indistinguishable: Not distinguishable, especially. Activa Compression hosiery is virtually indistinguishable from ordinary hosiery. These days, golf shoes have become much more fashionable, and you'll find styles which are almost indistinguishable from regular walking or athletic shoes. A mist of fine, drizzling rain enveloped the whole country, swallowing up every ray of light, every gleam of colour, and transforming everything into one smoky, leaden, This similarity is also reflected in the sound of involuntary cries, and the sounds some make while experiencing powerful pleasure and ecstasy can be almost, It was rather an impressive achievement, to be able to place specific thoughts into someone else's mind in their own voice, such that it was, They don't understand the human mind, but if they copy the brain at a fine enough level of detail, the interaction you get with that mind is, In the wasteland of metro Boston, at thirteen, fourteen, his big dream had been of a gun to his own head, putting him out of his misery—a misery that by sophomore year of college was, But he seemed genuinely interested, and she was surprised to find herself holding forth at length about the sorry state of contemporary art and the culture industry from which, on the Marxian view, it had become, Muffled as the sound was by its passage through the church-walls, Hester Prynne listened with such intentness, and sympathized so intimately, that the sermon had throughout a meaning for her, entirely apart from its, They only managed to take several strides towards us when they stopped in horrified wonder and then screamed out of abject fear, as they watched and felt their bodies turn into sand, which fell trickling to the arena floor as they melted into, This process has remained a closely guarded family secret and in the 60 years following, has developed and grown all types of gems, rubies, sapphires and diamonds flooding the market with cheaper and easily affordable gemstones, that were virtually, He’d spent so many years trying to fit in, to be, A German suggested that Jack try the equine tenderloin in place of filet mignon—that they were, In its complete subordination of the income element to the desire for profit, and also in the prime reliance it places upon favorable developments expected in the future, the new-era style of investment—as exemplified in the general policy of the investment trusts—is practically, Of the others, those that allied with us but remained apart like the Ani’ Yun’-wiya, the Pansfalaya, the Tsoyaha, and the Anishinabe have retained their identity, but others like the Ocheti shakowin, the Ka-i-gwu, the Dinne, and all those who left all and joined the Mongols were now, Okay so maybe when we had looked at the architecture with mild interest on our way in, this hadn’t actually translated into observation of any particular features as we soon realised that one colonnade and another looked distressingly similar, two cupolas were. 2. Undistinguishable. Found 221 sentences matching phrase "indistinguishable".Found in 4 ms. One method, frankly, is barely indistinguishable from the other. The male of the species is almost indistinguishable from the female. indistinguishable from the one who lacks it. A chair shifted, my hear The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Indistinguishable but also gives extensive definition in English language. All Rights Reserved. It may be obtained as a glassy mass, indistinguishable from metaphosphoric acid, by heating phosphoric acid to 215°. It is plain, however, that on this external legalistic view of duty it was impossible to maintain a difference in kind between Christian and pagan morality; the philosopher's conformity to the rules of chastity and beneficence, so far as it went, was indistinguishable from the saint's. Many times the damage is something indistinguishable, such as a small scratch on the back of a dresser. English It was the tears that were indistinguishable from the Gulf that were falling down my cheek. Another Arpalone appeared, indistinguishable to tellurian eyes from any one of the others. Grindal lacked that firm faith in the supreme importance of uniformity and autocracy which enabled Whitgift to persecute with a clear conscience nonconformists whose theology was indistinguishable from his own. This value is indistinguishable from that which they find for hydrogen. Pentateuch, Judges, Kings), and thus to give to these earlier sources an historical value higher than that which would be safely attributed to them as indistinguishable parts of a late compilation. And they may be right; really good dance teachers teaching very talented dancers can create pieces that are indistinguishable from the best hip hop dancers in the world. There followed another clamour of indistinguishable. In the rest of the appendages they may either be wanting or indistinguishable. Examples of indistinguishable in a Sentence. The changes in writing indistinguishable from the rest. Context sentences for "indistinguishable" in Dutch These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. ‘Yet at the end of the movie, they appear together, identically dressed and undistinguishable.’ More example sentences ‘After a long period of naval gazing, Labor appeared to have realised the failure came from being undistinguishable from the Libs. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. 1. The pain is indistinguishable from sore throats caused by other diseases. indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. Religious and political authority was indistinguishable, and elders and elected pastors provided arid leadership in the community. Pronunciation of indistinguishable with 2 audio pronunciations, 14 synonyms, 1 antonym, 15 translations, 4 sentences and more for indistinguishable. And it is what we call indistinguishable from all of the others. Nearly indistinguishable from the natural pearls, his cultured pearls have set the standard for the industry. How to say indistinguishable in English? Used in this sense faith healing is indistinguishable from much of savage leech-craft, which seeks to cure disease by expelling the evil spirit in some portion of the body. Did you know the word "sandwich" is named for a person? When a current is passed through a solid alloy, a series of Peltier effects, proportional to the current, are set up between the particles of the different metals, and these create an opposing electromotive force which is indistinguishable experimentally from a resistance. Otherwise, a President really is indistinguishable from a dictator. is not responsible for their content. The definition of Indistinguishable is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Indistinguishable sentence examples indistinguishable Indistinguishable from his personal ambition was his passion for the aggrandisement of the church and its predominance in the state. (= indiscernible) [ sound] → indistinguible his accent is indistinguishable → no se le nota nada de acento Sasparilla is indistinguishable from root beer since they both taste the same. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Rhinoviruses have been associated with 40% to 65% of "common colds" studied by methods of virus culture [ 1 2 ] . If one thing is indistinguishable from another, the two things are so similar that it is difficult to know which is which. The black represents the cuticular product of the epidermal cells of the ocular area, taking the form either of))...,r,, f lens, cl, of crystalline body, cry, or of rhabdom, rhab; hy, hypodermis or epidermal cells; corn', laterallyplaced cells in the simpler stage, A, which like the nerve-end cells, vit' and ret', are corneagens or lens-producing; corn, specialized corneagen or lens-producing cells; vie, potential vitrella cells with cry', potential crystalline body now indistinguishable from retinula cells and rhabdomeres; vit, vitrella cell with cry, its contained cuticular product, the crystalline cone or body; ret', rhab', retinula cells and rhabdom of scorpion undifferentiated from adjacent cells, vit'; ret, retinula cell; rhab, rhabdom; nf, optic nerve-fibres. However, the problem with this approach is that you will find thousands of other blogs that look virtually indistinguishable from your own. High-quality lab created stones are indistinguishable from natural diamonds to the naked eye. The horizon was full of peaks like the teeth of a saw, so numerous as to be nearly indistinguishable from one another, except for the occasional spike that rose above its companions. Remains of horses indistinguishable from E. The Egyptians themselves delighted in identifying together goddesses of the most diverse forms and attributes; but Ubasti was almost indistinguishable in form from Tafne. Fred was indistinguishable to his classmates since his twin brother was standing next to him. Context sentences for "be indistinguishable from" in Dutch These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Indistinguishable definition, not distinguishable. Clinical features are virtually indistinguishable from stuttering. To quote Clarke, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.". His eyes glowed darker than night, two black holes in his otherwise indistinguishable face. At some point the system and the meta-system might be indistinguishable, although this may involve a virtually infinite regress. The skin biopsy appearances are often indistinguishable from other forms of cutaneous porphyria and hence its limited value in the diagnosis of PCT. 4. Indistinguishable in a sentence. indistinct hazy fuzzy formless indistinguishable unclear indistinct hazy fuzzy formless indistinguishable unclear Use embalmers in a sentence? . German Translation of “indistinguishable” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. A relative newcomer on the jewelry scene, moissanite is a startlingly brilliant gem nearly indistinguishable from diamonds to the casual observer and offers the mystique of being one of the rarest jewels in the world. In both cases the term so approximates to the meaning of Earth, doubtless by metonymy, as to be indistinguishable from it. . By this time (103 B.C.) His words were indistinguishable. In fact, many manage to learn to control their symptoms so well that they become virtually indistinguishable from neuro-typical peers. From 1558 for forty years the biography of Cecil is almost indistinguishable from that of Elizabeth and from the history of England. en Even if the local authority applicants were competent for the implementation of the directive, that competence could not distinguish them individually within the meaning of the fourth paragraph of Article 230 EC, inasmuch as, first, their legal situation is indistinguishable from that of all other national … She tucked the creature in her hands under one arm and left the small room for a long corridor in similar dark grey which glowed more brightly from indistinguishable light sources. amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns of patient cultures are indistinguishable from those of the samples from the cooling tower. indistinguishable from the real thing apart from their price. costermonger culture proves to be indistinguishable from the version peddled by the generations of slummers that he berates. CJD may present in a manner that can be clinically indistinguishable from Alzheimer's Disease. It has features indistinguishable from severe autism except for the age of onset. indistinguishable meaning: 1. impossible to judge as being different when compared to another similar thing: 2. impossible to…. There are ten mesenteries in which the musculature is so little developed as to be almost indistinguishable. 95 sentence examples: 1. it was clear that the Hasmonaeans were - from the point of view of a purist - practically indistinguishable from the Hellenizers whom Judas had opposed so keenly, except that they did not abandon the formal observances of Judaism, and even enforced them upon foreigners. Even polytheism,' or something indistinguishable from it, is suggested to this doggedly empiricist mind by the Varieties of Religious Experience; they are all good to those to whom they appeal; and what right have we to talk of Objective standards? Kaci Kullman Five: In this time of terror, the threats against Tunisia and the Tunisian people are indistinguishable … 2. Some cases, however, may be indistinguishable from Parkinson's disease, with an asymmetric onset and a resting tremor. Examples of Indistinguishable in a sentence. Replica weapons are indistinguishable from the real thing. These planets are more remote than Mars, but that loss is more than outweighed by the fact that they are indistinguishable in appearance from stars. Indistinguishable definition is - not distinguishable: such as. These are a high quality substitute for gemstones and many people find some of the modern simulated gemstones almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Stephen Baldwin: Actor and younger brother of Alec Baldwin, Stephen has a tiger tattoo on his left shoulder blade and an indistinguishable design on his right. equal Four groups of ten is equal to two groups of twenty. The trick about reading scoops and spoilers is that sometimes they are virtually indistinguishable from each other. Three groups were given a different amount of cinnamon each and three groups received placebo pills (inert substances indistinguishable from the cinnamon capsules). 1. Huxley concluded, from descriptions, that" the Deccan tribes are indistinguishable from the Australian races.". is not responsible for their content. There may first be mentioned the zealots such as the Akalis, who, though generally quite illiterate, aim at observing the injunctions of Sikhism Guru Govind Singh; secondly, the true Sikhs or Singhs who observe his ordinances, such as the prohibi tions of cutting the hair and the use of tobacco; and, thirdly, those Sikhs who while professing devotion to the tenets of the gurus are almost indistinguishable from ordinary Hindus. How to use indistinguishable in a sentence. What results on the paper is accidental and often delights the child, even though it is indistinguishable to adults. Beyond the size and material differences, a Patti the Platypus Beanie Baby is indistinguishable from a Patti the Platypus Beanie Buddy. Its political history is indistinguishable from that of Cape Colony. Since a beam of common light can be resolved into plane polarized streams and these on recomposition give a stream with properties indistinguishable from those of common light, whatever their relative retardation may be, it is natural to assume that an analytical representation of common light can be obtained in which no longitudinal vector occurs. In the lower jaw of most of the Ecaudata the symphysial cartilages ossify separately from the dentary bones, forming the so-called mento-meckelian bones; but these symphysial bones, so distinct in the frog, are less so in the Hylidae and Bufonidae, almost indistinguishable in the Pelobatidae and Discoglossidae, whilst in the Aglossa they do not exist any more than in the other orders of batrachians. Thus in the beginning the self was doubtless indistinguishable from the vital principle. The female, hitherto indistinguishable from the male, continues to swell until she attains the outlines of a lemon. See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases The two resorts are different enough to make chalk and cheese seem almost indistinguishable. With the use of reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), rhinovirus has been shown to be associated with 53% of all colds throughout the year and up to 92% of colds during the … Imaginary time is indistinguishable from directions in space: 7. The haves and the have-nots are virtually indistinguishable from one another with a Swiss Army watch resting on the wrist. Since the passing of the Light Railways Act of 1896, which did not apply to Ireland, it is possible to give a formal definition by saying that a light railway is one constructed under the provisions of that act; but it must be noted that the commissioners appointed under that act have authorized many lines which in their physical characteristics are indistinguishable from street tramways constructed under the Tramways Act, and to these the term light railways would certainly not be applied in ordinary parlance. Why, no, you ruinous butt; you whoreson indistinguishable cur, no. On the other hand, the replanting of some of the French vineyards (after the ravages due to the phylloxera) with American vines, or, as was more generally the case, the grafting of the old French stock on the hardy American roots, resulted, after a time, in many cases, in the production of wines practically indistinguishable from those formerly made. Syncoryne, indistinguishable from it, produces medusae known as Sarsia (fig. English It was the tears that were indistinguishable from the Gulf that were falling down my cheek. In the same way the supporting vowel, which is regularly an e in CataIan, is often written a, especially after r (abra, ar bore m; astra, a s t r u m; para, p a t r e in); one may say that in the actual state of the language post-tonic e and a become indistinguishable in a surd sound intermediate between the French a and mute e. are eight horns in the orchestra their material should be indistinguishable from pianoforte writing, and that, in short, the part of every instrument should look exactly like the part of every other - such questions are for posterity to decide. . i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. Standard 2000 - in profile view, almost indistinguishable from the Rover 2000. The copy is practically indistinguishable from the original. Indistinguishable from his personal ambition was his passion for the aggrandisement of the church and its predominance in the state. Even though the note was written by a doctor, the writing was indistinguishable to his nurses. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB In look and practice almost indistinguishable from Cleveland police, the clinic’s 153 officers are armed, make arrests and stop motorists on city streets, including major commuter routes. Definition of indistinguishable in the dictionary. 3. 1. They do not represent the opinions of You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Indistinguishable. The beauty of this system is that it can look quite indistinguishable from normal business practices. Examples of Indistinguishable in a sentence. But on closer inspection, they are practically indistinguishable. not distinguishable: such as; lacking identifying or individualizing qualities; not … If the ring needs to be repaired or resized, always provide the jeweler with documentation about the types of metals used, including their alloy proportions if available to ensure a good, indistinguishable repair. In T1-weighted images, the internal surface of the skull is largely indistinguishable from the CSF, which is also dark. The signs of depression vary from person to person, and some symptoms, like headaches and stomachaches, may be indistinguishable from other illnesses. indistinguishable in a sentence and translation of indistinguishable in Dutch dictionary with audio pronunciation by In direct fire the pseudo-velocities U and u, and the real velocities V and v, are undistinguishable, and sec n may be replaced by unity so that, putting y =o in (79), (88) tan 4) = C [I (V) - y-s] Also (89) tan 4 - tan S=C [I (V) - L (v)] so that (9 °) tan 1 3=C [1 … It was all but indistinguishable from a rifle scope. That’s right, the lunchbox special enveloping all food groups between two slices of bread is named for the 4th Earl of Sandwich, an English aristocrat who lived in the 1700s. According to this reading, William sought to rectify his position by asserting, not the numerical identity of the universal in each individual, but rather its sameness in the sense of indistinguishable similarity. While they are not actually the original ring, the style and design will be nearly indistinguishable and can preserve the sentimentality of the jewelry. sentence examples. indistinguishable translation in English-Estonian dictionary. What happened after that is mere conjecture, for a thick mist now obscured the autumn sun, and the battle became a colossal mêlée the details of which are indistinguishable. These neurons form synapses with properties indistinguishable to primary cultured mouse neurons. Living in the bottom dregs of human society, Whatever was there lay in an unceremonious funeral plot of blackened, And Jewish people, outside the orthodox community, were generally, If you kill him with lava, it’ll sear his features to the point of being, We are products of our fusions and intentions, which often are inseparable and, In this case you could say it’s a mother’s love, because the two are almost, The conservative, by political means, gradually becomes, The advertisers are usually clean-cut, skittish, fairly, That lamia proceeded to transfigure before their eyes, becoming, This play derived from the South West had an, As soon as you are dressed in protective suits, you'll be, Thunder tolled again and with it the clouds tore open and rain fell so thick that the sea and sky were, To the untrained eye, distribution areas are, I glanced over to where I’d last seen him, and there were four lumps of, Piers grabbed his shoulder and tried to speak, but all that came out was an almost, The current runs high, you tune out the hum of the engine, the revolutions per minute of the electric motor, The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually, The people of the village were called something like Tamien, but they were virtually. One overarching defense of fluffy lace fashion is that in many ways infant girls remain indistinguishable from infant boys at first glance. Fossil hyenas occur in the Lower Pliocene of Greece, China, India, &c.; while remains indistinguishable from those of the striped species have been found in the Upper Pliocene of England and Italy. However, there are also quality imitations that are nearly indistinguishable from real dark pearls to the naked eye unless viewed under a magnifying glass. The group has attained an importance of late even beyond that to which it was brought by Pasteur's researches on alcoholic fermentation, chiefly owing to the exact results of the investigations of Hansen, who first applied the methods of pure cultures to the study of these organisms, and showed that many of the inconsistencies hitherto existing in the literature were due to the coexistence in the cultures of several species or races of yeasts morphologically almost indistinguishable, but physiologically very different. The leading characteristics of this mainland civilization are thus indistinguishable from the Minoan. There are so many girls clothing brands available on the market today, some virtually indistinguishable in price and quality, that parents can easily become overwhelmed when shopping for their child. They come from many sources and are not checked. [=the copy and the original are so similar that it is almost impossible to see any difference between them] [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples — indistinguishably Not capable of being distinguished or differentiated, It was probably counterfeit cash, perfect and, I started the chant, my voice so wobbly it was almost, I passed along the tradesmen’s path, but found it all trampled down and. Most people chose this as the best definition of undistinguishable: Imperceptible; indistinct... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. These churches usually become indistinguishable from neuro-typical peers find multiple synonyms or similar words of indistinguishable were marred nearly! At some point the system and the have-nots are virtually indistinguishable from the version peddled by the of. Passion for the aggrandisement of the samples from the female, indistinguishable in a sentence indistinguishable from old. 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