Even improvements in ISR capability, which push the attribution and detection thresholds down, only open up greater manoeuvre space for liminal warfare. (2016). The British could have kept fighting after that date; they could have raised fresh armies even after the defeat at Yorktown in 1781. Still, by the turn of the twentieth century, most of Europe and North America was moving in a more liberal direction -- even those absolute monarchies, such as Austria, Germany, and Russia, that remained as such were making greater efforts to appease and direct popular sentiment. In its modern form it derives from Second World War resistance movements and organisations such as OSS and SOE who sponsored them. While it is easy to conceive of resistance movements where some or all of these elements might apply, there are clearly others—global jihadist insurgency or national resistance movements against occupation, for example—where they might not. But since the start of this century the evolution of resistance warfare within a rapidly changing environment has prompted the UW community to reconsider their relevance. A settled life was much easier -- and safer. Since then, many civil wars, including the one the United States fought between 1861 and 1865, have featured both kinds of combat. In the first decade after the Cold War most Western militaries were mainly concerned with threats posed by non-state actors and weak or failing states, focussing on peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. London generally only fought to hold on to a few bases, such as Cyprus and Aden, that it deemed to be of strategic significance or, as in Malaya and Kenya, to prevent a takeover by Communists or other extremists. Most of the revolutionaries who followed were more extreme in their methods and beliefs than the American rebels, but, whether left or right, many of them copied the Americans' skillful manipulation of public opinion. Follow him on Twitter @MaxBoot. This was a tradeoff that most of them were happy to make. Most of the decolonization process was relatively peaceful. Retrieved from https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR789.html. Updated version of the SORO pyramid (Tompkins 2013: 6). The nomads' achievements, although great, were mostly fleeting: with the exception of the Arabs, the Turks, the Moguls, and the Manchu, who blended into settled societies, nomads could not build lasting institutions. The combination of selection, variation and replication allows those best adapted to a particular environment to dominate. Fort Bragg, NC: United States Army Special Operations Command. By the eighteenth century, Western warfare had reached stylized heights seldom seen before or since, with monarchical armies fighting in roughly similar styles and abiding by roughly similar rules of conduct. Nor were fast-moving tribal fighters of much use in defending, administering, and policing newly conquered states. ("Guerrilla," literally meaning "small war," dates to the Spanish resistance against Napoleon, from 1808 to 1814.). In the bottom (clandestine or subliminal) layer of this liminal space, the existence of resistance operations and the identity of sponsors remains undetected. Retrieved from https://www.awm.gov.au/articles/journal/j37/borneo#84. (2008). Irregular warfare strategies must move beyond special forces, Pentagon says By: Aaron Mehta October 2, 2020 A squad of Navy SEALs participate in special operations urban combat training at … Yet going back to the days of Mesopotamia, nomads often managed to bring down far richer and more advanced empires. And be sure to follow the podcast on Twitter! 3Note that Axis powers had their own variants of special operations, but these translated poorly to UW since the raw material, i.e. It was followed by the militant takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the holiest shrine in Islam, and the burning of the U.S. embassy in Islamabad. Nigerian Reaction to the Assault on the U.S. Capitol, The Link Between Foreign Languages and U.S. National Security, Aung San Suu Kyi’s Major Speech on Rakhine State, Creating a State Department Office for American State and Local Diplomacy, Paywall-free reading of new articles and a century of archives, Unlock access to iOS/Android apps to save editions for offline reading, Six issues a year in print, online, and audio editions. The United States Air Force Academy for “The Pacification of the Philippines,” in Joe E. Dixon, ed., In modern times, the same old guerrilla tactics have been married to ideological agendas, something that was utterly lacking among the apolitical (and illiterate) tribal warriors of old. Hasler, J. By 2011, however, competition between Western powers and revisionist or rising states such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea was increasing, and by 2014 this had broken into military confrontation (though mostly short of war) in Ukraine, the Baltic, the Middle East, the South China Sea and parts of Africa. Nomadic empires generally crumbled after a generation or two. Resistance actors, including terrorists and insurgent groups, have already mastered the use of offset command nodes, where control of elements in the field is exercised by cells offshore, hidden in major cities or inside adversary nations themselves. United States Army Special Operations Command 2016: 9, European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency 2017: 5, https://www.awm.gov.au/articles/journal/j37/borneo#84, https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR789.html, https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/atf/Cyber%20War%20Netwar%20and%20the%20Future%20of%20Cyberdefense_Header.pdf, https://www.soc.mil/SWCS/SWmag/archive/SW3003/SoroResistanceChallenged.pdf, https://apps.dtic.mil/docs/citations/AD1004650, https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a592949.pdf, https://doi.org/10.1525/california/9780520253476.001.0001, https://www.soc.mil/ARIS/books/pdf/HumanFactorsS.pdf, https://www.soc.mil/ARIS/books/pdf/Unconventional%20Warfare%20Pocket%20Guide_v1%200_Final_6%20April%202016.pdf. The embassy takeover had been organized by radical university students, including the future Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who wanted to strike a blow at "the Great Satan" and domestic secularists. However, none of these campaigns involved support to a classic pyramidal resistance; rather, in each case the primary purpose of UW teams was to liaise with an existing, established guerrilla force, provide access to fire support from western air forces and ensure a smooth flow of enablers such as money, equipment and intelligence. Ronfeldt and Arquilla articulated their netwar theory before the connectivity explosion was fully apparent, and it was that explosion (and its associated technologies and tactics) that gave real-world resistance movements the capabilities to put netwar into practice. Fighters who insisted on making war without uniforms therefore became more easily distinguished. Far more importantly, the notion of a clandestine/overt dichotomy is increasingly questionable, given the pervasiveness of social media and deep penetration of electronic surveillance and connectivity tools within modern societies. Original version of the SORO pyramid. Small wars, drone strikes, special operations forces, counterterrorism, proxies—this podcast covers the full range of topics related to irregular war and features in-depth conversations with guests from the military, academia, and the policy community. What makes counterinsurgency all the more difficult is that there are few quick victories in this type of conflict. But at the same time, the very pervasiveness of social media increases opportunities for deception, enabling resistance actors to hide in plain sight, mimic others, create and exploit ‘fake news’ or manipulate their physical and electronic signatures. The fact that the response threshold is politically-driven rather than capability-dependent emphasises the reality – recognised in UW doctrine all along – that resistance warfare is fundamentally a form of political warfare. Resistance movements were now viewed through the lens of Marxist revolutionary warfare, including Mao Zedong’s people’s war, Le Duan’s ‘combination of all forms of struggle’ and Che Guevara’s focoism. Statistics for experimenters, (2nd edition). The U.S. Army has a particularly dismaying record of failing to adapt to "small wars," despite its considerable experience fighting Native Americans, Philippine insurrectos, the Vietcong, al Qaeda, the Taliban, and numerous other irregulars. The updated model added the underground/armed component labels implicit in the 1966 version, changed the original ‘underground/above ground’ dichotomy to ‘clandestine/overt’ and replaced ‘preparation of parallel hierarchies for taking over government institutions’ (on the right of the old pyramid) with ‘preparation of revolutionary cadres and masses for revolution’ (now on both sides). Yet, as we have seen, the evolution of modern resistance movements—against a background of urbanisation, littoralisation, the explosion of connectivity, the return of great-power military competition, the development of precision systems and social media—has encouraged the development of resistance actors who look different, and operate differently, from the classic pyramidal model. By the 1980s, as memories of colonialism faded, as the excesses of postcolonial rulers became more apparent, and as the desirability of capitalism was revived under U.S. President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, leftist movements went into eclipse and the guerrilla mystique faded. US or allied air superiority, but with a limited weight of allied air power, less-than-capable local ground (partner) forces and extremely tight legal and political constraints on the use of air power. The Irregular Warfare of the Somalian Nation SSgt Patrick Sipplin "Class name goes here" 24 March 2014 Western civilization, with our superior technology and organization, have been killed for a long time by primitives or “savages" whose style of war that we misunderstood and whose skills exceeded those of the West in irregular wars. By 1914, Europeans and their offspring controlled 84 percent of the world's landmass, up from 35 percent in 1800. Retrieved from https://www.soc.mil/SWCS/SWmag/archive/SW3003/SoroResistanceChallenged.pdf, Johnson, D. (2009). The SORO pyramid is no exception: it has been hugely influential for a generation of resistance warfare operators, suggesting that it captures something meaningful about the range of potential activities that can occur within a resistance movement and how they might relate to each other. But are these assumptions valid for modern resistance warfare, as it has evolved over the half-century since classical UW doctrine was codified? "In the history of warfare, it has generally been the case that military superiority lies with the wealthiest states and those with the most developed administrations," the historian Hugh Kennedy wrote in Mongols, Huns, and Vikings. Instead of attempting to engage in guerrilla warfare -- which, even if unsuccessful, might have staved off ultimate defeat for years, if not decades, and inflicted considerable costs on the invaders -- most non-Europeans fought precisely as the Europeans wanted them to, that is to say, in conventional fashion. By Richard Raymond on 22 October, 2016. By contrast, he notes, settled societies appointed commanders based on political considerations and drafted as soldiers farmers with scant martial skills. And he critiques the centrality of undergrounds in resistance movements, suggesting that different movements can grow from a variety of starting points along the continuum. MAX BOOT is Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present (Liveright, 2013), from which this essay is adapted. Several military AI projects already exist. For Force 136 see Chapman (1950). With a few exceptions, by 1825, the European colonial powers had been defeated in the Americas. Frederick the Great and other generals at first denounced the raiders as "savages." Never before or since has the glamour and prestige of irregular warriors been higher, as seen in the ubiquity of the artist Alberto Korda's famous photograph of Che Guevara, which still adorns T-shirts and posters. This is the third installment of your podcast on Irregular Warfare I’ve listened to and I love the wide ranging topics of warfare, history, philosophy, cinema ect…. “The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare”. ©2021 Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Radicals who styled themselves as the next Mao, Ho, Fidel, or Che took up Kalashnikovs to wage rural guerrilla warfare and urban terrorism. Under the influence of the wars of national liberation, the early 1960s saw this progression solidify into doctrine. Previous terrorist organizations, from the PLO to various anarchist groups, had limited the scale of their violence. Redcoats certainly knew enough to break ranks and seek cover in battle when possible, rather than, in the words of one historian, "remaining inert and vulnerable to enemy fire." In context of South Asia currently cyber technology and Artificial intelligence are dominating the irregular warfare. In its Second World War manifestation, the raw material for UW was the spontaneous resistance (including nationalist, royalist, separatist and communist movements) that sprang up in territories occupied by Germany and its allies. Arguably, a fourth megatrend—climate change—is equally long-standing, but has emerged as a military factor only in recent years with the opening of ice-free Arctic sea routes, great-power competition in the high North and changes in maritime and land access to polar settlements. In the future, irregulars might become deadlier still if they can get their hands on a weapon of mass destruction, especially a nuclear bomb. Liminal warfare: layers between clandestine and overt action. Even before the death of Osama bin Laden, in 2011, the Pew Global Attitudes Project had recorded a sharp drop in those expressing "confidence" in him: between 2003 and 2010, the figure fell from 46 percent to 18 percent in Pakistan, from 59 percent to 25 percent in Indonesia, and from 56 percent to 14 percent in Jordan. The application of AI may enable resistance groups to do away with command nodes altogether, creating instead a distributed C3I system that exists in multiple locations at the cell group level, sits on nets of hijacked computers or floats within the smart city systems of modern urban areas. This meant that large parts of the underground, auxiliary and even guerrilla components of a resistance movement were now outside denied areas (i.e. In North America, the British army came increasingly to rely on a variety of light infantry. Former nomads who settled down found themselves, somewhat ironically, beset by fresh waves of nomads and other guerrillas. As the terrorism analyst Brian Jenkins wrote in the 1970s, "Terrorism is theater. The use of satellites, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and burst transmission might allow downloads via space systems communicating periodically with ground assets who would never need to access the Internet or pick up a radio handset. The Turkish empire, too, arose out of the raiding culture of the steppes but built a formidable conventional army, complete with highly disciplined slave-soldiers, the janissaries. Ideally, in resistance or hybrid warfare the resistance acts an adjunct to conventional shaping (or strategic posturing) in such a way that campaign objectives are achieved before the first assault troops hit landing zones or the first tank crosses the line of departure. No wonder Afghanistan is the longest war in American history. Subscribe for articles, app access, audio, our subscriber-only newsletter, & more. We might call this the ‘liminal warfare’ space, from the Latin word for ‘threshold’. While Unconventional Warfare (UW) remains a viable, low-cost method of indirect warfare, some of the assumptions underpinning traditional UW have diverged from reality in the last two decades. A further factor dictated the transformation of nomads into regulars: the style of fighting practiced by mounted archers was so difficult and demanding that it required constant practice from childhood on for an archer to maintain proficiency. Attempts by either insurgents or counterinsurgents to short-circuit the process usually backfire. Arguably these assumptions were always theoretical attempts to model a messy reality. 2, no. Retrieved from https://apps.dtic.mil/docs/citations/AD1004650, Molnar, A., Tinker, J., & LeNoir, J. Although leftist insurgencies were on the wane, however, guerrilla warfare and terrorism hardly disappeared. Irregular Warfare is defined in US joint doctrine as A violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. The Taipings, in turn, tried to develop more powerful armies of their own, blurring the distinction between regular and irregular conflict. The very success of the imperial armies meant that future battles would take place within imperial boundaries, however, and that they would be, as the historian Thomas Mockaitis wrote in British Counterinsurgency, "considered civil unrest rather than war." These include the idea that UW occurs mostly within denied areas; the categorisation of resistance movements into underground, auxiliary and guerrilla components; the model of a pyramid of resistance activities becoming larger in scale, more violent and less covert until they emerge ‘above ground’ into overt warfare; and the assumption that the external (non-indigenous) component of UW primarily consists of infiltrated SOF or support from governments-in-exile. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. It begins with a historical overview, examines how drivers of evolutionary change are manifested in modern resistance warfare and considers the implications for future UW. The United States tried to do just that in the early years of both the Vietnam War and the Iraq war by using its conventional might to hunt down guerrillas in a push for what John Paul Vann, a famous U.S. military adviser in Vietnam, rightly decried as "fast, superficial results." The people of Asia and Africa resisted the colonists' advance as best they could. Too many indigenous empire builders in the developing world imagined that the tactics they had used to conquer local tribes would work against the white invaders as well. Those tasks, too, required a professional standing army. Terrorists want a lot of people watching, not a lot of people dead." Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies. Fort Bragg, NC: United States Army Special Operations Command. It was a combination designed to shift the strategic dynamic of the Indochina War. The British army had a different problem: much like the modern U.S. Army pre-Iraq, it had forgotten most of the lessons of irregular war learned a generation before. In the Pacific, Special Operations Australia (SOA), the Services Reconnaissance Department (SRD) and the Allied Intelligence Bureau (AIB) attempted initially to apply European methods over vastly longer distances, with fewer local partners and correspondingly lower rates of success. The 1960s, with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s ‘wars of national liberation’ and a series of campaigns of decolonisation in Africa, Asia and Latin America, saw the retooling of Western SOF (and of UW) into counter-revolutionary warfare support for governments facing Communist insurrections. Another new trend is the return of great-power conflict in the 21st century. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21236/AD0645518, Sagarin, R., & Taylor, T. European soldiers in "small wars" were helped by the fact that most of the fighting occurred on the periphery of their empires in Asia and Africa against enemies that were considered "uncivilized" and therefore, under the European code of conduct, could be fought with unrestrained ferocity. 1 (2019): 61–71. Nationalist movements, such as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Irish Republican Army, fared better, although they were also hobbled by a decline in outside support. In the future, the trends we can currently identify are likely to continue, but are highly unlikely to be linear. Why did so few indigenous regimes resort to guerrilla tactics? DOI: http://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.35, Kilcullen, David. As noted earlier, evolution is a continuous process that affects all actors in the resistance warfare ecosystem—adversary states, sponsors, domestic and international populations, resistance movements, neutral states and international institutions. Similar effects are likely to appear in the future in Antarctica, while across the globe populations in low-elevation coastal zones are increasingly subject to flooding and extreme weather events. Cyber war, netwar, and the future of cyberdefence. The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare. Notions derived from terrorist and militia movements—including leaderless resistance, remote radicalisation and ad-hoc direct action by self-motivated (but remotely mobilised) individuals—also suggest other models beyond the pyramid or netwar. Increasing public perception of connectivity as an essential service, so that resistance actors (or their opponents) who disable or manipulate connectivity can achieve significant leverage over a population. Covert operations and ingenious weapons for irregular warfare were developed rapidly, and with great success, by the British during the Second World War, and the story of the most famous organizations involved like SOE, the SAS and Section D of SIS is now If multi-role cells can perform several functions simultaneously and transition rapidly among combat/support, information/kinetic and political/tactical tasks, then the notion of distinct clandestine underground, covert auxiliary and guerrilla force components plus an overt public component needs rethinking. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, vol. Throughout the winter, Irregular Warfare has been pairing veterans and humanities scholars with high school classrooms around Providence. Tom Wolfe captured the moment in his famous 1970 essay "Radical Chic," which described in excruciating detail a party thrown by the composer Leonard Bernstein in his swank New York apartment for a group of Black Panthers, one of myriad terrorist groups of a period whose fame far exceeded its ability to achieve its goals. But nothing could be further from the truth. But if objectives are already achieved before conventional operations begin—if the purpose of combat becomes merely to consolidate gains already won by a resistance campaign coordinated with conventional shaping—then major combat operations are no longer decisive and may never occur. In a related development, resistance movements in the future environment seem increasingly likely to field multi-domain capabilities (including land, air, sea, cyber and space-based systems) rather than being primarily ground forces. That non-Europeans did not have more success in preserving their independence was due in large measure to Europe's growing advantages in military technology and technique. Still, effective population-centric counterinsurgency is not as touchy-feely as commonly supposed. Gin, O. K. (2002). Because changes in the environment—and hence in selective pressures acting on resistance movements—are continuous and ongoing, the character of resistance warfare continuously evolves. In fact, irregular warfare has been the most prevalent form of warfare in history. Like everyone else, guerrillas and terrorists are subject to popular moods and intellectual fads. All the while, guerrilla and terrorist warfare have remained as ubiquitous and deadly as ever. This in turn would mean that SOF organisations supporting resistance movements would need a more complete range of joint capabilities to include non-standard maritime, non-standard aviation, cyber, space and other capabilities as well as advanced ground capabilities. Guerrillas often present a further paradox: even the most successful raiders have been prone to switch to conventional tactics once they achieve great military success. Both were essentially bankrupt and could not comfortably fight a prolonged counterinsurgency -- especially not in the face of hostility from the rising superpowers. By the late 1960s, this classic model had solidified into the SORO pyramid framework, the seven-stage sequence of a UW mission, the overt/clandestine dichotomy and the underground/auxiliary/guerrilla structure. The threat from Islamist extremists, which had been building sub rosa for decades, burst into bloody view on September 11, 2001, when al Qaeda staged the deadliest terrorist attack of all time. To avoid similar calamities in the future, today's soldiers and policymakers need to accurately appraise the strengths and weaknesses of insurgents. It is important neither to underestimate nor to overestimate the potency of guerrilla warfare. ), & United States Army Special Operations Command. Beyond Hasler’s critique, a couple of other observations are worth making. By the time Europeans marched into Asia and Africa, much of those continents had fallen under the sway of native regimes with standing armies, such as the Zulu empire in southern Africa and the Maratha empire in India. By the time the Revolution broke out, in 1775, the British were well versed in irregular warfare and were countering it in Europe, the Caribbean, and North America. But since the start of this century the evolution of resistance warfare within a rapidly changing environment has prompted the UW community to reconsider their relevance. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.35, Kilcullen D, ‘The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare’ (2019) 2 Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies 61 DOI: http://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.35, Kilcullen, David. Nonetheless, since at least the days of the Greeks and the Romans, observers have belittled irregular warfare. When the United States had to confront a guerrilla threat in Vietnam, William Westmoreland, the commander of U.S. operations there, formulated an overwhelmingly conventional response that expended lots of firepower and destroyed lives on both sides but did not produce victory. But these were only temporary reversals in the inexorable westernization of the world. This does not imply that the traditional model is outdated; it still clearly applies in multiple theatres. Future foes are unlikely, in other words, to repeat the mistake of nineteenth-century Asians and Africans who fought European invaders in the preferred Western style. To defend itself, the United States and its allies erected a variety of defenses. This spread to the global south around the turn of the century, with rapid increases after 2000 in Internet penetration, mobile phone usage, access to satellite and cable television and (later) the emergence of smartphones and other smart handheld devices. Guerrilla tactics, on the other hand, are proven effective, even against superpowers. Its affiliates still operate from the Middle East to Southeast Asia. The civil unrest of the twentieth century was harder to deal with for other reasons as well. By setting up schools and newspapers that promulgated Western ideas such as nationalism and Marxism, Western administrators eventually spurred widespread resistance to their own rule. Cambodia Begins Oil Production, But Who Will Benefit? In states with functioning or semi-functioning governments, such as the Philippines and Saudi Arabia, the U.S. role was limited to providing training, weapons, intelligence, and other assistance to help those governments fight the extremists. In Greece and Cuba, the anti-imperialists won by highlighting the colonies' suffering to spur what would today be called humanitarian interventions by Western powers. Kennedy's "nomad paradox" is really a guerrilla paradox, and it asks how and why the weak seem to so frequently defeat the strong. Democratic countries constrained by domestic and international opinion or high regard for international norms and the rule of law, alliances such as NATO that require consensus before initiating collective action or countries with publicly-stated response criteria (‘red lines’) have high, and very predictable, response thresholds, creating significant vulnerabilities and expanding the liminal warfare space for resistance actors. To defeat them, soldiers must focus not on chasing guerrillas but on securing the local population. In the most extreme case, political leaders who are prepared to issue bald-faced denials of blatantly obvious action by their own forces, or by irregular actors they sponsor, can create a zone of ‘implausible deniability’ whereby international pressure loses much of its impact. (1966). Holding down the fort: in Chilas, British India, 1898. Americans Must Get to Know One Another Again, Even the Best Playbook Is Useless If You Don’t Follow It, Take the Pressure Off of NATO States and Embrace the Union’s Defense, Get in-depth analysis delivered right to your inbox, From the Likewise, the world including T.E terrorists are subject to popular moods and intellectual fads was thing! This model remains extant in current doctrine is reproduced in Figure 1 scored their most victories! 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