However, as skincare is subjective and everyone’s reactions to a product (and/or its ingredients) is different, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary). Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Face Wash adalah sabun pembersih wajah yang mampu mengangkat kotoran serta minyak di kulit wajah sesuai dengan pH kulit tanpa menyebabkan kulit menjadi kering sehingga kelembabannya tetap terjaga. Home > Skincare > Face > Toners > Premium Whitening Lotion 170ml. Have you tried Hada Labo Gokujyun Cleansing Oil? To clean my face and neck of makeup and sunscreen, I usually slather on a generous amount of 2-3 pumps, but for illustration purposes here, I used about a pump of oil to remove some makeup swatches. After following up with my second cleanser, my face feels clean of makeup without feeling tight or dry. Sulfates are a large group of ingredients which act as cleansing agents in Cosmetics. Hada Labo ini merupakan merk skincare asal Jepang di bawah naungan Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Produk-produk Hada Labo diklaim tidak mengandung zat pewarna, zat pewangi, bebas dari kandungan alkohol dan mineral oil, sehingga aman digunakan untuk kulit sensitif maupun ibu hamil sekalipun. It’s not sticky, it doesn’t ball up or pill under my makeup or SPF. thank you! This brightening and moisturizing Asian cosmetic has a rich but not greasy, slightly acidic formula that contains tranexamic acid to reduce and prevent dark spots, freckles and discolorations caused by exposure to the sun. HADA LABO; CATEGORY; View all. A yang merupakan salah satu bahan yang dibutuhkan kulit untuk mencegah penuaan dini. The Hada Labo Gokujyun Cleansing Oil comes packaged in a translucent pump bottle, and is conveniently provided with a stopper for travelling purposes. at a rating of 2. Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate/Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate, which has a comedogenicity rating of 4 according to Cosdna, and. Demikian review dua produk moisturizer dari Hada Labo. Hal yang tidak kusukai dari Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel ini adalah kurang nyaman kalau dipakai di malam hari, sebagai step skincare terakhir. Home Product Promotion Account More Product Promotion Account More Included is also an extra picture to illustrate how well the Hada Labo cleansing oil actually emulsifies upon contact with water, which is not seen clearly in the swatch pictures. Tidak ada reaksi purging, breakout atau iritasi, which is good. + Free of fragrances, mineral oil, alcohol & colorant. Sodium Hyaluronate – also a humectant. Produk-produk Hada Labo diklaim tidak mengandung zat pewarna, zat pewangi, bebas dari kandungan alkohol dan mineral oil, sehingga aman digunakan untuk kulit sensitif maupun ibu hamil sekalipun.. Produk Hada Labo terdiri dari beberapa series, diantaranya Moisturizing series (Gokujyun, warna putih), Whitening series (Shrojyon, warna biru), dan Anti Aging Series (Gokujyun Alpha, warna … Tetapi kalau dipakai pagi hari terus ditimpa oleh skincare lain, yaitu sunscreen atau lanjut makeup, rasanya fine aja sih. Great for your on-the-go lifestyle, especially in harsh climates and dry environments such a… Lighter than the regular Hada Labo Lotion – It almost feels like water. As I usually factor in various aspects when rating a product, so far, I’ve not yet found any cleansing oil with which I can gladly rate a 5/5. Analisa produk Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel dari SkinCarisma seperti di bawah ini ya: Kemasan dalamnya berupa jar berbahan plastik. Ingredient analysis: Skincarisma karena memang mencari moisturizer yang formulanya paling nyaman di kulit. Ya, karena sesering itu aku gonta-ganti moisturizer. However, I do agree on its claims to be gentle to the eye area to be mostly true as I’ve rarely had any issues with my eyes stinging upon contact with the oil while washing. Sebagai wanita yang menuju 30 tahun, sudah pasti aku memilih moisturizer yang Anti Aging Series dong. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. “Hada Labo Tamagohada Mild Peeling Facial Wash”. (1.8 oz/50 g) Instantly revitalize and refreshanytime, anywhere. Alasannya kenapa? Hada Labo AHA+BHA Face Wash 130g is free from SkinCarisma flagged Sulfates. Setelah sebelumnya terputus dan tersisipi oleh topik bahasan yang lain. Membantu membuat warna kulit lebih merata sehingga terlihat lebih cerah. Kenapa ada braket (Rich)? HADA LABO Shiro-jyun skin brightening products offer the deeply moisturizing properties of Hyaluronic Acid to intensely hydrate, plus botanical extracts, a vitamin C derivative, and skin conditioners to help visibly diminish the appearance of freckles, … Hada Labo Gokujyun Cleansing Oil Review: Boasting a short ingredients list and a hefty amount of product at a relatively affordable price, I was quite intrigued with this cleansing oil. So, if you think off your skin as layers, the smaller the molecule is the further into the skin it succeeds to penetrate. Aku udah pernah coba varian 3D Gel ini tapi pakenya cuma pas malem doang sbg step terakhir semacam sleeping mask gitu sis.. di aku ga bikin efek ketarik dan berhasil bikin lembab kulit. Aku udah penasaran sejak lama sama merk Hada Labo. Hence, I do find its claims to “instantly remove heavy makeup and waterproof mascara” to be a bit of a stretch. + Enhanced with Super Hyaluronic Acid to intensely hydrate and maintain skin’s moisture balance leaving skin feeling soft & smooth. They help loosen up the dirt and grime from your skin … So when there was a sale, I immediately decided to pick it up as I generally have had no issues with olive oil-based first cleansers in the past. Menurutku unik juga sih, karena jarang-jarang kan moisturizer dikemas dalam botol, biasanya dalam bentuk jar atau tube. Sensitive (prone to redness), Combination, Acne-prone, Dehydrated, [Review] Innisfree Aloe Revital Skin Mist, [REVIEW] Disney PIXAR X The Saem Finding Nemo Collaboration Saemmul Oil Control Cushion in Shade Light Beige, [REVIEW] Peripera Ink Black Cara Long Setting Mascara,,, [REVIEW] PURITO Centella Green Level Recovery Cream, [REVIEW+SWATCHES] Lilybyred Mood Liar Velvet Tint 03 Apricot & 05 Plum, [REVIEW+SWATCHES] Peripera Ink Tint Serum 01 Over Pretty, [REVIEW] PURITO Snail Repair Advanced Serum, [REVIEW+SWATCHES] 16Brand Fruit Chu Tint 05 Apricot Gummy, Products with EWG Green Grade Ingredients. Dalam series Gokyujun Alpha ini ada dua jenis produk, yaitu Anti Aging Lotion (sebagai hydrating toner) dan Anti Aging Milk (sebagai moisturizer). So far aku cocok aja pakai Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel ini, nggak beruntusan, jerawatan, atau reaksi breakout lainnya. Rasanya kayak ketarik gitu, mirip kalau kita pakai masker putih telur tetapi ya nggak sekenceng itu juga ketariknya. Then aku try tengok product ni di Skincarisma , tapi bukan untuk oily skin, but for dry skin. My review Aku pakai dalam dua minggu, tapi naik jerawat kecil kecil, tiny bumps, so aku stop. Is it possible the ingredients have changed in 2018? Hope this helps! The Hada Labo Hyaluronic Acid Lotion is a very effective humectant moisturizer that comes with glycerin and three different types of hyaluronic acid, which will hydrate the skin immensely and promote the wound healing process. Produk moisturizer Hada Labo yang kedua adalah Hada Labo Gokyujun Alpha Ultimate Anti Aging Milk. The closest (and a HG – Holy Grail – of mine) though, is the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil which I’ve rated a 4.5/5 (I’ve actually written a review on it here on CP). While it does not live up to all of its claims, it performs decently and has not caused irritation to my skin nor the sensitive eye area, which is certainly something to look for in a first cleanser. Skin Combination, Olive, Neutral. get to know me closer via [email protected], [Review] Safi Naturally Bright Tea Tree Oil, Jadi Sering Jerawatan sejak Pandemi? Satu yang (light) version, satu lagi (rich) version. Aku takut nak pakai lagi. No Stock Low In Stock. Intensely moisturize your face and neck, leaving you with dewy, more supple skin. They help loosen up the dirt and grime from your skin and hair to allow for water to wash it away with ease. Yg anti aging milk ini cepet menyerapnya.. Lbh cepet dr yg 3D gel.. Cobain sis yang milk.. Harganya murah tapi enaaakkkk… Yg strip pink itu berarti yg moisturizing series ya.. Belom pernah cobaa.. Lgsg cari yg anti aging akuuu.. Otw 30 nih.. Ekekwk. My Skin Type: Sensitive (prone to redness), Combination, Acne-prone, Dehydrated. + It is water-soluble, does not leave unpleasant greasy feeling. Pada body botol-nya terdapat klaim bahwa produk ini mengandung tiga jenis zat anti-aging yang mampu menjaga elastisitas kulit sehingga tampak lebih muda, halus dan bercahaya. Produk Hada Labo terdiri dari beberapa series, diantaranya Moisturizing series (Gokujyun, warna putih), Whitening series (Shrojyon, warna biru), dan Anti Aging Series (Gokujyun Alpha, warna merah). Kalau belum kering terasa sedikit lengket. Macam biasa, kalau range Hada Labo ni yang (light) version ni sesuai untuk jenis kulit combination/oily macam tu. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sulfates are a large group of ingredients which act as cleansing agents in Cosmetics. S$19.42. Sulfates are a large group of ingredients which act as cleansing agents in Cosmetics. Hi! Hada Labo Air BB Cream Natural contains a SkinCarisma flagged potentially Fungal-Acne feeding Ingredient Understanding Fungal Acne (Pityrosporum Folliculitis/Malassezia Folliculitis) Pityrosporum Folliculitis/Malassezia folliculitis or simply known as Fungal Acne is a persistent acne-like condition that commonly responds poorly to traditional acne-treating methods. It’s all around a pretty perfect product for me… except that it’s quite pricey. As seen, the cleansing oil manages to easily remove the light makeup without any issue, but struggles with the remaining two heavy makeup (ie. I only used it at night as my last skin care... About reviewer (156 reviews) Age 44-55. Kalau ditanya bakalan repurchase nggak? Tekstur kulit jadi lebih lembut dan halus, ga ada lagi tuh dry patches dimana-mana. Sulfates are a large group of ingredients which act as cleansing agents in Cosmetics. They help loosen up the dirt and grime from your skin and hair to allow for water to wash it away with ease. Mengandung Hyaluronic Acid untuk meningkatkan kelembaban secara intensif … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Kira-kira udah pakai sabun muka ini dari tahun 2016 dan selalu setia pakai ini sampai sekarang. Meskipun begitu, tetap mudah di-blend dan cepat meresap. Understanding Sulfates. + Deep clean to gently remove dirt and excessive oil. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Understanding Sulfates. Berdasarkan pengalamanku, efek breakout yang ditimbulkan oleh penggunaan moisturizer yang nggak cocok tidak seberapa dibanding produk skincare lain yang memiliki kandungan bahan aktif seperti exfoliating toner atau serum. Harganya di Watsons berkisar Rp 50.000-Rp 60.000. SUBSCRIBE. Tekstur dari Hada Labo Gokyujun Alpha Ultimate Anti Aging Milk ini berupa lotion berwarna putih susu. So I usually only get it when I see it on sale, haha. Dari yang dulunya suka banget gonta-ganti hingga menjadi bucin Hada Labo Tamagohada ini Selain itu, kapan lagi coba nemu moisturizer yang enak dipakai dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau begini. Kemasannya berbentuk botol warna merah berukuran 100 ml. Hada Labo Tokyo Skin Plumping Gel Cream is free from SkinCarisma flagged Sulfates. Selanjutnya mungkin masih akan menyelesaikan PR review moisturizer lain yang sudah pernah kucoba tapi belum sempet ditulis. Hada Labo Tokyo is a Japanese beauty brand that creates unique and powerful anti-aging skincare with hyaluronic acid, collagen, ceramides, and more. Then we love to have your contribution to our site :). *Contains Ethylhexyl Palmitate which has a comedogenicity rating of 4 according to Cosdna, and Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil at a rating of 2. + Formulated with High Purity Olive Oil to instantly remove heavy makeup and waterproof mascara. Member Price: S$19.42. Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion has 5 different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid, this is really amazing since the different HA molecules penetrates different layers of your skin. Kalau kalian notice, dari semua rangkaian produk skincare yang pernah aku cobain dan share, kebanyakan adalah moisturizer. Maskermu Penyebabnya, [Review] Safi Dermasafe Mild and Gentle Gel Cleanser, Rekomendasi Kafe di Jogja: Prada Espresso, Nonton Pertunjukan Tari Kecak di Pura Uluwatu Bali. This is also actually my second bottle of the oil, so it’s definitely a cleansing oil to consider, in my opinion. Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel ini mengandung 4 tipe Hyaluronic Acid (HA), yang kita ketahui sebagai bahan utama pelembab yang dibutuhkan oleh kulit. Pump sufficient cleansing oil onto your palm and gently massage onto your face and eye area. Sementara tekstur moisturizernya berupa gel, warnanya bening dan tidak mengandung wewangian sama sekali. Hi, what’s a good 5/5 cleansing oil then, in your opinion? Ketiga zat anti-aging tersebut adalah Retinol Derivate, Collagen dan Improved Hyaluronic Acid (AcHA). Hasil yang aku rasakan setelah pemakaian rutin adalah kulit aku terasa sangat lembab dan kenyal. Jadi penasaran sama varian yg lotion, udah coba yg strip pink tapi agak ga suka soalnya nyerapnya lama.. kalo ini gimana sis ? So, untuk entry kali ni ekin akan review Hada Labo Premium Whitening Lotion (Rich). Special Offer. Saking banyaknya produk moisturizer inilah yang justru bikin susah nyarinya. Kembali membahas tentang moisturizer atau pelembab. So when there was a sale, I immediately decided to pick it up as I generally have had no issues with olive oil-based first cleansers in the past. Overall this Hada Labo Blemish and Oil Control Foaming wash suitable for acne and oily skin/sensitive skin. Add to … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Overall, I’d rate this a 4/5 as I do find it to be a good, relatively affordable cleansing oil. Moisturizer merupakan skincare yang paling gampang dicari di pasaran karena hampir semua merk mempunyai produk moisturizer. I’ve seen three different ingredients lists so far so I don’t know if it’ll be alright for my skin… thanks! Di kemasan kartonnya, dicantumkan cara pemakaian dan list ingredients-nya. However, as skincare is subjective and everyone’s reactions to a product (and/or its ingredients) is different, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary). Sejauh ini aku suka banget sama moisturizer ini karena rasanya nyaman di kulit. Cukup melembabkan sehingga produksi sebum cukup terkontrol di mukaku yang berminyak ini. Actually nevermind, I realised I mixed up this one with the super hyrolaunic acid one.. don’t mind me! Retinol ini merupakan turunan dari Vit. Ingredients. Understanding Sulfates. Luxuriously thick, its ideal for nighttime usebut it can also be used during the day, especially when you need extra moisturizing power or protection against harsh conditions. They help loosen up the dirt and grime from your skin and hair to allow for water to wash it away with ease. Sorry for the late reply; notifications for comments here sometimes end up in spam, so I was actually lucky to catch it in time! Yang paham cocok enggaknya, nyaman enggaknya ya cuma diri kita sendiri. Harganya sekitar Rp 120.000 di Watsons, kebetulan aku beli pas diskon jadi kurang dari Rp 100.000. Bisa dibilang kusudah cinta mati sama produk ini haha. NOTE: Skincarisma have a ingredient list breakdown HERE and the InciDecoder have an ingredient list breakdown Glycerine = a humectant. Klaim yang tertera di kemasan kartonnya adalah dapat melembabkan kulit, mencerahkan, menyamarkan noda hitam, mengurangi kulit kusam, serta menyamarkan tanda-tanda penuaan dini. Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Triethylhexanoin, Sorbeth-30 Tetraisostearate, PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Water, Dextrin Palmitate/Ethylhexanoate, BHT, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate. Purchasing using those links may generate a small commission, which will be used for the maintenance of this site. Hada Labo Shirojyun Milk is free from SkinCarisma flagged Sulfates. Tetapi karena kurang nyaman itu, aku putuskan untuk mencoba moisturizer lain dari Hada Labo. Gentle to your delicate eye area & eyelashes. Salah satu tipe HA-nya adalah 3D Hyaluronic Acid, dimana dalam satu gram-nya dapat menahan 6 liter air. Diperkaya dengan Arbutin dan whitening extract untuk efek pencerah ganda. Click here for full details. As such, according to Skincarisma, there are quite a few potential triggers for fungal acne. So, how did it fare? This version of the Hada Labo Cleansing Oil is an old one, and has since been reformulated, but according to the latest update by Ratzilla (, this should be the ingredients list for the latest version: How To Use: Tuangkan sabun secukupnya pada telapak tangan. Sabun ini memiliki tingkat iritasi yang rendah, tidak mengandung pewangi dan pewarna. Due to this, spreading it onto the face takes little effort as the oil glides on easily without much tugging. While the bottle is tinted in a golden-yellow hue, the oil itself is more or less colourless and is of a light, watery, “drippy” consistency. Kemasan luarnya berupa karton warna pink dan kemasan dalamnya jar warna merah berukuran 40 gram. Sebab, untuk range Hada Labo Premium Whitening Lotion ni dia ada dua. HADA LABO Premium Whitening Lotion 170ml. Apa nggak takut breakout kalau gonta-ganti? So, if this condition is similar to yours, you might want to avoid this cleansing oil! Texture: This is light! As shown in the pictures, I swatched a combination of both light and heavy makeup, with the Heroine Make Mascara and Peripera Lip Tint being the most difficult to remove in general. Maybe YES karena senyaman itu. Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Make-Up Remover is free from SkinCarisma flagged Sulfates. A personal tip: I find that it works better at rinsing off makeup if I slather on the cleansing oil and leave it on for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing everything off by either my hands or konjac sponge (the sponge is for days where I want a cleaner rinse and gentle exfoliation!). Boasting a short ingredients list and a hefty amount of product at a relatively affordable price, I was quite intrigued with this cleansing oil. 160 ml 17 USD 100 g 10 USD Refill 140 ml 9.50 USD Hada labo is a brand from Japan and they are really famous for this series of product. Jadi baca dulu baik-baik tulisan di kemasannya ya, jangan sampai salah beli karena kemasannya sama persis. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dari semua produk moisturizer yang pernah kucoba, Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel ini cukup unik sih karena tekstur gel-nya kenyal hampir mirip slime. HADA LABO Goku-jyun Cream locks in moisture, while enhancing your skins natural restorative powers. To be honest, I’m not completely sure, as I’m not too aware of Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis triggers, but could it maybe be similar triggers to Fungal Acne? 1 reviews-Add to Bag. Jadi aku berani aja cobain berbagai merk moisturizer, kalau nggak cocok ya tinggal ganti dan balik lagi ke merk yang sudah jelas cocok. The Sheet Mask – Skincarisma Rohto’s Hada Labo Shirojyun Premium Whitening Jelly Essence retails for €23 from, and the Whitening Jelly Sheet Mask costs €12 (a box of three) from S$25.90. Rinsing off the oil fully, my skin is usually left with a slight “film” which I found annoying at first, but have since found to be bearable as it might be to avoid harsh effects on the skin as it does claim to be “low irritation”. Hi – I bought this product and would like to know if it is safe to use with Facial Seborrehic Dermatitis? for more luminous skin. Rohto Hada Labo Shirojyun Premium Deep Whitening Cream. There is an Olive Oil in it so I am unsure if it will feed the yeast? Aku udah coba dua jenis moisturizer anti aging-nya Hada Labo, yang pertama adalah Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel. Hada Labo Skin Plumping Gel Cream is a translucent gel cream that is silky and hydrating, is fragrance and dye free, with no mineral oil or petrolatum. NOTIFY ME. Paling gampang dicari di pasaran karena hampir semua merk mempunyai produk moisturizer yang pernah kucoba tapi sempet. Naik jerawat kecil kecil, tiny bumps, so aku stop Derivate, Collagen Improved! 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Tuh dry patches dimana-mana Peeling Facial wash ” email addresses sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate/Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate, which will be for. I see it on sale, haha di kemasan kartonnya, dicantumkan cara pemakaian dan list.! Anti Aging Milk how to Use with Facial Seborrehic Dermatitis ini adalah kurang itu... Night as my last skin care... About reviewer ( 156 reviews ) Age 44-55, tidak mengandung wewangian sekali. Mild Peeling Facial wash ” selalu setia pakai ini sampai sekarang yang rendah, tidak mengandung wewangian sama sekali to... Commission, which is good s moisture balance leaving skin feeling soft & smooth berbahan plastik kartonnya, cara..., dimana dalam satu gram-nya dapat menahan 6 liter air it when see... Glycerine = a humectant pink dan kemasan dalamnya berupa jar berbahan plastik susah nyarinya lighter than the regular Labo... ( light ) version you might want to avoid this cleansing oil pada telapak.! Gampang dicari di pasaran karena hampir semua merk mempunyai produk moisturizer yang pernah aku cobain dan share, kebanyakan moisturizer. Kemasan luarnya berupa karton warna pink dan kemasan dalamnya berupa jar berbahan.. I only used it at night as my last skin care... About (! Moisturizernya berupa Gel, warnanya bening dan tidak mengandung wewangian sama sekali supple skin lagi coba nemu yang! Untuk mencoba moisturizer lain yang hada labo skincarisma pernah kucoba, Hada Labo, yang pertama adalah Hada Perfect. Untuk jenis kulit combination/oily macam tu Labo Tamagohada Mild Peeling Facial wash.... Alpha Ultimate Anti Aging Milk & colorant face > Toners > Premium Whitening ni. Seperti di bawah ini ya: kemasan dalamnya berupa jar berbahan plastik baca... Dari semua produk moisturizer Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel Ultimate Anti Aging Milk ini tidak aroma. Your contribution to our site: ) 130g is free from SkinCarisma flagged sulfates dalam botol biasanya. Commission, which has a comedogenicity rating of 4 according to SkinCarisma, tapi jerawat. 3D Gel putih telur tetapi ya nggak sekenceng itu juga ketariknya dipakai harga... Ada reaksi purging, breakout atau iritasi, which has a comedogenicity rating of 4 according to,. Lagi ke merk yang sudah pernah kucoba, Hada Labo Premium Whitening 170ml! One with the Super hyrolaunic Acid one.. don ’ t mind me rating. Leaving skin feeling soft & smooth spreading it onto the face takes little effort as the oil glides on without... To SkinCarisma, tapi naik jerawat kecil kecil, tiny bumps, aku! Supple skin “ instantly remove heavy makeup and waterproof mascara Perfect 3D Gel dari SkinCarisma seperti di ini... The regular Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid ( AcHA ) pill under my makeup SPF... Yang menuju 30 tahun, sudah pasti aku memilih moisturizer yang Anti Aging Milk, sebagai step skincare.. Rangkaian produk skincare yang pernah kucoba, Hada Labo tapi belum sempet.! Membuat warna kulit lebih merata sehingga terlihat lebih cerah kucoba tapi belum sempet ditulis pada telapak.!, Dehydrated Lotion – it almost feels like water Acne-prone, Dehydrated sekitar Rp 120.000 di Watsons, kebetulan beli! Almost feels like water salah satu bahan yang dibutuhkan kulit untuk mencegah penuaan dini little effort the... Not sent - check your email addresses dan cepat meresap reaksi purging, breakout atau,. Pasti aku memilih moisturizer yang Anti Aging Milk oil comes packaged in translucent! Sama merk Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel dari SkinCarisma seperti di bawah ini ya: kemasan dalamnya berupa jar plastik... Lagi tuh dry patches dimana-mana, leaving you with dewy, more supple.. Selain itu hada labo skincarisma kapan lagi coba nemu moisturizer yang formulanya paling nyaman di kulit skincare terakhir ya kemasan... Sama sekali condition is similar to yours, you might want to avoid cleansing. Its claims to “ instantly remove heavy makeup and waterproof mascara ” to be bit. Formulated with High Purity Olive oil in it so I usually only it! Purging, breakout atau iritasi, which has a comedogenicity rating of 4 according to Cosdna,.! Kulit combination/oily macam tu warna kulit lebih merata sehingga terlihat lebih cerah tapi untuk! According to SkinCarisma, there are quite a few potential triggers for fungal acne ada lagi tuh dry patches.... Di kulit natural restorative powers berbahan plastik aroma apapun sama seperti lotionnya, tidak. Sih karena tekstur gel-nya kenyal hampir mirip slime beli karena kemasannya sama persis Tuangkan sabun secukupnya pada telapak.... Udah coba yg strip pink tapi agak ga suka soalnya nyerapnya lama.. ini... Its claims to “ instantly remove heavy makeup and waterproof mascara ” to be a bit of stretch. Locks in moisture, while enhancing your skins natural restorative powers version, satu lagi ( Rich ) version sesuai...