Spell MP cost refers to the amount of MP required to cast a spell in the Dawn of Souls and Anniversary editions. It will last until endgame. Used mainly for the refresh, only wear when you’re not doing any casting. Probably the best staff you can have as a WHM. Rare Dynamis-Tavnazia drop that is great for the Accuracy. ‘’Level cap item: 50, 60’’, Club WS item for tarutaru and galka, replaces, Great belt for club WS for all races. For the evolution of the Apprentice Mage see: Apprentice Mage's Evolutions White Mage is one of the Job Cards available from the card summons. One are the, Resting Gear - Probably your second gear set you buy, used as soon as you get Pilgrim's Wand. The Red Mage is a true jack-of-all-trades. ‘’Level Cap Item: 60’’, Tarutaru RSE. Weapon type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Macro into Staff WS. HMP option, although, Optional. Endgame item, HP is good for, Ranged Accuracy: 1 HP recovered while healing: 1 MP recovered while healing: 1. Use for TP and Staff WS. If you have this, you probably have WHM to at least 37 already, but if you happen to have it (or are Lvl syncing) you can use it for solo/melee in addition to party play, Club WS macro. MND augments all of your WSes as a WHM, making this a great macro hat for melee. ‘’Level cap item: 30’’, Def: 11(12) STR: 1 DEX: 1 In areas under own nation's control: MP: 10(12), WS macro unless you have no Hairpin. The -VIT will negate the +MND for your cures. ‘’Level cap item: 20, 30’’, Dmg: 30 Dly: 999 Enchantment: Enhances healing magic, ENM drop, used for maximizing cures (it is +15% cure potency for 3 minutes). Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Gaming Community featuring News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Macro into resting. Two sets of gear are provided: party and melee. Your best option for WS macro due to the MND. Obviously not counting the Masamune, what's the White Mage's best weapon in terms of average damage using the Fight command (assuming NES version, so … Replaces Geist and Astral. Not too expensive, gotten through assault points. [ White Magic | Black Magic] White … You will also want to macro this gearset into, WS gear - As a melee WHM your #1 WS is probably. ‘’Level ca item: 20, 30’’, Get the HQ, you’ll probably wear this for a while.. ‘’Level cap Item: 40, 50’’, WHM gets a few options for capes at 60, and this is your best bet. The best general, all-around WHM pants in the game. Spellcasting. These last for a really long time as HMP macro gear, so get em. White Mage & Conjurer Weapons Database Below is a list of White Mage & Conjurer Weapons in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn . The huge chunk of -enmity is worth the MND sacrifice. In the opening FMV of the 3D remake, Refia is depicted as a White Mage. ’’Level cap item: 50’’, While there are MND options available, like, Obtained through recruiting people into FFXI and then waiting 70 days. Regardless, the White Mage is a valuable asset who shines brightest in the company of others. The Dragon mail automatically reduces damages from any element as if it was embedded with NulAll. Spells are listed under the Dawn of Souls and Anniversary names. Early on, her White Magic will be a fairly expensive commodity, as well. Displaying 1-50 of 29583. ‘’Level cap gear: 40’’, Upgrade for all races except Hume, who should stick to their RSE. ‘’Level cap item: 50, 60’’, Mithra RSE. Considered a rite of passage for melee jobs, this is the best TP hat for WHM where accuracy is an issue. FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE; FINAL FANTASY XI; FINAL FANTASY XIV; HEAVEN’S VAULT; MARVEL’S AVENGERS; ... Category:White Mage Weapon/A Realm Reborn. "White mages use curing magicks to mend allies' wounds and restore them to health." Store TP: 1 Enhances "Double Attack" Effect, Egg-stravaganza event item. ENM drop. This one is better than the, DEF:3 HP and MP recovered while healing +1 Enchantment: Adds "Regen" effect (Activated if party member has Sol Cap equipped), Obtained through recruiting people into FFXI. NAME: White Mage: OVERVIEW: Mostly identical to White Mage from FFTA, with a few skills moved to Green Mage. Better than, These are pretty great for cures, especially when stacked with full merits. However, during battles, the Knight should almost always be fighting so you will spend very little time actually casting spells. This item is a Two–handed Conjurer's Arm and can be equipped at level 80. Many mid and high levels spells are not unique, but are improved versions of low levels spells. Situational. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 The information listed includes the level you can equip the White Mage & Conjurer Weapons, the item level of the item and the attributes that the item has. Bonus" +3 "Conserve MP" +3, Def: 18 HP: 35 Bind: Adds "Regen" Effect Enchantment: Bind, Def: 14(15) MP: 17(20) MND: 3(4) Enmity: -4(-5) Haste: 2%(3%), An amazing set of shoes, these can be used for buff recast times and also cures if the WHM chooses not to use. The Fire Emblem series has Clerics, which use healing magic through staves. Nsoking Women's Dress for Final Fantasy XIV White Mage Cosplay Costume Outfit. Poison and Stone are very, very common status aliments and using spells will save you money on items. Invisira can be cast for free by using the White robe as an item. Other WS options are the sea gorgets. Diara can be cast for free by using the Light axe as an item. White Mage Their main trade is their ability to heal and remove spell buffs from opponents. Can be used to unlock latent on, What used to be pretty lame AF hands turned into pretty awesome end-game hands. Good for staff ws. Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself. Filter which items are to be displayed below. Macro into buffs to reduce their recast timers such as Haste, Erase, and Raise and simultaneously lower their MP cost with, This is good for buffs to reduce recast if you don’t have, Def: 38 (39) Magic Accuracy: 10 (11) Enmity: -4 (-5) Physical Damage Taken: +6% (+7%) Magic Damage Taken: -3% (-4%), Salvage piece. Although WHM does not blo… Wh.MAGES are the premier healers in the game, as well as the best Class at dealing with groups of Undead due to their exclusive HARM Spells.They are halfway decent attackers early in the game, but don't stay that way for long. Optional. Yeah, Square has kept that theme going with White Mages from FF1 and beyond into the current generation of FF games. All Level 8 spells are sold in Gaia, except for Full-life, which is sold in Lufenia. ‘’Level cap item: 40, 50’, Def: -10(-12) Vs. Pages in category "Red Mage Weapon" The following 161 pages are in this category, out of 161 total. References to death are left intact and haven't been rewritten yet. ‘’Level cap item: 20’’, If you have these, your WHM is probably level 37 or higher, but if you happen to have them (or are level syncing!) The haste makes them great TP mitts, and they work as great WS mitts as well (although. Latent is active while HP ≤ 75% and TP ≤ 100%. Optional for the increased MND (compared to Blessed Pumps) to macro in for WS. Macro into club WS. Final Fantasy. Generally the magic that the Red Wizard should learn is the same as the other Wizards, however a lot of it depends on if there is another Black, Red, or White Wizard in the party. ‘’Level Cap Item: 60’’, Mithra RSE. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids. ‘’Level cap item: 20, 30’’, Good ring for club WS. All Level 4 spells are sold in Elfheim and cost 4000 Gil to purchase (or 2500 Gil in the Easy Mode and GBA versions). —Description The White Mage is a Job appearing in Final Fantasy Tactics A3.The Job is a master of curative magic. * Notifications for PvP team formations are shared for all languages. A few of their abilities were originally abilities for the White Mage in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, but they were transfered to the Green Mage in the sequel. ‘’Level Cap Item: 60’’, Galka RSE. ‘’Level cap item: 40, 50’’, Rare assault appraisal, but is great for all sorts of jobs. Def: 5 STR: -5 DEX: -5 VIT: -5 AGI: -5 INT: 5 MND: 5 CHR: 5, This cape would be amazing if it didn’t have -VIT. The combination of STR and MND (which happen to be the mods for nearly all of your WSes) make these amazing WS hands. Since a Red Mage can only equip three spells of each level, on many levels the Red will have to forego some useful spells; fortunately there are not many instances where there are more than three "must have" spells that the Red Wizard can learn. Final Fantasy 14 White Mage Job Icon Mask. All stats listed are at the maximum weapon level (★4) without weapon forging Regen at such an early level is helpful. Two sets of gear are provided: party and melee. Great TP pants, but are a rare Dynamis-Tavnazia drop. Replaces Geist. When White Mage hits a creature with a weapon attack, she can cause the attack to deal an extra 4 (1d8) radiant damage to the target. [ White Magic | Black Magic] White … You can now apply filters when viewing items by category. Gear is situational and a WHM with multiple sets of gear will serve better than a WHM with a single set, not matter how “uber” that set may be. Unless you're MP handicapped like a Galka or Elvaan, the amount of MP you have isn't as important as how well you manage it. White magic is, for the most part, very useful - even more so than black magic. Early on, her White Magic will be a fairly expensive commodity, as well. ‘’Level cap item: 60’’. WHM doesn’t get much for melee capes, so you may consider this piece for soloing. Complete quest "Ability Boost Operation Test" (★) ‘’Level cap gear: 40, 50, 60’’. Mage-type Weapons are those weapons which are able to be wielded by mage-type jobs. Good for ws. These spells cost 60,000 Gil to purchase (or 40,000 Gil in the Easy Mode and GBA versions). The MP doesn't make it remarkably better than Light Staff, and you'd want to keep your Light Staff anyway for. $16.99 $ 16. There are very few pieces of gear that directly affect cure potency +%, and these pieces will increase your cures the most dramatically. It is the best general enfeebling magic hat in the game for WHM except for, Def: 18 MP: 35 (40) Enmity: -3 (4) Damage Taken: 3% (4) Magic Accuracy: 5 (6). Hammers add some FFI/FFXI WHM flavor. ENM drop. If you have it, Enfeebling Magic Gear - A good WHM regularly enfeebles exp mobs when there isn't an RDM or BLM, and is also capable of landing enfeebles during solo or duo situations. Advanced Resting Gear - An advanced WHM may have a "max-MP gear" that he or she may switch on after filling up their regular MP bar (by taking off MP recovered while healing gear and putting on MP) to fill up to a large amount of MP during downtime. Note: 1 MND = 3 VIT so your making a net gain of around 3 MND still from this item, Club WS augment. They replace whatever you’re using, whether its RSE or, Rare dynamis-tavnazia drop. MP: 20(22) MND: 2(3) Vs. Fire: 11(12) Vs. Water: 11(12). Since I don't personally know any lvl 50 alchemist and the only one for sale on the market board was 175k I decided to just level up alchemy myself. Stats to focus on are Haste% > Club/Staff Skill > Accuracy > Attack > STR/DEX. $115.99 $ 115. That and the MND makes these pants great TP and WS pants. Other classes (such as Red Mages / Wizards) can learn both. ‘’Level Cap Item: 60’’, Tarutaru RSE. Dark: 3(5) Vs. Light: 3(5). White Mage job class guide for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age [FF12:TZA], including licenses, augments, magick, technick, equipment, quickening, gambits, and summoning. It is important to keep in mind that this guide is a guide and therefore not the end-be-all list of what a WHM can and cannot wear. Saved by Denise Gonzalez. Below, you can find the full FFXIV: Heavensward item info for the Elemental Cane +1 item. The Enhances, Offhand this for the Accuracy bonus as WHM/NIN. 1 Level 1-10 2 Level 11-20 3 Level 21-30 4 Level 31-40 5 Level 41-50 6 Level 51-60 7 Level 61-70 8 Level 71-80 9 Level 81-95 The STR/MND are good for, A very good offhand obtained through KSNM. Information on White Mage's recruitment requirements, character-specific weapons, Soul Breaks, useable equipment and abilities in FFRK. The Knight can only learn the first three levels of white magic, and most of them are fairly useless by the time you get the class change. NAME: White Mage: OVERVIEW: Mostly identical to White Mage from FFTA, with a few skills moved to Green Mage. In my opinion, the best. ‘’Level cap item: 50’’, Tarutaru RSE. Melee gear is meant for the ballista or solo WHM and focuses on stats like haste, accuracy, attack, STR and MND. Black Mage Appearances: FF1, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF8, FF9, FF10, FFX-2, FF11, FF12RW, FFT, FFTA, FFTA2 Aliases: Black Wizard, Warlock, Wizard. Melee gear is meant for the ballista or solo WHM and focuses on stats like haste, accuracy, attack, STR and MND. Obtained by completing CoP. The cane-wielding, classic Final Fantasy role has had a rough journey to number two on the list. Category; Discussion; Edit; History; Talk; Contributions; Create account; Log in < Category:White Mage Weapon. Good for ws. May not be cast in battle, Inflicts 60-240 damage to "undead" type enemies, Inflicts 80-320 damage to "undead" type enemies, Protects party from auto-kill attacks/spells, Revives and fully restores one defeated ally, Nul spells are defensive white magic, three of which (. Although only the best items for their level are listed, bold items are considered the pinnacle of their level and are sometimes hard to get. Obtained through Einherjar Therion Ichor. Whenever White Mage uses a spell of 1st-level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level. For the stronger bosses, you'll find yourself casting Invs2 and Shld2 almost as much as Cure spells. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. ‘’Level cap item: 60’’, Obtained through Einherjar Therion Ichor. Please see the Red Magicians' magic page for recomendations based on party configuration. After using up the extra MP, the WHM can switch to their usual -Enmity/haste/mnd gear and still be at full MP. Divine Strike (1/turn). General Gear - For the lazy WHM who does not want to lug around different macroed gear sets, or for the WHM who wants "universal gear" that can be used for a variety of spells, use the stats: "Refresh" > -Enmity > Haste % > MP = MND. $3.99 shipping. After the party retrieves a Rat Tail from the Citadel of Trials and returns it to Bahamut, all Red Mage party members are upgraded to the rank of Red Wizard (あかまどうし, Akamadōshi?, lit. Not as good as the. As such, it is a difficult to get piece, but is the best WS hat for WHM due to having high STR and MND. Get this, as there isn’t anything better for a while. Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself. White Mage job class guide for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age [FF12:TZA], including licenses, augments, magick, technick, equipment, quickening, gambits, and summoning. The weaker of the pirate cudgels. Lightning: 3(5) Vs. Earth: 3(5) Vs. Wind: 3(5) Vs. Curing Gear - This is the first gearset you will focus on in the beginning of your career, as well as the most important set. So for those out there that don't know...the white mage relic weapon requires a lvl 50 alchemy recipe. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. This item is a Two–handed Conjurer's Arm and can be equipped at level 70. IL: 385. Difficult to obtain replacement for a, ((Def: 3)) STR: 3 (4) Vs. Fire: 7 (8) ((9)), Expensive ENM drop, replaces serkets. ‘’Level cap item: 50’’, Elvaan RSE. Even if you replace it with, This is pretty important gear, so get it ASAP. Melee WHMs tend to prefer clubs over staves because of Hexa Strike, however before then the choice between Staves and Clubs is a personal one. ’’Level cap item: 60’’, STR: -2 DEX: -2 MND: 5 Convert HP to MP: 40. these work pretty well, and are better than, Obtained through a quest after the expensive mannequin quest. The White Wizard can learn and cast all White Magic spells, and, from the Dawn of Soulsremake on, use unique White Wizard weapons. - Page 2. For tarutaru, mithra and galka and other races without their RSE sachet. Your White Mage/Wizard will be your biggest assest since even though a Knight may only lose 1HP per hit, it adds up quickly if you don't have any way of healing, and there are plenty of enemies that can do 100+ damage to even a high level Knight. They use their powers for the good of their fellows. After completing the Citadel of Trials, all White Mage party members are upgraded to the rank of White Wizard (しろまどうし, Shiromadoushi?, lit. Good luck. Def: 28 (29) Damage Taken: 4%(5%) Enmity: -2(-3) Magic Attack Bonus: 4(5) Magic Accuracy: 4(5), Good for debuffing, although not as good as, Tarutaru RSE. Healing Magic Skill for some reason helps your cures extremely little, which is why you should never sacrifice a good MND or -Enmity piece for it. A rare ENM drop,this great ring replaces all MND rings, MP: 20 MND: 4(5) Vs. Water: 9(10) MP recovered while healing: 1, Einherjar Ichor purchase, this ring is great for debuffs and, MND: 5 Salvage: Enhances "Fast Cast" Effect, Rare assault appraisal, yet another alternative to, Club WS item. Latent effect is to eat Pamamas. You can force the latent to activate by equipping several, Assault: Adds "Refresh" Effect Assault: CHR: 4 Assault: MND: 4 Assault: INT: 4 Magic Accuracy: 4, WHM’s choice from the ToAU rings. Replaces, Optional and expensive. Category; Discussion; Edit; History; Talk; Contributions; Create account; Log in < Category:White Mage Weapon. Ancient Beastcoin purchase. Can keep around for debuffs. At the end of the game, the single offensive White spell, Holy, makes a grand appearance. The Knight can't learn Dia or Heal spells either, further limiting his usefulness as a magic user. Expensive, but very good. For extremely hard to hit mobs, you may even have to sacrifice Haste% for Accuracy (such as trading your Walahra Turban for an Optical Hat). Obtained by trading organs from sea. One of the best (if not the best) WHM hats in the game, and not that hard to get once you dip your toes into endgame. The HQ version is the best enfeebling magic gear you can get for WHM. Unttainable for most, this is the best mainhand weapon for WHM available in the game. Required level: 70. It was released on August 3rd, 2016 with the launch of Mobius Final Fantasy. The White Mage is a master of the holy arts. ’’Level cap item: 40’’, MP: 20 MND: 2 CHR: 2 Rainy Weather: Adds "Regen" Effect, This hat trumps all that came before it and lasts a very long time (up to endgame), so get the HQ. Complete quest "Ability Boost Operation Test" (★) The purpose of this guide is to analyze gear by level for WHM to provide an idea of what are the top choices regarding gear for aspiring WHMs. Expensive, but very good. ‘’Level Cap Item: 30, 40, 50, 60’’, Def: 7 STR: 1 INT: 2 Spell Interruption Rate: -5% Evasion: 2, Expensive, but good for Staff WS and general TP for Humes, Galka and Elvaan. This one is pretty optional as you're probably going to solo to level 10, and will therefore want a melee staff or club. Dynamis-Tavnazia drop. This great WHM belt can also be used for WS. ‘’Level cap item: 20, 30’’, Finally, an upgrade. ‘’Level cap item: 60’’, Def: 4 MP: 40 MND: 6 MP recovered while healing: 3, The best WHM belt, obtained through Dynamis-Qufim and Dynamis-Valkurm. There are two types of magic in Final Fantasy 1: White Magic and Black Magic. Whenever White Mage uses a spell of 1st-level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level. The only two weapons to boost its power are a Staff and a Bell, thus making the Time Mage, Red Mage, Chemist, Oracle and Geomancer the best Holy casters. Below, you can find the full FFXIV: Heavensward item info for the Ultimate Majestas item. White Mage & Conjurer Weapons Database Below is a list of White Mage & Conjurer Weapons in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn . Best option available for WHM, obtained through Einherjar Ichor. For Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Knight / White mage - Am I high?" AV drop, unattainable for most. All Level 2 spells are sold in Pravoka and cost 400 Gil to purchase (or 250 Gil in the Easy Mode and GBA versions). Rare Dynamis-Tavnazia drop that can be used as an HMP piece, although there are several that are better. MND comes next, which augments cures to a lesser (but still noticeable) extent. Might add a point to barspells. While offense As spells get more powerful, suffixes distinguish them from similar spells in the same family. Dark: 3(4), Get this. There are two types of magic in Final Fantasy 1: White Magic and Black Magic. Expensive and rare but the best TP-building offhand club you can get. 99. The Black Mage is the most pitiful melee attacker in the game, which is not surprising since he's a spellslinger through and through. Def: 20 HP: 20 MP: 20 MND: 5 CHR: 5 Enmity: -4 MP recovered while healing: 2 Set: "Magic Defense Bonus", One of the best WHM hats that competes with, A great WHM option for debuffs. If you do manage to get one, it is better than, DEF: 40 HP +3% MP +3% MND +12 CHR +12 Enhances. TP gloves when you’re having problems hitting. Get the HQ, as this will last you until endgame. ‘’Level Cap Item: 40, 50,60’’, Def: 9 STR: 2 HP recovered while healing: 2, Rare Assault appraisal, but great for Staff WS and general TP for all except Mithra. Optional Luxury Gear. 99 ($16.99/Count) $9.99 shipping. Extremely expensive earring made from Einherjar drops. ‘’Level cap gear: 40, 50, 60’’, Club WS gear for all except Tarutaru, who have better RSE. Final Fantasy XIV has launched its Yo-kai Watch crossover event, which gives players the opportunity to acquire 17 unique Yo-kai Watch minions, weapons, and three different mounts based on the hit franchise.. Salvage piece. Spellcasting. Macro in for buffs like Reraise, Haste, Protectra/Shellra, etc for the, If you are San d'Orian then this paired with, If you are Bastokan then this paired with. Use both types of magic to your advantage. This has actually always bugged me, to … White mage relic weapon. Def: 42(43) STR: -7(-8) DEX: -7(-8) VIT: -7(-8) AGI: -7(-8) INT: 10(11) MND: 10(11) CHR: 10(11) MP recovered while healing: 5(6) Enmity: -3(-4), Optional and hard to get if you don’t have a 75 red mage. Be sure to equip BEFORE casting cure in your macro to get the effect. You should keep, Def: 46 MP: 10 MP: 1% Adds "Refresh" Effect Evasion: -10. ‘’Level cap item: 20, 30’’, MND: 2 (3) ‘’Level cap item: 20, 30, HQ: 40, 50’’, Best ring available for WHM and most mages. HP: -25 Evasion: -4 Attack: 2 Accuracy: 2. ’’Level cap item: 20’’, Expensive, but is an amazing melee piece for most jobs. ‘’Level Cap Item: 60’’, Mithra RSE. Great source of, Great for club WS. WEAPONS: Staff: ABILITIES/MAGIC: White Magick: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Raise, Arise, Reraise, Refresh (heal debuffs that Esuna doesn't) Reaction Abilities: None Support Abilities: Turbo MP - Increase potency of spells at double MP cost If you reaaaallly want to fill up that back slot early, although if you’re that rich, you could probably keep this around until you’re out of elixir. ‘’Level cap gear: 50, 60’’, Def: 28 MP: 15 VIT: 3 Enmity: -1 Divine Magic Skill: 15, Def: 32(33) MP: 25(30) MND: 6(7) Haste: 3%(4%) Enmity: -5(-6). If you don't want to lose the MP, HP +27 MP +27 Resist Vs. Ultimate Majestas - White Mage & Conjurer Weapons Database Below, you can find the full FFXIV: Heavensward item info for the Ultimate Majestas item. (Def: 1) STR: 2 Vs. Fire: 11(12) Vs. Ice: 11(12), AGI: 2 Sword Skill: 5 Enhances Dual Wield Effect. Good for club ws. This turban is your top choice for TP and is great for reducing recast timers on WHM/NIN. ENM drop. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Great for cures and recasts! All the latest information directly from the makers at the FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper official strategy site. Job Traits; Lvl. ‘’Level cap item: 50’’, Mithra RSE. Some classes (like White Wizards and Black Wizards) can only learn one type of magic. Club WS. You'll generally want to conserve MP, especially early in the game, so you'll have your fighters do all of the fighting while your magiciansprotect themselves. Remember that Haste% caps at 25% from gear. In order to maximize the amount of MP you give to your party member, put on HP+ gear and cure yourself to full before using. White Mage Weapon: iLevel 380-389 → Rebuild Lists Filtered to show items with bonuses to one or more of the following: Mind , Spell Speed , Piety , Direct Hit Rate , Determination , Critical Hit . But when you need to dish out a lot of damage to a lot of targets, he is your man. ‘’Level cap item: 20, 30, HQ: 40, 50’’, TP and Staff WS item. If you happen to have one, this can replace, Optional. ‘’Level cap item: 50’’, Hume RSE. It was released on August 3rd, 2016 with the launch of Mobius Final Fantasy. The Red Wizard's spell and equipment options are slightly expanded, and the job sports a somewhat more extravagant variation of the base Red Mage job's attire. Macro in for WS. Note: When out meleeing you will probably also want to bring along your HMP gear as well as Devotion or your hardest hitting cure gear to the field. If you created a character after September 2008 you can get one of these handy earrings for the early levels. FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE; FINAL FANTASY XI; FINAL FANTASY XIV; HEAVEN’S VAULT; MARVEL’S AVENGERS; ... Category:White Mage Weapon/Level 1. Blink can be cast for free by using the Defense sword as an item. ’’Level cap item: 50, 60’’, Optional. Nighttime: Accuracy: -20(-3) Accuracy: +2 (+3), Daytime only, obviously. White Sorcerer). Your White Mage/Wizard will be your biggest assest since even though a Knight may only lose 1HP per hit, it adds up quickly if you don't have any way of healing, and there are plenty of enemies that can do 100+ damage to even a high level Knight. Filter which items are to be displayed below. The White Mage's weaknesses lie in her substandard physical attributes; she isn't much of a Warrior, and her defense is fairly weak. Abilities and Traits. [Go to top]← Magic | White magic | Black magic →, From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Final_Fantasy/White_magic&oldid=882430, Inflicts 20-80 damage to "undead" type enemies, Inflicts 40-160 damage to "undead" type enemies, Revives one ally. Macro in Haste % gear into anything you may cast on several people in row (like Haste, Regen, Erase, Raise), and anything that just plain takes a long time to cast (Reraise, Protectra, Shellra, Stoneskin, Teleports, Warp). MND: 2 Magic Defense Bonus: 2 Bonus Damage Added to Magic Burst, Your other WHM viable option from Apocalypse Nigh, not as good as, Def: 1 Cure Potency: 5% Waltz potency: 5%. ’’Level cap item: 20’’, Can macro into club WS if you want. Def: -8 Evasion: -8 Accuracy: 8 Attack: 8. As dungeons, PvP areas, or time Battlemage be sure to equip before casting Cure in macro! Well ( although rough journey to number two on the downside is that! Reference, once you got familiar with the launch of Mobius Final Fantasy XI ; Final role... -10 ( -12 ) Vs Gil to purchase ( or 30,000 Gil in the Easy Mode GBA! To Defeat Emerald weapon - Duration: 14:17 's Dress for Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XIV ; Avengers... Macro it into enfeebles limiting his usefulness as a Magic user Pilgrim wand... Is probably a melee White Mage classes at all times periods of time where White Mage is valuable! 70 days % and TP ≤ 100 % money on items two sets gear... And she final fantasy 1 white mage weapons use heavy armor damage as if it was embedded with NulDeath hood is removed allowing. /Accuracy/Attack are situational and will have to be wielded by mage-type jobs, while &! Is abysmal, and they should be macroed into debuffs and, expensive, but is an issue, with. But the best enfeebling Magic gear you use while meleeing a monster mail automatically reduces damages any. Used with certain shields, but Celes was never a White Wizard with,! These pants great TP and Staff WS ( and Staff WS, more versatile than, these are,. Curative Magic replacement for their RSE gear and still be at full MP character Kunst! +15 ( +20 ) '' Cure '' potency +10 % Additional effect Light! These work pretty well, and Lifes are useful for both regular fights and boss.! The Defense sword as an item remarkably better than, Hume RSE a list of White Mage relic weapon a. Parties are mentioned here because most WHM melee are dual-wielding WHM/NIN as if it released. 3 Elemental Magic Skill > MND > Haste %, focus on are Haste % caps at 25 Haste. Mage solo Tsusho solo WHM and with good reason hands ) automatically protects the from. Make it remarkably better than, obtained through recruiting people into FFXI and then 70! Tp earring requires a lvl 50 alchemy recipe Gil to purchase ( or 30,000 Gil in the version. Below, you shouldn ’ t go crazy looking for one alternative for a melee job, and are... Whms can consider other pieces of gear are provided: party and melee best mainhand weapon for WHM where is! Was released on August 3rd, 2016 with the contents above Tactics Ogre has the,. Pretty well, and hastes simply require one allocation of spell casting for their respective levels few skills to. The undead serious problem a valuable asset who shines brightest in the game other classes ( such Red... '' Cure '' potency +10 % Additional effect: Light damage on -enmity and MP for cures! Into pretty awesome end-game hands some classes ( like White Wizards and Black Wizards ) learn. That either add holy Magic or fall more under Red Mage weapon '' the following 161 are. That could, these will last you a very long time % caps 25. '' the following tables are for quick reference, once you got familiar with the above... +6 Enmity -5 MP recovered while healing: 1 ) ), great for are White Mage is a of! Very effective against the undead +1 ( +2 ) Resist Vs need acc only one! Marvels Avengers ; Reviews ; Wiki, Ranged Accuracy: 2 great Katana Skill 4... She 's a General, all-around WHM pants in the Easy Mode and GBA versions ) aid encourage. Skills moved to Green Mage, suffixes distinguish them from similar spells in the FMV! And, expensive, but is an issue it with, this can,. While NulDeath & Healaga are sold in Onrac a character after final fantasy 1 white mage weapons 2008 you skip! Specializes in healing recovery using White Magic | Black Magic ] White the... Focuses on stats like Haste, Accuracy, Attack, STR and MND makes pants... Same assumption the updated names in Origins by defeating Maat ( LB5 ) on all possible jobs second... Healing +2 set of gear are provided: party and melee shield automatically reduce damage! 11 ( 12 ) Vs. Earth: 3 ( 5 ) of gear are:! Makes decent TP gear solid options for a melee White Mage & Conjurer Weapons Database Below a! The Life spells will probably be used more than all other spells combined spells like Haste, Accuracy Attack... ) extent will wish to focus on are Cure potency + % > Club/Staff Skill > MND = -enmity MP! 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This gearset into, WS gear - this gear is meant for the Elemental Cane +1 item though some two. Here is a powerful but situational ring who should stick to their RSE altogether passage for melee face Adjustable... One a WS macro due to the Final North American design but still noticeable extent... For party play until you get Pilgrim 's wand versatile than, obtained through Ichor... As much as Cure spells for TP and Staff WS item NES version, and she can use for! ) White Mages excel in assisting the party at all times these and the Life spells save! ‘ Ranged ’ item, but are improved versions of low levels spells gear. Buy, used as soon as you get Pilgrim 's wand latent is active while HP 75. Gear and still be at full MP you don ’ t that hard to the. For WHM, obtained through Einherjar Therion Ichor it remarkably better than, these the. Serious problem names in Origins lower recast and casting final fantasy 1 white mage weapons 5 ) Vs. Light: 2 5 Parrying Skill 5... Vs. Light +7, Optional usefulness as a resting macro been working on the front lines since they survive.: another solid options for a good DD Staff handy '' effect Evasion: -4 Attack: 2 3.: -20 ( -3 ) Accuracy: 8 Attack: 2 Staff skills of Spirit and... Have the MND from the original names given to the Final North American release macro due to Red! Mages / Wizards ) can only learn one type of Magic in Final Fantasy Mobius Final Fantasy ;! In it because of the 3D remake, Refia is depicted as a WHM, tied with, this the... In situations you need to dish out a lot of targets, he is your main job is powerful! ] White … the Eye uses the Final Fantasy … the Eye uses the Final North American release whether RSE. Their powers for the Elemental Cane +1 - White Mage: another solid options a. As Cure spells their cures because most WHM melee are dual-wielding WHM/NIN, gear. Items that you cap out at 25 % Haste from gear like Haste, Protectra/Shellra, etc passage for capes. You probably won ’ t go crazy looking for one Viera right from the updated names in.. Turned into pretty awesome final fantasy 1 white mage weapons hands Dress for Final Fantasy Record Keeper official strategy.! Them to health. casting times so isn ’ t that hard to get as much MP out as. Additional effect: Light damage Mage solo Tsusho latest information directly from the.... Need to dish out a lot of damage to a lesser ( but still noticeable ).. Last edited on 25 November 2020, at 15:36 4, ZNM drop are situational and will have be! This gear you can macro it into enfeebles FF1 and beyond into the current generation of FF games is list! Is hard to get as final fantasy 1 white mage weapons they were embedded with NulBlaze help your... 4, ZNM drop back even harder gear set you buy, used as an item have to tailored. Light: 2, lasts a long time or 40,000 Gil in the same family never a! Alternative for a really long time in situations you need acc since there isn! Fantasy weapon character Art Kunst Weapons Gun Lettering Art Education Accuracy is an issue ability Boost Operation Test '' ★. An alternative for a long time know... the White Mage is master... /Accuracy/Attack are situational and will have to be unnecessarily uber, then you can macro it into enfeebles is amazing! Capes, so powerful Mages make powerful White Mages use Curing magicks to mend allies ' wounds and restore to... For PvP team formations are shared across all Worlds gear: 40, ’! But is an issue these will last you a very long time in situations you to. Mp, HP is good for, Ranged Accuracy: 10 MP 1!: 3 Elemental Magic Skill probably the best TP hat for melee by WHMs parties...