composition for all class students, Top 10 Colleges in Jessore Board: Ten Best College of Jashore, How to Share/ Get Messenger Group Chat Link- Guide for 2021, Justify the title of the poem “Holding Hands”. with his little knowledge. He plays an important role in village life. A Village Doctor Is A Familiar Figure In The Villages. A village doctor is a man of great importance in society. He serves the primary health care and in the case of dying patients, he refers them to the hospital. He has not a large stock of medicines. after this he completes LAMAFP or other medical training. A village doctor has not a large stock of medicines. Then he sets up a dispensary in his own village. He stands by the villagers in times of danger. A Village Doctor paragraph: A village doctor is he who offers/gives medical treatment to the village people. Description: The village doctor is not qualified. A village doctor gives treatment to the village patients He has a great demand in the village. A village life can not be thought of without the noble service of a village doctor. The village doctor is a very painstaking fellow. He renders great service to the villagers when they fall ill. A village doctor is a person who is at beck and call of the village people in time of medical treatment on urgent basis. Can u provide a paragraph on A village doctor? He is not a well-educated person. A village doctor is a physician who lives in the village and gives medical treatment to the rural people when they become ill. You will also come to know about the struggles of becoming a doctor and … He does not have a good schooling. A village doctor is a familiar figure in the village. He attends his visiting patients. This meas that they had not raised any differentiating wall between their way of living and the way Nature influences their lives. A village doctor is a person who gives medical treatment to the village people. He is a familiar figure. He is kind and sympathetic to his patients. A Village Doctor Paragraph: A village doctor is known to all in his village. He is well known to the villagers. How is his dispensary? A Village Doctor. He is a great friend of the villagers. As a village doctor is not a well-trained doctor, people usually call him a quack. Everybody respects him for his noble deed. His humanitarian work helps us to do better for society. Who Is A Private Practitioner? He goes out on a visit on private calls. He is a man of great importance in rural society. Feb 5, 2019 - A Village Doctor Paragraph: A village doctor is known to all in his village. He gets up early in the morning. Almost all the people of the village know him. He is very popular and familiar figure to the villagers. He is Then he set up a dispensary offers a poor show. Paragraph - if you are looking for English paragraph on the topic of A Village Doctor. A Village Doctor Paragraph Smallest,shortest,multi classes,easyest,free learning,simple languagable paragraph Tamim Ahmed. (Write at least five sentences), Your First Day at School Paragraph: Assignment for class 7, This person is unavailable on Messenger (How To Fix), The Story Of Lipi: Completing Story: Assignment for class 9, Grocery shopping paragraph: assignment for class 6. He is a familiar and prominent figure in the village. Don't subscribeAllReplies to my comments Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. My Village Essay [Introduction, Location, Population, Occupation, Communication, Description, Climate, Conclusion ] Children are playing in my village. He gets up early in the morning. Almost all the people of the village know him. He Then attends his patients. A village doctor is very important in society. He is a prominent man in the village. And they face lots of fatal diseases. A village doctor is a simple physician who serves people, especially in the rural areas. He does not have a good schooling. These Doctor Essays will let you know about the profession and responsibilities of a doctor. He has little education in medical science. He does not know much about medicine. September 04, 2019 0 A Village Doctor Who is a village doctor? He has some influence over the villagers. Generally He May Not Be A Registered Doctor. He is well known to the villagers. How is his treatment? So, a village doctor is the only support for them. A Village Doctor A person who treats the poor villagers is a village doctor. He is very popular and familiar figure to the villagers. He renders great service to the villagers when they fall ill. Though he is a quack, he is very important in the village. He knows only little about medicine and disease. He used to visit his patients on foot or a bicycle. As a village doctor is not skilled enough in this sector, sometimes he gives the wrong treatment to the patients. A village life can not be thought of without the noble service of a village doctor. Here are Long and Short Essay on Doctor in English, of varying lengths to help you with the topic whenever it is required by you. A Paragraph about A Village Doctor. He has a dispensary in his house. In his dispensary, he gives advice, prescribes medicines to the patients. June 26, 2019 June 26, 2019 by About education in bd A Village Fair. Then he starts his independent practice. He Then attends his patients. He gets up early in the morning. He is a private Practitioner. Then he charges a higher fee. He is a very familiar figure to the villagers and a part and parcel of social life and culture of the village. He is not well-qualified. He gives medicine for the villagers of their common diseases. The village doctor is a man of great importance in society. Md. I will be grateful if you write this for me dada. Description 3. The 16 th December is a red-letter day in the history of Bangladesh because it is the day of victory over barbarous Pak Army. He is generally a quack. He has only cheap and common medicines in his dispensary. This paragraph opens the third chapter of Maxine Hong Kingston's "The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts," a lyrical account of a Chinese-American girl growing up in California. What is his qualification? Generally, a village doctor possesses a small dispensary with lower-priced medicine. He does not neglect any call. In those times people lived in villages: in the proximity of Nature. A village doctor […] So he possesses a high position in society. He renders great service to the villagers when they fall ill. On the basis of … He is well known to the villagers. A village doctor is a very useful and important person in a village. I will try to make a small hospital there. There is a chair, an old table, two or three almirahs made of wood and one or two benches at one side of his chamber. Generally he may not be a registered doctor. A village doctor is very well known person in the village. He has to respond to the calls of the patients. He performs excellent service to the villagers when they fall ill. He is very important person because he gives health care to the village people. The importance of a village doctor in our country is simply great. So a village doctor is a useful person to the village people. The man who gives medical treatment to the villagers is known as a village doctor. He gathers experience by working with a qualified doctor or by obtaining an LMAF certificate from a Paramedical Institute. A village doctor is either S.S.C or H.S.C. He consoles them and hears the words of hope. In his dispensary, he gives advice and prescribes medicine for the patients. After finishing his duty in his dispensary, he goes out to see patients in the village with a medicine bag. A village doctor is a person who gives treatment to the village people at a cheap cost. The villagers call him a doctor and it makes him proud. A Village Doctor. A Village Doctor Paragraph: A village doctor is known to all in his village. Notify me of new posts by email. He renders great service to the villagers when they fall ill. He treats them with love and affection and takes great care of them. Generally he may not be a registered doctor. The man who gives medical treatment to the village people is known as a village doctor. Feb 2, 2019 - A Village Doctor Paragraph for Different Class Students: A village doctor is a person who gives medicine and treatment with his little knowledge to the village people. He is not well- qualified. A village doctor is a familiar and popular figure in our rural life. Who is a village doctor? Search. Here are Long and Short Essay on Doctor in English, of varying lengths to help you with the topic whenever it is required by you. A village doctor is the man of significant influence in society. So he is called a quack. Generally he is not a registered doctor. Short Essay on Village Life – Essay 1 (200 words) People living in the villages mostly indulge in agricultural activities and stay away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic city life. When does he c... A Village Doctor. They were simply the children of Nature. A village doctor is a man of great importance in the rural area. A village doctor is familiar in the village. He has a dispensary in his house. A village doctor is a familiar and popular figure in our rural life. He has a poor wooden chair to sit on and a burst table of poor quality. Sometimes, a village doctor has to go to a patient's house to treat him in his serious condition. Though he is a quack, he is very important in the village. A village doctor is a well-known person who renders medical service to the villagers. On the 16 th December 1971 Bangladesh came out as an independent nation. Because he render a great service … It creates the chance of the … Generally, a village doctor is not well qualified. The village doctor is a man of great importance in society. He is a very popular and familiar figure to the villagers. Almirahs in which he preserves his medicines the primary health care to the village doctor is a very figure... Serves people, especially in the village doctor is known as a village doctor is a familiar! “ Firstaid ” box that does not refuse to visit his patients early and prepares for the when... 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