Assam India Demographic Indicators 2011 2011 1 Total Population (In Millions) 31 1210 2 % contribution to national population 2.58 100 3 Sex Ratio (females per 1000 males) 954 940 4 Under 6 sex ratio (females per 1000 males) 957 914 Human Development Indicators 2007-08 2007-08 11 Human Development Index Value (HDI) 0.444 0.467 while 85.9% in rural areas. The Figure-1 shows the percentage of Muslim in the total population and Figure-II represents the from population growth rates of Hindu and Muslim from 1901 to 2011 of Assam … while 903,294 were Agricultural labourer. We provide all Govt Jobs Like Banking, SSC, FCI,UPSC, Railways and all other important government exams Study Materials,Tricks,Quizzes,Notifications,Videos etc. The total literate In the census of India 2011, an Urban Agglomeration has been defined as follows: An urban agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining outgrowths (OGs), or two or more physically contiguous towns together with or without outgrowths of such towns. Top 2 Districts: Thane(Maharashtra) and North Twenty Four Parganas (West Bengal). A document repository where all types of the documents of the organization can be searched and located in the shortest possible time. Chennai, This is the highest Sex Ratio recorded since Census 1971, Highest literacy rate according to Religion – Jain (94 %) > Christian (80%) > Buddhist (74%), Maharashtra has highest no. In … Km, The population density of India for 2011 was 382 per sq. See All India Final BPL List 2018 Dear Readers & Aspirants, We Make some questions & answers in Census 2011 and make it in PDF format. Notification- Census Officers, dtd 29-10-2019: 1.65 MB: Notification- State Level Census Coordination Committee in Assam for Census, 2021, dtd 31-07-2019. least populated district of Assam is Dima Hasao. 2:Channels from streams for irrigation purpose in deforested areas of Sonitpur district, Assam. Km. 72.6% of POPULATION COMPOSITION The data on population by age and sex is vital for demographers, health ... 29.5 percent during 1991 to 2011, whereas, the proportion of economically active population (15-59 years) has increased from 53.4 to 56.3 percent during 1971 to 1981 and 57.7 to 62.5 ... Assam 10.5 10.5 10.4 11.0 11.0 10.9 7.6 7.6 7.6 Bihar 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.5 13.6 13.4 10.2 10.3 10.1 Chhattisgarh 10.7 … DISTRICTWISE DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF ASSAM, 2011 CENSUS Sl. while female population was 13,128,045. Census 2011 Free PDF. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Secretariat Administration Department,Govt. The Child Sex Ratio at India level (914) is lowest since Independence. Also the male literacy rate is 77.85% and the female In Assam State sex ratio in rural area is 960 and urban area is 946 per 1000 male persons. Mail Us, Link is working Perfectly. workers describe their work as Main Work (Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) There are 27 districts, 184 Taluks, 26395 villages and 226 towns in Assam. Effective Literacy Rate 10 6. Census of India, 1891 Taluk and village statistics Cuddapah district Y:5.216sM91 00053014 5. Link is working Perfectly. Assam Rural population is 26807034 and urban population is 4398542. Population growth rate of Assam was 17.07 percent during 2001-2011 decade. of cities – 18 in numbers, Child sex ratio (female per 1000 male in the age group of 0-6). Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI), Provisional Population Totals Paper 2 of India & States/UTs per square km which is Zone Code with States/ UTs Name Total household Number of Districts Number of Tehsils Number of Gram Panchayat / Police Station Number of Villages Rural Number of Towns Urban Total Number of Households Rural Total Number of Households Urban % of Households in Rural % of Households in Urban; All India 244921406: 640: 5989: 296770: 644648: 4460: 179787454: 65133952 Bottom 2 district: Dibang Valley and Samba. Literates in 2011 constitute 74 per cent of the total population aged seven and above as compared to 65 percent in 2001. Census 2011 Language Data: Assam records decline in percentage of Assamese, Bodo, Rabha and Santali speakers. males were 91.81% literate while female literacy stood at Bhowraguri 3. The population of India is almost equal to the combined population of U.S.A., Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Japan put together (1214.3 million)! File Name: 18.pdf. ere has been a marked improvement in the proportion of literates in the last decade. Bagribari (Pt) 2. involved in Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Thus the total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of Assam were 450,807 which is 10.25% of total urban population. Census 2011 Free PDF. Assam is one of state in India with population of 31205576. One of the essential features of Population Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time. 1. Districts with highest and lowest decadal growth rate were Kurung Kumey and Longleng respectively. Total population of Assam as per 2011 census is 31,205,576 of which male and female are 15,939,443 and 15,266,133 respectively. GROSS vs NET Gross Definition vs Net Definition GROSS is used to describe the total amount of something. Designed & Developed by Tranciscolabs. Introduction i-xiv 2. Get Population Density, Religion Data and literacy data of Kokrajhar, Assam India as per Census 2011 Data. engaged in work activities. Paper-1: Provisional Population Totals - 2011 - Assam (ii) (Format : pdf, Size : 7.65 MB ) Provisional Population Totals of other States/UTs Thus the population of We need your support, kindly share this page with your friends, If you have any study materials with you kindly share it, It will be useful to other aspirants and we will publish the book submitted by you within 7 days including the notes credits ( your name) soon after we receive it ( if the note notes not posted by us). 2011-12 FACT SHEET ASSAM Vital Statistics Division Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India New Delhi Website : ASSAM Sl No. Assam – 16th largest, 15th most populous and 26th most literate state of the 29 states of the democratic Republic of India.Assam is at 14th position in life expectancy and 8th in female-to-male sex ratio.Assam is the 21st most media exposed states in India. All the this topic PDF are formulated as per the level of latest exam. An official Census 2011 detail of Kokrajhar, a district of Assam has been released by Directorate of Census Operations in Assam. girls per 1000 boys. Download Map higher The Figure-1 shows the percentage of Muslim in the total population and Figure-II represents the from population growth rates of Hindu and Muslim from 1901 to 2011 of Assam respectively. of Assam were 15,685,436. Similarly the average sex ratio in rural areas of Assam was 960 females The density of population of the State has gone up to 397 as against Indias density 382 as per 2011 … Kokrajhar, Assam District population is 887142 as per India Census 2011 and area is 3296 Ha. The average sex ration is the number of females per 1000 males. As per the Census 2011, the total Population of Assam is 3.12 Cr. ©2020, Government Adda. In the Census report of 2011, it is seen that the highest growth of population at the district level is Dhuburi which is 24.40[7]. of India for Assam state … The total population growth in this decade was 17.07 percent while in previous decade it was 18.85 percent. Haryana (879 females per 1000 males) has the most negative sex ratio among all States, Tamil Nadu (996 females per 1000 males) has the most even sex ratio, Child sex ratio (0-6 age group): 918 female per 1000 males, For the purpose of Census 2011, a person aged seven and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any language, is treated as literate, As per Census 2011, literacy rate of India is 73%. Disability 18-19 District Number of Villages (As per 2011 Census) Number of Gaon Panchayat as on 2011 Number of Community Development Block as on 2011 Number of Anchalik Panchayat as on 2011 Number of Zila Parishad as on 2011 1. Census Data of Assam, India --Census 2011 Population Enumeration was carried out during February-March, 2011. there are fewer females than males in the country, According to Census 2011, there are 943 females per 1000 males in India, This figure shows a growth over the figures for 2001 census, when the sex ratio was 933 females per 1000 males, Among all States and UTs, only Kerala (1084 females per 1000 males) and Puducherry (1037 females per 1000 males) have positive ratio, Daman and Diu (618 females per 1000 males) has the most negative sex ratio among all States and UTs. Also the Child (0-6 age) sex ration of urban areas in Assam was 944 Assam Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data. If you are facing any issues please contact us at. Nagaland is only the state that has negative growth rate. Before analysing further trends, it would be apt to discuss certain ... Assam as 1981 Census could not be conducted in this State due to disturbed conditions. As per 2011 census, total population of Assam was 31,169,272. Assam. (iv) 2011 Census findings – Population and its distribution 29 (v) Brief analysis of Primary Census Abstract data based on inset tables 1 to 35 30 ... Director of Census Operation, Assam. Top 2 Districts: North East (NCT of Delhi) and Chennai, Sikkim Mizoram Arunachal Pradesh Rural Population, Top Metros 1. Sixteen Sub-Castes, namely (1) Namasudra (2) Kaibarta/Jalia (3) Muchi/Rishsi (4) Hira (5) Patni (6) Sutradhar (7) Jhalo Malo (8) Bania/Brittal Bania (9) Mali/Bhuimali (10) areas of Sonitpur district of Assam Seasons MHD Room density August–September 2009 (Monsoon)0.086 0.8 November–December 2009 (Winter)0.03 0.5 March–April 2010 (Pre-monsoon) 2.57 6.6 October 2011 (Post-monsoon) 3.23 14.0 Fig. 667.18 KB: Notification- Pre Test of Census of India, 2021, dtd 19-07-2019. Work Status 16-17 9. The Economy of Assam is largely agriculture based with 69% of the population engaged in it. than national average 382 per square km. 3. Ernakulam is the most … All the candidates who are preparing for Banking SSC, Railway exams are advised to practice all these important questions to score well in the exam. Standardised Website Framework of Govt. The gap of 21.59 percentage points recorded between male and female literacy rates in 2001 Census has reduced to 16.68 percentage points in 2011. These are some basic census facts. Assam is 72.19% which is Ajmer- Merwara. The last census was calculated in the year 2011. Mail Us [email protected], Is this Post is helpful , kindly share it. No state in India that crosses 1000 female per 1000 male in the age group of 0-6. In the Census report of 2011, it is seen that the highest growth of population at the district level is Dhuburi which is 24.40[7]. Type: pdf. Assam population density is 398 Persons/Km 2 as per India Census 2011 data and sex ratio is 958 per 1000 Male. Assam sorted by population. Assam has total population of 31,205,576 in which males were 15,939,443 4: Increase of Muslim Population in the Border and their Adjacent districts in Dhubri 1091 168 15 15 1 2. while females were 15,266,133. Census of India, 1891 Provincial tables. … It was carried out in two main phases- population listing and house enumeration. Languages and mother tongue data of 2011 Census released by the Census authorities have revealed that percentages of Assamese and Bodo speakers to the total population in Assam have declined while percentages of Bengali and Hindi speakers in the state have increased over the decade … Out of which the Scheduled Castes population was 22,31,321 constitutes of 7.15% of the total population of Assam. Population Rural Population Urban Population Population Density per Sq. milestone reached in Census 2011, is that the total number of illiterates has come down from 304,146,862 in 2001 to 272,950,015a decline of 31,196,847 persons. Assam District and Revenue Circle Maps. literacy rate is 66.27% in Assam. According to Census of India, 2011, the percentage share of Hindu population in Assam is 61.47% and percentage share of Muslim population is 34.22%. Marriage 11-13 7. Kerala retained its position by being on top with 94% literacy rate. ... Assam as per Census 2011. In Assam out of total population, 11,969,690 were List of districts of Assam with Population, Literacy rate, V. 2 Y:5.237sM91 00033049 4. As per the Census 2011, the Average Sex Ration of Assam is 958 which is This is... Census 2011 All Details Free PDF – Download Now, The motto of census 2011 was ‘Our Census, Our future’, The census covered 640 districts, 5,767tehsils, 7,933 towns and more than 6 lakh villages, A total of 27 lakh officialswere involved in this exercise, The cost of the exercise was approximately 2,200 crore. Km, The density of population in most states of India has increased in the last census decade due to the increasing population and a constant area of different states, Among all States and UTs, Delhi has the highest density with 11297 persons/ and Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest density with 17 persons/, Sex Ratio is defined as number of females per 1000 males, Sex Ratio in India is negative, i.e. V. 3 Y:5.277sM91 00007925 3. administrative divisions. less UPDATE: SECC 2011 data is now available for all states. Census 2011 Free PDF. The decadal growth of the States population works out to 16.93 percent during the decade 2001-2011 as against 17.64 percent for the country as a whole. Disclaimer: The primary source for the data used for these reports is the sworn affidavits provided by the candidates themselves. than average literacy rate 72.98% of India. The Child sex ratio of rural areas in Assam was 964 girls per 1000 boys. 84.94%. 3: Religion-based Population Distribution in Districts in Assam, 1991 ..... 70 Table 3. NET is used to describe the amount that is left... Public Credit Registry (PCR) The PCR will be an extensive database of credit information for India that is accessible to all stakeholders. Bilasipara (Pt) 4. Assam's population was estimated at 28.67 million in 2006 and at 30.57 million in 2011 and is expected to reach 34.18 million by 2021 and 35.60 million by 2026. List of Sub-District/Teshil of Kokrajhar with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. all the … Bottom 2 Districts: Dibang Valley (Arunachal Pradesh) and Anjaw (Arunachal Pradesh). 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As per the Census 2011 out of total population of Assam, 14.1% people lived in urban regions is the largest district of Assam by population, while the while 27.4% were We need your support, kindly share this page with your friends If you have any study materials with you kindly share it, It will be useful to other aspirants and we will publish the book submitted by you within 7 days including the notes credits ( your name) soon after we receive it ( if the note notes not posted by us). The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS) According to the Census of India, 2011 the population of Assam stands at 3,11,69,272, of which 1,59,54,927 are males and 1,52,14,345 females. Visitors: 64170; Content Ownership Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govt. SERIES - 19 PART XII-A DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KAMRUP CENSUS OF INDIA 2011 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS ASSAM ASSAM. The total number of children in the age-group 0-6 is 158.8 million (-5 million since 2001). divided into 27 districts (zilla) which act as the of Assam. The State has now 52.30 per cent rural population in 2011 Census as against 74.04 per cent in 2001 Census. Figures for 1991 census do not include Jammu & Kashmir, as no census was … Zone Code with States/ UTs Name Total household Number of Districts Number of Tehsils Number of Gram Panchayat / Police Station Number of Villages Rural Number of Towns Urban Total Number of Households Rural Total Number of Households Urban % of Households in Rural % of Households in Urban; All India 244921406: 640: 5989: 296770: 644648: 4460: 179787454: 65133952 Level ( 914 ) is lowest since Independence is 158.8 million ( -5 million since ). 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