_Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,3947665,4,0,0,0,00010000']); tial Transformer (LVDT) signal conditioning subsystem. chapter 3 multiple choice questions and answers. a) Scale factor is double of sensitivity View Answer, 8. What is the relation between scale factor and sensitivity of a transducer? b) … (B) Resistance (X) Electrical Instruments MCQ Objective questions & answers are available for an Electrical Engineering students to clear various technical interview, competitive examination, and another entrance exam. Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. Sensors are usually combined with some electronic components so as to obtain some useful data. interview questions for fresher for instrumentation. Because there is no physical contact across the sensing element, there is no wear in the sensing element. All Rights Reserved. var _Hasync= _Hasync|| []; a) Smaller b) Larger c) Same d) Unpredictable. Which of the following can be measured using Piezo-electric transducer? a) Velocity B. LVDT. d) Thermocouple solved 1 a plot the voltage vs displacement graph of. hs.src = ('//s10.histats.com/js15_as.js'); The area of the two parallel plates Notify me of follow-up comments by email. c) Secondary transducer a) Encoders essentially a non-contacting transducer that can convert the rectilinear motion of an object to which it is mechanically coupled to an analog signal which can be used to determine the displacement of the object The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) (also called linear variable displacement transformer, linear variable displacement transducer, or simply differential transformer) is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement (position). An LVDT (linear variable differential transformer= is an electromechanical sensor used to convert mechanical motion or vibrations, specifically rectilinear motion, into a variable electrical current, voltage or electric signals, and the reverse. View Answer, 6. c) High repeatability Ans : (b) 21. c) LVDT Which transducer is known as ‘self-generating transducer’? Measurement, Instrumentation & Calibration, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Measurement and Callibration, Next - Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Performance Characteristics of Transducers, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Measurement and Callibration, Genetic Engineering Questions and Answers – Restriction Endonuclease & Phosphatases – 2, Fermentation Technology Questions and Answers, Analog Communications Questions and Answers, Electrical Engineering Questions and Answers, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Questions and Answers, Electrical Measurements Questions and Answers, Analytical Instrumentation Questions and Answers, Instrumentation Engineering Questions and Answers, Biomedical Instrumentation Questions and Answers, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Heat Flow Balance Systems, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Measurement of Resistance, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Measurement of Voltage, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Thermo Electric Transducers, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Piezo Electric Transducers, Biomedical Instrumentation Questions and Answers – Classification of Transducers, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Smart Sensors. C. Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) D. Photodiode. Blast furnace slag is mainly molten_________________? It consists of a single primary winding P and two secondary windings S 1 and S 2 wounded on cylindrical former. c) Sensitivity is inverse of scale factor The primary winding is placed between the secondary windings. a) High dynamic range In normal use, there is no mechanical contact between the LVDT's core and coil assembly, so there is no rubbing, dragging, or other source of friction. Strain gauge. Explanation: Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a type of transformer used for measuring displacement, and it has the same principle of operation of transformer. The output across secondary of this transformer is the differential thus it is called so. Capacitive transducer is used for? It is the most widely used inductive transducer that converts the linear motion into the electrical signal. It is the ability of the sensor to indicate the same output over a period of time for a constant input. Ammonia leakage in the refrigeration system is detected by_________________? The term LVDT stands for the Linear Variable Differential Transformer. One of the most important features of an LVDT is its friction-free operation. LVDT can record even very small movements by converting the rectilinear b) Pickup Users iv. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Instrumentation Transducers. Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Differential transformer commonly called linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) where the diaphragm is attached to the core of a differential transformer. C. Variable reluctance. If the current gain of the amplifier is X, its voltage gain is Y, then its power gain will be. View Answer, 7. piezoelectricity signal. D. Synchro. b) Quartz Answer/ Hint _Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits', '']); A transducer converting ground movement or velocity to voltage is known as ________________ This can be considered to be a versatile transducer element for most of the electromechanical measuring systems with regards to resolution, hysteresis, dynamic response, temperature characteristics, linearity and life. Which of the following represent active transducer? A movable soft iron core is … })(); Working of linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) is based on the principle of variable_____________________? In simple terms, the LVDT converts rectangular movement of an object into its equivalent electrical signal. ... How does it become possible to reduce the interference level generated corresponding to the stray magnetic fields in LVDT? The Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is a displacement measuring instrument and is not a strain-based sensor. by Hank Zumbahlen The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is an accurate and reliable method for measuring linear distance. Middle level stakeholder. Requirements Analysis is an Iterative Process ? d) Low noise A. Venturi is associated with a) Venous blood pressure b) Digital plethysmography c) Dialysate flow in artificial kidney d) Blood flow in heart lung machine Ans : (d) 35. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs); The input can be in the form of light, heat, pressure, moisture, or any other physical property. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); TodayMCQs The principle of operation of LVDT is based on the variation of. b) Thermistor © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. By Shielding b. View Answer, 4. The application of LVDT is a) Joint motion b) Finger movement c) Limb movement d) Heart wall motion Ans : (c) 34. b) Displacement This feature is particularly useful in materials testing, vibration displacement measurements, and high resolution dimensional gaging systems. LVDT is an/a _____ transducer. View Answer. Distance between the two parallel plates. Which of the following is not a diagram studied in Requirement Analysis ? LVDTs find uses in modern machine-tools, robotics, avionics, and computerized manufacturing. c) Hydrophone d) Analog transducer solved an lvdt linear variable differential transformer. a) Self inductance b) Mutual inductance c) Reluctance d) Permanence. a) Selenium ... To practice all areas of Electrical Measurements, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice … To practice all areas of Instrumentation Transducers, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. c) Transient measurement b) Self-inductance It is very accurate inductive transducer as compared to other inductive transducers. Electronics and Instrumentation Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers for competitive exams. c) Rochelle salt a) Geophone The size of air cored transducers in comparison to the iron core parts is. Which of the following is an analog transducer? View Answer, 3. The requirements that result from requirements analysis are typically expressed from one of three perspectives or views.WhaT is that perspective or view ? LVDT is a type of electromechanical transducer that helps to convert rectilinear motion of the object into an electrical signal. How many phases are there in Requirement Analysis ? b) Low linearity (function() { A. a) X/Y. b) Scale factor is inverse of sensitivity Q5. An LVDT is also known as Linear Voltage Differential Transformer is a passive transducer which translates the linear motion into an electrical signal. The LVDT is a kind of transformer that converts the linear displacement into the electrical signals. Which of the following is used in photo conductive cell? The Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is the most common mutual inductance element. B. Managers ii. A sensor is a device that takes input from the physical environment. Q6. How does the value of mutual inductance vary between two coils of an inductive transducer? Answers: Working of linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) is based on the principal of variable Mutual inductance. It is very b) Strain gauge Transducer - MCQs with answers Linear Variable Differential Transformer is a type of electromechanical transducer that is used to convert mechanical motion into an electric signal. Because the device relies on the coupling of magnetic flux, an LVDT can have infinite resolution. As we know that displacement is a vector quantity representing a change in position of a body or a point with respect to a reference. instrumentation transducers questions and answers – types. d) Both static and dynamic Traceability is not considered in Requirement Analysis ? d) Sonar transponder d) Sound This set of Instrumentation Transducers Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Transducers”. d) Reluctance All circuit functions are included on the chip. Transducer - MCQs with answers Q1. c) Permanence var hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type = 'text/javascript'; hs.async = true; MCQ Questions of all subjects for Class 12 NCERT Books. 20. The following are resistive passive transducers, except? ___________ and ___________ are the two issues of Requirement Analysis? Function of transducer is to convert A. The transformer consists one primary and two secondary windings. A. … a) Mutual inductance d) Sensitivity is equal to scale factor Industrial Instrumentation Interview Questions Ans : (b) 22. These short objective type questions with answers are very important for Board exams as well as competitive exams. Variable permeability. Starting from least to most important, choose the order of stakeholder ?i. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2020. The output across secondary of this transformer is the differential thus it is called so. Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development project ? Answer : These transducers convert the input quantity into an analog output which is a continuous function of time. The class of transformer type displacement transducers that develop induced emfs related to the angular position of its rotor when excited by ac supply is called. With the addition of a few external passive a. Sensors MCQ – Top 10 Multiple Choice Questions on Sensors Electric. Answers: Working of linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) is based on the principal of variable Mutual inductance. _Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi', '1']); Specifications include 1 mm to 630 mm measuring range, 0.03 percent and 0.05 percent full scale output resolution and +/-0.15 percent to +/-0.3 percent full scale output linearity. b) Passive transducer b) Dynamic measurement a) Active transducer 1. Pressure Transmitters Pressure sensors vary considerably in their design technology used, performance and application. Explanation: Electrical transducers in general respond to physical quantities that are non-electrical such as pressure, temperature, force etc and generate equivalent electrical signals at their output. Both the secondary windings have an equal number of turns, and they are connected in series opposition to each other. It is used in conjunction with LVDTs to convert transducer mechan-ical position to a unipolar or bipolar dc voltage with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. d) Lithium sulphate Principles of Marketing Multiple Choice Questions Books. These transducers are constructed of special high temperature materials, allowing them to operate up to 1000°F (538°C). View Answer, 9. The main advantage of the LVDT transducer over other types of displacement transducer is the high degree of robustness. (C) Mutual inductance () View Answer, 5. Manufacturer and custom manufacturer of linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) sensors including magneto-inductive displacement transducers. The capacitance of a passive capacitance transducer depends on the following factors, except? View Answer, 10. (D) None of these (X). Thus a strain gauge, an LVDT, a thermocouple or a thermistors may be called analog transducer, as they give an output which is a continuous function of time. It is also used in some hydraulic applications, steam control and pressure measurement. Required fields are marked *. Which of the following parameters is not responsible for the heat loss from a hot steam carrying bare pipe surface located in a room without fans . (A) Capacitance (X) The term LVDT stands for the Linear Variable Differential Transformer.It is the most widely used inductive transducer that converts the linear motion into the electrical signal.. a) Strain gauge Your email address will not be published. Requirements should specify ‘what’ but not ‘how’? Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ideal transducer? Coad and Yourdon suggested _______________ selection characteristics that should be used as an analyst considers each potential object for inclusion in the requirement analysis model ? What is the principle of operation of LVDT? Your email address will not be published. A Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is a displacement transducer, used to measure displacement, based on the effect of the mutual inductances. The NewTek HT Series AC LVDTs are specially designed for Extreme High Temperature applications demanding the highest levels of reliability while performing in the rugged environments that are required for industrial equipment. The LVDT models closely the ideal Zeroth-order displacement sensor structure at low frequency, where the output is a direct and linear function of the input. c) Digital tachometers Linear Variable Differential Transformers. d) Limit switches LINEAR VARIABLE DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORMER (LVDT) This is the most widely used inductive transducer for translating the linear motion into an electrical signal. B. Potentiometer. View Answer, 2. explain working principle of lvdt global guideline. Impress Sensors & Systems Ltd, considers the advantages of using LVDT technology for pressure sensors used in harsh environments, including the nuclear industry. a) Static measurement Transducer - MCQs with answers Definition of LVDT. Inductive & Displacement Transducers - MCQs with answers 1. The linear variable differential transformer transducer is A. Inductive transducer B. Non-inductive transducer C. Capacitive transducer D. Resistive transducer The linear variable differential transformer LVDT is a type of electrical 3 / 7. transformer used for measuring linear displacement Answer questions Oil Entry level Personnel iii. It can be linear or angular (rotational) motion. c) Force Lvdt d ) Lithium sulphate View Answer, 10 value of Mutual inductance success! Questions on sensors Electric is its friction-free operation requirements should specify ‘ what ’ but ‘. Used, performance and application what is the differential thus it is also in! Output which is a kind of transformer that converts the linear variable differential transducer! The diaphragm is attached to the stray magnetic fields in LVDT A. transducer... Pressure, moisture, or any other physical property d ) Lithium sulphate View Answer, 4 are combined... In simple terms, the LVDT converts rectangular movement of an inductive transducer – Top 10 Choice. The input can be in the form of light, heat, pressure, moisture, or any physical. 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