Spray-on cleaner won't remove as much wax as hose washing, and you don't want a wax buildup. When all of the bodywork is done, I apply three coats polyester primer. This is a single-stage on an SUV and have acquired paint runs from the 2nd coat up to the 3rd coat. The basecoat goes on next and then clear. Any flaws in the bodywork (waviness, contamination, or imperfect filler) will show like a zit on a beauty queen's nose. One of the special things that we do for all of our cars is make our own blocks for block-sanding. Another trick I use that is especially helpful with black cars is to use wax and grease remover after I'm done buffing to get all of the polish and compound off. Modern paints are two-stage, meaning they use a base color coat which is then topped with a clear coat to provide gloss and protection. The final choice you will likely need to make is whether to choose a single stage or dual stage paint. Single stage urethane is a one-step painting process for automobiles that avoids the necessity of a clear-coat finish. Prep and color-sanding is what really makes a black car. Acrylic Urethane Automotive Paint Kits – Starfire. Repairing and Restoring Classics Since 1986. Single stage paint works just fine for solid colors like a … With a 3:1 mix ratio (3 parts paint to 1 part activator), these paints are easy to mix and easy to apply. I always gap a car as if it will be painted white and do the bodywork as if it will be black. These create a lot of swirl marks. It restores a clarity to the surface and can make a huge impact on the paint condition and the life of your wax as well. A lot of body guys will shy away from painting big vehicles black because it is so hard to get huge panels perfect. Not only do we have the best single stage paint kit, but we also have the most economical prices. The first question to ask is what paints are allowed for use in the state that you live in. I tell customers, "Congratulations!" Instead, I only use foam pads for working the polishes. Single-stage paints are usually some type of lacquer or enamel paint. 01] Henry Ford famously said, "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black. It has pores. A single stage paint job is applied in one stage with all of the necessary chemicals in the paint. On single stage red there certainly will be something to gain from using a pure polish, but this is also a truck that get used heavily and in some nasty weather, so that alone might be reason to skip the pure polish for now. It is a quick drying paint which helps paint shops get the job done quicker. When we do a car, 60 percent of the labor is the shape and prep work before primer. Multiple layers of clear coat can be applied depending on the level of shine you are after. It has always been very popular amongst the hot rod crowd, but this paint has some serious disadvantages. 1.5mm, 1.6mm – Versatile tip for base coats and single-stage paints. Prep work is really the same for us, regardless of what color the car will be painted, but you'll see it with black if it's not done right. First, if you use a car cover, you need to make sure it's clean. I use a feather duster to dust the car. With a white car, you really notice the gaps. You just see the gaps more. 03] Nick Capinski of Eastwood noted that the correct term to measure the "blackness" of a vehicle is "jet," as in, "I want the painter to use the jettest black paint he can get on my Chevy.". because I love black cars. It also needs to expand and contract with temperature changes. Still, there are few colors that draw as much respect and praise as black when applied over a properly prepped body. Many classic cars have this type of paint and are often repainted in this manner to achieve the correct look. Especially larger cars because black scales the car down. Devilbiss Finishline. AU is a High-Performance Professional Easy-To-Use Single-Stage High Gloss Paint Coating System that is Designed for Overall Automotive Refinishing but is also used as a Fleet and Industrial Equipment Coating. Other than regular washing, waxing, polishing and shade there really aren’t too many other tactics that you can take to do to make your paint last. Come to think of it, maybe the Delorean Motor Company was onto something by finishing its car with only brushed stainless steel. For the final coat of primer, we cut it open with 180 or 220 and then finish it with 500 or 600. A little color in it gives it a totally different look. Ultimate Compound is perfectly fine to use on this paint and should easily remove the defects you've described. | Free shipping on many items! Mix 4:1 and spray away- No reducer needed. That's as black as it gets. Always use a clean towel and chamois when hand washing your car. From '67'73, only around 1.5 percent of Mustangs were sold in black. I have just 1 qt. Most people don't think about this, but the body filler creates heat as it cures, which draws in moisture from the air. For the customer, the most important thing is that they put a lot of wax on it. It is certainly not recommended for the first time painter. It is easy… Black cars really aren't more work for us, because every car we build is prepped as if it will be painted black. It is considered superior by technicians. Typically, I block-sand a car twice with 320400-grit paper. Some car owners do apply a protective film to their vehicles to help prevent against rock chips and other paint dangers out on the road. And don't wipe the car in round circles. Shop with The Coating Store for the best of the best in single stage paint. If it's not, you'll see it. Advice to Customers Each has its benefits and drawbacks depending on the application and final outcome that is desired. Reply 5 Quarts of product for about the cost of a quart kit of the name brands. doing my first ever paint job on my sweetheart black Z-71. There isn’t one right answer. The only way to avoid UV damage is to avoid the sun. Constructed from stainless steel, the Devilbiss Finishline (about $218) includes … AU is an easy to spray fast-drying topcoat system that provides a long-lasting and very high gloss finish result. That's why when various samples of 'black' paint are arranged side by side, some will appear as grayish, brownish, or even on the bluish side. One of our challenges of custom-car painting is that we're forced to use products that are engineered for the collision industry. Straightness starts at the earliest stages of bodywork. Gear up for the best deals on Single-Stage Automotive Paint Kit from great brands like Restoration Shop, Autobahn, Plasti Dip International & more. When washing your car you can often simply use just warm water to remove the grease and grime. I prefer the multistep polishes and finish products, and I actually have my own system using some older products in between the steps of the current 3M product line. These were used exclusively in the automotive industry until about 1985, when most U.S. manufacturers switched to … Each car we build essentially gets its own set of sanding blocks custom made for its specific body panels. Wax is the best protection you can provide against dirt and other elements. 09] Joe Richardson with Eastwood, elaborated, "When you consider that the black pigment in paint absorbs all colors of the light spectrum (which is why the paint appears black), invariably not all wavelengths of light will be reflected the same. Lacquer paint is very soft and is prone to chipping. PaintForCars Starfire High Solids Acrylic Enamel, is a single-stage, fast drying, easy to spray durable finishing system specifically developed for the automotive market, offering OEM durability and gloss in a single stage … Black is black. 2) How do they prep a car for black paint? 06] Jay from City Paints reminded us that the first Fords were not sprayed black—but brushed. The liquid then evaporates and the paint pigment is left behind to bond with the vehicle. When it comes to the paint, there are lots of shades of black, but we only use one: PPG DCC 9300 if it's single stage or DBU 9700 for basecoat/clearcoat jobs. There are endless arguments online about which is better, but in the end they can both produce fantastic results. Eastwood’s Single-Stage Urethanes offer a 3:1 mix ratio (thoroughly mix three parts single-stage urethane paint with one part 21856ZP Activator). Cleanliness is ultra important when washing by hand as well. ", 08] Coolest black-paint color name: Dead Rat Flat Black, available through Eastwood. Otherwise, the dust is caught between the paint and cover and it will scratch the paint. If they have taken good care of the paint, we mask off critical parts of car, buff, and refinish the top levels with 3M swirl remover and Ultrafina. *they were out of the low end so they gave me the high dollar paint. 07] For the '13 model year, GM says black was its second most popular color of Corvette. Item Description. Shop from the world’s largest selection and best deals for Single-Stage Auto Paint. We work body filler with 40-, 80-, and 120-grit. Instead, wipe straight, going with the car's lines. PaintForCars Starfire High Solids Acrylic Enamel Automotive Kits, are a single-stage, fast drying, easy to spray durable finishing system specifically developed for the automotive market, with OEM durability and gloss in a single stage finish. First, black isn't truly black. Doing it too much makes the final paint job prone to streaking or other issues. The issue with black is that when you look into it, you see all of the bodywork. 10 Things You Don't Know About Black Paint. Then we move into the polishing stages. Make sure the car cover is clean and the car is wiped down every time you use the car cover. Lacquer paint was really popular from the early 1920 thru the 1960s. Thinner paints run the risk of orange peel, though, because they will not atomize correctly. After the 80-grit, we acetone the entire body and apply two coats of epoxy sealer. AG900 Series Single Stage … 1.7mm, 1.8mm – 1.7mm is the smallest size you should use for most types of primer. Then we're ready to do any bodywork that's needed on top of this. Then I wet-sand the primer before paint. There are three main type of solvent based paints: lacquer, enamel and urethane. You can see more in black, and that affects how you color-sand it. The take-rate on '13 Mustangs in black was 28 percent. Too much wax fills the pores and then the paint can't breathe. I've used … It may seem overwhelming to try and understand all of the paint options available when trying to select the best pain options for your classic car or truck. This will really help to extend the life of your paint. To me, the concept of prepping for a black car is old school: the car is straight and blocked correctly, or it's not. Of the 13,446 built, 2,878 were black. There are basically two kinds of paint: water-based and solvent-based.