This list was endless as every other step was welcomed by a new species. Type Of Flowering Plant: Orchid. Lotus leaves are round and floats on water connected to the stem with long stalks. Leaves are pinnately compound with seven leaflets with a larger one at the tip. Violet, pink and white flowers. Mostly flowers are using for prayers and other spiritual worship, decoration and preparing Ayurveda medicines. Find here details of companies selling Flowering Plant in Thrissur, Kerala. A soft-stemmed tree with highly fragrant tiny flowers that open during night. Rose Plants Jasmine Plants Plumeria Plants Hibiscus Plants Ixora Plants Bougainvillea Plants Lantana Plants Adenium Plants Anthurium Plants Flowering Creepers Flowering Trees Foliage plants ... have rich meanings with outstanding uniqueness and beauty. Common Name : Kongini or bendhi or Pot-marigold plant. Endemic plants of the Western Ghats common in the sacred groves of Kerala. read … A weak stemmed climber plant that bears extremely aromatic white flower clusters; this plant’s leaves, roots and flowers have medicinal value. A fully blown golden shower tree is a treat to the eye of the beholder and the fallen petals on the ground gives it the name ‘golden-shower’ tree. More about Azalea... Azalea.
Aambal. It collapses when stirred (hence the Hindi name Lajjalu meaning shy) it regains shape afterwards the commotion. Hindu myths have a prominent place for lotus flower and Lord Vishnu is supposed to be physically associated to lotus flower and all temples use lotus for rituals. Jasminum sambac has many petals (called chendu-mulla meaning bouquet jasmine. Tulsi, Curry leaves, Neem, Coconut oil, Aloe Vera and Fenugreek are also known to be beneficial against list of hair. They belong to 1,537 genera in 221 families. It is a garden grown plant that grow only up two meters in height (certain varieties grow as trees bearing blue flowers and often grown on street-sides). The plant is a spiny shrub; it is a garden plant for its beautiful inflorescence with yellow and reddish flowers; leaves are compound with numerous leaflets. Most of the flowers of Kerala (Flowers Kerala) are grown in home gardens and some are found in forest areas. WATCH VIDEOS OF FLOWERS IN MONSOON. NEWS. It is widely planted as an ornamental tree and also used as a … (Also known as Aubretia). Sign In. Kadaladi, Mexican creeper, Rosa De Montana, Queen’s wreath or Coral vine, Common Name : Kadaladi, Mexican creeper, Rosa De Montana, Queen’s wreath or Coral vine. Baby’s Breath. This plant is an herb and perennial with a short flowering period. Trees are usually meant for the utilitarian purpose such as to provide fruits, … Learn how your comment data is processed. Piravom- 686 664 , Ernakulam, Kerala, India Corporate Identity Number: U93000KL2010PTC039156 Ph: 04842203544 Flowers , a 24 hour Malayalam entertainment television channel transforming Malayalam television with it's offering of shows , serials, movies,music and much more ! It belongs to the family Araceae and scientific name is Pistia Stratiotes. Sankhu-pushpam, Gokarna, aparojita or Butterfly pea or blue- pea vine, Common Name : Sankhu-pushpam, Gokarna, aparojita or Butterfly pea or blue- pea vine. Scientific Name. Packaging Type: Carton Box. Alyssa: Alyssa, the informal variation of Alicia, skyrocketed in popularity in 1980 and had held onto … It is also called as water lily or star-lotus. Thulasi or Holy basil plant is an herb with high medicinal value, Scientific Name : Ocimum tunnuiflorum or Ocimum sanctum, Common Name : Thulasi or Holy basil plant is an herb with high medicinal value. Arali It is widely grown for the beautiful bell-like flowers that appear on all seasons, the colorful part is the calyx (outer layer of petals) that is fused to form the tube. Cardiospermum halicacabum L; Centella asiatica Urb. Family : Apocyanaceae. Ashoka gives dark shades in hot seasons for rest and recoup of the members of the family and hence called ‘Angana-priya’ (darling of the front-yard). Flowering Plants. More about Amaryllis... Amaryllis. Thetti, Thechi or West Indian jasmine or Jungle geranium, Common Name : Thetti, Thechi or West Indian jasmine or Jungle geranium. 3. Website / Hosting & Promotions by Intertoons Internet Services Pvt.Ltd., Kochi | Kerala, eAmby: Hindustan Ambassador New Car Design – Electric Ambassador, Tamil Yeoman, State Butterfly of Tamil Nadu, Intertoons Internet Services Pvt.Ltd., Kochi | Kerala. This plant is a shrub with simple oval leaves and its ripe fruits bearing pods burst when come in to contact with water; hence a favorite game for rural children and gained it the name fire-cracker plant. The beautiful waxed effect flaming flower plant (scientific name: Anthurium scherzerianum) makes a great ornamental plant that stands out looking lush. Its flowers are arranged in terminal cymes (that is born at the tip of the branch and in dumbbell shaped inflorescence). Its flexible stem is used to make baskets by the tribal people. Poovu, Pushpam are the words for flower in Malayalam. Ayurveda’s Immunity Boosting Measures of Self Care for … The name of iris comes from the Greek … The plant is a holy tree for Indians; leaves flowers etc are extensively used in the preparations of Ayurvedic medicins. The stem is submerged in ground and flat round leaves are seen above the water level. This herb blooms exactly at 4 o clock gaining the name Nalumani meaning 4 O Clock in Malayalam. Pala is believed to be the abode of fairies by Indian myths! Arali, Nerium plant, Dog-bane, South-sea rose, Adalpha, Common Name : Arali, Nerium plant, Dog-bane, South-sea rose, Adalpha. Many of them are growing in different climates. Now I see in your present … It is a widely grown garden plant; leaves are simple and dark green; has extensive use in Ayurvedic medicines. Get latest info on Flowering Plant, suppliers, wholesale suppliers, retailers & traders with Flowering Plant prices for buying. Amaryllis aka: Belladonna Lily Naked Ladies. Lotus is a sacred flower by Hindus and goddess Saraswati is believed to be seated on a lotus flower (Saraswati is the goddess of learning and wisdom). Begonia. Calotropis procera R. Br. April 24, 2020 April 27, 2020 Krishna 0. Nandiarvattom or Crepe jasmine or Carnation of India, Scientific Name : Tabeamaemontana diverticata, Common Name : Nandiarvattom or Crepe jasmine or Carnation of India. Anemone. Best seller in Flower Pots. It is an aquatic plant that grows in fresh water lakes and ponds with stem buried in the ground. The plant is the State of Kerala’s official flower, as the name denotes its flowers are golden-yellow and grown in long pendent inflorescence. Some of the flowers found in Kerala are. Slender Loris Slender Loris a small, nocturnal primate a genus of Loris, commonly found in the tropical scrub and deciduous forests as well as the dense hedgerow plantations bordering farmlands of Southern India and Sri... © Copyright Dekochi 2020. Aubreita deltoidea. Find Pictures Of Over 1,000 Flowers With Names On My Pinterest Board. Kashithetti, Savam-nari or Madagascar periwinkle, Scientific Name : Catharanthus roseus (Vinca rosea), Common Name : Kashithetti, Savam-nari or Madagascar periwinkle. Allium: Also known as flowering onion, this plant grows from a bulb or from seed, and produces globes of purple clusters of flowers atop long stems. Pacha Thamara, Mutta Payal, Neerpola, Kuda Payal, Angilla Pongu etc are other local names given to this plant. Flowers are fragrant and have many red to white colored petals. Plant anemones in full sun or part shade. Ayurveda . Common Name : Chemparuthi or Rose-mallow or sorrel. ... Name * Email * Website. unisexual flowers,examples of unisexual flowers,bisexual flowers examples,examples of bisexual flowers,can you name 10 unisexual flowers. Online shopping for Flowers - Outdoor Plants from a great selection at Outdoor Living Store. Ambassador to eAmby One of India’s earliest and most famous automobile design houses, DC Design, has come back as DC2 and released electricity-powered Hindustan Ambassador Concept design. Common Name : Arali, Nerium plant, Dog-bane, South-sea rose, Adalpha . The plant is a popular shrub of Kerala garden grown for their extremely beautiful flowers. Begonia. Leaves are green pinnately compound, has much medicinal values. Jasmine is a favorite flower of Indian ladies and is widely cultivated for flowers from which oleoresins are extracted. The plant is known by many names like water lily, star-lotus, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt of India, Environment related projects sanctioned by KSCSTE. The plant is a climber plant that bears blue conch shaped inner part above blue or white lower petal. It is an aquatic plant with stem submerged in the ground and long petiole holding flat round leaves above water level. The flowering plant is native of Europe and Asia, also used as a decorative element in gardens. Usage/Application: Garden. Parijat: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. It is also the state flower of Kerala, India. Kulamariyan, Madhumalti or Rangoon or Chinese creeper, Common Name : Kulamariyan, Madhumalti or Rangoon or Chinese creeper. The plant is a popular shrub of Kerala garden grown for their extremely beautiful flowers. Mimosa plant has medicinal properties that can cure piles, urinary stone etc. Leaves are simple alternate dark green with toothed ridges. The plant is a weak stemmed annual herb with compound dark green leaves; it is widely grown for its aromatic and beautiful flowers (inflorescence with outer layer of petals forming the colorful part); aromatic compounds and dyes extracted from flowers. They grow as herbs, shrubs, trees and even as climbers. Bellflower aka: American bellflower Codonopsis Chinese bellflower. Family: Orchidaceae. Family: Fabaceae
It is a spiny creeping plant and grows in waste lands and on road-sides. Ashokam, Galasoka, Anganapriya or Ashoka tree, Common Name : Ashokam, Galasoka, Anganapriya or Ashoka tree. Amaranth. It is very famous because of its medicinal use to treat fever, inflammations, gastrointestinal disorder, etc. Learn the scientific names and different varieties, and find similar flora. The ‘golden shower tree’ produces flowers early and considered as a clarion-call of the arrival of Vishu or Vaishakh a festival of flowers. 10 Plants Used in Ayurveda for Improving Hair Growth. Parijat flowers are much similar to jasmine flowers in appearance. Availability of good rainfall and high humidity enables it to grow a number of tropical and sub-tropical flowers. The plant is a tendril-climber that grows wild it is invasive and troublesome. Mirabilis jalapa, the marvel of Peru or four o'clock flower, is the most commonly grown ornamental species of Mirabilis plant, and is available in a range of colours. Iris flowers are a genus of about 260–300, species of flowering plants with showy flowers. The plant is the State of Kerala’s official flower, as the name denotes its flowers are golden-yellow and grown in long pendent inflorescence. Common Name : Thamara, Kamalam, Padmam or Indian lotus. The flowers have many petals and floats over the water surface. This is an evergreen shrub that grows to less than 8 feet. The plant is a shrub that grows mostly in the wild but capable of excelling any garden-grown plant for its beautiful terminal inflorescence that lasts about six months. kerala plants - dvd 5094 plants; 880 exotics; 100 more multiple keys for finding plants; 20,000 more plant images; 6,800 local/trade/common names and more...>>> Flowering Plants in Kerala Leaves of this plant are used as anti-worm potion. Or, if it is a gift of flowers that you have received, check out the flower names and their meanings to find out what it means. Mukkutti is of high medicinal value and widely used in Ayurveda. Facebook Comments. Skip to main Pitchi, Jathimalli or Common jasmine or Poet’s jasmine, Common Name : Pitchi, Jathimalli or Common jasmine or Poet’s jasmine. Identify plants and flowers when you upload a picture or take a photo with your phone. Plants are either herbs or shrubs and even as trees. Kerala is blessed with tropical and subtropical climate because of its elevation from the sea level to the Western Ghats (over 2000m). Abutilon Hybridum The flowering maple (scientific name: Abutilon hybridum) is part of a large plant genus of flowering and … ... and the flower of the tree is the national flower. Names of Flowers and Their Meanings. Amaranthus. It is an aquatic plant having bright coloured flowers. Dasapushpam (from Sanskrit dasa 'ten', and pushpam 'flower'), or the ten sacred flowers of Kerala, are ten herbs traditionally significant to Keralites, the people of Kerala, India. standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options. Here are some of the common Flowers of Kerala. I may be 12 years old, but finding a perfect flower name (though I'm not really interested in flowers except that they're pretty to look at and great names for any animal) is very important to me. Flowers of Kerala – Photo. Anemone: Also known as windflower, these tuberous flowers produce poppy-like blooms in early-to-mid spring. Orange-red- bell shaped flowers open row by row in the terminal cluster. Needs full sun and moderate water, although it can handle excessive heat and drought. Due to the fine climate, many species of flowering plants are growing naturally. Their leaves are simple and alternate and flowers in beautiful inflorescence. Ayurveda . Kanakambaram, Abuli or fire-cracker plant, Scientific Name : Crossandra infundibuliformis, Common Name : Kanakambaram, Abuli or fire-cracker plant, Family : Acanthaceae or Ruellia. Is it love? Mirabilis jalapa was cultivated by the Aztecs for medicinal and ornamental purposes.. eAmby Electric Hindustan... Tamil Yeoman Tamil Yeoman, scientifically known as Cirrochroa thais is the state butterfly of South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. IndiaMART. Aster: China Aster is an excellent cut flower. To use
The plant is known by many names like water lily, star-lotus, Nymphaea stellataetc. The flowers usually open from late afternoon or at dusk … Rajamalli, Dasa-mandaram or Dwarf poinciana, Scientific Name : Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Common Name : Rajamalli, Dasa-mandaram or Dwarf poinciana. If you want to express your deep feelings to someone special in your life, in a thoughtful and unique way, check out the list of flower names given below, and find out what message you can devise using the special language of flowers. 2017 Who is Who 2020 ... Monoecious plants are capable of undergoing both self and cross-pollination due to the presence of … Laces made of Pitchi flowers are a craze to any Indian lady and these flowers are sold at high prices. A short herb with pinnate leaves (eight to seventeen in number) that radiates from the stem, flowers yellow; five petalled long stalked.
Seeds are black with wrinkled surface. Pala or Black-board tree or Indian devil tree, Common Name : Pala or Black-board tree or Indian devil tree. SEE PHOTOS OF BIRDS OF KERALA. Outdoor Flower Plants ... 1-12 of over 50,000 results for Flowers. These spread slowly and tend to be compact, so you’ll want to mark their position to avoid removing them as a weed. Gypsophila. You’ll find everything from common favorites like roses and tulips to exotic plants and flowers.. Find the flower names below, along with a brief description, a photo, and some guidance for those of you who are interested in gardening. … Mirabilis in Latin means wonderful and Jalapa (or Xalapa) is the state capital of Veracruz in México. We’ve pulled together a list of 170+ flower and plant types, along with pictures of each one and details on the best way to plant them. This is one of the most popular flowers for its enchanting fragrance; flowers are white, five petalled, with tubular stalk; leaves generally simple and dark-green. Coffea travancorensis W. & A. Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott. We could hardly identify two dozen plants with our knowledge in taxonomy. These herbs are found almost everywhere in Kerala, especially in the Western Ghats region. Eri Pacha – Its flower is a quick remedy to tooth ache. Water-lily flowers are brightly colored from red to blue; many petalled and float over water surface. They grow as herbs, shrubs, trees and even as climbers. This sap though poisonous (causes nausea and brain-damage if injested) is of much medicinal value (used for the treatment of scabies). Its profuse flowers that grow in beautiful inflorescences are capable to make it a garden plant blush. Moss Rose Or Rose Moss (portulaca grandiflora): Your plant is an annual with fleshy, succulent, trailing foliage and flowers in a wide range of colors that resemble small roses. Thetti is also a sacred plant and used in temple rituals. Several leaves (seven, nine etc) arise from a single nod and several braches start from the same joint giving the tree a particular shape. Their leaves are simple and alternate and flowers in beautiful inflorescence. Leaves are small, simple and green; fruits paired follicles (2 to 4 cm long). Plant in full sun, in moist but well-drained soil. All rights reserved. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It is an herb that bears white or pink flowers on all seasons. The flower heads come in many different sizes, types & … Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. Vakha, Gulmohur, Krishna-chura or Royal Poinciana, Common Name : Vakha, Gulmohur, Krishna-chura or Royal Poinciana. This is a herb that grows on a bulb like underground stem (rhizome). More about Anemones... Anemone. Orchids, Anthurium and Roses stand in front of the flowering plant category and some less prominent ones but more enchanting plants those are grown all over Kerala. Regains shape afterwards the commotion, examples of unisexual flowers, can you Name unisexual!, Free Shipping, Cash on Delivery on Eligible purchases Jalapa was cultivated by the Aztecs for medicinal ornamental. Stamens giving it a garden plant ; leaves flowers etc are extensively used in preparations! It flowers profusely during the onset of summer and stays flowered until the end of.... Nalumani or Four O clock gaining the Name Platycodon or the Chinese.. Plant that bears blue conch shaped inner part above blue or white lower petal and have red... Flower plants... 1-12 of over 1,000 flowers with names on My Pinterest Board cultivated flowers! And yellow flower is a wild invasive spiny shrub, Common Name: arumasam Krishna. 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