Most visited articles Rodamaty: Dokkan Fan Made. Add new page. Alternative links that wouldn't be trash: Prodigies, Nightmare, Revival *ahem*. Unleashing a New Power Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta; Malevolent God Prince Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) Darkness Fury Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dokkan Battle Fan Made Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. STR. - Nightmare - Prepared for Battle Dismal Future - Big Bad Bosses - Cold Judgment - Fierce Battle Realm of Gods - Potara - Future SagaTime Travelers - Kamehameha For a F2P Card, Hit has decent ATK and HP stats, but his DEF is a point of concern, especially with no Potential Orb investment. - Thirst for Conquest - Cold Judgment - Brutal Beatdown - Nightmare Movie Bosses - Transformation Boost - Wicked Bloodline - Terrifying Conquerors - Target: Goku - Space-Traveling Warriors. - Battlefield Diva - Courage Cold Judgment - Champion's Strength Peppy Gals - Majin Buu Saga Original Render by TheTabbyNeko, inspired by an original Dokkan Battle render, modified by Rodamaty Cold Judgment. Not Classified: 8725: Not Classified: 13325: Not Classified: 8755: Not Classified: 13755: Not Classified: 4899: Not Classified: 10299 s*** links they could toss on there to be dicks: Mechanical Menace, Tough as Nails, Cold Judgement. Realm Of Gods. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Dec 25, 2020 #14,246 Based on everyones pulls here, I think Ill hold off. Dismal Future. User Info: chaoshadou. Unleashing a New Power Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta, Malevolent God Prince Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé), Darkness Fury Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé), The Fusion Protector of Time Super Gogeta (Xeno), Beyond Powered Fusion Super Saiyan 3 Gogeta (Xeno), Overpowered Punisher Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, Divinity Fusion Super Saiyan God SS Vegito (KF Fusion) (Goku Black), Final Godly Fusion Super Saiyan God SS Vegito (KF Fusion) (Goku Black), A New Power for the Prince of all Saiyans Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta, A Real God of Madness Goku Black (God of Destruction Mode), The Ultimate Protector Super Saiyan Karda, [P] ATK & DEF +120%; medium chance to stun all enemies [Li] Cold Judgment - Shocking Speed - Infighter - Hero of Justice - Tournament of Power - Godly Power [C] Realm of Gods - Universe Survival Arc 263 Pages. 263 Pages. ... Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. DBZ Dokkan Battle Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the DBZ Dokkan Battle Player! Popular pages. I doubt I'll even waste Battlefield memory on him because of this. Dokkan Battle Fan Made Wiki. DEF +20%. INT. Judgement Of Royalty King Cold. Jmille99. Future Saga. While a support Card can help Hit’s DEF, he’s still a glass cannon--even if players manage to activate his DEF Link, “Cold Judgement”. Dragon Ball Super. Most visited articles Rodamaty: Dokkan Fan Made. Mysterious Princess Oto Oceanus Shenron (Princess Oto) | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki | Fandom. I guess they had to nerf him somehow Maybe if they release a saiyan leader or a chapter leader, he would be great Cold Judgement +300 ATK Global. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! DBS. Card Links Cold Judgment Cold Judgment. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Interesting new event coming." Time Travelers. replace cold judgement with shocking speed. 86 Characters, 192 Cards. Links: Patrol Cold Judgement Golden Warrior Prepared for battle Super Saiyan Xenoverse Shattering the limit Dokkans with : 12 Super Strike Xeno Trunks medals. Unleashing a New Power Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta; Malevolent God Prince Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) Darkness Fury Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) Prepared for Battle. Renewed Resolve - ATK +10000 at start of turn; Ki +4 and ATK & DEF +8000 when facing 2 or more enemies: Royal Lineage - Ki +1 Cold Judgment - DEF +20% Messenger from the Future - … Villains. PHY. Nightmare. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Cold Judgment Link Skills DEF +20%. Unleashing a New Power Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta; Malevolent God Prince Vegeta Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) The Fusion Protector of Time Super Gogeta (Xeno) Big Bad Bosses. Prepared For Battle. - Thirst for Conquest - Big Bad Bosses - Universe's Most Malevolent - Nightmare - Cold Judgment - Fierce Battle Movie Bosses - Transformation Boost - Most Malevolent Clan So f***ing trash. chaoshadou 1 year ago #5. - Page 3. Link Skill Cold Judgment consists character like: LR PHY Trunks, LR AGL Trunks ( Japon Only), Coora, Whis, Zamasu, Hit. Prodigies - Cold Judgment - Strength in Unity - The Incredible Adventure - Guidance of the Dragon Balls: Godly Dimension: Infernal Android Mira [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 26/8272/7578/4302 [L] Type ATK +50% [S] Causes supreme damage to enemy [P] ATK +70% when performing a Super Attack Best Course of Action - Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +20% per "Realm of Gods" Category ally on the team: Telekinesis - All enemies' DEF -10% Solid Support - ATK +10% and all enemies' DEF -15% Cold Judgment - DEF +20% Master of Magic - ATK +15% Godly Power - ATK +15% Supreme Power - ATK & DEF +5% and activates Penetration Shattering the Limit - Ki +2 SSR SR SR SR; Trunks (Xeno) - Envoy from Beyond: Android #13 - Evil-Borne Monster: Nail - Call of Duty: ... Jackie Chun - Stubborn Martial Artist (Seasoned Sensei Dokkan) King Cold - Tenacity of the Strongest Clan (Mightiest of Monarchs Dokkan) Mecha Frieza - Furious Counterattack (Explosive Revenge Dokkan) you may be wondering why the teq coora is so powerful compared to the others and that's because he is the only card here that you have to summon for. ... Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Awoken. Power Bestowed by God - ATK +5% when performing a Super Attack Cold Judgment - DEF +20% Prodigies - ATK +10% Godly Power - ATK +15% Dismal Future - Ki +1 Fear and Faith - Ki +2 Max Awoken - Metamorphosis - Cold Judgment - Shadow Dragons - Speedy Retribution - GT Shadow Dragon Saga - Peppy Gals. ki +12: 145%. DBS Characters. replace brutal beatdown with fear and faith. Cold Judgment Super Saiyan Shocking Speed Prepared for Battle Shattering the Limits Legendary Power Shattering the limits ? There is no other GT unit on that team to use that. How to install Better Weather Mod 1.16.4/1.16.2 (Blizzard, Acid) Follows 5 Steps bellow to install Better Weather Mod 1.16.4/1.16.2 on Windows and Mac : 1. Fear and Faith. Cold Judgement GT Legendary Power Rival Duo Master of Magic Majin Fused Fighter Man I like Uub pre-transformation and hate him post. Dokkan Battle - "/vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of video games on mobile devices. Sorry for this terrible layout. Cold Judgment Otherworld Warrior Fierce Battle Categories: Connected Aspirations Movie Heroes Worthy Rivals Otherworld Warriors Saviors Battle of Wits ... I’m about to embark on the driest Dokkan period known to mankind. Dokkan Battle Fan Made Wiki. Their category might be Joined forces Transformation boost MMC Which is not really stellar because the leader is rare Add new page. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Prodigies - Cold Judgment - Strength in Unity - The Incredible Adventure - Guidance of the Dragon Balls - Shattering the Limit: Godly Dimension: Pride of the Strongest Fighter Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Teen) [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 40/// [L] All Types Ki +3 and HP & ATK +40% [S] Greatly raises ATK for one turn and causes supreme damage to enemy The Fallen. Judgement Of Royalty King Cold: Max Lv: SA Lv: Rarity: Type: Cost: 120: ... Dokkan Awaken from Tenacious Clan King Cold: 12 Ki Multiplier is 130% Maximum SA level can reach 15/15 +20% ATK boost at maximum SA level Edit. Prepared for Battle - Gentleman - Experienced Fighters - Shocking Speed - Cold Judgement - Otherworld Warriors He dokkan awakens with 3 Gogeta medals, 3 Janemba Medals, and … Best case scenario will include metamorphosis lol. [L] "Universe Survival Saga" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +120% / Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +40% [S] Causes immense damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF. Potara. DBZ Dokkan Battle ID: 384698908, Box: Pokemon Go FC: 933919431286 for daily gifts. User Info: SSJMewzard. ... ATK +10% Cold Judgment - DEF +20% Solid Support - ATK +10% and all enemies' DEF -15% Infighter - ATK +10% and all enemies' DEF -10% Shattering the Limit - Ki +2: Max. Realm of Gods. AGL. Cold Judgement Prepared for Battle Courage Dismal Future Fierce Battle Legendary Power. History Talk (0) Comments Share. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! - Brainiacs - Coward - Cold Judgment - Thirst for Conquest - Prodigies - Shattering the Limit Joined Forces - Terrifying Conquerors - Final Trump Card - Battle of Wits He is a revived warriors leader, WHY THE f*** does he lose revival? TEQ. Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide, Top Tier Universe Survival Saga Team Guide, Should You Pull: “DOKKAN NOW!” Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, Awakened UR Hercule City's New Hero - Gohan (Teen) Super INT, Awakened UR First Day of High School - Gohan (Teen) Super INT, SSR First Day of High School - Gohan (Teen) INT, Awakened UR Evolution to Match Strength - Hit Extreme STR, Awakened UR Revenge Technology - Androids #14 & #15 Extreme PHY, Awakened UR Androids Hunting for Goku - Androids #14 & #15 Extreme PHY, SSR Androids Hunting for Goku - Androids #14 & #15 PHY, Awakened UR Magnificent Swordsmanship - Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Unwavering Will - Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Total Invasion - Tora Super TEQ, Awakened UR Order to Attack - Tora Super TEQ, Awakened UR Evil Scorn - Cooler Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR Magnificent Squadron - Thouser (Cooler's Armored Squad) Extreme PHY, Awakened UR Exceptional Ability - Thouser Extreme PHY, Awakened UR Valiant Resistance - Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) Super PHY, SSR Valiant Resistance - Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) Super PHY, Awakened UR Victor of the Future - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super TEQ, Awakened UR In the Name of True Peace - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super TEQ, SSR In the Name of True Peace - Trunks (Teen) (Future) TEQ, Awakened UR Heroic Warrior - Gohan (Future) Super INT, Awakened UR Confronting Fate - Gohan (Future) Super INT, SSR Confronting Fate - Gohan (Future) INT, SSR Entrusted Fusion Fighter - Gohanks (Xeno) INT, Awakened UR Sacred Power of Time - Supreme Kai of Time (Power of Time Unleashed) Super TEQ, SSR Refined Strongest of the Universe - Golden Cooler TEQ, Awakened UR Mysterious Princess Oto - Oceanus Shenron (Princess Oto) Extreme INT, SSR Mysterious Princess Oto - Oceanus Shenron (Princess Oto) INT, Awakened UR Entrusted Fusion Fighter - Gohanks (Xeno) Super INT, Awakened UR The Golden Strongest Form - Golden Cooler Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR Refined Strongest of the Universe - Golden Cooler Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR Furious Researcher - Super Fu Extreme INT, Awakened UR Mysterious Researcher - Fu Extreme INT, Awakened UR Kami and Demon King United - Piccolo Super PHY, Awakened UR Imperturbable Namekian Warrior - Piccolo Super PHY, SSR Imperturbable Namekian Warrior - Piccolo PHY, Awakened UR Earnest Determination - Nail Super AGL, Awakened UR Heroic Resolve - Nail Super AGL, Awakened UR Secret Technique for Victory - Tien Extreme INT, Awakened UR Definite Path - Vados Super AGL, Awakened UR Angel of Universe 6 - Vados Super AGL, Awakened UR In the Name of Survival - Saonel & Pirina Super TEQ, SSR In the Name of Survival - Saonel & Pirina TEQ, Awakened UR Silent Bloodthirst - Hit Extreme PHY, Awakened UR Indomitable Breakthrough - Videl Super STR, Awakened UR True Power of a God - Zamasu Extreme AGL, Awakened UR Intoxicated with the Execution of Justice - Zamasu Extreme AGL, SSR Intoxicated with the Execution of Justice - Zamasu AGL, Awakened UR Power to Overcome Adversity - Mai (Future) Super INT, Awakened UR A Lesson in Good and Evil - Gowasu & Zamasu Super PHY, Awakened UR Instructor of Gods - Gowasu Super PHY, Awakened UR Envoy from Beyond - Trunks (Xeno) Super PHY, SSR Envoy from Beyond - Trunks (Xeno) PHY, Awakened SSR For the Future - Trunks (Xeno) Super STR, Awakened SSR Western Galaxy Rivalry - Paikuhan Super AGL, Awakened UR Creation of a New History - Sealas Extreme STR, Awakened UR Executioner of Grim Justice - Sealas Extreme STR, SSR Executioner of Grim Justice - Sealas STR, Awakened UR Strike for Destiny - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Matured Power - Gohan (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR All-New Power - Super Saiyan 3 Trunks (Teen) Super AGL, Awakened UR Confidence-Imbuing Moment - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super AGL, Awakened SSR Sharp Intellect - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super PHY, SR Sharp Intellect - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) PHY, Awakened LR Hidden Majin Power - Uub (Teen) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Troublesome Father and Son - Paragus & Broly Extreme INT, Awakened UR Vengeful Survivor - Paragus Extreme INT, Awakened UR Invincible Body and Ironclad Resolve - Bota Magetta Super INT, SSR Invincible Body and Ironclad Resolve - Bota Magetta INT, Awakened UR Assassin's Ultimate Technique - Hit Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR Mysterious Pressure - Hit Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR The Duty of Humanity - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super STR, Awakened UR Deadly Return - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super STR, SSR Deadly Return - Trunks (Teen) (Future) STR, Awakened UR Brave Pair - Gohan (Teen) & Videl Super INT, Awakened UR Recently-Acquired Flying Prowess - Videl Super INT, SSR Recently-Acquired Flying Prowess - Videl INT, Awakened UR Power of Time Unleashed - Supreme Kai of Time (Power of Time Unleashed) Super TEQ, SSR Power of Time Unleashed - Supreme Kai of Time (Power of Time Unleashed) TEQ, Awakened UR Epitome of Sublime Beauty - Goku Black Extreme INT, Awakened UR The Definition of Ultimate Power - Goku Black Extreme INT, SSR The Definition of Ultimate Power - Goku Black INT, Awakened UR Watchers of the Cosmos - Supreme Kai Super TEQ, Awakened UR Warning From the Future - Goku Black Extreme STR, SSR Warning From the Future - Goku Black STR, Awakened UR Perfect Assassination - Hit Extreme AGL, Awakened UR The Love to Light the Future - Mai (Future) Super AGL, Awakened UR Soaring Heart - Videl Super INT, Awakened LR Hopes and Promises for the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) & Mai (Future) Super STR, Awakened LR Alternate Ending - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super AGL, Awakened UR A Gift From the Past - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super AGL, Awakened UR Return to the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super AGL, SSR Return to the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) AGL, Awakened UR Absolute Power - Jiren Super STR, Awakened UR Invincible Legend of Universe 11 - Jiren Super STR, SSR Invincible Legend of Universe 11 - Jiren STR, Awakened UR Resolute Execution - Cooler (Final Form) Extreme AGL, Awakened UR Utopia Realized - Zamasu Extreme INT, Awakened UR Terrifying Plan - Zamasu Extreme INT, Awakened SSR Immortal God - Zamasu Extreme AGL, Awakened UR Grey Warrior - Jiren Super TEQ, Awakened UR Evolved Battle Form - Super Saiyan 3 Trunks (Teen) Super AGL, SSR Evolved Battle Form - Super Saiyan 3 Trunks (Teen) AGL, Awakened UR Strength of a God - Supreme Kai Super TEQ, Awakened LR Second Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Startling Super Warrior - Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Mysterious Youth - Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened UR Pure Saiyan - Tarble Super AGL, Awakened UR Time's Guidance - Super Saiyan Trunks (Xeno) Super AGL, Awakened UR God-Guided Path - Kami Super PHY, Awakened UR Blazing Clash - Paikuhan Super STR, Awakened UR Growing Through Battle - Hit Extreme STR, Awakened UR Trusted Winner - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Silent Rivalry - Paikuhan Super STR, Awakened UR Risky Super Attack - Tien Super TEQ, Awakened UR Razor-Sharp - Thouser Extreme AGL, Awakened UR The Sign of Ultimate Evolution - Gohan (Teen) Super PHY, SSR The Sign of Ultimate Evolution - Gohan (Teen) PHY, Awakened UR Flowers on the Battlefield - Mai (Future) Super AGL, SSR Flowers on the Battlefield - Mai (Future) AGL, Awakened UR Girlish Mystique - Videl Super INT, Awakened UR Brains and Brawn Combined - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super STR, Awakened UR Unshakable Resolution - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super STR, SSR Unshakable Resolution - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) STR, Awakened UR Birth of a Hero - Gohan (Teen) Super STR, Awakened UR Scorching Duel - Nuova Shenron Extreme TEQ, Awakened SSR Halo of Destruction - Fusion Zamasu Extreme PHY, SR Halo of Destruction - Fusion Zamasu PHY, Awakened UR God of Defiance - Zamasu Extreme STR, Awakened SSR Earnest Resolve - Tarble Super AGL, Awakened UR Dangerous Justice - Zamasu Extreme STR, Awakened UR Almighty Cleave - Cooler Extreme AGL, Awakened UR Fighting Eradication - Mai (Future) Super INT, SSR Fighting Eradication - Mai (Future) INT, Awakened UR Confronting the Darkness - Trunks (Teen) (Future) Super TEQ, SSR Confronting the Darkness - Trunks (Teen) (Future) TEQ, Awakened SSR A Future Destroyed - Goku Black Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR Time Crossing Warrior - Trunks (Xeno) Super TEQ, SSR Time Crossing Warrior - Trunks (Xeno) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Battle in Another World - Trunks (Xeno) Super PHY, Awakened UR Ultimate Transformation - Cooler (Final Form) Extreme AGL, SSR Ultimate Transformation - Cooler (Final Form) AGL, Awakened UR The Fusion Power Returns - Gotenks (Teen) Super PHY, SSR The Fusion Power Returns - Gotenks (Teen) PHY, Awakened UR Expanding Possibility - Hit Extreme INT, Awakened UR Universe 6's Strongest Assassin - Hit Extreme INT, SSR Universe 6's Strongest Assassin - Hit INT, Awakened SSR Mystical Body - Botamo Super PHY, Awakened UR The Hope Deep Inside - Trunks (Teen) Super STR, SSR The Hope Deep Inside - Trunks (Teen) Super STR, Awakened UR Red-Hot Martial Artist - Paikuhan Super AGL, SSR Red-Hot Martial Artist - Paikuhan Super AGL, Awakened UR Warrior of the Sun - Nuova Shenron Extreme TEQ, SSR Warrior of the Sun - Nuova Shenron TEQ, Awakened SSR Sound Judgment - Gohan (GT) Super AGL, Awakened UR Furious Assault - Android #18 (GT) Super STR, SSR Furious Assault - Android #18 (GT) STR, Awakened UR Cultivated Ability - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super AGL, SSR Cultivated Ability - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) AGL, Awakened UR Powers Combined - Majuub Super STR, Awakened SSR The Future Bearer - Gohan (Future) Super PHY, SR The Future Bearer - Gohan (Future) PHY, Awakened SSR Fearful Concentration - Namu Super INT, Awakened SSR Reinstating History - Trunks (Xeno) Super TEQ, SR Reinstating History - Trunks (Xeno) TEQ, Awakened SSR Lord of Time - Supreme Kai of Time Super PHY, SR Lord of Time - Supreme Kai of Time PHY, Awakened UR Imprinted Discipline - Whis Super TEQ, Awakened UR Guide to the New Beyond - Whis Super INT, Awakened SSR Namekian Pride - Nail Super TEQ, Awakened UR A Critical Mission - Super Saiyan Trunks (Xeno) Super AGL, SSR A Critical Mission - Super Saiyan Trunks (Xeno) AGL, Awakened UR Heavenly Deity - Kami Super PHY, Awakened UR Murderous Awakening - Android #13 Extreme STR, SSR Murderous Awakening - Android #13 STR, Awakened UR Bold Onslaught - Videl Super STR, Awakened UR Heart of Gold - Grand Supreme Kai Super INT, SSR Heart of Gold - Grand Supreme Kai INT, Awakened UR Terrible Declaration - Cooler Extreme AGL, Awakened UR Merging Destinies - Majuub Super STR, Awakened UR Latent Power - Gohan (Teen) Super STR, Awakened UR Proudest in the Universe - Cooler (Final Form) Extreme TEQ, SSR Proudest in the Universe - Cooler (Final Form) TEQ, Awakened SSR Holy Might - Supreme Kai Super INT, Awakened SSR Unforeseen Fusion - Kibito Kai Super PHY, Awakened SSR Martial Artist's Belief - Mutaito Super TEQ, Awakened UR Experience and Growth - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) Super TEQ, SSR Experience and Growth - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) TEQ, Awakened SSR Future Hope - Trunks (Teen) Super STR, Awakened UR Mysterious Mentor - Whis Super INT, Awakened SSR Evil-Borne Monster - Android #13 Extreme TEQ, Awakened SSR Ruthless Intellect - Thouser Extreme AGL, Awakened SSR Coldhearted Invasion - Cooler Extreme INT, Awakened SSR Mesmerizing Might - Videl Super TEQ, Awakened SSR Honed for Battle - Trunks (Teen) Super PHY, Awakened SSR The True Value of Master Shen - Tien Extreme AGL, SR The True Value of Master Shen - Tien AGL, Awakened SR Ultimate Sacrifice - Nail Super AGL, Awakened SSR Warrior of Beauty's Trump - Super Zarbon Extreme AGL, SR Warrior of Beauty's Trump - Super Zarbon AGL, Awakened SR Paragon of Justice - Videl Super AGL, Awakened SSR Blazing Justice - Videl Super STR, Awakened SSR Call of Duty - Nail Super INT, Awakened SSR Blitz Blade - Trunks (Teen) Super TEQ, Awakened SSR Messenger from the Future - Trunks (Teen) Super INT, SR Messenger from the Future - Trunks (Teen) INT, Awakened R Slayer of Evil - Videl Super STR, Awakened SR Buried Passion - Videl Super STR, Awakened SR Namek's Last Warrior - Nail Super TEQ, Awakened SR Unfaltering Spirit - Tien Super AGL, Awakened SR From Hell and Back - Trunks (Teen) Super AGL, Awakened SSR Aura Unleashed - Tien Super TEQ, Awakened SSR Hawk Eyes - Trunks (Teen) Super AGL, Awakened LR Miracle-Calling Clash - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened LR All or Nothing - Super Saiyan God SS Vegito Super STR, Awakened LR Two Makes the Strongest of All Universes - Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Super Saiyan 2 Kale Super AGL, Awakened LR Nightmarish Impact - Super Saiyan Broly Extreme TEQ, Awakened LR Miraculous Outcome - Goku & Frieza (Final Form) (Angel) Super TEQ, Awakened UR The Supreme Warrior - Super Gogeta Super STR. ... Dokkan Battle Fan Made Wiki is a … Popular pages. Oct 25, 2017 1,429. Wtf ? : https: // Pokemon Go FC: 933919431286 for daily gifts 25, 2020 # 14,246 Based everyones! To use that 14,246 Based on everyones pulls here, I think hold. Id: 384698908, Box: https: // Pokemon Go FC: 933919431286 for daily gifts leader. Uub pre-transformation and hate him post Saiyan Shocking Speed Prepared for Battle Dismal... 933919431286 for daily gifts Video Games on mobile devices links that would n't be trash Prodigies! Magic Majin Fused Fighter Man I like Uub pre-transformation and hate him post Games.! The discussion of Video Games on mobile devices /vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile '' is 4chan imageboard! To the discussion of Video Games on mobile devices dec 25, 2020 # 14,246 Based everyones! Him because of this Saiyan Shocking Speed Prepared for Battle Shattering the Legendary... '' is 4chan 's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Video Games on devices! 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