* Im thinking that it is, but im basically wondering which is a better buy and if i can kill a coyote with a headshot I also suggest that you read everything you can on the .223 Rem on the web and a good reloading manual. The .22 Magnum still had more smack than those original .17 HMR cartridges did. It has almost no recoil, yet can put down even larger coyotes out to 100 yards, or so, with good placement. I view killing coyotes as a public service, but even they deserve a humane kill. If you doubt its killing power watch the swamp men kill 700lb gators with them with a single shot behind the eyes. A cast iron frying pan up side the head will probably kill it but that would not be my weapon of choice and neither would a .22. This allows hunters to perfectly match their ammunition to the game being hunted. But, in your situation, being close to a residential area and all, I personally would probably opt for a .22 magnum. Reactions: 300whisper. Hey yall, I am looking at buying a Henry lever action .22 magnum in the near future. Good point Labrador. They eat too many deer and small game to have my sympathy. Rifle cleaning kit for primitive wilderness living, If this is your first visit, be sure to
I knew an old guy that used to eat deer year round. check out the. A 22 mag will kill a coyote under certain circumstances,but not the best choice.Go with a centerfire. The new little bullet became an instant hit because it was a quiet rimfire round that could kill foxes and coyotes out past 100 yards. I picked up mine for around $185, on sale. I want to get a dedicated coyote gun, instead of using my shotgun. "We're not in rimfire country anymore, Toto. It can kill a coyote at 100 yards with a solid hit. Her husband shoots them with a 308 while his dad shoots them with 22 rifles. What Animals Can You Hunt With A .22 Caliber Rifle. Due to the fact they were there and that was all I had in the truck at the time. One of my daughters (a rural Ga resident) has lost two pets to the coyotes and their local game warden says to kill all they can and he will look the other way while cheering for them. I have killed several coyotes with the .22 Mag and CCI Maxi-Mag +V Hollow Pointt. * The Minimum caliber to use on Coyote's is a 22 Magnum. It has almost no recoil, yet can put down even larger coyotes out to 100 yards, or so, with good placement. Joined Apr 6, 2012 Messages 24 Location Pennsylvania. I have the Remington 700 5R .308 bolt action and Ruger 10/22 Takedown rifles. Even on our big northern foxes you need a well placed shot or you will lose some. I also have killed Coyotes with many types of rimfire rounds including 22 Special, 22 Magnum, 22 Long Rifle and the 17 HMR! I end up blood trailing the coyotes. .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire. The .22 WMR is a real wonder. Yes, if you could throw your rifle at 750 feet per second, and it hit the coyote, it would probably kill it. I have an NEF shotgun but I didn't know they made rifles. Truck loads of big deer were taken by local poachers, but now they have no trucks and no licenses, head shots and vital shots equate to dead. Game you can take with .22 Magnum includes anything you can take with the .22 LR, although at longer range. All were chest shots. I love the 22 Mag, but not on coyotes. You might favor just a couple, but coyotes don’t like any of them. And I was wondering what you think about the gun. Neither of those is ideal for coyote, especially at 75 yards, but .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (.22 WMR, .22 Mag) is a better choice by a small margin. lol silver...thanks … He brained them. However, shooting a large animal at such a great distance may not be effective enough to get you the kill, but it will surely injure the animal bad enough to slow It down. 3. The coyote was head-shot at roughly 75 yards, dropped like a ton of bricks. There are over a dozen different.22 Magnum loads offering a wide range of terminal performance. SMACK!!!! A .22 LR by comparison shoots a 36 grain round at around 1,400 fps generating about 120 ft lbs of force. Apr 8, 2012 #4 S. silvertip-co Well-Known Member. a great deal. It'll kill them, but it won't necessarily drop them on the spot. One brick of 22lrs for 15 bucks goes a LONG way. I wouldn't care if it did go off and die somewhere else. Would the .22 mag kill with a … Depending on where you live, you can usually find somebody close by that is more than willing to help you out if you need some assistance getting rid of the coyotes… I'm talking about the air rifle itself, not the pellet. Speaking of killing coyotes, for many years I have heard some bad advice given out about a round that can supposedly take them down and that is the.22 Magnum. Would the .22 mag kill with a lung or heart shot? I agree, it would be very inhumane with a pellet gun. A Winchester Model 61M with a red dot sight and a Remington 597 with a straight 4x scope. Markd51 Member. .22 Mag for Coyotes? The Coyote may run after the first hit so He will be a moving target. With a .22 WMR case necked down to a miniature .17-caliber bullet, the velocities sizzled and small targets like prairie dogs were in trouble. I've got two of them that I really like, especially the Ruger 10/22 Magnum. (no guns)? Thanks for the replys. Found a Tasco World Class 3x9x55 on sale for about 60 bones. Oct 9, 2011 #9 . If you think you can hit a 2″ target at 100 yards with an air rifle consistently. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ for information on posting and navigating the forums. Welcome to Field and Streams's Answers section. The 22lr is deadly, I like the 22 magnum more than newer more expensive varmint ammo. I think that nef in 223 at walmart is around $218 or so and you'd be a lot happier I think with that than the 22mag,not that the 22mag wont kill a coyote but there'll be a lot cleaner kills with the 223.just pick up a scope in your price range for right now then when you can afford a better one,get it.best of luck,daveyboy In Ontario you must be 15) and my dad said he doesn't want anything to do with trapping and that he only hunts. I have shoot coyote and deer with both rifles and the same ammo, Winchester 40gr. The .22 Magnum may be the sweet optimum shooting little caliber for this purpose. Also, there is power in numbers, more than 1 coyote can be fatal because like most canines, coyotes work as a team to take down prey. The chart below does not give distances, but it does provide target sizes. It makes an adequate crow rifle at longer range and will drop a coyote on the farm with proper shot placement. I have killed them at 40 yards with my 22 mag. Each Coyote was killed with one shot apiece. Don't be too proud to work your way up to a high dollar gun, son. I would opt for the .22 magnum. Shoot me an e-mail at. - posted in Coyote Hunting: How effective is the .22 Mag on a Coyotes? I use the 22 Mag. Yes, it’s possible. I personally have killed 3 Coyotes with my 17 HMR Rifle. I stick to head shots under 50 yards for 22LR, under 100 yards for 22 mag and 17HMR. Magnum? Generally, the .22 Magnum Rim Fire has shed bullet velocity to the extent that hitting a small game kill zone at distances beyond 125 yards becomes unreliable. you may need multiple rounds. it will but a higher caliber would be wayy better.I do not recommend hunting coyotes with a .22 I would recommend a .223 or .243. If you want to use an air rifle for coyotes or … If you can propel an air rifle that shoots .25 caliber pellets up to 750 feet per second, it would easily kill a coyote. Darrel. * The Minimum caliber to use on Coyote's is a 22 Magnum. I believe one with a scope was $250 or so. Even with solids, it may prove a bit much on squirrels, upland birds, or rabbit inside 50 yards. The .22 Magnum increases the range from 30 to 100 yards. I do not think it is fair to the animal by using a 22. You can easily take down winged game animals such as small birds like quails, larger birds including pheasant, partridge, grouse, woodcock, duck, and goose. As a result, I don't hunt with anyone using one for coyotes. The reason I say this is because it is true that a 223 can kill a coyote out to 300 yards well you will need to know the trajectory of the particular bullet at 100, 200 and 300 yards to be accurate. I always consider it to be a ".223 lite", I shoot Sierra 40 grain soft points on top of AA1680,and get a nominal velocity of around 2,800 fps..certainly enough to kill a called coyote,at called ranges, which is usually between 20-60 yards. I have seen them drop cows with them at the slaughter house-one shot lights out. Rimfire? Also I was wondering what would be the best choice of ammo for coyotes out to about 50-75 yards. The .22 Magnum increases the range from 30 to 100 yards. 0 0. judgebill. I shoot them with what I am carrying at the time. I live to the north of you and I used my 22 mag to kill 6 coyotes last year. so you could get a .223 for 187 a scope for 30 and a good box of ammo for $232+ tax. It will penetrate. The bobcat was angling toward me at about the same distance. .22 mags are not a good coyote caliber, especially for someone just starting out. A .22 mag will kill a coyote just fine at 50 yards. The 22 WMR can be used on coyotes. Developed by in 1959 by Winchester, for their Model 61 pump rifle, the.22 Winchester Magnum, also called.22 WMR or Winchester Magnum Rimfire was a … I had a coyote kill one of my cats and I was going to kill it but then realized I let the cat out so it was my fault. Where I hunt is usually creek bottoms and maybe some small feilds so shots won't be over 100 yds. I am starting up trapping, and I am 14 and not yet old enough to carry a firearm alone (even though I have my license. I usually use my shotgun when I am hunting in thick woods. I hunted with a Ruger all stainless Boat paddle 22 mag rifle most of the time with Walmart's finest camo duct tape on the barrel. .22 Magnum. 03-09-2009, 08:43 PM. Truck loads of big deer were taken by local poachers, but now they have no trucks and no licenses, head shots and vital shots equate to dead. The 17 HMR is indeed capable of and an able Coyote killer! I can't really afford a centerfire(I'm just 15) And I have seriously been looking at a 22 Magnum. Like I said I probabl won't be past 100 yds but if I do how far can I shoot with a .223 or .22 Hornet. The 22lr is deadly, I like the 22 magnum more than newer more expensive varmint ammo. Sourdough Dave took the words right out of my mouth. If you doubt its killing power watch the swamp men kill 700lb gators with them with a single shot behind the eyes. What Animals Can You Hunt With A .22 Caliber Rifle . Sine the .22 caliber rifle isn’t as powerful as larger hunting rifles, it can only be used for hunting game animals. It is also good for plinking and increasing freehand consistency. Introduced in 1959, the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (22 WMR) is the quintessential ranch rifle round. So he says I can't trap coyotes until I'm 15 bc I can't kill one, but I have a 22. Coyotes never saw the man, they just saw the horse as long as tack was not clanking or people were talking. It makes an adequate crow rifle at longer range and will drop a coyote on the farm with proper shot placement. Air rifle, especially a .22, only has a few foot pounds of force (that is the key for lethality). I notice the 180 degree different coverage on NPR, NYT, and twitter feeds of major journos. Your question was a great start to learning about what to use. They all dropped right where they stood. The 223 is good for yotes to about 300 yds. if you cant then will a .22 mag or a .17 HMR kill one. Look up the footpound charts for various game animals. Church Key, there's a lot of good info posted here, and the pards are absolutely right about being able to handle a coyote with anything from .22 LR to .44 mag. Coyote Alert! If you try it all you're going to do is educate it and possibly cripple it. I saw a couple of those rifles used at a gunshop in Altamont, Illinois a week or so ago. I would rather have the larger mass of a .22 mag. I support the decision to forego the 22 mag for the 223 but get a good idea of its capabilities. I picked up the shotgun for $85 so I know there high quality for the price. While there is little doubt that a .22 will kill a Coyote, I personally would use something heavier. If you can hit a small target consistently at long distances. Another Coyote with a 22 Mag CCI 30gr V-Max - posted in Predator Hunting and Calling: This is the second coyote shot with 22 mag CCI 30 gr V-max within the last two weeks.Again I was on my way to this private property to shoot my rifle, on the way to to the shooting sight, I see this Coyote standing side ways on a flat rock looking at me. I would suggest the multi-piece brass rods with a brush for each caliber... keep it simple. Absolutely, but only a head shot will result in a humane kill. stalkingbear, Oct 9, 2011. stalkingbear, Oct 9, 2011. The “.22 Mag,” as it’s less colloquially coined, delivers external and terminal ballistics sufficient to rid the pasture, woodlot and garden of marauding varmints, pests and predators out to 150 yards. Im assuming your talking about a 22lr, and yes it will at close range with a good shot but not recomended, almost any other gun would be a much better choice for coyotes, even they deserve a clean kill. Winchester’s Model 61, a pump-action rifle, came along in 1960 and became a great gun to have around for small game and vermin. If you try using your Gamo on coyotes or … I have a .22 mag and have never used it on coyote. Wyoming covered it well. The .22 WMR is a real wonder. Now if I could figure out how you're getting 50 gr. Then you may be able to kill a coyote with a precise headshot. Sure. This page was generated at 06:32 PM. !thats cheap...cant go wrong either they shoot awesome. oldandtreacherous May 3, 2017. I had read that the .22 mag will kill a Coyote. I know nothing about centerfire rifles and neither does any body I know. Most any cartridge can take down a coyote, but here are 10 prime coyote killer cartridges and the optimal load specs for each. Im thinking that it is, but im basically wondering which is a better buy and if i can kill a coyote with a headshot can you kill a coyote with a .22 LR? Speaking of killing coyotes, for many years I have heard some bad advice given out about a round that can supposedly take them down and that is the .22 Magnum. I was just going to use my 22 LR with high velocity bullets but after reading some posts on here I decided against it. I know someone who did it. Yes DJ Niner May 3, 2017. Would you recomend any guns for that price? A .22 mag will kill a coyote just fine at 50 yards. What I didn't like about them was the absence of sternum straps.... Answers.fieldandstream.com is part of the Field & Stream Network, a division of Bonnier Corporation. I've seen a coyote shot four times in the vital area of the chest and run over four miles, never to be found. I will look at an NEF in .223. And don't forget to check out the latest reviews on guns and outdoor gear on fieldandstream.com. If you can take the eye out of a fly at 50 yards with a .22 mag round but can’t hit the broad side of a barn with a .44 mag then pick the .22 mag because you are dead with the .44 mag. Good way to look at it. 300wm too small . I prefer my 264 Win Mag when I am actually hunting them. If you are very serious about the NEF single shot you might want to check out, The Official Predator Masters Search Engine, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nef-singleshot/. Use enough accuracy, it's never the gun's fault. Centerfire? It certainly isn't a "hot" 22 centerfire, but is very capable of killing coyotes out to the other side of 100 yards. If I'm squirrel hunting with my 10/22 and I see a coyote close enough, then hell yes I will shoot. My buddy shot one at around 75yds in the chest, course, we had to finish it … If you want the hides a bigger gun will increase your recovery rates. The SPS Varmint model in particular is offered in the .22-250 Remington, .223 Remington, and .308 Winchester calibers, each of which is more than suitable for taking out coyotes. Thats a good point about the ammo being as cheap as 22 mag. I had read that the .22 mag will kill a Coyote. I got a lot of use out of my old ALICEs -- I had the medium and the extra-large one. Mostly two different rifles get the bulk of the hunting. Based upon your need for a rimfire. The 22 magnum high velocity 40gr SP round fired from a Winchester 22 magnum rifle has an effective kill range of 120 -150 yards with a drop of 5-6 inches from point of aim. If you can propel an air rifle that shoots .25 caliber pellets up to 750 feet per second, it would easily kill a coyote. A friend of mine droped a dog at 115 yards with a .17 hmr once and I would think a .22 mag would do the same. NEF .223 seems like the best way to go right now. .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire. In your opinion is the 22 Magnum enough for coyotes? Lv 7. Sine the .22 caliber rifle isn’t as powerful as larger hunting rifles, it can only be used for hunting game animals. a 22 will kill a deer if you hit it properly. I am a Hunter and I like a clean kill and do not like to see an animal "suffer" by shooting it with a smaller bullet. You guys are too much sometimes. I recomend hollow points. Ask your question in a manner that does not make you look caliber challenged, and you might get an intelligent answer. There's not a lot of use for them around here. Apr 8, 2012 #5 J. jcooper1389 Member. Big eastern groundhogs and coyotes received shallow wounds by these fast opening lightweight pills. I have harvested quite a few fox in winter with the 22mag by squeeking them out but never took a shot over 50 yards. Your air rifle would struggle to take out a rabbit unless you had a headshot. Your air rifle would struggle to take out a rabbit unless you had a headshot. Air rifle, especially a .22, only has a few foot pounds of force (that is the key for lethality). Out west here a coyote is about worthless not matter the time of year and most of us shoot them on sight and leave them where they fall. Truck loads of big deer were taken by local poachers, but now they have no trucks and no licenses, head shots and vital shots equate to dead. The .22 Magnum is a significant extra in oomph and range, the .17 Magnum is better than the .22 Magnum under 75 yards, but the .22 Magnum comes back as the king between 75 and 100 yards. The .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire cartridge has a long history since its invention in 1959 by Winchester. If you doubt its killing power watch the swamp men kill 700lb gators with them with a single shot behind the eyes. Even with solids, it may prove a bit much on squirrels, upland birds, or rabbit inside 50 yards. The 223 is about 1000 fps faster with any given bullet weight, also you can buy 223's cheaper, I buy ultramax reman ammo from cabelas for about 76.00 per 300, these are soft point hunting loads. we shoot coyotes with any gun we have with us we hate em and we're overpopulated we shoot em with anything even pepper em with a shotgun if were turkey hunting and one walks out and a 22 will kill one, well I know this old timer that shot his first deer with 22 short.I think 22 will kill on but just go with a 223. Even on our big northern foxes you need a well placed shot or you will lose some. They live in every direction from my home. A friend of mine droped a dog at 115 yards with a .17 hmr once and I would think a .22 mag would do the same. Save your money and get them with a "real" firearm. The subject of .22 Magnum for defense often comes up. Probably cheaper!! Yes, if you could throw your rifle at 750 feet per second, and it hit the coyote, it would probably kill it. 31 0 6. See the head shot on a hog with a 22lr in the video below. DH34,Nasa gave you some good advice. Here i decided against it powerful as larger hunting rifles, it can a! Off and die somewhere else good point about the air rifle kill a coyote 100! Posts on here i decided against it t like any of them that i really,! A week or so, with good placement, being close to a residential and! Ca n't really afford a centerfire ( i 'm squirrel hunting with my 10/22 and i see are. May be the best choice of ammo for $ 250 you can take.22... Groups at 100 yards one for coyotes out to about 300 yds in the video.. Of major journos sight and a Remington 597 with a red dot sight a. 50 gr eastern groundhogs and coyotes received shallow wounds by these fast opening lightweight pills about the gun fault... Going to do is educate it and possibly cripple it think it is good! Gun to hunt Bigfoot Hollow Pointt, moderate cost 9, 2011 the one. 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