The Shar-Pei that you know today was most likely developed by the Americans and bred with temperaments for western families. For this reason, they’re one of the most ancient Chinese dog breeds to survive (and even thrive) until present day. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | … They are truly an interesting sight to see and make for a great ice breaker when guests are over. The Bichon Frise is a small fluffy white dog breed that’s been a big favorite among dog owners. In the province, they had served as some of the top hunting dogs for decades. For all its ferocity and seemingly unlimited stamina, it takes its time to size up the situation and plan a strategy before jumping into a fight. While Bichons are most common in white, they can also come in cream, apricot and buff. Here are our 11 favourite dog breeds from China: 1. For the most part, these dogs are very friendly to their loved ones. It should be noted that Chongqing dogs can have completely different personalities. However, they are from the Tibetan region in China. They are one of the few primitive dog breeds to have only a single estrus per year, as opposed to two. They love to put their muscular frame to good use, especially if it means pleasing the owners. So despite the few “flaws” of this Chinese dog, it’s hard to resist the charm of a pug. This led to the development of working Chinese dogs, such as the Laizhou Hong. Few dogs can match their lively personalities and charm. The Shih Tzu is a small, sturdy dog with a body that is slightly longer than it is tall. As such, the two are called the Powderpuff and Hairless Chinese Crested, respectively. Another distinctive trait is its mouth, wherein the upper jaw is relatively narrow compared to the lower jaw. They love to perform tasks for their owners and will gladly accept obedience training from a respected owner. They can be pug-faced. =
These dogs are very eager to please and will jump at the chance to show off his or her abilities. After all, the Chinese have blessed us with some of the most recognisable and funny breeds in the doggysphere. Whether you're looking to adopt a small dog with a white coat or a large dog with a dark coat, you have a great variety to choose from! Learn about well-known Chinese dogs, like the Shar Pei, and lesser-known breeds, such as Xiasi Quan in this round-up of 10 popular dog breeds that hail from China. One version comes with fur and the other with minimal hair. The Tibetan Mastiff was popular among British royalty. The popularity of the Shih Tzu comes from the fact that they’re wonderful companions who just love tottering at its masterâs heels and sleeping on his or her lap. Plus, they’re alert enough to work in tandem with its bigger counterpart, the Tibetan Mastiff. In this DogsLoversBlog article, we’ve compiled many choices of Chinese names for dogs with their meaning.. This dog breed is by far the most aristocratic and also the most independent of all the Chinese dog breeds. In reality, a Shih Tzu is one of the most endearing dogs that you can hope for. Though small, they’re dependable. In terms of personality, they are the opposite of the Chinese Chow. As such, make sure to socialize through regular walks and include it as a part of its daily routine. Tibetan Spaniel. They're also popular pets among families all over China. Chow Chows are one of the most ancient Chinese dog breeds, dating back to times as early as 206 B.C., and were originally employed as hunting and guard dogs. The Chinese dog names in the list below can be used for both male and female dogs, read on to discover some of the best suggestions for your dog. Unfortunately, there is very little information on the temperament of the Tibetan Kyi Apso. Some may not even realize how small they actually are. For this reason, some owners tend to describe Cresties as being feline or “cat-like” dogs. Without this coat, they wouldn’t be able to manage in the harsh cold conditions of Tibet. Â This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. They tend to try to assume a leadership role from day one due to their dominant temperaments. Because of this, you must start its socialization early on. A Tibetan Spaniel needs plenty of reciprocated attention and affection. Rather, they’re a variation of the Chinese Shar-Pei. Along with their large and erect ears, they resemble a German Shepherd. Tibetan Terriers have grown in popularity because of their family-oriented temperaments. What makes the Chongqing breed stand apart from the others is their affinity towards the family. For owners who regard bald as beautiful or owners that are allergic to pet-hair, the hairless Crestie may be the best option. They love nothing more than to sit on their owners’ laps, which explains why they can become a little protective. Adopt Jimmy a White Chinese Crested / Mixed Dog in Lathrop, CA (29414302) Adopt Jimmy a White Chinese Crested / Mixed Dog in Lathrop, CA Known for their distinctive, wrinkled faces, petite ears, and blue-black tongues, Shar-Peis are a very unique and very rare breed with roots in ancient China. Most historians point to the Chinese Chongqing Dogs as the original ancestors of this hound. Despite the good, they’re stubborn at times and won’t always respond well to obedience training. The Chuandong Hound will have a deep red color (mahogany) that blends into various dark colors, such as black or brown. Like most hairless dog breeds, the Chinese Crested Dog comes in two varieties, with and without hair, which are born in the same litter: the Powderpuff and the Hairless. Recent years of the Dog include 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, and 2030... 2018 is classed as an Earth Dog year. Given the natural instincts and agility, this Chinese dog breed is perfect for police and military work. These dogs were “good luck charms” and said to have been kept purebred for over 2000 years. At times, this high intelligence could lead to stubbornness and independence. In life's big western movie, you definitely wear a white cowboy hat. They are loving and friendly in the home and tend to get along with other dogs. As a result, many of these small dogs still retain their instincts of warm your lap! Hence, why they’re not called the “Beijinese.” Can you imagine if the United States had a “District of Columbia” dog? The Shih Tzu, a small toy dog with a playful personality, is named for its lion-like appearance—"Shih Tzu" literally comes from the word "lion" in Chinese. As such, the two are called the Powderpuff and Hairless Chinese Crested, respectively. They’re fairly rare, despite their close cousins being very popular in China. For the most part, they’re easy to get along with if they’re familiar with you. RECOMMENDED: Kunming Wolfdog – The Chinese GSD. But since the Chinese regard them as bearers of good fortune, no-one actually minds. He sold for nearly $2 million dollars USD back in 2014. There are roughly as many Chinese Giant Pandas as there are Chongqing dogs – making them one of the rarest Chinese dog breeds in the world. Tibetan Terriers strike the perfect balance between playfulness and calmness. The Manchurian Hairless will be an outgoing and sociable dog. These dogs can adapt to any home! That is, a Lhasa is a very expressive dog and the eyes are truly the window to their soul. But as a companion dog, a Chinese Crested is quite entertaining because they will keep vying for your attention through its tricks.
As a result, it’s common for Chinese families to own a pet dog now, despite stringent government regulations. Physical Characteristics: Surprisingly sturdy toy dog with a flattened face and a long, double coat that comes in numerous color variations. I’ve always been a fan of Chinese culture. At one point, the two breeds strayed into two separate breeds, thus we see the similarities. RECOMMENDED: The Guide to the Chinese Pug. When you think about a "small white dog," the Bichon Frise is probably one of the first breeds that comes to mind. The Chinese Imperial Dog, also popular as the Imperial Shih Tzu and the Teacup Shih Tzu, is a toy breed with a small, sturdy body that is longer as compared to its height. Despite these traits, these dogs are not hostile or aggressive by nature. You take real pleasure in helping others. In 2009, a Pug named Chester Ludlow received an MBA degree from Rochville University. The Shar-Pei is fiercely loyal, but could assume an aggressive stance towards strangers if they are provoked of see their owners in danger. This is true despite serving as a hunter and a guardian for the home. Although the exact origin of this breed is somewhat unknown, it does boast of an ancient legacy that can be back to the 11th century BC. RECOMMENDED: All About the Chinese Crested. The reason for this is likely because these dogs were developed from the German Shepherd. They’re not afraid to let out a fierce bark at strangers. Manchurians love being the center of attention and can get along great with most people. $45.00 shipping. During WW1, Formosan Mountain Dogs were bred with military German Shepherds to produce guard dogs for highway construction workers. So, if you make them the guard dog, they may have a completely different temperament than if they were just a companion. However, with enough socialization at an early age, these dogs can become great family dogs. Who can ever forget the adorable, four-legged creature featured in the Vodafone ad as a steady and dependable companion? The Shih Tzu, a small toy dog with a playful personality, is named for its lion-like appearance—"Shih Tzu" literally comes from the word "lion" in Chinese. However, they make excellent guard dogs as well. However, they must meet their mental and physical stimulation needs to thrive. Their specialty trick is the “Chin Spin,” where they’ll quickly spin around in circles while on their hind legs. But the strong will and stubbornness is why the Pekingese is often mistaken as “dumb.”, RECOMMENDED: Pekingese – The Royal Lion Dog, Highlights: Playful, Alert, Sweet-tempered. 1970 Chinese Zodiac is Metal Dog. Despite being a medium-sized dog, the Chuandong Hound can live up to 20 years. Includes white fluffy, big white, small white, white curly haired, which can help you find your favorite. They’re now bred all over the world and owned by many people regardless of social stature. Was: $125.00. Owners also describe their Chinese Crested as sweet, loving, affectionate and playful. The Tibetan Terriers feature a shaggy double coat with a wool-like undercoat. Independent that it is, this dog breed is most compatible with owners that believe in giving their dogs a certain degree of freedom in decision making. In the home, theyâll be able to serve as incredible companions, always sticking by your side. They are sacred dogs. They’re often called “challenging dogs,” as they can be strong-willed and stubborn. It’s estimated that there are. But as friendly as they are to family, the Pekingese can just as well assume an air of arrogance towards strangers. In the northern regions of China near the Russian border there are white Russian Chinese citizens that speak Chinese. Like many other small dog breeds, these dogs will yap away at the slightest of sounds. They lock in. The most expensive dog ever sold was a Tibetan Mastiff. Below are 14 different breeds of smaller dogs that may make a great family companion for your home depending on your exercise requirements and grooming capabilities. They avoid getting into fights if given a choice. or Best Offer. Most of the time, the Pekingese is a picture of calmness. In some cases, they’re too friendly to “attack” strangers. Manchurians may be yappy little dogs that bark at everything, though. They were built to have amazing stamina to keep up with wild game during their long hunts. Japanese Chins are famously known for their feline-like attitude. They can be distinct. The Shar-pei was believed to have originated around 200 BC Han Dynasty in a village of Southern China (Tai Li). The Dog occupies the 11th position in the Chinese zodiac after the Rooster and before the Pig. In Chinese astrology, each year is related to a Chinese zodiac animal according to a 12-year cycle. And in the most recent generation, they were trusted guardians for the Dalai Lama. Past emperors from ancient China had a strong affection towards dogs with flat faces, including the Pug. The name âShar-Peiâ is a Cantonese word which translates to “sandy skin.” This indicates that the breed was named because of its rough coat bearing a sand-like texture. These pups also come in fluffy coats, longer coats, or shorter coats. In other words, expect the Pug to be by your side (or on your lap) no matter what happens. There’s very little information surrounding the temperament of the Bone Mouth Shar-Pei. It’s just that they’re more independent-minded than other dogs, which explains their confidence. However, the hairless coat is a dominant trait, making them more popular than their furry siblings. Though the Lhasa Apso is a small dog, they’re confident and a little courageous. Given its size and inherent strength, a Chow Chow traditionally fulfills the role of a hunter and a sledge-puller. They’ll alert you if someone gets too close to your territory. Richard has been raising dogs his whole life, including a Poodle, Pomeranian, Corgi and Australian Shepherd. Highlights: Affectionate, Calm, Protective. Though they can be affectionate towards humans, they can also act aloof towards other family members. Learn the personality, characters and horoscope future for the Metal Dog in wealth, money, work, marriage and love. They’ll have a smooth coat and a long set of legs, allowing them to hit quick speeds with long strides. Because they’re indigenous dogs that has spent most of their history in the wild, they need plenty of socialization while in domestication. In fact, one story says that Pekingese were actually created when Buddha shrunk a lion down to the size of a small dog. Though they originated from China’s Tibetan region, the Lhasa Apso has grown wildly popular all around the world – even in the west. They are believed to share ancestry with the Pekingese. Pugs are highly adaptable and comfortable in any setting as long as their family members are with them. And while these dogs may rank low for dog IQ (top dumbest dogs), they’re actually smart in other ways. The Chinese Shar-Pei is an intelligent, dignified, and calm dog but can also be very alert making him ideal for a guard or watchdog.
Shar-Pei dogs are generally quiet and reserved dogs, but they are also known to have one of the highest adaptive intelligence amongst dogs. In response, they formed a secret organization called “Order of the Pug.”, At one point, these dogs were actually called “Lhasa Terriers.”, They live long lives with an average of 15 years. The Xian Hound nearly went extinct when the Chinese government banned normal citizens from hunting. Whether choosing from our list of Chinese dog names or going for something completely different, there are some rules to follow. Despite their looks, the Laizhou Hongs are known to be confident yet calm dogs. And while they can still be found in few parts of the world, expect to pay up to $1,000 USD for one. The Lhasa Apso is a Tibetan dog breed that’s been around for over thousands of years. According to the Chinese, the Xiasi dog is regarded as a “lucky omen” that’ll bring prosperity to the household. From fluffy lap dogs, to wrinkly-faced guard dogs, the country of China has produced some seriously unique dog breeds over the last several centuries. These dogs with Chinese ancestry boast uniqueness found nowhere else. Many claim they’re from Japan, while others believe China is their true birthplace. According to the Chinese locals, the Bone Mouth dog is the original version of the internationally famed Shar-Pei. Today, they are the 57th most popular breed in the USA.Â. The Taiwan Dog nearly went extinct because of the dog-eating culture brought to the island by the Chinese Nationalist Party in 1945. In fact, the best is when they have an open field to roam free. While its bluish black tongue renders it a novelty among the canine breeds, the thick mane around its head gives the impression of a lion. They do like to lounge around for most part of the day. They may not be aggressive but are wary of strangers, revealing their presence at the slightest hint. In fact, they were probably derived from several german dog breeds, including the Rottweiler and the Great Dane. They’re rich in legacy but also have an amiable demeanor to match their reputation. The Chinese Crested dog comes in two distinct varieties, often in the same litter. It’s no surprise they’re so popular in Taiwan. People of Tibet believed these dogs carried the souls of monks that weren’t reincarnated into human. The Tibetan Mastiff (Tibetan: འདོགས་ཁྱི, Wylie: Dogs khyi, Chinese: 藏獒, Pinyin: Zàng áo, Hindi: गद्दी कुत्ता) is a large Tibetan dog breed belonging to the mastiff family. In fact, they originated from the Himalayan regions of Tibet nearly 2,500 years ago! I read books, watch films and decided to take a dog from here. The Pekingese lives up to both nicknames because it is brave as a lion and bright as a sunny day. Though independent, they are surprisingly loyal dogs. With that said, this dog can be somewhat unpredictable and should be monitored at all times. Physical Characteristics: Small, delicate breed with a large, round head, short snout, and dark, round eyes; coats are long and silky, coming in black and white, lemon and white, sable and white, black, and other color variations. As a hunting dog, Xiasi Quans are very comfortable operating in “dog packs.” The Xiasi will most likely get along with other dogs as long as they’re raised together. They wander the streets in even large metropolitan cities such as the country’s capital, Taipei. Tibetan Spaniels are extremely intelligent and affectionate – two of the best traits for a companion lap dog. A famous blind Chinese Crested Dog, Sam was the winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest from 2003 through 2005; Chinese Crested dogs have also won this contest in 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2012. However, when it isnât, the owner should be prepared to handle the most stubborn pet in the world. Be that a long-haired white dog breeds or short-haired small dog breeds, this AnimalWised article is the one for you! Pekingese were so highly regarded in Imperial China that stealing a Pekingese is punishable by death. In fact, the two breeds are more closely related than you think. The Kunming also fluffs up and straighten their bushy tail as a sign of alertness. They can be stubborn, but they’re always alert and very intelligent. Tell us, which is your favorite Chinese dog breed and why? Sometime during the 1970s, a Chinese Shar-Pei enthusiast rallied American breeders to propagate the breed and numbers rose once again. Another distinctive feature is its deep chest, not to mention its deadly bite, which can be lethal. However, they may not be ideal family pets. So, to minimize this, putting your Shar-Pei through obedience training is necessary. For this article, we classified large dog breeds as above 50 pounds in weight. According to Chinese breeders, the meat-mouth variation was developed by the Americans and is the Shar-Pei that you probably know. In realty, Pekingese were most likely the result of breeding a larger dog with toy-sized dogs in China, but they remained a favorite—and much looked-after—pet among Chinese royalty for thousands of years. The Tibetan mastiff looks like a Pokémon or something. Plus, let’s not forget their big round eyes, which make them appear worried all the time. Referred to as "Pekes," "lion dogs," or "sun dogs," Pekingese were originally kept as companion pets to Chinese royalty—and were often fodder for Chinese folklore. Plus, they come in a variety of colors, including a solid black, black and tan and a more interesting shade of red or blue. As a result, they’ll need plenty of exercise. Though they’re hardy dogs that tend to live a long life, the Tibetans are susceptible to certain health problems, mostly involving the eyes and joints. Chinese Crested Puppies for Sale Your search returned the following puppies for sale. However, at that time, the capital of Imperial China was known as Peking. In fact, they were known to take down the most vicious predators, such as wolves or leopards. The Xian Hound will be an active and energetic dog. It comes with a round, broad head, short, square muzzle, well-open nostrils, large, round … And on the international scene, the Laizhou Hong is nearly impossible to find. This breed is particularly fond of children, thus making them the perfect choice if you have kids in the family. Highlights: Playful, Assertive, Intelligent. They’re not out-of-control dogs that’ll rush into any fight. In the history of China, these dogs are one of the oldest – thought to have originated around 685 AD. Purple Collar Pet Photography / Moment / Getty Images. We can’t say for sure where the Japanese Chin originated from, but we do know that they’re amazing lap dogs and companions. Although the breed is typically used for hunting or guarding, those living in the Guizhou Providence believe owning a Xiasi dog can bring wealth to the family. Shar Pei. It’s why all the toy dogs from this country share this same physical trait. Kunming Wolfdogs were used as security dogs during the 2010 XVI Asian Games in Guangzhou, China. The appearance of Chows on ancient artifacts confirms this theory. Unfortunately, there’s not much known about these hairless dogs. The Manchurian Hairless is a dog that few have heard of. In 1978, the Shar-Pei was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the rarest dog breed in the world (60 known). In the 8th century, members of China’s Tang Dynasty revered and loved this breed to the point where you had to be a royal to own one. Without it, they’re likely to develop into fear-aggressive dogs that may be pose a threat to others. And given their 20-pound frame, they did more watching than they did actually guarding the people. For the purpose of this list, we classify these medium dogs as breeds above 30 pounds in weight. Known for their cat-like behaviors and calm, affectionate behaviors, the Japanese Chin became extremely popular among Japanese nobility an estimated 1,000 years ago. Kyi Apsos are excellent at assessing situations and potential threats. But at the least, they make good watchdogs. Having guarded monasteries for thousands of years, these terrier’s vigilance makes them superb watchdogs.
Today, the Laizhou Hong is a relatively rare dog that is mostly found in the Laizhou region of China. Daily brushing and frequent bathing is recommended, especially during times of high shedding. Highlights: Tenacious, Brave, Strong-willed. They take their roles in the family very seriously. A wolf-like dog, the Kunming wolfdog are relatives of the old German Shepherds introduced to China in the 1950s. These unique dogs stand apart from other Chinese dog breeds, as they have a lean muscular build and a signature white wiry coat – much like a terrier breed. Without it, your obedience training may be difficult. If you want a white dog breed here is a list in alphabetical order of the ones we have on the site. Chinese Crested. wigipedia – Shih Tzu. This is their signature look. 25 watching. Currently, the Laizhou Hong is only recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) kennel club. However, being aloof with strangers means they are excellent guard dogs. Source 3. The large dog category offers some of China’s most famous and popular dog breeds, including the Chow Chow, Tibetan Mastiff and Shar Pei. Impressive and entertaining! Dog is the eleventh in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac animals. They’re not too energetic either. Formosan Mountain Dogs have adapted well to the modernization of the country. The oldest Lhasa Apso. Chow Chow. Physical Characteristics: Compact, but sturdy and active dog with a round head, wrinkly face, short nose, and curly tail; short, smooth coats that typically come in fawn or black. So, be careful and establish your dominance as the alpha when it comes to the Kunming. However, they’re a hairless dog breed that is most famous for being the “cousin” of the beloved Chinese Crested dog. The second time was when the SARS epidemic hit China. The Xiasi Quan, also known as the Xiasi, is a lean, muscular hunting dog that originated in the Guizhou Providence in China, sometime around 1080. Chinese Crested dogs love heights and are often described as “feline dogs” for this reason. It’s not too difficult finding a powderpuff Crested, though. Dignity comes foremost with this dog breed and to an extent, also dictates the dogâs behavior. They can spend hours on hunting trips with little to no effort. In addition, they almost always have an erect tail and pointed ears. They’re meant to protect their throats from injury should they battle with wolves or snow leopards. And what makes the Chinese Crested truly unusual and special is that they are not completely hairless. Like the Chinese Crested, the Manchurian will sport a round head with a short snout and skull. And while red is the lucky color in China, this breed is called âredâ because of their reddish hue. Plus, they’ll paw and wipe their faces like their feline friends. Most of which, are some of the best lap dogs we have today. The Chuandong Hound’s tongue is unique because it can be solid blue, solid dark purple/blue or with blue spots. Folklore legend says the Pekingese, nicknamed “lion dog,” is a cross between a lion and a marmoset (small monkey). Rather, there is a tuft of hair on its head resembling a crest and some on its feet to mimic wearing “socks.” In fact, this is why this Chinese dog was given their name. One of the most famous Chinese Crested is. Physical Characteristics: Small, delicate, hairless dog with tufts of long, silky hair around the face, tail, and ankles, LauraKelsch / Wikimedia Commons / Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. display: none !important;
It's believed that the pug originated in China, sometime around 400 B.C., and were often kept as companions to Buddhist monks living in Tibet. But if you’re not fond of vocal dogs that love barking, then the Chinese Crested may not be right for you. In 400 BC, the Pug was patronized by Buddhist monks and was a regular dog companion among the monasteries. The Xian Hound often hunted in packs of multiple dogs, after all. Miniature American Eskimo Dog Up to 35 pounds is the standard for these dogs, but mini and toy breeds are 10 to 20 pounds and 6 to 10 pounds respectably. However, the top coat resembles human hair more than dog fur. On the other hand, Tibetan Spaniels are obedient enough to learn various tricks taught by their owners and serve as an entertaining companion. Furthermore, some even believe that the Japanese Chin and Pekingese were both the same dog at one point! Their theory is that the Pekingese were actually gifted to Japan by the ancient Chinese Emperors several hundred years ago.