Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. You must be 18 years of age to apply for a marriage application in Michigan. Maybe. 3423 North Martin Luther King Boulevard Another marriage certificate must be returned to the county clerk who issued the license within 10 days after the marriage. The marriage license fee is $20.00 for residents of Michigan. Witnesses must be 18 or older. The license should list those names in a typed format with their signatures below. Marriage licenses are valid in any county in Michigan where you choose to be married. If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can get married with parental consent. The blood test requirement hasn't been in effect since January 1, 2001. Afterward, their names and residences must be recorded on the marriage license. Check out the latest entries from our marriage license blog. There are no other special requirements for non-citizens. Instead, you'll be given information on HIV, STDs, and prenatal care. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. Non-Michigan Residents You are required to apply in the county in which you will be married in. 3-day waiting period. Some locales will require an appointment. Proof of parenthood or guardianship is required. *Online applications only (if applicable). Note: If you can't afford the license fee, the probate court can waive it. License may be used in any county in Michigan. These include Lenawee County marriage licenses, certificates, registries, and vital record indexes. If one person is coming to the office to apply, they must have documentation for both parties. Michigan Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce Records. The waiting period does not include the application day. Marriage Licenses. If former Spouse is deceased, must present photo copy of a Death Certificate. If ceremony is to be in English, then both parties must understand English. To obtain a Michigan marriage license the couple must be 18 years of age or older and be able to enter into legal contracts. Perform a free Michigan public marriage records search, including marriage licenses, certificates, registries, and indexes. The license is valid only in the State of Michigan (and … If you're divorced, you don't have to bring a copy of your divorce decree as proof. to obtain a marriage license from the. Non-English passports must be coupled with an I-94 form. 24 Lawyers Are Online. Marriage License Laws. Michigan requires two witnesses (who must be at least 18 years of age). What does she need (documents, anything else)? : There is a three (3) day waiting period in Michigan. You cannot have someone else—the proxy—stand in for you during the marriage ceremony. Premarital Preparation Courses: Big Moneysavers. You can apply for a Michigan marriage license at the county clerk's office, but be aware of the complex residency requirements spelled out further below. No, unless entered into the relationship prior to January 1, 1957. Can I use a temporary Michigan ID card to get married? Applying. If you're 16 or 17 years old, your custodial parent or guardian must submit a county clerk provided consent form. Marriage records for marriages applied for in Washtenaw County are available from the Vital Records office. The license is valid for 33 days from the first day after the date of application. Where you must apply for a marriage license and where you can marry afterward is based on residency. Lenawee County Marriage Records are official documents that contain information about marriages certified in Lenawee County, Michigan. Fifteen year olds and younger can't lawfully marry in Michigan. State of Michigan Vital Records Office. Be sure to contact your local County Clerk’s Office well in advance of the wedding to find out on what days and during what hours the Clerk will be in the office. AFFIDAVIT FOR LICENSE TO MARRY. Marriage License applications are available through the Oakland County Clerk's Office. If neither of you are residents, it costs $30. The civil marriage fee is $10–20. Marriage License vs. Michigan Marriage Records Search MI Marriage Records. Yes, Michigan requires two witnesses (who must be at least 18 years of age). The index for marriage records filed after January 1959 can be searched here. Minors between the age of 16 and 17 must bring a certified copy of their birth certificate. Ask a Question, Get an Answer ASAP. The State of Michigan Vital Records Office is located at 333 S Grand Avenue, 1st Floor, Lansing MI 48933 (corner of Grand Avenue & Kalamazoo Street. You must be 18 years of age to apply for a marriage application in Michigan. Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. Residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county in which one of them lives. Contact the magistrate court to schedule your civil ceremony. You will also find the names of the witnesses to the wedding. It'll cost you $20.00 to $30.00 (based on residency), and you'll have to … Your marriage certificate allows you to undergo a name change after marriage with the SSA, Michigan SOS, and other institutions. Michigan - Statewide Contact Info. License is not available for pick-up on weekends or holidays. See Driving Directions for further details. Marrage Law Requirements for Michigan: You must be 18 years of age to apply for a marriage application in Michigan. The office hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon-Fri, except for State holidays. If you have any … $30 for non-residents. If an engaged couple is from a state outside of Michigan, they can only apply for a marriage license in Livonia if they are planning to have their marriage ceremony in Wayne County. to obtain a marriage license application. To apply for a marriage license in Michigan, first you and your partner will need to gather the appropriate documentation to fill out and submit the application. How old do you have to be to get married in Wayne County? You can't lawfully marry your first cousin in Michigan. The Marriage Information Sheet Includes all information necessary to complete the application. There is a three-day waiting period after the application before the license may be issued and used. Driver’s License or Michigan State ID card w/current address At least one applicant must be a resident of Alpena County $20 for those in Alpena County to apply for a marriage license $30 for those out-of-state to apply for the marriage license Remember! Michigan Marriage License Requirements; Michigan Annulment and Prohibited Marriage Laws; Michigan Marital Property Laws; Get Legal Help with Your Questions About Michigan Marriage Laws. Non-English ID must be accompanied by a certified and notarized translation. Common-law marriage has diverse names, from "marriage in fact", "marriage by repute and habit", "informal…, Apart from imposing penalties and fines on offenders across the divide, states around the country have enacted laws imposing non-offender…, One of the truths from research is that through premarital preparation courses and programs divorces are reduced and healthy marriages…. In order to get married in Michigan, you must apply for a marriage license in a county clerk office.Your residency status determines which county you may apply in and how much you must pay.. Residency requirements. Date mailed or picking up: _____ Clerk’s Initials _____ MACOMB COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION COVER FORM . Your parents must appear with their own identification and if a custodial parent, proof of their custody. The license will need to be used within 33 days from the date of application. State of Michigan marriage license fee is $20 residents, $30 non-residents. Where Does All That Marriage License Money Go? If both applicants live out of state and are going to be married in Michigan, they apply in the county the marriage will take place in. "Even though you apply for your marriage license in the county you live in, you can get married any place in Michigan." Certified copies of vital records are available through the Vital Records Office. It is important that you verify all information with your local. All participating witnesses to the ceremony must be 18 years of age or older. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Are there any special rules we should know? $30 – Non-Residents. Non-residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county where they plan on getting married. If neither of you live in Michigan, you must apply for a marriage license in the county where the marriage ceremony will be held. The premarital counseling requirement was abolished on January 1, 2001. The year range represents most of the records. No blood test. MAIL DOCUMENTS AT … The county clerk can waive the waiting period for good cause and $10. Adults aged 18 and over can marry as long as they're able to enter into a legal contract. You can use an online name change service that assists in completing the necessary paperwork before or after marriage. You'll be asked to provide your name, gender, residence, date and place of birth, total prior marriages, social security number, phone number, and parents' birth names and birthplaces. Michigan Marriage License. The license can only be used within the State of Michigan. When you fill-up the form, make a note : The more fields you fill in, the more detailed result you will get. Ministers must complete a marriage certificate and give one to the couple. $30 for non-residents. Your marriage license will be available for pick up three days after you apply, excluding weekends. © 2021 U.S. • Terms & Privacy. (MCL 551.103) If 16 or 17 years of age, a person can apply for a license but must have parental consent or consent of their legal guardian to marry. A minister of the gospel who is ordained or authorized by his or her church to perform marriages and who is a pastor of a church in this state, or continues to preach the gospel in this state may perform marriages. Judges & Magistrates Who Perform Marriage Ceremonies In Kent County. A certified copy of a marriage certificate is a duplicate of your original marriage certificate issued directly from the county office where you received your marriage license. Vital records can be obtained in person, by mail, or online. Are there any special rules we should know? If you choose to apply in person, it must be in the county where one of the parties lives or where non-residents intend to be married. $30 for non-residents. You must reach the minimum of 16 years of … When they go to the Wayne County Clerk’s office to apply for their marriage license, they will be asked to show a valid I.D. Statewide Marriage Records. to obtain a marriage license from the County Clerk of the COUNTY in which either applicant resides. DO NOT APPLY MORE THAN 33 DAYS NOR LESS THAN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS FROM YOUR WEDDING DATE. You will need to show a a photo copy, front and back, of your fiancé’s driver’s license or state ID. Michigan County Marriages, 1822-1940 Ancestry . Marriage License NOTE: If Divorced, each party must submit photo copies of all Divorce Judgement(s). Marriage Officiants To perform marriage ceremonies a person should be an ordained minister, magistrate (a civil officer with power to administer and enforce law -- Justice of the Peace), mayor of a Michigan city or a judge. Individuals being married: Report to the Trial Court Business Office window 3 with the marriage license, envelopes, and the full names of the witnesses printed on a separate sheet of paper. For instance, apply Monday to pick up on Thursday. You can buy certified copies of your marriage certificate in person or by mail for $15-34 from the county clerk or state vital records office. A marriage license is void unless the marriage is solemnized within 33 days from the date of application. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Ph: 517.335.8656. In order to get married in the State of Michigan, couples must apply in person and present current valid driver’s license or state I.D. $20 – Residents If either you or your fiancé is a resident of Michigan, the marriage license will cost $20. to obtain a marriage license application. Marriage licenses are issued by the County Clerk’s office in all 83 counties in Michigan. It is totally different to the marriage license (check the differences between marriage license vs certificate here). All Rights Reserved. If you're getting married in Michigan, you must first apply for a marriage license. To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must: Marriage License applications are available through the your local County Clerk’s Office. If you are 15 or younger, you will need both parental consent and the approval of the probate court. You'll have to contact the county clerk's office to get approval. Rev.7/27/20 (sm) Macomb County Clerk’s Office Use Only . The following is required of both parties: For the purpose of marriage application, residency is determined by a current valid driver’s license or state I.D. If you will be getting married in Barry County, you must apply for your license at the Barry County Clerk’s Office. If you're not submitting your marriage license application online, then you must apply in person and together. If you live in Michigan and need the marriage record in a hurry, the best option would be to drive to the State of Michigan Vital Records Office, which is part of the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.They can provide copies for marriages that took place as far back as 1867. Ask a Lawyer Online Now! Michigan will only recognize a common-law marriage that was established before January 1, 1957. For guidance on additional methods of payment, please call ahead. In order to get married in Michigan, couples must apply in person, with current valid driver’s license or state I.D. Your marriage license will expire 33 days after you submit your application. About Marriage Records in Michigan Michigan marriage records are managed by the Michigan Department of Community Health. You must be there. P.O. You choose the best Mi Wedding Officiant. Choose a location...Alcona CountyAlger CountyAllegan CountyAlpena CountyAntrim CountyArenac CountyBaraga CountyBarry CountyBay CountyBenzie CountyBerrien CountyBranch CountyCalhoun CountyCass CountyCharlevoix CountyCheboygan CountyChippewa CountyClare CountyClinton CountyCrawford CountyDelta CountyDickinson CountyEaton CountyEmmet CountyGenesee CountyGladwin CountyGogebic CountyGrand Traverse CountyGratiot CountyHillsdale CountyHoughton CountyHuron CountyIngham CountyIonia CountyIosco CountyIron CountyIsabella CountyJackson CountyKalamazoo CountyKalkaska CountyKent CountyKeweenaw CountyLake CountyLapeer CountyLeelanau CountyLenawee CountyLivingston CountyLuce CountyMackinac CountyMacomb CountyManistee CountyMarquette CountyMason CountyMecosta CountyMenominee CountyMidland CountyMissaukee CountyMonroe CountyMontcalm CountyMontmorency CountyMuskegon CountyNewaygo CountyOakland CountyOceana CountyOgemaw CountyOntonagon CountyOsceola CountyOscoda CountyOtsego CountyOttawa CountyPresque Isle CountyRoscommon CountySaginaw CountySaint Clair CountySaint Joseph CountySanilac CountySchoolcraft CountyShiawassee CountyTuscola CountyVan Buren CountyWashtenaw CountyWayne CountyWexford County. Marriage records are available from 1867 to present. Anticipated Wedding Date: (for office use only) FULL NAME (First, Middle, Last) MALE FEMALE . No. Requirements may vary as each county in Michigan could have their own set of rules. Even though you apply for your marriage license in the county you live in, you can get married any place in Michigan. Preferred method of payment is cash. 3 DAY WAITING PERIOD! Phone: 586-469-5205. You'll need to have valid drivers’ licenses or state IDs, copies of birth certificates or valid passports, and social security numbers. A valid Michigan Marriage License; Two witnesses at least 18 years of age; Where to report for the Marriage Ceremony. The fee for a marriage license differs depending on if either member of the couple is a resident of the state of Michigan. Box 30195 Bay County Clerk Fee Schedule. If you or your soon-to-be spouse is a resident of Michigan, you can marry anywhere in the state. Bring unexpired photo ID to confirm your age and residence, such as a driver's license, passport, state-issued ID card, or military ID card. Certificate . The marriage license fee is $20 for residents of Michigan. This 3-day waiting period is considered satisfied if the online application is completed more than three days prior to coming into the Clerk’s office to pay the application fee and complete the process. Your email address will not be published. In order to get married in Michigan, couples must apply in person, with current valid driver’s license or state I.D. For Michigan residents, the license is good throughout the state and you do not need to marry in the county that issued your license. Vital Records If you're getting married in Michigan, you must first apply for a marriage license. Marriage Records can show whether a wedding is legally valid, which may be required to obtain benefits related to marriage. A 3-day waiting period for a marriage license to be issued is required by Michigan law. All copies issued by this office are certified copies with a "raised" seal. Two adult witnesses aged 18 or over must attend your marriage ceremony. What does she need (documents, anything else)? Valid: License is valid for 90 days anywhere in Michigan. If applying in person, you must submit your request by 3:00 pm in order to obtain same-day … Microfilm copies of these records are available at the Family History Library and Family History Centers. Do not apply if your ceremony will be held more than 34 days from today. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit. Order birth, death or marriage certificates. While you may only be thinking about being with the person you love for the rest of your life, it's important to remember that a marriage is a contract with various legal implications. Name index to marriage records from the state of Michigan. State Laws marriage requirements to obtain and file a marriage license to receive certified copy of your marriage certificate from clerk’s office upon request. Ministers must provide marriage certificates to the couple married and report the marriage to the Marriage Commissioner. I am a resident of Kalamazoo and I would like to marry my Czech partner. Submit one form to top-rated marriage officiants in your locality. For some counties, it's 21 years. Blood tests are not required for a marriage license. Michigan Civil Marriages, 1834-1974 Family Search . 1867-1952 Michigan Marriage Records Ancestry . Legal marriage age is 18, minimum age is 16 w/consent. * Required fields : First Name (optional) Last Name * Year of Marriage (approx) State : e.g. Persons 18 years of age and older may contract marriage in Michigan without parental consent. Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995. The marriage license fee is $20.00 for residents of Michigan. She just needs to bring ID. Next, go to the county clerk’s office in the county where you live or want to be married to fill out the application … It'll cost you $20.00 to $30.00 (based on residency), and you'll have to use it within 33 days. If you or your fiance are Michigan residents, you must apply in a county where one of you resides. Grand Rapids District Court (61st) (GR Residents Only) Can I use a temporary Michigan ID card to get married? Lansing, MI 48909 In order to get married in the State of Michigan, couples must apply in person and present current valid driver’s license or state I.D. Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995 Family Search . The Michigan Marriage Records Search links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to MI … If either you or fiancé is a resident of Michigan, apply for a marriage license in either's county of legal residence. Description. Otherwise, you'll have to marry in the county where you purchased the marriage license. Michigan Wedding Officiants for your wedding or vow renewal ceremony. A few records may be earlier or later. The fee for residents is $20, and $30 for non-residents. REQUESTING A MICHIGAN MARRIAGE RECORD: The Michigan Vital Records office has records of marriages that occurred in Michigan and were filed with the state since 1867. The fee for an out of state marriage license is $30. I don't have a driver's license, and I just applied for a state ID so the only ID I have currently is a temporary personal ID card, besides my passport. License is good for 33 days from and including application date. Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925 Family Search . Marriage License Fee: Some older marriage licenses will also list the type of ceremony such as a religious ceremony performed in a church or a ceremony held in a courthouse. Michigan marriage licenses must be used in the State of Michigan. Some counties will allow you to pick up the marriage license alone, provided you bring the missing person's ID. Your completed marriage license must be returned to the issuing county clerk to be recorded within 10 days after your marriage ceremony. You must apply in person at the Vital Records office or online. Persons 16 and 17 must show a certified copyof their birth certificate. However, only one of you need to be present and have all required documentation when applying for a marriage license. If previously married, the date of divorce or date of spouse’s death must be provided. Additional information can be found on the Michigan Gov website. View Michigan Department of Health and Human Services … The fee is $20.00 for Michigan residents and $30.00 for out-of-state residents. The office is open through the lunch hour. Occasionally, some records were not filed with the state. If your prior spouse passed away, you don't have to present proof of death. 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