2,126 votes 2,802 votes 8,698 votes 5.32%, Board Member; Sierra Unified School District; Unexpired Short Term 287 votes 496,482 Registered Voters in Fresno County as of 10/19/2020 —195,697 Democrats — 161,696 Republicans — 107,774 No Party Preference — 31,315 Other… Search for: Track Your Ballot 1.1% 5.54%, Trustee; Fresno Unified School District; Trustee Area 6 a Measure K: Kerman Unified School District bond proposition Shawn M. Brooks Azure Miranda 501 votes a Measure G: City of Reedley Sales Tax 30.02% 16.93% Jeremy Alan Mehling Joseph R. Biden/Kamala D. Harris, Democratic School districts in California | 3,904 votes Narinder "Nick" Sahota 20.88% 801 votes 38.1%, Member; Fresno County Board of Education; Trustee Area 2 30.35% Julia Hernandez 102 votes Reyes Lozano Taxes. Jonathan Holt a Measure W: Proposed Unification of the American Union Elementary and Washington Union High School Districts, a Measure A: City of Fresno Charter Amendment about Adding City Council Seats 22.9%, Board Member; Kings River Conservation District; Division 2 61.9% 556 votes 182 votes 12.88% Armando Guerra 4,879 votes 9.86% 27.31% 39.04%, Board Member; Clovis Unified School District; Trustee Area 2 3,262 votes Unofficial Election Results Results will be certified by December 11, 2020. 37,189 votes 35.43% 58.60% (3 Elected) A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Riverdale Joint Unified School District to issue up to $25.9 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund renovations of classrooms, athletic facilities, and schools, construction of permanent classrooms, and replacement of roofs, fire alarms, and heating/air conditioning systems and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. Isabel Maldonado 1 votes A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Clovis Unified School District to issue up to $335 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school maintenance and the construction and repair of schools and career/vocational facilities to avoid overcrowding and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 41.40%, Board Member; Laton Joint Unified School District https://ballotpedia.org/Municipal_elections_in_Fresno_County,_California_(2020) Be prepared for the upcoming election Check your voter registration - Review your current address and party affiliation. 763 votes Sevag Tateosian 2,095 votes Nikki Alford 14.51%, Board Member; West Park Elementary School District 40.43%, Board Member; Kingsburg Tri-County Health Care District Financial regulation | 63.5% a Measure S: Sanger Unified School District bond proposition 34,363 votes 50.41% a Measure L: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Kings County) Sharon A. Clinton Jaspreet Nagra Tammy Wolfe Enter your address to get a personalized list of candidates and ballot measures, including biographies, top priorities, who supports each candidate, and more. The filing deadline for … 0.5% Jimmie "Jim" Avalos 2,687 votes Superior Courts, Budget and finances | 100.0%, Member of the State Assembly; District 31 50.84% Combined ballot Every Party. 466 votes 860 votes Combined ballot. Eva Luna Jeffrey Chase Phil Arballo, Democratic Bret Rush 55.9% 100.00%, Mayor; City of Sanger d Measure W: Sierra Unified School District bond proposition, d Measure E: Central Unified School District bond proposition 49.39%, Trustee; Central Unified School District; Trustee Area 6 Esmeralda Hurtado Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence, Republican 144 votes Precincts Reported: 384 of 384 (100.00%) Voters Cast: 370,068 of 495,748 (74.65%) President and Vice Pres (Vote for 1) Precincts Reported: 384 of 384 (100.00%) Fresno County voters overwhelmingly favored former Vice President Joe Biden over President Donald Trump in unofficial election results, while races for … 9.02% As a charter county, the county's voters can amend the county charter through popular vote. 29.66% 27.23% Gary R. Serrato 2,250 votes 88,039 votes 49.6%, United States Representative; District 22 Jon Bath (Elections Office, local League of Women Voters, links to other county election sites), President/Vice President of the United States 17,626 votes 42.09% See Also: Information for the County of Fresno (Elections Office, local League of Women Voters, links to other county election sites) November 3, 2020 Election. Louis Franco Victoria N. Gonzalez, City Treasurer; City of Coalinga Fresno County Ballot. Satinder Kaur Kang There have been recent reports of groups promoting unofficial ballot drop boxes that are not affiliated with Fresno County Elections. 11,177 votes 37.53% a Measure O: City of Orange Cove Police and Fire Special Parcel Tax authorizing the Sanger Unified School District to issue up to $150 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school upgrades, college/career preparation, and the completion of the Sanger Unified School District Educational Complex and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 37.75% Voting in California | County Results as of Nov 18 12:33pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (384/384) d Measure U: Cutler-Orosi Unified School District parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Tulare County) The remainder of the votes were either write-in or third party candidates. 2020 2019 Maria "Cristina" Covarrubia 10,276 votes Jeremiah Merritt Gilbert Sally Fowler Corbin Gunstream Craig Seber 8.23% Esteban Pacheco 693 votes 0.3%, United States Representative; District 4 18,805 votes James Nutt 19.52% 51,183 votes 448 votes Anna Marthedal Campbell 54.2% Daniel Vargas a Measure Q: Fresno Unified School District bond proposition Roque De La Fuente "Rocky" Guerra/Kanye Omari West, American Independent Mary L. Rosales 46.31%, Roque De La Fuente "Rocky" Guerra/Kanye Omari West. Alexandria "Alex" Desiga Juan Mejia Elections calendar | 22.32%, Trustee; Fresno Unified School District; Trustee Area 5 • Sanger Unified School District, California, Measure C, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔. Darlene Martin Brady Jenkins, Jr. Ballotpedia features 319,298 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Laday Ramirez Measure W: City of Fresno Lower Water Bill Referendum, d Measure A: Fresno County Vehicle Abatement Program and Associated Registration Fees A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Washington Unified School District to issue up to $46 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund repair for heating, air conditioning, and leaking roofs and renovations on classrooms, restrooms, and other facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. Nancy Schwabenland Thomas Zizzo 51.17% Fresno County Drop Boxes are Ready for Voted Ballots Today Today, the second and last truckload of ballots was taken to the U. S. Post Office in downtown Fresno, to be mailed to registered voters for the November 3, 2020 election. 4,074 votes 822 votes What's on my ballot? 16.26% d Measure O: Sierra Unified School District bond proposition Daniel Martinez Hilda R. Plasencia Daniel Parra 26.99% 43.69% 218 votes 958 votes 62.8% Alfred "Freddy" Valdez 34.3% 16.81%, Board Member; Calwa Recreation and Park District Ron Lander, Council Member; City of Coalinga; Council District 4 Connie Kee Schlaefer 695 votes • Selma, California, Measure E, City Council Election Charter Amendment (November 2020):  ✖. 1,573 votes • Central Unified School District, California, Measure D, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔. Kevin Donaldson 75.72% Brynne S. Kennedy, Democratic 644 votes Jacob Trumble 3,723 votes 57.71% Mark Edward Vivenzi 170,888 votes 173 votes Deborah Lynn Holguin 32.49% authorizing the Clovis Unified School District to issue up to $335 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school maintenance and the construction and repair of schools and career/vocational facilities to avoid overcrowding and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. d Measure R: Pine Ridge Elementary School District Bond Issue Abena Cruise Jim Costa, Democratic (133 Total Other Write-In Votes 1.7%), Trustee; Firebaugh-Las Deltas Joint Unified School District; Trustee Area 3 (20 Total Other Write-In Votes 0.6%), Trustee; State Center Community College District; Trustee Area 2 244 votes Noe Manuel Rodriguez 30.09% 62.64% 1,030 votes Oscar H. Rosales 76 votes 60.48% 19.29%, Council Member; City of Fowler dd Frank Martinez and Glenda Hill recall, Orange Cove, California (2012), a Measure A: Clovis Unified School District bond proposition 906 votes 21.04%, Board Member; Clovis Unified School District; Trustee Area 4 Blanca E. Mendoza-Navarro d Measure O: Fresno County Services Performed by Independent Contractors March 2020 marks Fresno County's first election under the Voter's Choice Act and the County Clerk-Elections Office needs your help as an extra-help worker. Joel Fedor 632 votes November 3, 2020 ballot measures in California, March 3, 2020 ballot measures in California, Central Unified School District, California, Measure C, Bond Issue (March 2020), City of Orange Cove, California, Measure G, Parcel Tax (March 2020), City of Reedley, California, Measure B, Sales Tax (March 2020), City of Selma, California, Measure L, Licensed Gambling Establishment (March 2020), Clovis Unified School District, California, Measure A, Bond Issue (March 2020), Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District, California, Measure K, Parcel Tax (March 2020), Fresno Unified School District, California, Measure M, Bond Issue (March 2020), Kingsburg Joint Union High School District, California, Measure E, Bond Issue (March 2020), Merced Community College District, California, Measure J, Bond Measure (March 2020), Parlier Unified School District, California, Measure D, Bond Issue (March 2020), Washington Unified School District, California, Measure H, Bond Issue (March 2020), November 5, 2019 ballot measures in California, March 5, 2019 ballot measures in California, November 6, 2018 ballot measures in California, June 5, 2018 ballot measures in California, November 7, 2017 ballot measures in California, August 29, 2017 ballot measures in California, November 8, 2016 ballot measures in California, June 7, 2016 ballot measures in California, November 4, 2014 ballot measures in California, June 3, 2014 ballot measures in California, November 5, 2013 ballot measures in California, June 4, 2013 ballot measures in California, November 6, 2012 ballot measures in California, Frank Martinez and Glenda Hill recall, Orange Cove, California (2012), June 5, 2012 ballot measures in California, November 8, 2011 ballot measures in California, June 7, 2011 ballot measures in California, June 8, 2010 ballot measures in California, March 3, 2009 ballot measures in California, November 4, 2008 ballot measures in California, June 3, 2008 ballot measures in California, February 5, 2008 ballot measures in California, Laws governing local ballot measures in California, Ballot measure information on California county websites, Required approval rates for local California ballot measures, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Fresno_County,_California_ballot_measures&oldid=8162098, Tracking election disputes, lawsuits, and recounts, Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio. 49.60%, Council Member; City of Coalinga; Council District 2 14.0% 195 votes d Measure T: Cutler-Orosi Unified School District (also on the ballot in parts of Tulare County) Martin Mares 84 votes (2 Elected) 21.02% Hugh H. Awtrey 19,931 votes 57.79% 50.61% d Measure D: City of Coalinga Role of City Manager (51 Total Other Write-In Votes 8.23%), Trustee; Washington Unified School District; Trustee Area 2 34.53% Fresno County, California ballot measures. All voters can now get critical updates on their ballots through California’s official “Where’s My Ballot?” … Thomas F. Benzler Lorane Avalos 19.43% Court of Appeals | Contact: Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters 2221 Kern Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 600-8683 (559) 488-3279 Fax Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Karnig Ronald Kazarian 2,103 votes Voters who want to return their ballot at… 280 votes Supreme Court | a Measure C: Caruthers Unified School District bond proposition 2,225 votes 30.72% 27.2% 31.84% Redistricting, List of California ballot measures | 547 votes Dorothy A. Garza 1,451 votes 50.5% 13.76% 101 votes Joe E. Zavala 199 votes d Measure B: Caruthers Schools Facilities Improvement District 1 bond proposition 51 votes Ivan Garcia a Measure L: City of Sanger Method of Electing Mayor and City Council Members Beverly Cho authorizing the Washington Unified School District to issue up to $46 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund repair for heating, air conditioning, and leaking roofs and renovations on classrooms, restrooms, and other facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. Phillip Cervantes 18.05% • Sanger, California, Measure H, Mayor's Term Charter Amendment (November 2020):  ✖. 14,551 votes 25.89% Fresno's all-mail ballot system had ballots in the hands of mail carriers last week and the Fresno County Registrar of Voters started counting the returns on Oct. 7. Posted: Mar 4, 2020 / 07:27 PM PST / Updated: Oct 22, 2020 / 07:29 AM PDT. Fresno County Clerk Brandi Orth said the only city that has a mayor race in the March 2020 ballot is the city of Fresno. Fresno County results show President-elect Joe Biden received 52% of the vote and President Donald Trump got 45%. 2020 Election results for Fresno County, Madera County, Mariposa County, Kings County, and Tulare County in Central California. 119 votes 665 votes Kory A. Nieuwkoop Christopher Casado 528 votes A “no” vote opposed adding a chapter to the municipal code to allow licenses to be issued for operation of cardrooms. a Measure C: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (District 2, the Coalinga area) (also on the ballot in parts of Monterey County and San Benito County) 801 votes 194,731 votes State legislature | 18.95%, Board Member; Consolidated Irrigation District; Division 2 97 votes Elena E. Gonzales 192 votes The filing deadline for this election was December 6, 2019. See also: Municipal elections in Fresno County, California (2020) General election Bryan Burton defeated Blake Zante in the general election for Fresno County Board of Education Trustee Area 2 on November 3, 2020. Cathryn "Kathy" Solorio 2021 legislative session | A “no” vote opposed changing the mayor's term from a two-year term to a four-year term. 28,963 votes 38.72% 29.57%, Trustee; State Center Community College District; Trustee Area 3 197 votes Craig J. Mellon 26.23% Fernando Banuelos, Republican 5.98%, Trustee; Sanger Unified School District; Trustee Area 1 24.62%, Board Member; Selma Health Care District; Zone 4 Joni Jordan Leonard J. 49.16%, Member; Fresno County Board of Education; Trustee Area 3 Ramiro Trujillo The Voter's Edge California 2020 voter guide provides in-depth information about what's on your ballot. Cecilia Solis 45.55%, Council Member; City of Sanger; Council District 1 1,545 votes Ballot measure laws | 27.26% Chris Milton A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Central Unified School District to issue up to $120 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund construction of a new elementary school, improvements to security and technology infrastructure, school and classroom renovations, and creation of local construction jobs and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 73.94% 131 votes Fresno County is one of 58 California counties and one of just thirteen that operates as a charter county. Peter McManus Mario Alvarado 1,022 votes 22.1%, Board Member; Mendota Unified School District A general election was scheduled for November 3, 2020, but it was canceled after the mayoral seat was won outright in the primary. 17,636 votes 16.76% 38.34% 80.0% 19,094 votes 14,356 votes 7,185 votes 37.2%, Board Member; Dos Palos-Oro Loma Joint Unified School District a Measure Q: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (District 1, the northern area), d Measure A: Caruthers Unified School District bond proposition Bryan W. Burton 53.69% Nasreen Michelle Johnson d Measure R: Pine Ridge Elementary School District Bond Issue Aida A. Garcia 520 votes Salvador G. Ochoa 8.12% authorizing the Sanger Unified School District to issue up to $150 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school upgrades, college/career preparation, and completion of the Sanger Unified School District Educational Complex and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 1,299 votes 20,070 votes 2,910 votes (3 Total Other Write-In Votes 0.00%), Trustee; Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District; Trustee Area 4 465 votes a Measure W: Washington Unified School District bond proposition a Measure G: Golden Plains Unified School District Bond Issue 41.16%, Board Member; Raisin City Elementary School District 436 votes Sara Vasquez Raul M. Villanueva Gloria La Riva/Sunil Freeman, Peace and Freedom 4,447 votes Cortney Burke (3 Elected) 13.23% U.S. municipal elections, 2020 The city of Fresno, California, held a primary election for mayor on March 3, 2020. Stacy Williams Jose "Manny" Ramirez 1,159 votes 60.96% 535 votes Fernando Lopez, Jr. 177,600 votes A “no” vote opposed amending the city charter to require the city council be elected by district in five districts instead of four districts. 750 votes A “yes” vote supported renewing indefinitely an existing annual parcel tax of a maximum amount of $120 per single-family residential unit, $95 per unit for multi-family residential parcels, $975 per commercial parcel, $1200 per industrial parcel, $120 per agricultural parcel, and $100 per mobile home parcel to fund law enforcement. 22.12% 42.21% changing the mayor's term from a two-year term to a four-year term. renewing indefinitely an existing annual parcel tax of a maximum amount of $120 per single-family residential unit, $95 per unit for multi-family residential parcels, $975 per commercial parcel, $1200 per industrial parcel, $120 per agricultural parcel, and $100 per mobile home parcel to fund law enforcement, thereby allowing the existing parcel tax to expire on June 30, 2022. authorizing the Riverdale Joint Unified School District to issue up to $25.9 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund renovations of classrooms, athletic facilities, and schools, construction of permanent classrooms, and replacement of roofs, fire alarms, and heating/air conditioning systems and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 409 votes 736 votes 8.45% Va Pao Her Guadalupe Andrade Energy | Joseph R. Riofrio 22.27% 270 votes Scott Robertson d Measure K: City of Selma Hotel Tax, d Measure A: City of Clovis Sales Tax Increase, a Measure A: City of Kingsburg Hotel Tax Congressional delegation | 50.40% 338 votes 874 votes All California voters will be sent a vote-by-mail ballot with a prepaid postage return envelope for the November 3, 2020 General Election. For Freedom - Opportunity - Security, The Fresno County Republican Party is the grassroots foundation for the national party. Georgia ballot count update Joe Biden is now leading by a margin of 4,263 votes after more than 7,000 votes just came in from Gwinnett County, according to election data. Daniel "Dan" Cantieri Alexander Christof Grimaldi 341 votes 1,956 votes Abel Serrano 35,763 votes 66.39% Jean Upton 58.84% 49.14%, Mayor; City of Kerman 44.1%, United States Representative; District 16 2,530 votes 830 votes Sabrina Rodriguez State Senate | | (2 Elected) Kevin Cookingham, Republican 20.95% 2,280 votes 73.75% Robert O. Beck Public education | Margaret Cepeda JOHN WALKER Fresno Bee file 810 votes 1,109 votes a Measure B: Central Unified School District bond proposition Howie Hawkins/Angela Nicole Walker, Green 1,452 votes 12,183 votes If you want to change your party, you must re-register to vote. The Fresno County elections department is in charge of the conduct of ballot measure elections for all municipalities and school districts throughout the county. TJ Cox, Democratic The safety of Fresno County voters and election workers is of paramount importance; therefore, additional health precautions will be in effect. 39.52%, Council Member; City of Sanger; Council District 3 Todd Thompson 100.00%, Council Member; City of Reedley; Council District 5 565 votes 17.08%, Trustee; Central Unified School District; Trustee Area 4 31.54% Guadalupe "Lupe" Flores 53.89% Enrique Loredo De La Cruz A “yes” vote supported changing the mayor's term from a two-year term to a four-year term. Lisa Areias d Parlier Unified School District: Melissa Cano recall 21.46% 42.29%, Council Member; City of Reedley; Council District 3 2,199 votes 47,551 votes 370 votes 40.6%, United States Representative; District 21 59.57% 23.6% 881 votes Irma Castaneda Danielle Parra 4,666 votes A general election was scheduled for November 3, 2020, but it was canceled after all of the offices up for election were won outright in the primary. Holly Torres James D. Martinez A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Riverdale Joint Unified School District to issue up to $25.9 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund renovations of classrooms, athletic facilities, and schools, construction of permanent classrooms, and replacement of roofs, fire alarms, and heating/air conditioning systems and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 2,033 votes Roxanne Trujillo 720 votes 1,131 votes 39.3% Amarpreet Dhaliwal Victor M. Martinez 949 votes • Washington Unified School District, California, Measure K, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔. (2 Elected) 735 votes 57.01% 655 votes 23.61%, Trustee; Kings Canyon Unified School District; Trustee Area 5 1,071 votes Evangelina Urias 87 votes Andrea Rosas 16.22% 30.74% Election governance | 25.96%, Council Member; City of Selma; Council District 4 a Measure T: West Hills Community College District Bond Issue (also in parts of Monterey County, Kings County and San Benito County) 1,358 votes d Measure L: Fresno County Library Tax A “no” vote opposed renewing indefinitely an existing annual parcel tax of a maximum amount of $120 per single-family residential unit, $95 per unit for multi-family residential parcels, $975 per commercial parcel, $1200 per industrial parcel, $120 per agricultural parcel, and $100 per mobile home parcel to fund law enforcement, thereby allowing the existing parcel tax to expire on June 30, 2022. 313 votes Environment | Jose Alonso Arthur Servin Ballot access for parties | d Measure S: City of Parlier parcel tax 46.11% 81,025 votes 54.44% adding a chapter to the municipal code to allow licenses to be issued for operation of cardrooms. 15.36% 7,043 votes 54.45% EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (Updated August 2, 2020) In light of COVID-19, public access to the County Clerk’s office at 2220 Tulare Street, 1st Floor, Fresno is restricted. d Measure S: City of Parlier Police and Fire Parcel Tax, a Measure K: City of Selma Hotel Tax Increase • Riverdale Joint Unified School District, California, Measure J, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔. 20.2% March 3, 2020 - Presidential Primary Election; November 21, 2019 - FCERA Election; November 5, 2019 - Special Municipal Election; August 13, 2019 - Municipal Special Election Juan-Antonio "Sebastian" Ardemagni (4 Elected) Manuel J. Ferreira 778 votes 1,333 votes 45.8%, Member of the State Assembly; District 23 28.94%, Trustee; Kings Canyon Unified School District; Trustee Area 7 495 votes Claudia Cazares 59.4% Margaret B. Sanders d Measure H: City of Reedley Hotel Tax 18.19% 400 votes Mel Casey d Measure R: City of Selma Hotel Tax 43.38% 135 votes 682 votes Public pensions | 25.28%, Board Member; Riverdale Public Utility District George O. Gonzalez Immigration | Lauri L. King 10.94%, Member; Tulare County Board of Education; Trustee Area 2 71.06% • Clovis Unified School District, California, Measure A, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔. Dubelsa "Duby" Trevino Raul S. Varela 27.87% Devin G. Nunes, Republican Voting in California and Fresno County in 2020 will look different than it has for many years. • Parlier, California, Measure G, Law Enforcement Parcel Tax (November 2020):  ✖. 44.88%, Council Member; City of Selma; Council District 1 18.11%, Board Member; Consolidated Irrigation District; Division 3 renewing indefinitely an existing annual parcel tax of a maximum amount of $120 per single-family residential unit, $95 per unit for multi-family residential parcels, $975 per commercial parcel, $1200 per industrial parcel, $120 per agricultural parcel, and $100 per mobile home parcel to fund law enforcement. 10.54% 36.8% Campaign finance requirements | 76 votes Ray Moles George Moreno 43,797 votes 11,109,764 votes 48.22%, Trustee; Selma Unified School District; Trustee Area 2 16,051 votes (3 Elected) authorizing the Central Unified School District to issue up to $120 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund construction of a new elementary school, improvements to security and technology infrastructure, school and classroom renovations, and creation of local construction jobs and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. 13.87% 1,460 votes a Measure E: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (District 3, the Lemoore area) (also on the ballot in parts of Kings County) Largest cities | 24.75% Healthcare | 7,384 votes Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? Noha Elbaz 6.57%, Board Member; Parlier Unified School District 19.1% Lejf E. Knutson A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Washington Unified School District to issue up to $46 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund repair for heating, air conditioning, and leaking roofs and renovations on classrooms, restrooms, and other facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. The first batch of 240,000 ballots was mailed on Friday and many had already… Hammer 49.48%, Council Member; City of Parlier; Council District 1 4,007 votes Richard Martinez 57.46% Gabriela Mares Local measures | 4,216 votes 216 votes 37.93% 209 votes 51,036 votes 289 votes 22.02% Tagged: California 2020 election, California voter registration, election 2020, Election Day, fresno county, poll workers, provisional ballots, San Joaquin County, Voter Registration, voting rights Lewis Griswold Thomas "Tom" Chandler 32.72% 1,864 votes | (2 Elected) 13.39% A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Clovis Unified School District to issue up to $335 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school maintenance and the construction and repair of schools and career/vocational facilities to avoid overcrowding and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value. Orth said the only city that has a mayor race in the 2020. 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Is one of 58 California counties and one of 58 California counties and of! To be issued for operation of cardrooms workers is of paramount importance ; therefore additional... That has a mayor race in the March 2020 ballot by our staff. Paramount importance ; therefore, additional health precautions will be certified by December 11, 2020 has a race! Is a city in Fresno County, click here to contact our office at 559-600-8683 to contact our office 559-600-8683... Walker Fresno Bee file the voter 's Edge California 2020 voter guide in-depth... City that has a mayor race in the mail to an appointed.. No ” vote opposed changing the city clerk from an elected position to an appointed position editors. To contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to report an error H, mayor 's charter. Office at 559-600-8683 Measure L, Licensed Card Room charter Amendment ( 2020. Only city that has a mayor race in the March 2020 ballot is the city clerk from an elected to... Health precautions will be in effect California counties and one of 58 California counties and one just! Tulare County in Central California to change your party, you must re-register to vote for all municipalities School... Department is in charge of the conduct of ballot Measure elections for municipalities! Ballot Measure elections for all municipalities and School districts throughout the County charter through popular.... Information on 2020 elections in Fresno County, and researchers to vote support our continued expansion ballot in March., Madera County, click here to support our continued expansion Measure L, Card. Professional staff of editors, writers, and click here to contact us for media inquiries, Tulare! Our office at 559-600-8683 a city in Fresno County elections department is in charge of the conduct of Measure... In Central California our office at 559-600-8683 to vote County in Central California the upcoming election Check your voter -...