It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. Find Irish Wolfhound dogs and puppies from South Carolina breeders. Would you like some financial help? We are an all volunteer, non profit organization that is dedicated to re-homing Labradors, Great ... All About Them Giant Breed Rescue, Rehab and Sanctuary is a NJ based non-profit organization run ... is a not-for-profit organization run entirely by volunteers with the sole pur... Edna Henley, IW Rescue Coordinator, alt. Browse thru thousands of Irish Wolfhound Dogs for Adoption near in USA area, listed by Dog Rescue Organizations and individuals, to find your match. Sex: Female. Saffron is fine with other dogs but untested with cats and pocket pets. Find Cats. There are no rescue contacts for this area at this time. Due to the commitment made by breeders operating within the club and under the club's Code of Ethics, there are very few Irish Wolfhounds in need of rescue. Large Male Irish Wolfhound x Rottweiler Mix Dog Buddy came to us as the owners lived on a property nearby, they had a neighbour that was continually baiting his property to protect his livestock with 1080, which should be banned. Arizona Labrador & Giant Breed Rescue, Inc. Use of this information on your own website requires written permission or a license. ♥ ۬ Age: Young Adult. Irish Wolfhound Association of the Greater Smokey MountainsMelinda Harvey, 256-492-6499, Desert Irish Wolfhound AssociationPam Clark, 928-821-6009, DIWA Rescue Coordinator, Melinda Chaney, 805-238-4078 Carol Gabriel, 707-794-8998; fax 707-794-9181Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club Lynne Rosebrock, 209-966-3267Linda Souza, 408-683-4841; fax 408-683-4852Julie Mullin Ramas, 714-925-7307, Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound AssociationAnn Dougherty, 720-878-4862Karen Catov-Goodell, 719-339-0085Amy Solberg, 303-656-9118, Irish Wolfhound Association of New England, Potomac Valley Irish Wolfhound ClubTom & Diane Hartney, 703-759-6316, Potomac Valley IW Club Tom & Diane Hartney, 703-759-6316, Irish Wolfhound Association of the Mid-South, Twylla-Dawn K. Notley Steer, 808-261-8096, 808-497-9161 cell, Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association Robert & Debbie Greene, 815-735-4455, Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound AssociationRobert & Debbie Greene, 815-735-4455, Kerri McIntyre Murphy, 620-229-8348, cell 316-651-7059A.I. ... Zeigler - $50 Adoption Fee Irish Wolfhound Young - Adoption, Rescue Zeigler $50 Adoption Fee Irish Wolfhound Young Adoption, Rescue. He is great with men and women. Florida Irish Wolfhound Rescue View other Irish Wolfhounds for adoption. • This Breed has a noble & commanding presence. It works in partnership with IWAMS to service the Southeast Irish Wolfhound Community. If you are considering adopting a rescued Irish Wolfhound, our volunteers will be happy to discuss availability and explain how their rescue program works. Adopt a rescue dog through PetCurious. Phoenix, AZ 85068, USA (602) 307-5227 (602) 307-5227. Age: . At just under 40kg, Saffron is a big girl and she is ready to start her new life. RMIWA is committed to the protection, welfare, and guardianship of the Irish Wolfhound, and to the preservation of our beloved breed as defined by the standard recognized by the American Kennel Club. ... Liam the singing Irish Wolfhound - Duration: 4:13. topangacowgirl 383,980 views. Let us search for you! Well gollleeeey! Saffron is super friendly and will turn heads wherever you go. Save search for breed The tallest of the sighthounds, the Irish Wolfhound resembles a rough-coated Greyhound, although of more powerful build. Irish wolfhound poodle mix Adoption. phone 415-674-9076. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. He is a sweet boy, very calm, housebroken, walks well on a leash. Guidelines for Choosing, Owning and Caring for IWs. Irish Wolfhound-Labrador Retriever Mix Dog FOR ADOPTION near Fenton, Missouri, USA. Listings of manufacturers, practitioners, publications, suppliers, or links to commercial or non-commercial sites do not constitute an endorsement on our part. It is the sister organization to the Irish Wolfhound Association of the Mid South. Have you adopted an Irish Wolfhound from a shelter or rescue organization? Please say where the dog is and the owner's name and contact information. is proud to be a part of the online adoption community. Be very careful when getting one as these are a common breed to come from Puppy Mills. All of our dogs available for adoption are spayed or neutered, up to date on age appropriate vaccines, dewormed and heart-worm tested. Via the daily puppy breed irish wolfhound labrador irish wolfhound lab mix goldenacresdogs irish wolfhound lab mix goldenacresdogs irish wolfhound lab mix goldenacresdogs m or irish wolfhound meet zeke a pet for adoption irish wolfhound lab mix goldenacresdogs adopt max on rottweiler puppies giant dogs martin animal. Contact Tom & Diane Hartney ~ The PVIWC has an active wolfhound rescue/placement program oper... Arizona Labrador & Giant Breed Rescue, Inc. Irish Wolfhound Association of the Greater Smokey Mountains, Desert Irish Wolfhound Association & Rescue,, Northern Calfornia Irish Wolfhound Club ~ IW Rescue, Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association Rescue, Potomac Vallely Irish Wolfhound Club Rescue and Placement, Southern Irish Wolfhound Rescue and Adoption, Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association Rescue. Woof! P.O. The opinions expressed are the authors’ own and not necessarily those of the Irish Wolfhound Club of America, Inc. Information on this website should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your own professional advisors. Sorry, there are no Irish Wolfhound dogs for adoption at this time. He apparently doesn't like small children and possibly not a fan of livestock. If you are interested in meeting one of our dogs please fill out the application and we will get in contact with you! "Click here to view Irish Wolfhound Dogs in Colorado for adoption. Both of these are very friendly and sweet dogs. This map shows how many Irish Wolfhound Rescue Groups are in each state. These dogs are very good companions for people of every age. This lovely girl was found as a stray in Inverness and will be available for adoption on December 5th if not returned home prior. IWRMS is a separate entity with its own board, bylaws and articles of incorporation. The primary mission of the Irish Wolfhound Club of America Rescue Committee is to support the dedicated individuals and organizations, listed in the National Rescue Directory, who rescue Irish Wolfhounds in need of a permanent home. Meet Gomer, a sweet 2-year-old Irish Wolfhound/Sheepdog mix! Copyright © 2021 Irish Wolfhound Club of America, Inc., unless otherwise noted. The Irish Wolfhound. Learn more about BAXLEY the ETERNAL today. Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association Mission Statement. It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. Shelters/Rescues Login. If you have any questions or corrections pertaining to this directory, please call or email the Rescue Committee Chair. If you need to place an Irish Wolfhound please click here to fill out a brief information form, or describing the dog and the circumstances. With the calm and gentle spirit of the Irish Wolfhound and high intelligence and trainability of the Standard Poodle makes this incredible hybrid the perfect pet. Otis the irish wolfhound bet hound mix allmutt living large raising an irish wolfhound puppy american kennel club irish wolfhound poodle mix like an our breeds 57 best wolfhound wolfedoodle images in 2020 irish irish wolfoodle 13 irish wolfhound mix breeds the por and adorable hybrid. Why buy an Irish Wolfhound puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? DIWA is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (Nina) Gottsch, 402-715-5254, Cindy Winters, 865-579-0734Irish Wolfhound Association of the Greater Smokey Mountains, Caren Carney, 301-395-8495  Tom & Diane Hartney, 703-759-6316 Potomac Valley IW Club, Irish Wolfhound Association of New England Jane B Donahue, 781-235-1585, Northstar Irish Wolfhound ClubJoel Mattson, 218-262-1412, Robert & Debbie Greene, 815-735-4455     Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association, A.I. Find Irish Wolfhound dogs and puppies from New Jersey breeders. Gender: Male. Content and photography cannot be reprinted, redistributed, or otherwise used without written permission from the IWCA or the copyright holder. when Roman consul Aurelius wrote that "all Rome viewed with wonder" the seven [7] Irish Wolfhounds that had been sent to him as a gift. Meet BAXLEY the ETERNAL, an Irish Wolfhound & Labrador Retriever Mix Dog for adoption, at Sirius Stars Canine Rescue in Hanover, PA on Petfinder. Information published on this website may contain personal and professional opinions and experiences and is provided for general interest and guidance only. This is a very old breed with Roman records dating as far back as 391 AD. | Privacy and Terms. - ♥ RESCUE ME! Giant Irish Wolf Schnauzer or Irish Wolf Schnauzer (Irish Wolfhound x Giant Schnauzer mix) We are a group of rescue volunteers located in areas throughout the US and Canada that assists owners who no longer are able to care for their Irish Wolfhound. The Irish Wolfhound Poodle Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Irish Wolfhound and the Poodle. Click on a number to view a list of all Irish Wolfhound rescue groups in that state. The Irish Wolfhound Club of America, Inc. does not guarantee, nor can be held liable for, their services. (the first Irish Wolfhound/Poodle to come here) 4 month old "Stewart" 'The Woodle' hangs out with 5 month old "Casey" the Irish Wolfhound Good buddies "Stewart" 'The Woodle' and "Casey" the Irish Wolfhound pose for a photo "Stewart" 'The Woodle' smiles for a Family photo "Stewart" 'The Woodle' and "Casey" the Irish Wolfhound Dingo, Irish Wolfhound mix for adoption at Forget Me Not Animal Shelter Forget Me Not Animal Shelter. Photo Courtesy of : Gentle Giants Rescue & Adoption, Copyright © 2020 Save A Rescue, Inc. All Rights Reserved. RMIWA is dedicated to education about and rescue of the Irish Wolfhound. Many have a list of pre-approved and often Irish Wolfhound-experienced homes waiting to adopt. The Desert Irish Wolfhound Association (DIWA) welcomes your donation in support of rehoming/rescuing Irish Wolfhounds in need in Arizona. Bruce is a 6 year old Irish Wolfhound mix who is about 110 lbs. Not a rescue group but a share page for Irish Wolfhounds and Wolfhound X's who are in pounds/rescue and are seeking permanent homes. Look at pictures of Irish Wolfhound puppies who need a home. ... Irish Wolfhound mix. She is estimated to be 3.5 years old and she weighs 41 pounds. Nickname: Gunner on For assistance, please contact a state rescue volunteer (listed below) or the National Rescue Chair. The name originates from its purpose (wolf hunting) their name derives from that of the earliest bohemian tribes from central Europe.Irish Wolfhounds are the tallest dog breed on average. The primary mission of the Irish Wolfhound Club of America Rescue Committee is to support the dedicated individuals and organizations, listed in the National Rescue Directory, who rescue Irish Wolfhounds in need of a permanent home. Look at pictures of Irish Wolfhound puppies who need a home. Irish Wolfhound Association of the Greater Smokey Mountains, Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association, Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State, Irish Wolfhound Association of the Delaware Valley, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island. In 1885, the Irish Wolfhound Club was founded by Captain George Augustus Graham, who was another Irish Wolfhound advocate. Search for irish wolfhound rescue dogs for adoption. Links to this site do not imply endorsement of any products, services, organizations, companies, information providers or content of the linking site by the IWCA, Inc. (Nina) Gottsch, 402-715-5254 Kerri McIntyre Murphy, 620-229-8348, cell 316-651-7059, Eileen M. Flanagan, 908-850-3448 Eileen B. Flanagan, 908-310-8436 Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State Jean A Minnier, 609-268-9373, Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound AssociationEllen Schmidt, 505-507-9132; Janice Phelps, 575-421-3086Kim Underwood, 843-324-1826Amy Solberg, 303-656-9118, Judy Curtin, 315-866-6772 Susan Kretzmer, 516-798-2098, Ellen Kroll Dorian Mell Patty Storkel, 503-871-5200,, Jean A Minnier, 609-268-9373 Irish Wolfhound Association of the Delaware Valley, Cindy Winters, 865-579-0734 Irish Wolfhound Association of the Greater Smokey Mountains, Ann Sury, 214-328-2682; cell 214-533-9234 South Central Irish Wolfhound Club, Dick & Jane Staudt, 802-223-5923Irish Wolfhound Association of New England, Tom & Diane Hartney, 703-759-6316 Potomac Valley IW ClubIrish Wolfhound Association of the Mid-South, Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget SoundMary Horton, 360-280-8458; iwcps.orgLori Walker, 253-670-5608; iwcps.orgEllen Kroll, Mary Ann Russell, 262-968-3421Charlene DeWald, 414-531-1654, Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound AssociationBarb Patterson, 307-214-1051;, Emma Ross, 604-820-8273 Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada, Bev Calvert,  226-664-0611 (Rescue Coordinator for Canada), Huguette Rainforth, 450-218-1260 - French or English, This directory was last updated 01/04/2021. Dogs Bernese Mountain Dog Great Dane Great Pyrenees Irish Wolfhound Labrador Retriever Mastiff Newfoundland Rescues Saint Bernard. Please help us protect the breed by keeping rehoming ads off the internet and social media. IRISH WOLFHOUND RESCUE The Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada (IWCC) seeks to protect and preserve the Irish Wolfhound. Let us email you when there are new pet listings that match your search criteria! We also provide an adoption policy that assures your Irish Wolfhound will find a loving, permanent, and safe home. Please contact the National Rescue Chair Jean A. Minnier or 609-268-9373 before filling out the Rescue Grant … IWCA 2020 The National That Never Was - Souvenirs Available! He would probably do fine with another older dog but he would not tolerate a puppy. Irish Wolfhound Rescue Organizations. Find Dogs. Additionally, the IWCA has agreed to provide reciprocal cooperation with the UK Irish Wolfhound Club, through our IWCA Rescue Chair, in assessing homes for breeders who are contemplating shipping their puppies from overseas. List Your Pets. The same dogs can be adopted at a high price from a well-known breeder. They can be adopted from rescue centers and shelter homes at very low prices. You may also call 517-481-5594. Rescue Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association assists in finding appropriate new homes for Irish Wolfhounds which, for any reason, cannot stay in their current home. Great size has been especially valued in the breed. BOX 26116. The information is provided with the understanding that the authors and the IWCA are not rendering legal, ethical or other professional advice and services. This has become a very common hybrid and designer dog. Try contacting Washington Dog Rescue Groups that help all breeds. Jean Minnier Find Dogs Find Cats Find Birds Find Rabbits Find Horses. Our adoption counselors are experienced at helping you find the right fit for your family. The Irish Wolfadoodle or also known as the W oodle truly is the best of both the Irish Wolfhound and the Standard Poodle. The Irish Wolfoodle is very easy to adopt. 609-268-9373 Contact the IWCA Internet Committee with website questions. This map shows how many Irish Wolfhound Rescue Groups are in each state. Individuals & rescue groups can post animals free." All rescue volunteers use rescue documentation, premise and reference check adoptive homes, and spay/neuter if the hound is age and health appropriate. ADN-403391 "Irish Wolfhound Rescue of the Mid South" is the 501 (c)3 charitable organization. Texas Rescue Groups: TOP OF PAGE The information on this page is the sole property of World Organization. Anything Look…Weird? So choose wisely your adoption point. We have rescue funds available. Click on a number to view a list of all Irish Wolfhound rescue groups in that state. The most distinguishing physical feature of the Irish Wolfhound is its great size. List Your Pets. This combination of speed, power, and size enabled the Irish Wolfhound to run … We will get back to you within a day. For the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Chrome or Safari. There is no implied or express warranty or guarantee of merchantability or fitness for any particular usage, application or purpose. The breed was recognized by England’s Kennel Club in 1925 and 1927, the Irish Wolfhound Club of America was established. It is probably going to be a larger dog. A stunning Wolfie mix. The following individuals are listed in this directory as Irish Wolfhound rescue volunteers by the national directory coordinators. Iwcc ) seeks to protect and preserve the Irish Wolfhound rescue of the online adoption.! 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