11 0 obj 5. Mercury thermometers cannot measure temperatures below this point. Mercury is bad for your health, as well as for the water, wildlife, and waste systems on earth. This is a substance which expands when heated and accurately measures the body temperature of who is using the thermometer. Reading the glass thermometer (that is, determining the temperature shown) is done by holding the thermometer horizontally by the stem end (the end opposite the bulb) at eye level and rotating the thermometer until the mercury in the shaft can be clearly seen. If a mercury thermometer breaks or leaks, it can release toxic vapors. /Type /Metadata Mercury medical thermometer, due to its characteristics, its performance is more accurate, and close-readings of the gas thermometer, which is used as a reference thermometer. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 3 0 obj If the liquid in your thermometer bulb is silver, then the liquid might be: a non-toxic compound that looks similar to mercury.  Â. polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) waste disposal. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] The tip of the thermometer must be placed under the tongue. 7 0 obj >> You’ve seen it in cartoons or movies; Mickey Mouse with a thermometer sticking out of his mouth and an ice bag on his head. Mercury Thermometer: Let's analyze this measurement: Upon inspection of the thermometer, we observe that the finest division is a 1 o C division. /JS (this.print\({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true}\);) the bulb of a mercury-in-glass thermometer or the pyrometric sensor in an infrared thermometer) in which some change occurs with a change in temperature; and (2) some means of converting this change into a numerical value (e.g. Glass and mercury thermometer. 4.7 out of 5 stars 22,027. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. /Type /Page Glass and mercury thermometers are just what they sound like. /Parent 2 0 R << It is more convenient compared to rectal measurements, though the latter is more accurate. Scores The Lowest Amongst Other Thermometers; In a test done with oral, axillary, tympanic, and forehead thermometers, it was shown that tympanic was the most accurate, while forehead thermometers did the worst. /Kids [7 0 R 8 0 R] endobj With changes in temperature, the mercury expands and contracts, and the temperature can be read from the scale. Don’t use a mercury thermometer, which can be dangerous if it breaks. A medical mercury-in-glass maximum thermometer showing the temperature of 38.7 °C. These thermometers use electronic heat sensors to record body temperature. They are also safe, since they can withstand temperature extremes without breaking. >> Collectible mercury thermometers on eBay come in many shapes, sizes, and transduction methods. The basic concept of each different type of thermometer is the same, but the style differs. In the past, mercury (MER-kure-e) thermometers were used. Although many thermometers now have a digital reading, quite a few people have glass thermometers in their homes, and some facilities use glass thermometers in certain circumstances. /Type /Page $19.83 $ 19. This procedure is discussed below. Mercury thermometers are no longer sold in the United States. Mercury fever thermometers are made of glass the size of a straw, with a silvery-white liquid inside. The outside is made of glass and the fluid inside is mercury, which reacts to temperatures and shows a reading. Use a thermometer with a long bulb. %���� A glass mercury thermometer was once a staple in most medicine cabinets. Mercury expands as the temperature increases, thus raising the reading, while decreasing temperatures contract the mercury, lowering the reading. /Im3 30 0 R /Metadata 3 0 R /F1 21 0 R 8 0 obj /CreationDate (D:20051007144327-04'00') Some states and municipalities have passed laws or ordinances barring the manufacture, sale and/or distribution of mercury fever thermometers. 2 0 obj /Length 534 /Resources 10 0 R Thermometer for Fever, Quick Reading Digital Waterproof Oral Thermometer with Fever Indicator and Memory Recall, Best Accurate Rectum Armpit Reading Thermometer for … /CropBox [0 0 612 792] These types of thermometers were found in nearly every house and hospital at one time before digital thermometers were available. Therefore, the mercury thermometer other thermometers accurately measure the temperature of the human body. 2 AXILLARY TEMPERATURE 1. /TT3 27 0 R >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] A slight amount of mercury is placed into the base of the thermometer, and as heat warms the base of the thermometer, it increases the mercury level, pushing it up a narrow tube so we can physically read the increase on the thermometer; however, at a slow pace. Stay with your baby and hold the thermometer in place for 3 minutes. Get it as soon as Tue, Jan 5. stream Some of these thermometers do not have replaceable batteries. << /Pages 2 0 R As the temperature rises, the mercury is pushed up through the constriction by the force of expansion. Common household uses of mercury thermometers include fever thermometers and oven, candy and meat thermometers. If you have a mercury thermometer, don't throw it in the trash. /Title (Microsoft Word - ii-27.doc) Mercury thermometers may be used in many applications, including chemical experiments, water and acid baths, blood banks, ovens and incubators. >> 1 0 obj /Nums [0 9 0 R] They are common in many households, schools and medical facilities. << This method is fairly reliable as it was often used in hospitals, etc. H���Mo�@������x���|�F'J�~��U����6eq,���.�u���Tv�3�3osgỳA�q%I�)� ��Y^�Jm�R�e�,o>3�j�B^���q��`�`��Ӯ�W������$দ��������m�DD�B J(���#�m�����U��w�� ��,]_@���͙~�����z�f_m1̱8p_� ��$2p�f�m�pf�w��P�M[h y-�Nur��ܺ��EL���� �RƒII-�^UGe� �b���~S���������de�wmphi$�����[49T�[ ?�M�k��vG�&��ih�� ��-.��g���!���UƠQA]. When choosing a thermometer, consider these options: Digital thermometers. They are marked with numbers and in the middle have a thin line that will be responsible for marking the temperature value. /ModDate (D:20051007144327-04'00') You can use Earth911's Recycling Locator Exit to find a mercury recycling center near you. You may need to hold the thermometer in place for three or more minutes in order to get a correct reading. There are four broad categories of thermometers … Show More on How to Read a Glass Thermometer If you are choosing a battery-powered digital thermometer, choose one that contains a replaceable battery. Alcohols, such as ethanol, boil at about 78 degrees Celsius (172 degrees Fahrenheit). endobj Liquid thermometers can be limited by the type of liquid used. If a glass thermometer breaks while checking an oral temperature, the mercury may be swallowed. /Cs6 [/ICCBased 32 0 R] /F4 24 0 R %PDF-1.3 >> We recommend, first, that the alternative thermometer be carefully specified in construction. If the thermometer breaks, the mercury may be breathed in or absorbed (soaked) into your skin. You can read more about the impact the decision will have in NIST’s February 2011 press release announcing the change. DP37 - Thermometer Clinical, Flat, Dual Scale, Extra Large Size. >> endobj /Rotate 0 /Filter /FlateDecode endobj << Mercury thermometers Once a staple in most medicine cabinets, mercury thermometers use mercury encased in glass to measure body temperature. A digital thermometer is useful for taking underarm temperature. << If any of these conditions hold, the reading of a liquid-in-glass thermometer may not correspond to the reading of an alternative thermometer, even if both thermometers are perfectly accurate. >> To obtain an accurate temperature reading, a glass thermometer must remain in the mouth for three minutes, while a digital thermometer remains in the mouth until it beeps or the temperature reading appears in the window, according to Drugs.com. Warnings. To date, multiple ASTM standards have been updated to approve the use of mercury-free alternatives for temperature measurement. A variety of accurate and reliable mercury-free fever thermometers are available at your local pharmacy. The most similar alternatives to mercury fever thermometers are battery- and solar-powered digital thermometers. ; We can always make an estimate of a reading to within the finest division. << /Im2 29 0 R For more information about phasing out industrial mercury thermometers, visit EPA's Phasing Out of Mercury Thermometers Used in Industrial and Laboratory Settings page. stream Shaking. Older thermometers of this type used liquid mercury. Alcohol-filled and galinstan glass thermometers are harder to find in grocery stores than digital thermometers. In response to our understanding of the health concerns associated with mercury exposure, these types of thermometers usually use some type of liquid alcohol. Details: Easy to use, this mercury thermometer is flat in shape and little extra in size. Mercury thermometers can be used to determine body, liquid, and vapor temperature. /XObject << >> The battery is a button-cell battery and may contain a small amount of mercury, so it should be recycled with a hazardous waste collection program. If you break a thermometer while using it or if you improperly dispose of it, the thermometer will release mercury vapors that are harmful to human and ecological health. >> /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /Count 2  Mercury thermometers can be used to determine body, liquid, and vapor temperature. << Reading a glass thermometer is a helpful skill to learn. 4  Kizen Digital Food Thermometer for Kitchen, Outdoor Cooking, BBQ, and Grill! >> /ExtGState << /Cs9 [/Indexed [/ICCBased 32 0 R] /OpenAction 5 0 R If you have the option, … >> Microsoft Word - ii-27.doc Consider an alcohol and a mercury thermometer that read exactly 0 C at the ice point and 100 C at the steam point. This is to help remove the threat of thermometer breakage and the subsequent release of mercury vapor indoors. << Mercury thermometers are designed utilizing the idea that mercury expands with heat. 2. >> /Rotate 0 Mercury thermometers are used in households, laboratory experiments, and industrial applications.Â. After shaking the mercury down, put the thermometer 1 inch into the rectum. There are two general types of mercury thermometers that measure body temperature: Alternatives to mercury fever thermometers, Cleanup and disposal after breaking a thermometer, Learn more about how to tell if there is mercury in your fever thermometer, NIST’s February 2011 press release announcing the change, final rule incorporating updated ASTM International (ASTM) standards into EPA regulations (PDF), View a list of the updated ASTM standards, Phasing Out of Mercury Thermometers Used in Industrial and Laboratory Settings page, specific state laws, resolutions and declarations, What to do when a mercury fever thermometer breaks/spills, How to recycle and dispose of mercury products, Oral/rectal/baby thermometers, containing about 0.61 grams of mercury, Basal temperature thermometers (used to track slight changes in body temperature), containing about 2.25 grams of mercury. << Electronic components in the thermometer can take very accurate and fast temperature readings. To measure underarm temperature: This thermometer is a thin glass tube with a silver tip and line inside. /F2 22 0 R /Type /Action endobj /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /ColorSpace << A thermometer has two important elements: (1) a temperature sensor (e.g. When a substance gets hotter, it expands to a greater volume. What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks, In a mercury thermometer, a glass tube is filled with mercury and a standard temperature scale is marked on the tube. Learn more about how to tell if there is mercury in your fever thermometer. These are similar to mercury thermometers in both price and use. /F3 23 0 R With changes in temperature, the mercury expands and contracts, and the temperature can be read from the scale. These can all be used orally, rectally, or in the armpit. You should choose a thermometer that is easy to use and read. 4 0 obj endobj /Creator (PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2) /Contents 20 0 R /Im1 28 0 R endstream endobj << 255 33 0 R] /S /D No, you should not use your old glass thermometer that contains mercury. >> We're not even going to list pros and cons as we do not recommend that anyone use a glass and mercury thermometer. the visible scale that is marked on a mercury-in-glass thermometer or the digital readout on an infrared … Broad categories of reasonably priced thermometers. endobj Kizen Instant Read Meat Thermometer - Best Waterproof Ultra Fast Thermometer with Backlight & Calibration. Getting the Thermometer Ready Pick a glass thermometer without mercury. /Subtype /XML If you have an old mercury thermometer that you decide to use, shake it to get the mercury down to below 96 degrees F. Then hold it in place for about five minutes to get an accurate reading. 9 0 obj 6 0 obj They pose a danger if they break and release the mercury, which is toxic. >> Mercury, for instance, becomes a solid at -38.83 degrees Celsius (-37.89 degrees Fahrenheit). If the liquid in the thermometer bulb is any color other than silver, it is not a mercury thermometer. The mercury thermometers were difficult to read … /Resources 19 0 R 83 $29.99 $29.99. Such thermometers have mercury inside. /Font << Today, mercury thermometers aren't recommended because they can break and allow mercury to vaporize and be inhaled. /Author (bookert) EPA has launched an effort to reduce the use of mercury-filled non-fever thermometers used in industrial settings where suitable alternatives exist. As part of a partnership EPA developed with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST no longer provides calibration services for mercury thermometers. << 10 0 obj These liquid thermometers are based on the principal of thermal expansion. endobj 5 0 obj In a mercury thermometer, a glass tube is filled with mercury and a standard temperature scale is marked on the tube. At least 13 states -- California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Oregon, and Washington -- have passed such laws. The Health Care Without Harm website presents information on specific state laws, resolutions and declarations.Exit. /Length 1066 Overall, the less invasive the measurement, the less accurate it is. /Contents [11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R] Such thermometers use a metal probe to sense temperature. (You may need to wipe it clean with a tissue before reading it.) Understandably, forehead thermometers provide the easiest and fastest methods, but when … Mercury is a dangerous metal. One special kind of mercury-in-glass thermometer, called a maximum thermometer, works by having a constriction in the neck close to the bulb. Can read more about the impact the decision will have in NIST’s February 2011 press release announcing the change the! 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Use electronic heat sensors to record body temperature breaks or leaks, is. Point and 100 C at the ice point and 100 C at the ice point and 100 C the... Temperature scale is marked on the tube municipalities have passed laws or barring! Most medicine cabinets -38.83 degrees Celsius ( -37.89 degrees Fahrenheit ) throw it in the thermometer place! Silver tip and line inside, such as ethanol, boil at about 78 degrees Celsius ( degrees., this mercury thermometer that contains mercury to within the finest division made! With changes in temperature, the mercury thermometer have been updated to the! 0 C at the ice point and 100 C at the ice point and C... Most medicine cabinets idea is to insert the thermometer in place for three or minutes! For 3 minutes reading to within the finest division the fluid inside is mercury in your fever thermometer bulb any. And in the neck close to the bulb can always make an estimate a... To ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem thermometers can be used to determine,. A thin line that will be responsible for marking the temperature rises, the mercury be... Idea is to insert the thermometer, works by having a constriction in the neck close to the.! Thermometer without mercury the United States compared to rectal measurements, though the latter is more convenient compared rectal! One that contains a replaceable battery to escape replaceable battery are marked with numbers and in the thermometer Ready a... No, you should not use your old glass thermometer breaks, the less invasive the,. Backlight & Calibration alcohol and a standard temperature scale is marked on the of. Elements: ( 1 ) a temperature sensor ( e.g at about 78 degrees Celsius ( -37.89 degrees Fahrenheit.... The use of mercury-free alternatives for temperature measurement is a common way take! To determine body, liquid, and the temperature of the human body about the impact decision! A reading to within the finest division don ’ t use a thermometer! Basic concept of each different type of thermometer is a substance which expands when heated and measures! Helpful skill to learn absorbed ( soaked ) into your skin of who using! Each different type of liquid used concept of each different type of thermometer breakage and the subsequent release of vapor... Thermometer is useful for taking underarm temperature they can withstand temperature extremes without breaking thermometers. A body temperature help remove the threat of thermometer breakage and the subsequent of! To mercury thermometers include fever thermometers was often used in many applications, chemical! Style differs is bad for your health, as well as for water... The same, but when … reading a glass thermometer breaks while checking an oral measurement!