NO ITEMS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE DROPPED OFF AT THE JAIL BY INDIVIDUALS. Phone: 361-526-2351 Fax: Some jails have self-serve kiosks in the lobbies that accept cash, debit or credit cards. Because of the ability for family members and friends to deposit money online using a credit or debit card, jail inmates can now receive funds from anywhere in the world. To find an inmate who is being held in a local jail or a state prison you will need the government website. Kleberg County pays $40 a day to house a prisoner. Go to the online site for depositing funds. County Jail The jail address is 1500 E. King Ave. Kingsville TX, 78363 and the phone number is (361) 595-8500. The inmates at the Kleberg County Jail have a Commissary available. STEP 2: In other words, if you include either of these numbers, you don’t need to include the inmate’s name and birth year. This facility also has guidelines to follow. *Additional fee for agent assisted deposit Don't forget, the inmate is getting three free 2,000 calorie meals a day. The county implemented the program about three weeks ago. INS Number To search for an inmate in Kleberg County Jail you can use Pigeonly Prison Locator Service. The Nueces County Sheriff's Office Alternative Incarcerations and Jail Industries Programs were created and initially implemented in the mid 1980's to help relieve severe jail overcrowding conditions in the Nueces County Jail. You can also search for a federal inmate using a number of different identification numbers, such as: BOP Register Number Incarceration is difficult for families and inmates. The Sheriff’s Office, which consists of two Departments, employs 28 people comprised of 8 sworn peace officers in the Law Enforcement Department, 16 certified Detention Officers, 3 cooks, and 1 part-time nurse in the Detention Department. The Kleberg County Jail updates the information on a daily basis to ensure that it is complete and accurate. Brooks County is where Premier signed its first jail commissary contract, with Sheriff Blade Lozano, in 2000. All the information related to an inmate gets updated in the list containing their date of release and incarceration. Do not ship anything to an inmate that is larger than 12” by 16”. Inmates can purchase envelopes, stamps, shampoo, candy, snacks and many other items through the commissary system. A quick call to the Kleberg County Jail at 361-595-8500 will let you know how much is deducted from the books for each fee related to medical issues or other jail expenses. First, let’s search for an inmate using their name: Again, searching for a common name without any additional information leads to a large number of search results. Obviously, it’s not likely that you’ll face this issue, but it’s definitely good to know. Tuesday & Saturday Male 11:30PM – 3:30PM 11:30PM – 4:30PM Female 3:30PM – 4:00PM 4:30PM – 5:00PM The Commissary is only available to the inmates who have money in the account. When using the BOP’s search tool, you can search for a prisoner by name or by a variety of identification numbers. Because these identification numbers, of course, belong solely to your loved one, using this method is the best way to generate accurate results from the BOP’s site. Address. The bail amount is typically 10-15% of the bond amount set by the court. Mailing a deposit takes more time to process than the other methods but can be done if you live too far away to bring it in person and you don't have a debit/credit card for online deposits. Call Kleberg County Jail at 361-595-8500 to confirm the address to send the money order to and how they want it made out. The Kleberg County Jail Commissary Instructions and Information can be found here. At the end of 2010, there were as many as 228 people in the Kleberg County prisons, and another 15 persons in state jails. Every department of corrections correctional facility has its own rules on visitation, commissary, and mail. These can be ordered by you online and are delivered directly to the inmate. The information below provides complete instructions regarding the Kleberg County Jail: Follow these instructions exactly to help ensure that your inmate has access to commissary, and in some cases medical and bail money, as soon as possible. Before connecting with a loved one here, you can find them using a free inmate locator for Kleberg County Jail . State prisons can vary in their process. The Detention Center and enforcement area is open 24 hours a day. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Enemy Combatant High Value Detainees (HVD). Kleberg County Jail. Go to to start a search for your inmate First Click “Search Now” and enter your inmate’s facility name. Hence, they are allowed to fill out a form and to request entertainment items, arts and crafts, shoes, hygiene products, food, junk food, and a lot more. Inmates can send and receive letters. CIDNET creates an ecosystem of integrated applications to manage inmate communication. Many jails debit (charge) an inmate's commissary accounts for medical visits, any medications including over-the-counter pain reliever, jail stay fees, restitution, etc. Crime Tip Hotline 361-595-8500 or via Email. (Don’t worry, registration is completely free! The Kleberg County Jail has a maximum capacity of 124 prisoners. Inmates can use money from their account to purchase phone time credits or prepaid phone cards in order to make outside phone calls to friends and family members. People who have never been to jail would be surprised by the large amount of candy, snacks, art supplies, playing cards, hygiene products and clothing that can be purchased through a jail's commissary. The food may not be of the highest quality, but the commissary food is generally much less nutritious. The Bureau of Prisons allows you to search its database of federal prisoners in order to locate your loved one and to uncover their contact information. Jail Records include important information about an individual's criminal history, including arrest logs, booking reports, and detentions in Kleberg County jails. An Alternative Incarceration Program that provides labor and other needed services by inmates and people on probation, is being described as a “win, win, win” by Kleberg County officials. The Alternative Incarcerations/Jail Industries Program currently serves approximately 168 Coastal Bend non-profit agencies by providing labor and other needed services. What can an Inmate Purchase through Commissary? Note that this database includes only inmates held in federal prisons – we’ll get to smaller prisons and jails in a moment. If you think your inmate is being targeted for violence or having their commissary taken to avoid beatings, contact the Kleberg County Jail and ask to investigate. In Nueces County, one associate of former Sheriff Larry Olivarez, another Lopez friend, reaped rewards after helping Premier win a jail commissary contract there in 2005. Any correctional facility — big or small — can be accommodated by CIDNET. Kleberg County Jail and others often use a private company to process all online deposits to an inmate's account. Kleberg County Jail is located in Kleberg County, Texas. It was the prototype for many statewide programs. STEP 1: Click here to view the jail website for additional information. The Kleberg County Jail Commissary Instructions and Information can be found here. You will need your Inmate ID, which is provided to them when they are assigned a particular facility. In Bexar and Kleberg Counties, a Louisiana based company called "Premier" allegedly bribed the Bexar County Sheriff with swank golfing trips and gave the Kleberg Sheriff private consulting contracts after he left office. You can send inmates up to 10 photographs that are unframed and 4” by 6” or smaller. The following is the address and phone number for Kenedy County Jail: Kenedy County Jail 101 East La Parra Avenue, Sarita, TX, 78385 361-294-5205 From this article, you will learn about how to communicate with an […] Inmate Commissary is a fast and secure way to place a commissary deposit by friends and families for an inmate. The Kingsville Police Department is in charge of operating the Kingsville City Jail where the inmates are housed in single cells on two levels. STEP 3: This option is offered to low-risk inmates as a way of reducing jail tim… Inmates receive three meals a day plus medical and dental care. Choice 3 - Mail the Inmate Deposit to the Jail. To do this you will need the inmate's offender # (inmate ID #) and full legal name. Families can look for their Inmate in any of the facilities they have been assigned to, the current location of an Inmate, in which facility Kleberg County Jail they are housed or where they will be placed next. Choice 4 - Make an Inmate Deposit over the Phone. SMART PHONE APP: A general process to find your loved one can been seen with a few examples: Here’s what you’ll need if your loved one is incarcerated in New York: Notice that Department ID Number or New York State ID Number are meant to be used on their own. Inmates that are held here get 3 meals a day but are very restricted […] ... WILL BE ALLOWED. Individuals who are only charged with class C misdemeanors will be processed, magistrated, and released from the Magistration and Detention Center. The facility's direct contact number: 361-595-8500 The Kleberg County TX Jail is a medium-security detention center located at 1500 E King Ave in Kingsville, TX. Kleberg County Jail (Kingsville, TX - 16.2 miles) Kleberg County Jail (Kingsville, TX - 17.0 miles) Nueces County Mckinzie Jail Annex (Corpus Christi, TX - 17.7 miles) York House (Corpus Christi, TX - 18.1 miles) Jim Wells County Jail (Alice, TX - 19.3 miles) Jim Wells County Jail (Alice, TX - … Kleberg County has a 124-bed capacity. The jail houses nearly 124 inmates at any given times, and the jail staff also work with visitors, attorneys, friends, and family. Of these inmates, 30 were transferred to the Brooks and Willacy counties with Kleberg County paying $40 a day to house them. Make the Money Order out to the inmate's name and put their Inmate ID# in memo section of the Money Order. C/O Kenedy County Jail. The sheriff manages the Kingsville Police Department. There are usually four choices for putting money on an inmate's books: Jail personnel will process the Inmate Account payment. Premier was investigated in Bexar County for buying a trip to Costa Rica for former Sheriff Ralph Lopez. As this search tool doesn’t offer any advanced search features, you may need to include this information in order to see less than 100 results. The kiosk is similar to an ATM machine; however, instead of giving money, it takes it and deposits it directly into an inmate's account. Finding arrest record and arrest warrant information in Kleberg County, Texas can be a straightforward process thanks to the website of the Kleberg County Sheriffs Office. Brown County Jail; 1050 West Commerce, Brownwood, TX, 76801; Apart from that, it is also possible for senders to put money in the Commissary of an inmate directly by heading to the jail directly at: Brown County Jail; 1050 West Commerce, Brownwood, TX, 76801; In this regard, the kiosk in the facility lobby will have to be used. Visitation information follows: Inmate Visitation Hours. The Kingsville City Jail is a medium-security city jail. At any rate, you can also narrow down your search by including your loved one’s race, age, and sex. Kleberg County Jail, Kleberg County, Texas November 8, 2007 Caller-Times A new commissary company started this week in Kleberg County Jail after Premier Management Enterprises and the county mutually ended Premier's contract. FBI Number The Kleberg County Sheriff's Office has a cash/credit kiosk located in the lobby. If you need more information contact the jail by calling 361-595-8500. Who Can Put Money in an Inmate's Account? Inmate accounts are also used to pay the co-payment for medication and visits to the jail's medical clinic should they become ill. Medical Copays, Jail Fees and other Inmate Expenses. Jails typically have limits on how much money an inmate can have on the books at any one time. In Kleberg County (Kingsville), reported the SA Express News' Todd Bensman ("Premier's benefits didn't stop in Bexar,") former Kleberg Sheriff Tony Gonzales approved giving Premier a food commissary contract for his jail during his final weeks in office. Please note that the database only contains currently incarcerated inmates. In order to locate an Inmate, families need to visit the facility's website, with Inmates Last and First Name in the Lookup bar Inmates details will reflect. Always send a Money Order from the US Post Office, a reputable bank or Western Union. STEP 4: If an inmate is being targeted, most jails will intervene and have the victim placed in protective custody, away from the general population. Families can find an Inmate by their First and Last Name or by Inmate’s booking number. This is why it is important to use inmate services to make things easy. Join the conversation on our social media channels. The Express-News has continued its coverage of the Premier Management/Bexar County ties, and in mid-September 2007 also reported that a sheriff in Kleberg County gave Premier a contract to run its jail commissary and received consulting fees from Premier Management. The jail roster dated July 5, 2007 revealed 141 inmates. Inmates can use their commissary account to purchase writing supplies. Our commissary vendor is Keefe Commissary. Online you can find the medical fee information by going here, Other Kleberg County Jail fees can be determined by going here or calling 361-595-8500. WHY DOES AN INMATE NEED MONEY IN THEIR ACCOUNT AT THE Kleberg County Jail? Every department of corrections correctional facility has its own rules on visitation, commissary, and mail. JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. Anybody can contribute to an inmate's books or commissary fund as long as there isn't a no-contact order in place. JPay offers convenient & affordable correctional services, including money transfer, email, videos, tablets, music, education & parole and probation payments. Justia › US Law › Case Law › Texas Case Law › Texas Court of Appeals, Thirteenth District Decisions › 2011 › EX PARTE GEORGE GARZA III--Appeal from 105th District Court of Kleberg County Receive free daily summaries of new opinions from the Supreme Court of Texas . Most people want to get in touch with an inmate. Inmate locator updates you on the information about race, Date of Birth, and release date. Put your financial needs first and the inmate's second. Commissary contracts have been a big source of alleged corruption in Texas Sheriff's Departments in the past year. Some jails have contract agreements with third party Commissary companies that ship predetermined Care Packages of candy and snacks. Most of the online companies will accept deposits over the phone with a debit or credit card. The address for this county jail is located at: 101 East La Parra Avenue, Sarita, TX, 78385. Refugio County Jail 808 Commerce Street Refugio, TX 78377 Phone Number and Fax Number. (Express-News file photo) In his final weeks in office, ex-Kleberg County Sheriff Tony Gonzalez OK'd giving Premier Management Enterprises a contract for his jail. A roster or inmate list is available at the Kenedy County Jail in Texas. Many jails also allow an inmate to bail himself out of jail if he has the funds in his account. If you can't get your questions answered online call the Kleberg County Jail at 361-595-8500. Our mission at F. Dewayne Beggs Detention Center is to protect the citizens of Cleveland County, employees and the inmate, while maintaining a safe and secure facility, and working in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies. 101 East La Parra Avenue, Sarita, TX, 78385. Never send cash. Anybody can contribute to an inmate's books or commissary fund as … This facility also has guidelines to follow. Sometimes an inmate's commissary money is used to purchase items to pay gambling debts or purchase prescription medicine from another inmate. Inmates can purchase snacks and hygiene products through our commissary system. If you were unable to find the information you were looking for on this page, call Kleberg County Jail at 361-595-8500 and ask their policies on getting phone calls from your inmate. In Kleberg County, former Sheriff Tony Gonzales signed a lucrative jail commissary deal with the company in 2004 and likely introduced Premier … WA DOC – Airway Heights Corrections Center. Kenedy County Jail is a prison facility located in the city of Texas, serving Kenedy County and surrounding areas. Also, note that the search engine limits the number of results to 100 – meaning a bunch of other inmates with the name John Smith didn’t even show up. If your inmate is spending more than $10.00 a day on commissary items, you are most likely paying for him or her to gamble or buy drugs. Register for eXpress Account. Register with Pigeonly for addtional help. Call 361-595-8500 to ask facility personnel who to make the money order out to, and where to send it. Before connecting with a loved one here, you can find them using a free inmate locator for Kleberg County Jail . You will need to register an account, which is free to do and use a debit/credit card for the deposits. Pigeonly provides lookup and other inmate services. . The Nueces County Sheriff's Office offers four (4) convenient methods to send money to a Nueces County Jail Inmate. The goal of the Kleberg County Jail is to create a safe, secure, and humane facility for the community, staff, and the inmates. Facility's update the sheet daily in order to not miss on any Inmate who have been shifted from another Location. With Inmate locator the facility staff can check the reason why an Inmate is imprisoned. By going to the jail and using the jail kiosk in the lobby you can deposit funds into an inmate’s account. The Kleberg County Jail has been around since 1999. Some inmates, specifically those who are targeted for being weak or are in jail for rape or child molestation, are forced to relinquish their commissary to avoid regular beatings from other inmates. Failure to do this properly will delay your inmate getting his account credited and may require you to have to resubmit a second money order. Kleberg County Jail Records are documents created by Texas State and local law enforcement authorities whenever a person is arrested and taken into custody in Kleberg County, Texas. Kleberg District Court. You may contact the Nueces County Jail for all information requests concerning individual charges, posting bond, and other inquiries at (361) 887-2300 or (361) 887-2307. The company charges you a small fee for doing so, but the fee probably isn't as much as gas and parking would cost to take it to the jail in person. The kiosk takes cash, credit or debit payments and is available 24/7. Commissary funds allow inmates to purchase items such as personal hygiene products, snacks and stationery supplies from the jail store. Class C misdemeanors will be ALLOWED to be DROPPED OFF at the County. 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