I wouldn’t recommend a handgun for the big bears ! At reasonable distances, the Glock 20 is a perfectly viable handgun for big game and a great all-around choice for the great outdoors. In a holster. I didn’t mean to. An earlier decision, though, threatened to cost him his life. I like his 40, but it not enough more gun for me to buy one. A few months earlier, he had heard the theory of “spring set” and decided not to keep the magazine fully loaded. He was mid air to the third when he saw dogs moving past him. I've installed a Ghost trigger, different recoil spring and Tru-glo tritium sights. Although he has no memory of shooting as they fell, empty shells were later found along the path of their descent. With the 40 you get the extra barrel length, and I'm guessing concealment isn't an issue in the woods. He couldn’t shoot for fear of hitting his own legs. I hate to start another handgun vs bear thread but found this on the net and thought it was interesting. If a 10mm is what you decide to use, please consider, for your well being, something other than a Glock. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "vs-alloutdoor-comm-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "602f17a0a9eaa4c53de3d99a569c4fbd"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B002BMOJXE"; Is the Tenure of the AR Picatinny Rail Ending? My personal preference is to drop some history-related knowledge on you before we dive into the model itself. I also purchased Lone Wolfe Barrels in 357sig and .40 cal for the same gun. Edited: I am not in bear country, maybe small black bear, but I travel south sometimes and I have a Glock 29 with Underwood 200 g hard cast. [Re: Chumleyhunts] #13887409 06/09/19: Unlock additional features, and fewer ads while browsing. http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/showthread.php/97054-45-ACP-bear-protection, http://www.marksmanshipmatters.com/handgun-ammunition-for-carrying-in-the-woods/, http://www.marksmanshipmatters.com/dangerous-predators-stopped-with-handguns/, https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=54, https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=173, https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=193, https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=108, https://www.underwoodammo.com/colle...grain-xtreme-penetrator?variant=7865928056889, https://www.ammoland.com/2018/09/up...ar-spray-failure-throwing-gloc/#axzz5anNMdc00, https://www.americanhunter.org/arti...fishermen-from-raging-grizzly-with-9mm-pistol, https://www.shootingillustrated.com/articles/2018/10/16/range-review-remington-v3-tac-13-compact/, https://www.hinterlandoutfitters.co...7-gauge-1476-sabot-slug-shot-rdbx-p-6630.html, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. When a New Mexico hunting guide reportedly found himself the target of a bear, he dropped his phone and reached for his pistol. I went to a very very well stocked gun store yesterday and handled a Dan Wesson Bruin. Bear and man stopped downslope, wedged into brush and boulders. In his fast mind-state, he realized this was bad. During the development process, a new era in law enforcement occurred by way of not just switching from revolvers to semi autos. And when he spotted the bruin, he grabbed his phone to take some video of its unusual cinnamon coloration. Why the .40 S&W is a great option for self defense; 2. Ruger SP101 .357 5 shot revolver, Glock 20 10mm and Glock 40 10mm size comparison The only drawback the 10mm faced was timing. In 1990 Glock released the G20. He provided useful texturing, a grip-angle change and a larger beavertail. I was looking at Glock 20,40 and Springfield XDM. I bought a Glock 40 MOS. Powerful gun for the win! The bear reared erect, jaws ready to strike. The world changed, and Bridger said, “Lets go!”. Consider upgrading your membership for less than a box of bullets! I've narrowed my search to a Glock and will choose between the 20 and 40. Glock 10mm bear loads. Later, Bridger found bear hair between the guide rod and the slide of the G20 pistol. They are Huge , Powerful creatures that can and will rip you to shreds with a single swat if their powerful paws ! Real life is a whole different ball game ! Firearms must be shipped via FedEx Overnight, to your selected FFL. As an afterthought, he took the GLOCK 20 10mm pistol from his vehicle and shoved it in his waistband behind his cowboy belt. This is no joke ! Will probably carry it with Buffalo Bore or Double Tap 200-220gr hard cast. Both fit in my chest pack (HPG OKG) so size isn't an issue. 5. The shot missed the spine. Having 15+1 of 10mm loaded to.41 mag spec should do the job I'd think. If you are looking for a new sidearm, look no further than the perfection of Glock. The bear ripped at his leg. I have the pinky extensions on the magazines and it can handle the rounds fine. Pepper spray is a good option. I’d say that’s not a bad idea… although a revolver chambered for a more powerful round might be a better one. That bear would have had a very hard time getting the man at work. He turned and hopped to the next boulder, then the next. Ah, at last we get to know more about the powerful 10mm Auto.In case you missed it, in Round 1 of our series of Handgun Showdowns, we compared the Glock 22 and the Glock 23 and briefly touched on these subjects: 1. The bear would run at any moment, once he saw or smelled the man. And just like that, one of my favorite 10mms hit the market. 10 mm for grizzly bear, 10mm for grizzly, 10mm for grizzly bear, 10mm vs bear, 10mm vs grizzly, 10mm vs grizzly bear, can a 10mm kill a grizzly, can a 10mm stop a bear, glock 10mm vs bear, glock 20 custom to kill a bear The bear saw Bridger, turned toward him, and flattened its ears back along its head. I've got the Glock 29. Hunter Hung From Tree Two Days Before Being Found, How the Trump Presidency Has Affected Prepping, September is Emergency Preparedness Month, But, Stockpiling 9mm for a SHTF Doomsday Event, Compound Bow Review: Bowtech Realm X + Video, Dear Abby Flubs Home Gun Security Question, Turning a Remote Cabin Into a Bug Out Location, Over 9 Million AR-15 Rifles Made While Obama Was President, 5 Cheap Crossbows to Extend Your Hunting Season, Scouting Dry Creeks Before Hunting Season, 300,000 South African Gun Owners are Suddenly Criminals, 3D Gun Plans Will be Sent Directly to Customers, Preppers: Stockpiling Rechargeable LED Lanterns, Family Life at a Yukon River Fish Camp by Stan Zuray, Glock’s New Factory 24-Round Magazines For Sale, EGW or Evolution Gun Works – Ruger 10/22 Rail System. I had a Glock 20 gen 4. The bear pursued him. An earlier decision, though, threatened to cost him his life. The bear started to spin, snapping at the wounds, about six feet away. Bridger shot him again, in the front of his chest before falling/sliding further down the slope. Carried my Colt or SW 357mags for years. Compare the dimensions and specs of Glock G20 Gen4 and Glock G40 Gen4 MOS Starting with a Glock 20 Gen 4, I sent the frame off to Lew Gosnell at Glock Grip Reduction. It was loaded with 175 grain Hornady Critical Duty FlexLock loads. Re: Springfield XDM or Glock 10mm? Please carry an appropriate firearm with appropriate loads … He’d been working out his dogs in preparation for the upcoming hunting season when they’d struck a bear’s trail. Man and bear went down together, rolling and sliding a bit further down the slope. Big cinnamon bears aren’t common. Bridger elected not to aim for the head. Although the bear was dead, its teeth were still hopelessly tangled in Bridger’s calf muscle. got a glock 20 gen4 coming and will use the sig jhp as carry ammo when out in the desert / woods. Great for self defense, target shooting, and competition, these pistols are manufactured under the high Glock standards. The magazine only had 10-12 rounds in it. Fractions of a second later, another opportunity for a head shot presented itself. That bear never read the rulebook. I know there are a lot of buffalo bore and underwood fans here but the sig ammo is what I have. She hooked up an intravenous drip as they transferred him from the mountain litter to a gurney. Both are about the same weight with the 40 being a hair lighter. Nor is it the .41 Magnum of semi-autos. Bridger grabbed his phone. 3 guns for the price of one! In reality, the person is acting faster than they ever have before. Carries well with my OWB Galco leather holster. Even if they were shooting and spraying, with a grizzly it depends on how determined the bear is, or aggressive. Just throwing options out their. 6. Man and bear are still moving fast, but in Bridger’s hyper-aware state, time slowed. Am about ready to take the plunge and order a Glock 20 10mm for backpacking in bear country and woods use. It works on bear most of the time. You won't find a Glock in my house. Its eyes had locked on Bridger. Firearm orders generally require 24-48 hours for processing prior to shipping. Recoil from the Glock 40 MOS is no walk in the park but is easily controllable thanks to the ergonomics of the Gen 4 Glock’s slimmer pistol grip and long, 6-inch slide. This myth is dead wrong: Glocks aren’t just for guys in photographer’s vests and 5.11 pants. But killed a lot of deer with it out to 98yds until I found the Glock 20 (easy 100yd deer gun) I was looking for a Delta Elete 10mm, but I could buy 2 glock 20’s for the same price. Only after cutting the bear’s head off with a pocket knife could they transport Bridger and his now-gray leg muscle. My 40 has been very reliable with Sig 180gr FMJ and Underwood 180gr ammo. Glock 20 for the win! I know that you can shoot a few cast bullets in Glocks before cleaning with no problem but Glock recommends not shooting cast bullets with their barrels. The only way to put an end to that was to catch up with his dogs, so he pursued, with family members following. Surgery took more than 4 hours, and he received more than 200 stitches. If it's exclusive woods carry the 40 mos. MGW proudly carries high quality pistols from Glock. They are very tenacious about life !!! Which was another problem. It was known that Mark Uptain's Glock 20 10 mm semi-automatic pistol was with the hunters' packs. I think it was sold under the idea of a Glock 20 with a hunting length barrel. It was ok. It didn’t run. Bridger knew he should still have ammunition left in the magazine, so he racked the slide and saw a live round eject in slow motion. It would turn out to be one of the best decisions he ever made. Bridger shoved the muzzle of the GLOCK against the bears neck, trying to shatter its spine and shut the bear down. A gun should be on your hip all day. Go see some of these bears in a zoo ! The Glock 20 handgun has an overall length of 8.07 inches, compared to 8.04 inches for the original Glock 17. Again, you LIVE in bear country. He approached the melee, expecting the bear to run at the sight of him. It would turn out to be one of the best decisions he ever made. Accu-Tac: The FC-5 QD, this is the TANK of bipods. Bridger decided to retreat. But that was his only choice…, As he heard the rescue helicopter come in, Bridger started saying “I am not going on that thing!”. He triggered two or three shots aimed at the bear’s body. in my part of s/w new mexico a bear sighting is rare, but feral hogs are moving into the state. We work hard to bring the best Glock discussion! One guy fired two rounds from his glock 20 and killed the bear. The bear was coming for him. But I did change to special barrel ($150) to handle the heavy bear loads of Buffalo Bore 220gr slug. When a New Mexico hunting guide reportedly found himself the target of a bear, he dropped his phone and reached for his pistol. The article says Bridger is “thinking about heavier, deeper-penetrating bullets in 10mm cartridges designed for bear defense, to carry in his GLOCK.”. If you were out in the woods where bear were known to be ( I have a friend that goes fishing in Colorado in streams and sees bear all the time) there are very few large capacity high power affordable guns out there that are going to give you a fighting chance, a Glock 20 or 40 … Sorry if I came across negative towards your post. I would not trust a 10mm for dangerous game , my life is too precious to me . When rescue personnel arrived — quickly, thanks to his family’s close proximity at the time of the attack — they struggled and failed to free the meat from the fangs. I myself love the 10mm and have a Springfield Omega 6 inch 10mm, 2 glock 20's 1 a 20 and 1 20 sf, a Collt delta elite, and a S&W 1006 . Discussion in 'Announcements & Support' started by Glockaholic19, Dec 24, 2018. Thanks! Glock 20 Ends Bear Attack, Just Barely. These handguns are perfect for any level of shooter. But we’ll stick to just the G20 this time. Bridger started convulsing. In Alaska where they have big nasty brown bears ,you won't find many if any using a 10 mm for bear protection. Re: glock 20 vs glock 40 « Reply #22 on: September 28, 2017, 09:35:02 AM » In the early 70's, I saw pix in Guns & Ammo of a .45 longslide built from a standard Series 70 Colt; it was the coolest, sexiest pistol I'd ever seen. He screamed at Janelle to stay away. I have the Glock-20, love it. I installed a KKM stainless barrel, added nght sights, a Vickers mag release and extended slide release. ). Best gun for the money. As a 10mm GLOCK is tuned from the factory to reliably run FBI-spec 10mm, it will run .40 S&W as, again, .40 was designed to be ballistically identical to FBI 10mm. As he landed and turned, the big GLOCK in his hand, and saw the bear coming at him like an over-sized NFL linebacker with claws and big, pointy teeth. He dropped the phone and snatched the GLOCK from his belt. “Let me help you get more comfortable,” she said. A rifle will be much more effective , 45-70 Guide gun with appropriate loadings will be more powerful and save your bacon from Teeth and Claws ! Bridger could feel the bear and frantically attempted to disentangle. The mind speeds up and events appear to be happening in slow motion. Russ Chastain 09.14.18. Two mags for 2 legged critters and one mag for 4 legged critters and penetrating car doors. However my factory Glock barrel (still have it) cycles fine the Underwood 200gr slug bear load. When Gen 3 Glocks rolled around, changes got real. Glock itself has a cool history. Or maybe both of them, lol! The jury is still out on the Springfield. The Glock 20 has a height of 5.51 inches, again just a tad over the Glock … I shoot the KKM 6" on the 20's so they are equal to the 40. I carried Glocks for years, and repaired a great many for those I worked with. Lew has been doing grips for a couple decades and is a true expert. ( Works on me 100% of the time.) That's my 2 cents but I live in Texas and we don't have Grizzlies to worry about. It would be an incredible image. Can't go wrong with either. It’s a common occurrence in high stress life-or-death situations. The hair prevented the slide from returning into battery. The helicopter landed asd [sic] shock was setting in. Regardless of what the bespectacled gun counter guy may claim, the 10mm Auto is not “the .44 Magnum of semi-autos.” Not even close. If I didn't have 2 already and I could find a good 20 for a good price I'd go for it. Discounts will only apply to accessories and parts. It shot well before the upgrades and shoots very well now. As he approached the fight, he grabbed his not-fully-loaded pistol as he left his UTV. I’d be packing my Glock 20 hunter edition that came with an extra barrel that is 6” with 200, 220 grain hard cast from underwood ammo. People sitting behind a computer will tell you all kinds of crazy things ! He fired. 4. In this sequel to "Bears versus Guns", James revisits his earlier decision to carry a .44 magnum as a grizzly bear defense sidearm in Alaska. Also if I where there I would stand at a tactical distance of 20 yards from the kill with a rifle slug open sight 12 . for this reason I purchased a Glock semi auto. Bridger told one of the flight paramedics from the helicopter, a lovely young woman, that he couldn’t ride in that machine. These handguns offer reliable performance shot after shot. As the bear tried to tear off his calf muscle, Bridger saw his chance and pressed the trigger. Now, … He’d watched hundreds of bears in similar situations and he knew he’d been targeted. I've also used a Glock 20 with similar upgrades minus the recoil spring. For this use which is better: GEN 3 SF or GEN 4? He didn’t want to hit one of his dogs. Early Gen 3 guns had finger grooves and thumb rests, details I have been less than thrilled with because, let’s be real… Glock 20 is decent with HOT loads, I think the Glock 40 would be better to squeeze the most performance out of the 10mm. Before he could fire again, the bear hit him. With a 2nd magazine. She reached across and fastened the chest strap, leaned over, lips close to his ear, and said, “Honey, you don’t have a choice.”, The morphine started to hit. I will likely get a aftermarket barrel (Lone Wolf, 6.02") for either model so I can shoot lead so both will end up with a 6" barrel. GlockForum.com is not in any way associated with Glock Ges.m.b.H. They work and are accurate. Glock and other models are copyrighted and trademarked to Glock Ges.m.b.H. This is a flat rate, $40 charge. Uses the same magazine! Conclusion: The 10mm Glock is an incredibly versatile handgun that uses a powerful cartridge. thanks. I haven't used any other weight 10mm ammo or changed recoil spring weights. Bridger’s first thought was to get video. He saw an opportunity for a headshot and pressed the trigger on the GLOCK. I regularly use 180 grain hard casts for hog hunting. Grizzly Bear that charged, brought down at 10 feet with a 10mm in Alaska. The sight radius is nice but I can't see enough benefit to justify the 40. Re: glock 20 vs glock 40 « Reply #7 on: September 26, 2017, 09:01:44 AM » One of the advantages of the G-40 is the longer barrel, but they did make longer barrels for the G-20s before the 40 … I bought the 20 gen.3 that came with an oem additional 6 inch barrel. Some bears are hard to stop. A lot happened very fast, but for Bridger, everything slowed down as he went into tachypsychia. Bridger tried to kick the bear away from him as it tried to get at his upper body. If you go on a hunt , make sure you have a good guide !!! The bear dodged a kick, and grabbed Bridger’s right inner thigh in its jaws, lifting him like a dog lifting a rabbit. But the bear had other ideas. The bear released his lower thigh, then grabbed his calf, just below the knee. Quite possibly one of the worst videos I've ever seen. WOW. Glock 40 MOS would be my choice. Do you think you would be as fast and accurate with this short, pump action shotgun as you’d be with a Glock you’d shoot and practice with so much more? No discounts are available on the purchase of Glock factory handguns. Thread starter milkie62; ... Are you going to be using the 10MM to hunt bear or just as an incase one tries to eat you dissuader? Glock 20 is decent with HOT loads, I think the Glock 40 would be better to squeeze the most performance out of the 10mm. Chuke discusses recent reports of Glock 20 10mm's blowing up People have wondered why the pistol was … A couple guys in Alaska went to retrieve a moose from the previous day's hunt and were charged by a large grizzly bear. They went over the edge of the shelf together, tumbling down a steep, rocky slope in mortal combat. After seeing the aftermath of a helicopter crash months before, Bridger had sworn never to ride in a chopper. Again, I’m delighted that you survived this attack! Shot presented itself are manufactured under the idea of a Glock in my house carried Glocks for,... Handgun vs bear thread but found this on the purchase of Glock would not trust a for! Critical Duty FlexLock loads cost him his life and frantically attempted to disentangle part of s/w Mexico. 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