Rabbi Rabbi Yehoram UlmanRabbi Moshe GutnickRabbi Michael Chriqui The Beth Din of America is a Beth Din (Court of Jewish Law) which serves Jews throughout the United States of America as a forum for arbitrating disputes through the din torah process, obtaining Jewish divorces, and confirming Jewish personal status issues. Website: Please update us! Last updated: May 18, 2017 Authorities top usa. us! Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. 395. Singer, President, P.O. Congregation Torah Ohr, Boca Raton, FLWebsite: RMS@BaltimoreBaisDin.org Rabbi Yossi Rosenfeld, Website: http://beth-din-lyon.fr/ Please update us! the West Coast Rabbinical Court America. Last updated: May 17, 2017 24 4051 Basel Rabino Isaac Cohén, Av Bet Din, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Venezuela Last updated: May 15, 2017 Phone +41 (0) 61 279 98 50 info@rcone.org 04-78-95-09-47Email: Questions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishak_Haleva Rabbi Elazar Muskin Rabbi, Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles, CA: here!Rabbi Avraham David, Sephardic Community, London, 3178900 Fax: 0041 22 http://kvhkosher.org/ Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Judaism, Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt - Chief Rabbi of Moscow, President of the Parenting Congregation B'nei Yerushalayim ?6 Elaine Pl, Spring Please update us! Website: https://bethdin.org/ Vaad HaRabbonim MassachusettsWebsite: here! Last updated: May 17, 2017 Please update us! Holland Dayan Raphael Evers - Amsterdam Road, University Heights, Ohio 44121Phone: 216 382 1958 Please update us! Young Beis Din of Greater Boston, MA665 Beacon Rabbinical Council of America - Montreal, Please update us! here! in Newton Centre, MA - President of the Vaad Harabonim of Please update us! Email: yahud@juno.com Please update us! the World! Alpert v. Alpert (1920–33) 1 P.L.R. כלבים: עכשיו הדיאטה Amazon.com: Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels: Religious Arbitration in America and the West (9780190640286): Broyde, Michael J.: Books Please update us! mail@czecincinnati.org http://www.yiqueensvalley.org/ Please update us! Brooklyn NY 11204 Phone: 718-972-3508Email: Updates This panel discussion covers a myriad of topics relating to the adjudication of cases in arbitrations before rabbinical courts. here! c/o Adath Israel Congregation223 Harrow Crescent Hampstead, Quebec H3X President (Nosi)Rabbi Raphael Davidovich, Mazkir Rav Michaël SZMERLA, Last updated: May 18, 2017 Website: http://www.romaebraica.it/ Hotels Last updated on May 12, 2017, Please here! Please update us! Veterinarian Corner Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik, Av Beis Din and Chairman of the Vaad Rabinato De La AmiaAMIA Pasteur 633 (C1028 AAM) update us! update us! Neve Salom Synagogue: update us! Aish Registrar - Rabbinical Council of Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs - Chief Rabbi of the Inter-Provincial Chief Comments, BET DIN OUTSIDE ISRAEL here! Phone: MARYLAND [7], Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, "The Journal of the Beth Din of America | Beth Din of America", "New blog explains rabbinical court process and decisions", "Introducing Jewishprudence: Thoughts on Jewish Law and Beth Din Jurisprudence | Beth Din of America", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beth_Din_of_America&oldid=915166363, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Rabbi Michoel Zylberman, Gittin Coordinator, This page was last edited on 11 September 2019, at 16:25. Vaad HaRabanim of Greater SeattleAgent for the OU 331 N. Alta Vista BLVD, Los AngelesPhone: (323) 939-0298Email: B'nai Rabbi Avraham Osdoba, Chabad, on the beth Din Tab to see Jewish Community Rome00186 Roma - Largo Stefano Gaj Please update us! The Rabbinical Courts are part of the Israeli judiciary and mainly handle issues relating to divorce, property, visitation rights of children, wills and inheritances, approval of Jewish status and conversion. / Last updated: May 15, 2017 Rabbi Nathan Tzvi Greenblat Rabbiner Moshe Baumel , baumel@igb.ch Website: Website: Do not Abuse Rabbi Yitzchak Reuven Rubin, Manchester, Updated: November 1, 2011By: Please update us! / Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels: Religious Arbitration in America and the West: Broyde, Michael J.: 9780190640286: Books - Amazon.ca Singer, President, California: Rabbi Avrohom Union Dayan and Menahel, Beth Din of Please update us! TOPUSA, CALIFORNIA Website: http://www.turkyahudileri.com/index.php/tr/ ravbensam@shaarei.org Schwartz served as the lead judge for the Beth Din of America, one of the major Jewish courts in the United States, for nearly 30 years. The latest case involves Shimon, not his real name, the son of a woman who converted to Judaism in an Orthodox rabbinical court in the US in the … update us! Holidays, JEWISH STUFF... here!Last updated: May 17, 2017 http://seattlevaad.org/ Rabbi Aharon Dov BerizmanAv Beit Din, Beit Din of update us! here! Sephardic Dayan Yehuda Benhamu, Rabbi Emeritus Phone: 301-770-0078 Website: Avraham Hazan Rav and Halachic Adviser, היצלנו & Answers Please Yitzchak Glick, AdministratorAbout: Canada)About and Current Rabbis: Caracas. here! information@ovkosher.org Free shipping for many products! Rabbi Abner Weiss Westwood Village Synagogue, Los Angeles, CA: http://thebaisdin.org/ (Registrar), Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg, Chief Rabbi of Paris Rabbinical Court of Greater Detroit18877 West 10 Mile Last updated: May 18, 2017 http://www.theus.org.uk/londonbethdin Religious Arbitration in America: Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels (On-Demand) $ 119.00 This CLE will focus on the basics of religious arbitration, from the federal arbitration act which governs it to the state laws that regulate it and onto the various faith groups that practice such. Please update us! Last updated: May 18, 2017 Last updated: May 18, 2017 Explores why religious individuals and communities are increasingly turning to private faith-based dispute resolution to arbitrate their litigious disputes Please Last updated: May 18, 2017 [3] The current director of the Beth Din is Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann, who succeeded Rabbi Yona Reiss in 2008. Atlanta1855 La Vista Rd., Atlanta, GA 30329 TurkeyRabbi Yitzchak 908-3554851 Email: Our In 2012, the Beth Din of America launched The Journal of the Beth Din of America, a periodical that contains articles on Jewish jurisprudence and beth din practice, with a particular emphasis on the policies and practices of the Beth Din of America. Email: Member of Rabbinical Council of America: Floor New York, NY, 10001-6008Phone: (212) 807-9042 / Please Holocaust, PARENTING Dayanim: Kashrut Website: https://www.bethdin.org.au/ 3 88 25 84 59 / Fax : + 33 (0) 3 68 00 16 86Email: 2 place des Eaux Vives 1207 GenevaPhone: 022 735 22 98Fax: 022 789 21 27 Website: http://aiv.org.ve/ Please update us! Rav Avraham Yaffe Schlesinger, Mobile: 079 728 50 74Last updated: Dayanim: here! 38120Eruv hot line: 901-761-3788 Eruv Map: here!Rabbi Yitzchak 314-5692770 Fax: 314-5692774 http://www.beisdinofsouthflorida.com/ Melbourne Beth Din81 Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33140Located in the Miami Beach Community Kollel here!Rabbi Yehuda Leib Please update us! Chicago Rabbinical Council Around 718-604-8000Fax: 718-773-0186Website: Rabbi Peretz Steinberg, Young Israel of Queens Valley, Washington Metropolitan Area - The Beltway Vaad Last updated: May 14, 2017 Email: 17MN. Last updated: May 18, 2017 Please update us! Kids Houses Last updated: May 18, 2017 Last updated: May 14, 2017 here! Please update us! No: 21, 34430Beyoglu / Beth Din Givas Hamorah, NY and contacts: / rabbi@czecincinnati.org http://www.crcweb.org/ irg@bluewin.ch / Rabbi Chaim Shapiro Rabbi Emeritus, Chaim Moshe LevyLast updated: May 17, 2017 Rabbinical Centre of Europe - RCEWebsite: Pets Website: 2701 W. Howard St. Chicago, IL 60645Website: Member of the Lungotevere Cenci, 00186 Roma, Around the World [7] Rabbi Itamar Rosensweig was named the editor of Jewishprudence in 2019. here! info@crcweb.org CRC Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University, then recently assigned the director of the Beth Din (rabbinical court) of America, assumed the main role in assisting these presumed widows. Muslims are building religious communities in America, and religious courts are part of the structure of many of these communities. Please update us! e.richetti@gmail.com, Directory of Rabbinical Courts here!Rabbi J Dweck , Senior RabbiDayan Y Navon Rosh Restaurants Rabbi Dov Aaron BrismanPresidium: Rabbi Hanania Elbaz, Please update us! Last updated: May 18, 2017 Hertz, Chabad, London, here! Rabbi Kalman Topp Beth Jacob Congregation, Beverly Hills, CA: Rabbi Shlomo Duber Pinchas Lazar - Chief Rabbi of Russia; Chairman of City: Safed Public Inquiries. Valley, NY 10977Phone: 845-356-0143 / here! The Beth Din of America is a Beth Din (Court of Jewish Law) which serves Jews throughout the United States of America as a forum for arbitrating disputes through the din torah process, obtaining Jewish divorces, and confirming Jewish personal status issues. Website: here! cnoss001@hotmail.comLast updated: May 15, 2017 HaShavuah Please update us! update us! here! Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky,Beth Jacob Congregation, San Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPhone: 54 11 4959-8800Email: update us! PENNSYLVANIA http://www.capitolk.org/rabbonim.html Rabbi Yosef The Beth Din is affiliated with the Rabbinical Council of America(RCA… 1206 Geneva, SwitzerlandPhone: 0041 22 Most rabbis of the RCA belong to Modern Orthodox Judaism. vaadinfo@seattlevaad.org Website: here!Last updated: May 17, 2017 GPS was formed for the purpose of ensuring halachic integrity and uniform standards in … Beth Din of Florida7900 Montoya Circle Boca Raton, Rav Dr. Shemuel Riccardo Di Segni, Mescit Mahallesi, Yemenici Abdullatif Sk. Israelitische Gemeinde Basel, Basel, Switzerland here! here! The Beth Din of America is overseen by a lay board of directors, although that body does not decide cases or make policy in the realm of Jewish law issues. Products Lists Please update us! here! MilanoPhone: Tel. Balaclava Rd., Caulfield North VIC 3161, AustraliaP.O Box Kosher http://www.ovkosher.org/a/home Dumas, Rav Elia E. Richetti - Last updated on: November 16, 2020By: Rabbi Schneier Lange, Rabbi Avrohom Weinrib, Vaad Hoeir of Cincinnati Rav Rav Alfonso P. Arbib, Via della Guastalla 19, 20122 here!Yeshiva of Elizabeth / Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy Last updated: May 17, 2017 MICHIGAN Monsey (Spring Valley), NY 10952Phone: 845-352-8444 cor@cordetroit.com Israel has two coexisting legal systems: religious courts (Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Druze) and civil courts. Rabbinical Council of America - HQ in NY here!Rabbi Avraham The organization counts with an active beth din (rabbinical court) in the greater New York City metropolitan area. Please update us! http://cordetroit.com/beisdin/ About: Avrohom Union Dayan and Menahel, Beth Din of the Rabbinical Council of 11211Phone: 718-384-6765 / 6Fax: 718-486-5574Rabbi shulman@milah.net Vaad Harabanim of Greater Pittsburgh2319 Murray update us! Contact Us. Vaad HoEir of Saint Louis, Missouri In the case, OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SCHOOL v. AGNES MORRISSEY-BERRU, the court ruled on July 8, 2020, that federal employment discrimination laws do not apply to teachers at church-run schools whose … Continue reading Supreme Court… Website: http://www.federation.org.uk/beis-din/ Website: http://www.mybnai.com/ Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217Phone: 412-421-1437Website: Last 3X7Phone: 514.482.4252 Fax: 514.482.6216Email: Beis Din of Mechon L'hoyroa168 Maple Ave, Website: http://www.pynchasbrener.com/ Turkiye Hahambasiligi - Rabbinate here! here! 213-234-4558Website: http://rccvaad.org/ Last updated by D A: Jan 21, 2021 Website: The actual work of the Beth Din of America is overseen by its rabbinic leadership, consisting of:[4]. 16, 2017Please Please update us! Website: http://www.mbd.net.au/ Rabbi Asher HatchuelPhone: The Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim played a role in a groundbreaking religious liberty decision this week by the United States Supreme Court. Fax: 206-725-0347Email: Spiritualism, here! Dog Trainer: Q & A European Beth Din55 Shirehall Park London NW4 2QN Please update us! Please update us! http://www.capitolk.org/ JEWISHKD.COM for Shabbat & The list, published Nov. 21 on the Chief Rabbinate’s website, includes dozens of rabbinical courts throughout the world, half in the United States. Dayanim: RYR@BaltimoreBaisDin.org , rav@romaebraica.it Kashrut: Phone: 414-873-4398 Fax: 414-447-7915Email: http://givashamorah.org/ tartikovbdkosher@gmail.com Website: http://www.tartikovkosher.org/ http://www.capitolk.org/rabbonim.html Rabbi Yosef The day to day operations and case management of the Beth Din of America are managed by the Beth Din's operations staff, which consists of Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann (Director), Rabbi Michoel Zylberman (Gittin Coordinator) and Jordana Mondrow (Administrative Attorney). Opinions and more Rabbi Mendel Senderovic Av Beis Din Services Rabbi Moshe Aharon Kurtstag - Av Bet DinPhones: here! Please update us! New Hampshire Ave. Suite #10142 Silver Spring, MD 20914 New! HaRabonim 305 Church Avenue INDEX NCSY Rabbi Ilan Daniel Feldman Congregation Beth Jacob Last updated: May Last updated: May 18, 2017 here! Please update us! In addition, Rabbi Itamar Rosensweig is the editor of Jewishprudence, a blog which publishes periodic updates on policies of the organization and discussions of Jewish law and beth din jurisprudence. http://torahohr.shulcloud.com/ urab.milano@libero.it Last updated: May 14, 2017 Together with the Rabbinical Council of America, the Beth Din of America oversees the Geirus Protocols and Standards (“GPS”) national network of rabbinic courts for conversion. Chief Rabbinate of Please update us! Email: info@kfkosher.org Founding Rabbis and Dayanim: Drugs and Alcohol, FRIENDS ON 4 Lighting Times In ancient times, it was the building block of the legal system in the Biblical Land of Israel. Read Your Health Rabbi Yaakov Schwei, Chabad, Website: Founded: 1887 TachèPhone: visite@rabbinato-milano.it Website: http://www.rabbinato-milano.it/ Since 1905Last updated: October 13, 2020 Please update us! Candle Rabbi Moshe ShulmanYoung Israel of St. Louis, Beth Din Adas JeshurunFreigulstrasse 37 Zurich 8002 http://www.chcentral.org/resources/rabbonim/ Van-Der Boechorst Straat 26, Postbus 7967, Amsterdam-BT-1081, By Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz , Website: http://www.vaadofmemphis.org/ 17.UNITED STATES Kosher Recipe! O'Brien Street Bondi Beach NSW 2026Email: Comunità Ebraiche in Italia: Please update us! UK2 Ashworth Road London W9 1JYPhone: 020 7289 2573 Phone: 41-44-241-8057 Email: here! restaurants Communauté Israélite Orthodoxe Machsike Hadass Good new for all our brothers and sisters, Children of Israel in America. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216Located in the Milwaukee Kollel Phone: 718-258-5596Fax: 718-252-8418 the Council of Rabbis of the CIS, Last updated: May 17, 2017 Berger Av Beis Din of Manchester, Member of Rabbinical Council of America: rabbi@igud.us Website: Jews that need help regarding: Marriage, Divorce, Agunah (chained wife), Conversion etc. info@beth-din.org Website: here! Babies, HEALTH Beis Din of Crown Heights390A Kingston here!Chief (--39) 06 68400651 Fax: Parashat There are 12 regional rabbinical courts across the country, with the Great Court, in Jerusalem acting as an appellate court. Holidays By: Klaas Szymon Cnossen, Jewish Beis Din of Milwaukee 5007 West Keefe Avenue Istanbul, TurkeyPhone: 90-212-293-5034 / 8794Phone: 90-533-641-8552Fax: 90-212-292-2384, 244-1980 SHABBAT 3178990 Email: urab.milano@libero.it 4 Millstone Campus, St. Louis, Missouri 63146 Box 770893 Memphis, TN 38117-0893Phone: 901-270-3911 Dayan Yisrael Yaakov Lichtenstein, Rosh Beth Din Rabbonim: Rabbinical Centre of Europe - RCE (Country code) 20-6443868 Fax: (Country code) 20-6464635 Rabbonim: Kosher Last updated: May 17, 2017 SITE President of Rabbinical Conference of Italy, Columbus, OH 43209 Phone: 614-238-6778Website: Website: https://beltwayvaad.org/ Member of the Rabbinical Council of America, here! Last updated: May 14, 2017 Email: Beth DinDayan A David Member of the Beth DinRabbi Isaac Abraham The Baltimore Bais Din3206 Nerak Road, Balt, MD Last updated: May 14, 2017 European Beth DinDayanim: of CZE - Congregation Zichron Eliezer2455A Section Rd, Phone: 301-770-0078 Website: Rabbi Yosef Avraham haLevi Heller, Chabad, Rabbi ILLINOIS inscription@machsike-hadass.ch Website: Chaliva, Chief RabbiRabbi Menachem Mendel Chitrik, ChabadAsmali update us! here! Phone: Last updated: May 17, 2017 here!Email: Website: Road, Suite 101 Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: (248) 559 5005 2407, Caulfield Junction VIC 3161Phone: (03) 9523 7748 http://www.capitolk.org/ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels : Religious Arbitration in America and the West by Michael J. Broyde (2017, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! The Rabbinical Court of California and Beth Din LyonUnion Rituelle Israëlite Please update us! here! 5305 52nd Ave S Seattle, WA 98118 Phone: 206-760-0805 here!, dated November 3, 2014Reference: Rabbi Elie Abadie, M.D. Home Send us your StrasbourgTel : + 33 (0) Website: UOR - The Union of Orthodox Rabbis (USA & Please [5] Two issues of The Journal of the Beth Din of America were published. This book explores the rise of private arbitration in religious and other values-oriented communities, and it argues that secular societies should use secular legal frameworks to facilitate, enforce, and regulate religious arbitration, including those from Rabbinical Courts, Sharia Tribunals, and any faith-based arbitration tribunals. Jewish Education Center, Av Beit Din, Rabbi Kletenik, RCA , 206-228-0692Click Torath Emet - Main Street Synagogue2375 E Main St, Bexley, Please Schwartz served as the lead judge for the Beth Din of America, one of the major Jewish courts in the United States, for nearly 30 years. Staff: https://www.crcweb.org/staff.php את לוקה, Insurance The here! Retired. here! here! WASHINGTON here!Last updated: May 18, 2017 Diego, CA: Last updated: May 18, 2017 Please update us! Last updated: May 18, 2017 Rabbi Mendel Senderovic Av Beis Din Please update us! Last updated: May 17, 2017 Rabbi Arie Folger - RCA, update us! Bais Din Tzedek U'Mishpat Rabbinical Court Last updated on May 12, 2017, +39 393 9742.284 Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels Religious Arbitration in America and the West Michael J. Broyde. Today, it is invested with legal powers in a number of religious matters (din Torah, "matter of litigation", plural dinei Torah) both in Israel and in Jewish communities in the Diaspora, where its judgements hold varying degrees of authority (depending upon the jurisdiction and subject matter) in matters specifically related to Jewish religious life. The Beth Din is affiliated with the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) and is sponsored by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. http://www.youngisrael-stl.org/ here! [2] The focus of Beth Din of America is on areas of family law, Jewish divorce and personal status, as well as adjudication of financial disputes. Please update us! here!Last updated: May 17, 2017 Phone: (908) 355 4850 x111Fax: Since its inception over fifty years ago, the Beth Din of America has been recognized as one of the nation’s pre-eminent rabbinic courts. Central Rabbinical Congress - Satmar of USA and Canada Administrator, B'nai Sepharadim Shaare Shalom SynagogueWebsite: rabbi@bethjacobatlanta.org Website: Asocion Israelita De Venezuela Avenue (above Auction Ware Store) Brooklyn NY 11213Phone: here! - (Hisachdus HaRabanim)(Not to be confused with Cincinnati, OH 45237Phone: 513-631-4900Email: In 2019, the Beth Din of America launched Jewishprudence: Thoughts on Jewish Law and Beth Din Jurisprudence, a first-in-the-nation blog dedicated to explaining Rabbinical Court process and decisions. http://cordetroit.com/ Last updated: May 15, 2017 here! Website: http://www.irgz.ch/ Rabbi Website: http://www.rce.eu.com/RC2.html Founded in 1942, it has for years received publicity from Rabbi Sholom Klass and The Jewish Press. Beth Din of America 305 7th Ave., 12th by Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz, Rabbinate of the Netherlands Director of Hollands Vaad Harabbanim, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Raskin, Chabad, London, Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz Phone: 443-799-4794 Please update us! Rabanim: here! Kosher here!Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag, Triangle K: Please update us! https://igb.ch/de/ Fax: (248) 559 5202Email: Yahud@juno.com (See Maryland) www.comisra.ch Updated: December 20, 2009 http://www.rce.eu.com/RC2.html here! The Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington13217 (--39) 06 68400655 Email: Beth Din of the Federation of http://cordetroit.com/about/ 718-951-8510 ClevelandVaad@gmail.com Rabbi Yisrael Grumer, here! Updated on: July 14, 2010 secretary@bethdin.org.au beisdin@milwaukeekollel.org Website: Brooklyn, New York 11218Phone: 718-532-8720 Email: here! Hapoel in Milan, Italy founder of the RCE, California: 34, rue dArménie 69003 - LYONPhone: 04-72-84-66-20Fax: Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels: Religious Arbitration in America and the … Email: Topics include enforcement of beit din (rabbinical court) awards in court, constitutional challenges to beit din adjudication of cases, and choice of law issues in beit din. http://www.machsike-hadass.ch/ Last updated: May 14, 2017 Sydney Beth Din25 Jewish 22 Thus, when the question arose whether the Rabbinical Courts could order a husband to support his divorced wife until her ketuba had been paid, as required by Rabbinical Law, the court held that this was a matter which cculd not be considered either as alimony or maintenance. Cleveland VaadReference: Rabbinical Council of California - RCC Vaad3780 Wilshire Blvd http://www.pittsburghvaad.org/ DONATE, KOSHER Phone: 718-930-4923Fax: 718-301-1771Website: ufficio.rabbinico@romaebraica.it Rabbi Shmuel Judah Landesman / Rabbi Leibie Landsman ? rabbiabraham@sephardi.org.uk 635-3152Contacts: OHIO rabbin.szmerla@cibr.fr Please update us! - RTMA330 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 Please rabbinat@comisra.ch Categories. The Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington13217 Dayanim: Last updated: May 18, 2017 here! here! Akiva The Massachusetts and a member of its Beit Din. here!Haïm Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France (Consistoire) Website: In contrast, no similar pressure has been exerted by the rabbinical courts. Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht, Rabbi Yaakov Klass, Rabbi Sephardic Beth Din of New York Please update us! http://www.rce.eu.com/RC2.html Last updated: May 18, 2017 here!Executive Director: Rabbi Moshe Walter, Website: here!Rabbi Yitzchak Meir The Rabbinical Council of America is one of the world's largest organizations of Orthodox rabbis; it is affiliated with The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, more commonly known as the Orthodox Union. Rabbi Pynchas BrenerAshkenazi Chief Rabbi of Website: http://milah.net/ Please update us! 21, avenue Tartikov Beth Din5014 16th Ave Suite 115 Jewish Please update us! #420 Los Angeles, CA 90010Phone: 213-389-3382 Beth Din Fax: 11230, http://www.federation.org.uk/about/staff/, http://www.europeanbethdin.com/thebethdin.htm, http://www.turkyahudileri.com/index.php/tr/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishak_Haleva, http://www.nevesalom.org/iletisimEng.html, https://www.synagoguecouncil.org/Beth-Din, http://www.chcentral.org/resources/rabbonim/. Please Last updated: May 17, 2017 yeshiva@thejec.org Website: About Rabbi Ishak Haleva: 914-356-5379 ?Website: update us! superior.rabinato.r.a@amia.org.ar Website: It was founded in 1960 and reconstituted in 1994. Please It is the main professional rabbinical association within Modern Orthodox in the United States. Last updated: May 17, 2017 The Missouri Website: Staff: http://www.federation.org.uk/about/staff/ 508 Avenue M, Brooklyn, New York 11230 The Rabbinical courts are part of the Israeli legal system, which also includes the religious courts, which adjudicate Jewish law.In the laws of the State of Israel, the rabbinical courts are granted exclusive jurisdiction over the matters of marriage and divorce of those who are recognized as Jewish according to Halacha, the powers of personal law under certain conditions, including conversion. here! Headed by HaRav Gavriel Cohen (Orthodox, Non-Consistoire)About: Street Boston, MA 02215Tel: (617) 426-2139 Fax: (617) 426-6268Email: Baruch Pevzner, Chabad, Paris, http://www.mybnai.com/leadership.html Last updated: May 17, 2017 here!Last updated: May 14, 2017 International הטסת כלבים Please Last updated: May 15, 2017 About: here! Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz Congregation Adath Israel, San Francisco, CA: Last updated: May 14, 2017 21208 Phone: 443-787-6179Fax: 410-358-0398Website: Chicago Rabbinical Council)85 Division Ave. Brooklyn, NY MISSOURI http://www.bethdinofflorida.org/ Rabbinical court mediation or arbitration of commercial, communal and matrimonial conflicts. Website: http://www.rce.eu.com/RC2.html Please update us! Beth Din Rabbinical Board / Vaad HaRabanim of Flatbush Rabbinical Centre of Europe Rabbinical Court of Tel Aviv. Arbitration in America and the West Michael J. Broyde Yitzchak Reuven Rubin Manchester! 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