Home > Virginia's Court System > Circuit Court > Individual Circuit Court Homepages > Warren Circuit Court Warren Circuit Court 26th Judicial Circuit of Virginia Circuit Courts Informational Pamphlet. No appointment is needed, but passport application hours are limited to: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Saturday, 8:00 am to 11:30am You are asked to arrive at least a half hour before closing since the process can be time consuming. Jurors are reimbursed for travel to and from residence to the courthouse at a rate approved by the supreme court. Please call 515-961-1033. Kirsten Elmore, Deputy. 18-1-108. Elected November 25, 2014. Glens Falls City Court . COVID-19 Press Release 3/20/20. Courts in Warren County. Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Warren County. He is also a Past President of the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association (2004). Currently in Warren County, the Clerk of Courts has three divisions: legal, title and county court. The Clerk of the Appellate Court Third Judicial District 1004 Columbus Street Ottawa, IL 61350 815-434-5050. P.O. The clerk has nine (9) weeks from the time the appeal is filed until the record is prepared and sent to the Appellate Court. Mailing Address. He is a graduate of Mason High School, served 4 years in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam Era, trained as a Serbo-Croatian linguist, and worked in the Naval Security Group and American Forces Radio-Rota, Spain. Sueanne Linehan, Deputy County Clerk (518) 761 … Please check in with the Clerk of Court's Office. As of July 1, 2011, the Warren Municipal Court is pleased to announce the implementation of their ROAM Public Inquiry application. He is a graduate of Mason High School, served 4 years in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam Era, trained as a Serbo-Croatian linguist, and worked in the Naval Security Group and American Forces Radio-Rota, Spain. Hon. His work there helped him more fully appreciate the importance of Customer Service, which remains with him in his public capacity. Superior, Juvenile. December 3, 2020: Order Extending Declaration of Judicial Emergency. SERVICES. Elections. Thank you for your continued patience during this extraordinary time as we attempt to continue to provide you with excellent customer service while keeping our employees and you, the public, as safe as possible. The Office of Warren County Clerk of Courts James L. (Jim) Spaeth processes passport applications at our three Title Division locations. This facility is an acceptance agent, the Warren County Clerk of Courts is sort of like a special notary for the Department of State / Passport Agency in which they can "Witness" your signature and officially "Seal" your application and documents. The grand jury will meet this week as well. SERVICES. We ask the public to abide by social distancing and wearing face masks, as our employees are required to do. November 9, 2020: Order Extending Declaration of Judicial Emergency. The Court Clerk is a constitutional officer elected every four years by the voters of Warren County. Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren County Order in re: Conduct of Superior Court Sessions in the Ninth Judicial District pursuant to the Chief Justice’s Emergency Directives Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren County Memo COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Measures in District 9 Courthouse Security Information. Home Search Help About Us Contact Us. CLERK OF COURT 521 Main Street Warrenton, GA 30828 706-465-2262. Its county seat is Dallas, which is also the third-largest city in Texas and the ninth-largest city in the United States. Warren County Clerk of the Circuit Court Denise L. Schreck. ELECTION RESULTS PRIMARY 2020 . The office of the Warren County Clerk is tasked with recording and maintaining documents pertaining to real property and land ownership in the county. COVID-Temporary Order-All Divisions. Warren County is a rural community, rich in tradition and history. County Clerk Office Directory. James L. (Jim) Spaeth is currently serving his sixth term as Warren County Clerk of Courts. Save a trip to the Clerk’s office and obtain Supreme Court approved forms online from anywhere! Click to view the holiday schedule. 2020 General Election Information; Election Department; Absentee Ballot Information; External Links. Local Administrative Schedules. County Population. Warren County Courthouse 429 East 10th Street #100, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Welcome to the Warren and Forest County Court System. 500 Justice Drive Lebanon, OH 45036 Telephone. 500 Justice Drive Lebanon, Ohio 45036. The 37th Judicial District was formed in 1874 from the counties of Warren, Forest and Elk. The title division deals mainly with title registration for automobiles. Warren County Clerk. LOCATION: Warren County Courthouse (Second Floor) 125 N. Monroe Street, Suite 11 Williamsport, IN 47993. For copies of land records please contact (270) 843-5307 Thousands of pages of documents are recorded and filed with the County Clerk's Office each year - Deeds, Mortgages, Liens, Tax Warrants, Business Certificates (DBAs), Corporations, Money Judgments and More. The beautiful Allegheny River winds through both counties, which contain a large portion of the Allegheny National Forest. Warrenton, GA 30828. Below is a directory of court locations in Warren County. Warren County Courthouse in Warrenton, Missouri. However, the Judges for both counties maintain their offices in the Warren County Courthouse. If you have further questions (270) 842-9416. James L. Spaeth. Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Except on legal holidays) Address. Find Warren County administrative schedules and calendars. Physical Address. Warrenton Clipper (706) 465-3395. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Warren County. Absences / Emergencies. Our acceptance of Passport Applications remains on hold while the National Passport Agency works out from under a huge backlog. Clerk of Courts Warren County, Ohio. 18-1-105 and T.C.A. Hours of Operation: 8:30AM – 4:30PM Term: 2018-2021 Party: Republican Phone: (814)728-3440 E-mail: jphillips@warren-county.net. Welcome to the official website of the Warren County Ohio Common Pleas Court Division. Local Rules and Forms. The Front Royal-Warren County Chamber of Commerce hosted the first Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 17, at E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School for Warren County Sheriff, Board of Supervisors and Clerk of the Circuit Court. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Iowa courts. MON-FRI: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Warren County Vital Certificates If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Office Phone: (601) 636-3961; Fax: (601) 630-4100 ; Email: jdaigre@co.warren.ms.us; Office Hours. CONTACT INFORMATION. We will keep you updated on that development the closer we get to 2021. Absences / Emergencies. CHAMBERS. All Warren County Title offices in Lebanon, Franklin and Mason are open normal hours from 8AM – 5PM Monday thru Friday. Sueanne Linehan, Deputy County Clerk (518) 761 … Warren County Municipal Center 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845 . Court Supplemental Order 3/23/20. He is a member/elder at Heritage Presbyterian Church, President of the Mason-Deerfield Fire Auxiliary, a member of American Legion Post #194 in Mason, a former trustee of Mishpachah, Inc. (a non-profit, Christian teenage musical-drama group) and a past President of the Mason Jaycees. Cash 6,336. Consult the Sussex County page linked below for pre-1824 records. Warren General District Court 26th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet. Changes to your voter registration can be made at GoVoteKY.com. 18-1-105 and T.C.A. Clerk of Superior Court. Robert J. Muller Phone: 518-480-6346 Email: ChambersRMuller@nycourts.gov. It is an office of public notice. The Warren County Circuit Court is now accepting e-Recordings. Warren County Municipal Center 1340 State Route 9 Lake George NY 12845. Hon. WARREN COUNTY COURT. Prothonotary & Clerk of Courts Jennifer Phillips. Entry and Order for Certain Restrictions for General Division. Jan Hyland Daigre . Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Warren county. Please call the Warren County Sheriff's Office at 1-515-961-1122 for any specific questions. There are three candidates running for […] PHONE: (765) 762-3510. SUPREME COURT. Warren County Clerk PO Box 478 Bowling Green, Ky 42102-0478. CONTACT INFORMATION. The Common Pleas Clerk’s office is located at the Wayne County Municipal Court at 215 North Grant Street, Wooster, Ohio. E911 Administration / Addressing 111 N Buxton St, Room 129 Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-1093 phone 515 … County Code 149. ", Information Packet and Application - Conviction, Information Packet and Application - Dismissal, Titling New/Used Manufactured or Mobile Homes. Proudly serving the citizens of Warren County, Kentucky. PHONE: (765) 762-3510. Pamela J. Vogel, Clerk (518) 761-6427. P: (540) 635-2435. Address. Many of the duties and authority of a Circuit Court Clerk are outlined in T.C.A. IMPORTANT: Due to a COVID-19 exposure, no one is available in-person at the Warren County Family Court today, Monday, January 4, 2021, for accepting paperwork. Travel, Mileage, and Other Expenses. The Iowa trial court system consists of District Courts. Payment Information. In 1883 Elk County was separated from the District leaving the counties of Warren and Forest. December 18, 2020: Order Extending Declaration of Judicial Emergency. Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren County Order in re: Conduct of Superior Court Sessions in the Ninth Judicial District pursuant to the Chief Justice’s Emergency Directives; Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren County Memo COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Measures in District 9; District 9 Courts Schedule Changes This facility is an acceptance agent, the Clerk of Superior Court Warren County is sort of like a special notary for the Department of State / Passport Agency in which they can "Witness" your signature and officially "Seal" your application and documents. Access information about the Court, read the Clerk of Court's biography, or learn more about Common Pleas Court rules. Clerk Hon. The pledge of the Clerk of Courts is to provide quality service with efficiency and courtesy. Below is a directory of court locations in Warren County. Prior to his tenure as Clerk of Courts, Jim worked almost 16 years for Mercury Instruments in Fairfax in various capacities, including quality control, marketing and training. Warren County Clerk of Courts is not a passport issuance facility and you will NOT receive a passport on-site there. Each county maintains a separate Courthouse and filing system. Our goal is to provide as much Court information as possible to the public. Real Estate document recording may be submitted by mail: Warren County Clerk PO Box 478 Bowling Green, Ky 42102-0478.. Other activities included serving as a member of the Warren County Regional Planning Commission and Warren County Health Advisory Board. Legal Org. About Our County. Information Centers. Information Packet and Application - Conviction, Information Packet and Application - Dismissal, Titling New/Used Manufactured or Mobile Homes. 2020 General Election Results . The Clerk of Court Office is comprised of several divisions, which provide the necessary support services to the Judges, legal community and the citizens of Warren: The Civil Division encompasses the General Division, Small Claims, Rent Escrows and Trusteeship. Clerk of Courts Warren County, Ohio. The Warren County Circuit Court is now accepting e-Recordings. I am pleased to welcome you to our website, which is designed to offer information about the Circuit Clerk's office and help you to utilize the service and resources the Circuit Court Clerk and the 9th Judicial Circuit provide. Prior to becoming Clerk of Courts, Jim enjoyed hosting weekend radio shows for B105 (WUBE-FM) for 16 years. This is for your safety as well as theirs. The County Court division was recently added as a jurisdiction within the past few years and deals with cases from the county court. Hours of Operation: 8:30AM – 4:30PM Term: 2018-2021 Party: Republican Phone: (814)728-3440 E-mail: jphillips@warren-county.net. Clerk of Court - Associate Court Warren County Court Facility 2205 West 2nd Ave Mail to: Box 379 Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-1033 phone 515-961-1071 fax 515-961-1027 civil court 515-961-1042 small claims. The Prothonotary is the clerk of the court of common pleas and keeps records of all civil procedures before the courts, signs all writs and processes (such as suits) and files copies of all records and processes. Deb Hiatt, Deputy. Phone: (706) 465-2262 Fax: (706) 465-0232. Forms are currently available for Restraining Orders / Injunctions and Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) with or without children involved. Please call the Warren County Sheriff's Office at 1-515-961-1122 for any specific questions. F: (540) 636-3274. Warren County Iowa Court Directory. Home > Virginia's Court System > Circuit Court > Individual Circuit Court Homepages > Warren Circuit Court ... 26th Judicial Circuit of Virginia Circuit Courts Informational Pamphlet. Locate Warren real estate and other county court records held by the County Clerk including birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, and divorce records. Phone. Please check in with the Clerk of Court's Office. Superior and district court has resumed at the Warren County Courthouse. In this video will be the candidates for Warren County Clerk of the Court. Warren County Clerk of Superior Court. Wrong information? Jury Check-in Information. Welcome to Warren and Forest Counties, situated in northwestern Pennsylvania. Find information about jury service in this county. Courts in Warren County. Warren County - Clerk's Office, Courts & Miscellaneous Warren County was formed from the southern portion of old Sussex County on 20 November 1824. Jury Check-in Information. FOR TICKET … CLERK OF COURT 521 Main Street Warrenton, GA 30828 706-465-2262 Cynthia Cheely-Lazenby Clerk of Court. The number of people allowed in the courtroom will be limited to 50, including court officials; anyone scheduled to make a court … Courts Managed. Angela M. Moore Phone/Fax Phone: (540) 635-2435 Fax: (540) 636-3274: Clerk's Office Hours 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Address 1 East Main Street Front Royal, VA 22630-3313: Judges. Columbus Street Ottawa, IL 61350 815-434-5050 is the official website of the Warren County info warren county clerk of courts... County seat is dallas, which remains with him in his public capacity each Court oversees, compare Courts... 2020 General Election Information ; Election Department ; Absentee Ballot Information ; Department! Election Department ; Absentee Ballot Information ; External links J. Vogel, Clerk ( 518 ) 761-6427 Jim enjoyed weekend! 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