Shed Hunting | Shed Dog Training Tips It’s that time of year again when the snow is starting to melt (at least on warmer days) and the winter seems like it’s closing up shop soon. I have hunted duck for most of my bird hunting, my girlfriend's family hunts dove and pheasant. feel discouraged by popular bird hunting blogs that say training a puppy is the Caitlin Crittenden. If this is the case, rely on the ‘whoa’ command, as well as create a signal for your dog to know when to begin scaring the birds from their hiding for you to shoot. I also began using the scent to give my old sheds and the fake shed the odor of some freshly dropped bone. Try tossing some deer antler sheds out in the yard and say a … bring into our lives. Training My Dog To Shed Hunt – Tips and Strategies for Training A Dog To Find Shed Antlers By Mark Kenyon Over the past few years I’ve really gotten into shed hunting, as many other whitetail hunters have as well. Now that I’ve had my dog for almost a year and I’ve gone through this training process, I’d like to share with you how I’ve trained my dog so far. UPDATE 1/30/13: I’m now in my second year of training Booner to find sheds, and I’ve written an updated article detailing how our training regimen has changed! I hunt a lot of waterfowl and upland would love to start bringing him along, Hello! A natural bird dog is likely to have a built-in set of skills, such as a keen nose and the ability to point. If you already have a well trained dog, I would stick with the dog you have for now, and add upland work training. Toilet training is an important part of dog ownership, whether you're getting a puppy or an adult dog, you need to know how to house train them properly.Puppies need to learn basic control and training is an important bonding experience between you both. A whistle or simply “Go!” is good enough. I’d first have Boone on a leash, held stationary at a location while I would walk out into the lawn and drop a shed on the ground. Perhaps this rule is that they aren’t allowed on the couch, on your bed, or in a certain room or corner of the home. To take it a step further, if you're interested in seeing where your beagles are on the hunt, check out these GPS dog tracking He immediately would sprint towards the shed, pick it up and run back. Now on our first time my plan was simple, keep Booner focused by repeatedly telling him to “get the bone”. I should also mention that at this point I had picked up a couple tools that helped me through this later stage of training. Likewise, hunters may search for the perfect Once you have a feel for their natural abilities, reign them in. I also bought another training booklet from Tom Dokken, a renowned shed dog trainer, and some “Rack Wax” scent, and have used both of these items to refine my training approach. Lets say Booner would sit and stay, I’d give him the shed for a 5 minute romp/chew. This means keeping to a schedule, routine and the task of punishment and reward is beneficial to both you and your dog. The check cord will teach the concept of distance to your dog. Here you will find all the latest information on NASHDA events and shed dog training information, training products, events, as well as techniques on how to train your own shed dog. Defining Tasks You might be surprised to see how much your dog is still up for a challenge, and definitely one that involves hunting prey like ducks. However, to instill these traits, as a trainer, you will need to be both patient and consistent. Shed hunting is a springtime search for shed deer antlers, and with the help of your dogs, this can be that much more fun. Be Patient If you have just brought an adult dog into your home, allow him some time to adjust. Dummies are needed when you are ready to teach your bird dog about retrieving. And over this course of time I’ve also heard more and more about people using dogs to help them find fallen antlers. After doing this for a good number of walks I started planting sheds in the field for him to find on our way. I can I now had a shed dog. There are accounts that they are difficult to housebreak but with consistent house training they can eventually adapt. You can train your Australian Shepherd dog to hunt rabbits, pheasants, ducks coons, roos etc. So it was time to move into the real world. How to Train an Adult Dog. their pet’s, the bond between man and beast becomes stronger. She stays real close (within 10 feet) unless she is on a scent. only way to obtain a “real” bird-hunting dog. You could have just recently gotten into the sport yourself and want to train your long-time furry friend to join you or maybe you’re in the market for a new pet and hoping to adopt an older dog. Okay. Again this was a way to get Booner excited about his success, and my strong praise made sure he was awarded accordingly. If you are asking if it’s ever too late to potty train a dog, then you might be dealing with one or more of these things: Your dog has never lived inside and has thus never been potty trained. Older dogs still have what it takes to hunt by your side, and with the right training, you’ll never have to worry about losing a duck, because your dog will retrieve it for you. They quickly became some of his favorite chew toys and soon we started miniature games of fetch. By having this strong scent associated with the antlers, Booner began tracking the antlers not only with his eyes but also his nose. My dog Booner’s first toys were small shed antlers. Take your dog to a flat, open area and walk with them, allowing them to lead while wearing their check cord. I began walking Booner through tall CRP grass and cut crop fields around my house and when Boone was looking the other way, I’d toss the rubber shed antler off into the grass or corn upwind of us. sence shes From here we increased the fun by putting Booner inside, while I would then hide the bone in the lawn without him watching. Coonhounds as best known for their scent tracking, and make great hunting partners for small game like raccoons. Then she may go after the trail. I am sending you a wonderful link full of information on how to teach your dog to hunt. Soon, he’ll be able to sense the proper distance without the check cord, an indication to you that he’s one step closer to being a fully rounded bird dog. to adopt an older dog. You can’t teach a disobedient dog to shed hunt… Make basic obedience a priority over shed hunting dog Be patient. Before you really make plans for spring food plots or morel mushroom hunting , there’s another deer hunting-related activity that’s probably at the forefront of your mind. If not, or later when you get ready to add a dog, you might want to consider a breed that will genetically be most likely to succeed in the environment you plan to be in most (a retriever for ducks or pointer or setter for upland for example), so that the task you are using the dog for most often is the task that dog is most capable of doing, then cross-train the dog on the secondary task as well - knowing they can do both but they may not be quite as good at that secondary task. Can I train my dog to hunt both? She's not hunting just waiting for me to kick up a bird and shoot it. hunting to a dog, there are three key concepts for them to learn: tracking, excitable puppy. Punishment, while no one’s favorite task, is just as important as reward. Over the past few years I’ve really gotten into shed hunting, as many other whitetail hunters have as well. During our time spent together, memories are created and Hello! Just spend time training the dog in both environments since the environments and skills are a bit different from each other. Crates are a great obedience training tool for dog owners. 299: Locating the Best Buck in your Neighborhood with Adam Hays, Ep. These will be especially important once they are off leash and hunting with you. Visiting new places can be a very overwhelming experience to an animal with such a hyperactive sense of smell. silently follow the scent of birds, while flushing involves scaring a flock out Now that he had developed a strong desire for sheds, I started playing a little game of hide and seek with him. Older dogs are perfectly capable of learning. Best of luck training, On this first trip Booner did not find a shed himself, and he hasn’t on the few trips we’ve had since. Creating these boundaries at home helps your dog understand that you’re boss and may even help them carry the concept when you are both in the field hunting together. Or, more simply, you’ll have to re-train your dog’s bad learned habits. I’d then go back to the house, get Booner and start walking. Ensuring your furry friend has all the nutritional resources he or she needs is an important step in keeping him healthy, happy and ready for the hunt. Last fall I was asked to hunt on a 750 area high fence operation in Northeast Missouri. One well-trained dog will cover five times more ground than the leanest, meanest, shed hunter around. With an adult dog, you can easily see what you're getting, and plenty of adult Coonhounds have already proven themselves not to have negative characteristics. I can teach a short haired German pointer to hunt rabbits, yet it is bred for hunting birds. Just like older siblings teach the younger kids both good and bad habits, so … Once you have a duck or pheasant shot, you dog will act as your retriever, much like he or she may have been trained to retrieve other simple household items for you. 297: Final Plans, Gear, and Advice Before Opening Day. Ep. You’ll know your dog understands they didn’t achieve a goal you set for them if they bow their heads and avoid eye contact, all signs of guilt. 9 times out of 10 he’d find it! Dogs have accompanied hunters for thousands of years. All Rights Reserved.Site By Q&A Creative, Ep. How can I train a dog to help me find sheds? There are a few scenarios in Sign up to get free access to the “Whitetail Addict’s Monthly To-Do Checklist” and our exclusive newsletter packed with tips & tactics, © 2021 Wired To Hunt. I think Border Collies are best suited for retrieving. Even though your dog isn’t a puppy anymore, be sure that they play well with others, whether those others walk on two legs or four. When teaching basic commands and adding boundaries to your lifestyle, be sure to reward your dog for good behavior. What you need to know about the Mountain Cur dog breed including facts, tips, health, and more. But I believe he’s definitely heading in the right direction. We were on our way! While these tips are mainly for owners that have recently adopted an adult dog, they can also be used to train older pets that may need to gain new skills. That is just my experience though! If you have any additional questions after reading the article, please feel free to reach out again. You will have to train your dog to be trained. All dogs are different, so you may find your bird dog has difficulty minding commands when retrieving, tracking or flushing. i have a red Heeler. Tracking calls for a bird dog to In fact, in some ways training an furry friend to join you or maybe you’re in the market for a new pet and hoping Want to learn how to transform your Pointer’s behavior? This will help you ascertain just how much they will need training on. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. If he or she doesn’t know them already, teach your dog the ‘sit’ and ‘heel’ commands. Any dummy that ends up in your hand deserves positive reinforcement. The second phase started when Boone was 5 or 6 months old and was really starting to use his nose. & i really want to have a hunting dog! To get your dog excited about shed hunting, you need to get him excited about the scent of sheds. I’d then holler at Boone to “get the bone” and he’d start grid searching the area for the shed. Training will help build the bond between you and your pooch too, and soon you’ll feel as though he’s always been He had a strong hunting background and I never knew how to start him. describe themselves as film-buffs, may look for a smaller dog who loves to Once a dog with the right stuff experiences hunting, it will get out in front of you, push through cover and seek game on its own. You could have Many outdoorsmen know the benefits of having man’s best friend as a hunting partner. Many hunters note that flushing can be the more difficult task to reign in for their bird dogs, as it’s the cause for much excitement. He was pumped! If a dog doesn't have the right stuff, it may be usable on a preserve but will most likely follow you around if the game is scarce on public land. I have seen them be excellent bird dogs over the years. Some future pet-owners search for In addition, training a dog what it can a dog that loves to run if they are avid marathoners. The first thing I do is get a shed antler, maybe a small side from a little basket-rack for a puppy or a little larger one for an older dog, and coat it with a product like Dokken’s Rack Wax to give it a fresh smell. This is incentive for them to continue the good work. older dog, you will find, is easier than gaining the trust and attention of an Give your home structure with rules that make boundaries between you and your pet. It’s hard to argue with Allen Franklin’s résumé as a squirrel-dog trainer. Always stay consistent with whatever signal or commands you choose, or you may run the risk of confusing your furry companion. Hi I just adopted Wednesday, a 3 year old, 45 pound, Border Collie Mix from a rescue shelter about 2 weeks ago. As we began our first shed hunt, I pulled out his fake shed with scent and tossed it around for him a couple times, encouraging him to “get the bone”. If you want a puppy, you can avoid some negative traits by choosing the right breeder and the right puppy . please give me some advice on how to train her. Since you have an older dog, their puppy-like instinct to run and bark wildly should be less a part of their personality. You may find that he or she isn’t ready for the real hunt anytime soon, but patience on both your part and theirs will lead to a big pay-off. In either regard, your end goal If you have questions after reading the article. Taking on training a dog, no matter the age, is always a process and sometimes a few tools are needed to help you. Again after walking though these areas with the wind in our face he’d almost always find the bone and bring it back. It is important to train your dog, whether small or large, young or old. You’ll know your dog is ready to be a bird dog when he can spend a Saturday morning with you outdoors and happily follow each command you give. We all know the joy a dog can popular sport for dogs and has been for hundreds of years. Practice throwing or launching dummies into the air and commanding your dog to ‘hold steady’ or ‘retrieve’ at your command. You may also find it works well for expressing boundaries to your dog if every time you leave your home you command, “Go to your crate” and they follow. When pet owners find that one of their hobbies align with that of A working dog all the way, the Mountain Cur is a lovely dog. Every time he brought me the shed, I’d praise him like crazy. I called Booner over, gave him the command and he started searching. cherished. Welcome to the North American Shed Hunting Dog Association (NASHDA), website. Genetics will effect how skillful many dogs are at both - a retriever will probably handle swimming in cold water for retrievals better than some upland field breeds like pointers, and a flushing breed be better at pointing and alerting than a retriever, but many hunters do utilize their duck dogs for upland bird retrieval and the dogs do well. A little research into breed history can help with choosing a breed. I’d wanted a hunting dog for some time, but never been a really hardcore bird or waterfowl hunter. Typing your keyword for example Can You Train An Older Dog To Hunt And How To Pr In either regard, your end goal is to experience some memory-making in the great outdoors with your dog. The training of my shed dog started the day I got him. If you have rescued an adult dog, congratulations! Since bird hunting will most likely take place in wide open spaces, it’s important to introduce your dog to these areas. When training bird cuddle in front of the television. Please feel free to message again. If he is taking on a more active lifestyle while training to hunt or hunting, be sure to feed him more often as they’ll be burning more energy than previously. First I got my hands on the “DogBone Shed Antler Retrieving Kit“. Adjust the cord’s length to your liking and utilize verbal commands – such as “whoa” or “stop” - that help your dog notice when he’s tugging or getting too far ahead. The most important part of this early phase was getting my dog excited about sheds. The process to train a dog how to hunt is a very long one. Others, who prefer to That all being said, I know there are many folks out there today looking into this very same idea. A lot of what hunters look for in their bird-hunting companions is restraint and obedience, which every dog can gain. Getting a dog to help me find sheds seemed like a much better fit, as I’d be out shed hunting for a couple months every year any ways. is to experience some memory-making in the great outdoors with your dog. After several months of this, Boone’s chewing began to really take a toll on the sheds so we then had to take those away, and only use them as rewards. There is no one easy step or piece of advice to give. Dog loves to fetch and retrieve - so much so that when it's out in the field it's looking for me to throw something that she can retrieve. He’d find it, I’d praise him up and down and he began experiencing some success in the “field”. Shes 5 & natrualy agressive. I was intrigued. There is too much for me to put in this box, which is why I am sending a link. Thank you. These shed hunting dog breeds are ideal choices to learn about the bucks on your property after hunting season. Inconsistency while training an animal will only confuse them and lead to adverse results. Proper socialization makes for a more well-behaved pet. At this point now Booner had been consistently finding sheds in the yard and retrieving them to me, whether it be the fake antler or real ones. You seem knowledgeable and capable, but if you need more information on how to teach fetch, or how to work with her, please send another message and I am happy to help! Finding sheds is fun, but with a dog in the equation the enjoyment is so much greater and the antler finding success can be too! Shed hunting dog training process is … You define your dog by teaching it. So I am going to provide you with an article packed with great information. On this trip, I did find a shed myself and the best thing to do in this case I believe is wait to pick up the shed, and instead call your dog over. How to Train a Coon Dog. flushing and retrieving. This included a rubber shed antler, a booklet with some additional training ideas and a bottle of “shed scent”. Hello Nolan, I’d give Boone the shed for a second, and then leave in a room while I closed the door and hid the shed somewhere in the next room over. Before getting started, consider purchasing one or more items to aid you: While bird hunting breeds, such as the spaniels and pointers, may have innate abilities and talents when it comes to sniffing out and retrieving birds, it’s not necessary for every bird-hunting canine to come from these revered breeds. 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